Prophecy Odyssey | 05 - The Fate of the Lost | Doug Batchelor

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Doug Batchelor

Doug Batchelor

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@Monjagetitonya Күн бұрын
I wish all would yield their hardened hearts to such a beautiful Savior… blessings to all! I am a new Adventist and I am so grateful for finding Truth!
@milliochs8668 Күн бұрын
Amen! May God ever lead you in the way He would have you go.🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
@kezbah Күн бұрын
I am new as well. Planning to be baptized in November. 💗🙏🏾✝️📖🕊️🛡️⚔️
@radianthaze5332 23 сағат бұрын
Praise God! May he continue to bless you in your search for the truth!
@Monjagetitonya 19 сағат бұрын
Isn’t GOD amazing? I’m so very happy for you… continued blessings !🙏
@cheufdphil8512 13 сағат бұрын
The same sun that hardens the clay melts the wax. The decision to harden or to soften one's heart is a choice.
@TommyLane Күн бұрын
I was there tonight for this topic. It was excellent. The history lessons and the verses are very compelling. Thank you.
@milliochs8668 Күн бұрын
I pray you will continue to attend. And may God richly blessed you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
@TommyLane Күн бұрын
@@milliochs8668I will try. This is a refresher course for me.
@TommyLane Күн бұрын
@@milliochs8668Thank you. God bless you, too.
@evonaustin9357 20 сағат бұрын
Came into the Adventist church after Net '96... Happy to be Adventist for 28 years as of November 9, 1996. Soo thankful to Jesus for leading me.
@victorcharlie7491 Күн бұрын
Great Prophecy odyssey tonight pastor Batchelor, God bless You, Thank-You!
@charlespowell6871 Күн бұрын
From Wenatchee Washington ❤mark 16:15😊Amen thank you amazing facts !! And pastor Ross and brother Doug 🙏🙏🙏
@charlenemiller8572 23 сағат бұрын
God bless you watching from El Paso Texas 🙏
@aprilbird9064 Күн бұрын
Greetings from Florida 🕊️
@mawi1172 23 сағат бұрын
Dear Pastor Lomacang, I love your voice.❤ God surely smiles when you sing. ✝️
@mawi1172 23 сағат бұрын
I came in just as Pastor Doug was speaking German. For a moment I was watching Hogan's Heroes and here was Colonel Klink !!! 😂🇺🇲✝️ Then I snapped back to reality! 😂✝️🇺🇲
@katongolemuhammad2395 19 сағат бұрын
God bless you all with His truth,amen from Qater
@leonievillieres4844 23 сағат бұрын
Good night. Watching from St Kitts&Nevis🇰🇳
@RuthMoralesMaraon 22 сағат бұрын
Amen! watching from Philippines
@deavenalajenio6777 Күн бұрын
@hdavis3034 Күн бұрын
Fort Bragg, Calif. Thank you all for Prophecy Odyssey
@mawi1172 23 сағат бұрын
I came in just as Pastor Doug was speaking German. For a moment I was watching Hogan's Heroes and here was Colonel Klink !!! 😂🇺🇲✝️ Then I snapped back to reality! 😂✝️🇺🇲
@koyaleslieope 20 сағат бұрын
Amen! Watching from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬
@debfortier-arszyla7394 Күн бұрын
Hi from SoCal. 🙏 😊
@feelgood253 Күн бұрын
@ShellyManning1984 21 сағат бұрын
Lord, help us to follow You!! 🙏🏻🆕❤️✝️❤️‍🔥🙌🏻🙏🏻🫶🏻⏳
@marymariah8747 Күн бұрын
Amen! So powerful
@mynameiswhatela4506 21 сағат бұрын
Kenya 🇰🇪🇰🇪
@jeanette_5181 Күн бұрын
@CynthiaSteele-o2g 22 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much for this sermon..❤
@susanfriedl4434 21 сағат бұрын
How do I scan the code if I'm using my phone to watch you on utube? Are you on tv and what station or network??
@leeanncotrone8369 Сағат бұрын
Take a picture with your phone. Press the down volume and power button at the same time to take the picture with your phone
@michaelschneider4082 14 сағат бұрын
The Hebrew word for HELL in the Bible is “sheol” = a state of rest… unconsciousness… sleep… not some burning forever place of torture which the Papal (anti-Christ) System developed! What the Bible says about Grave, the 
 Genesis 3:4-5 We must acknowledge a foundational truth: Contrary to conventional wisdom, the human soul is not immortal. This is a false teaching that was implanted into human religion when Satan convinced Eve of it in the Garden of Eden. Essentially, the Devil tells her that God is a liar, she will not die, and in fact, eating of the Tree of Knowledge would make her like God, a goddess with the same abilities as the Creator Himself. Satan's deceptive assurance that she would not die-taking the sting out of God's command-was central to her decision to eat of the fruit. Elsewhere, the Bible flatly asserts that humans are physical, mortal beings. First, of course, is God's own warning in Genesis 2:17 that, upon eating the fruit of the forbidden tree, "you shall surely die"-in other words, sin ultimately ends in death, both the physical death of the human body and in due course the destruction of man's spiritual component in the judgment (see Revelation 20:14-15; John 5:29). The apostle writes in Hebrews 9:27, "It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment." Twice in Ezekiel 18, God declares that souls die: "The soul who sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4, 20), which the apostle Paul echoes in Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death." Finally, Jesus warns in Matthew 10:28 that God can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. In fact, the Bible says only God has true immortality (I Timothy 6:15-16). Human beings can have immortality only through Christ and only through the resurrection from the dead, according to the pattern set by Jesus in His resurrection to eternal life (I Corinthians 15:22, 45-52). So, while true Christians have eternal life in them through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, it is only an earnest, down payment, or guarantee of the fullness of eternal life that will be given at the resurrection (see II Corinthians 5:1-5; Ephesians 1:13-14). As Job 32:8 says, man has a spirit that provides him with understanding, and Paul explains in I Corinthians 2:11 that it endows humanity with intellect. This spirit in man comes from God (Zechariah 12:1) and returns to Him when we die (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Acts 7:59). It records the events of our lives, our characters, and our personalities, which God somehow stores until the resurrection, when it will be returned, restoring each person's full memory and characteristics. However, the Bible never describes this human spirit as immortal or eternal; in fact, John 6:63 and Romans 8:10-11 explains that man needs that other spirit, God's Holy Spirit, to achieve eternal life. Matthew 12:40 Some try to say that the phrase "in the heart of the earth" in Matthew 12:40 does not mean buried in a grave or tomb. Those who support this theory say that heart implies "middle of" or "midst of," and earth should really be translated as "country" or "world." Thus, the argument runs, Jesus is actually saying that He would be three days and nights in Jerusalem, since it was the center of the nations according to Ezekiel 5:5: "This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and the countries all around her." Supporters do not say how Jesus' being in Jerusalem for this amount of time can act as a sign of His Messiahship. However, this argument holds no water. First, the Greek is literally translated here, as it is from a Hebrew idiom found in Jonah 2:2-3, the place to which Jesus referred in giving His sign. In that place, "heart of the sea" parallels "into the deep," which Jonah in the previous verse calls "the belly of Sheol," which is the pit where the dead are laid or the grave. So, heart of the earth means "underground," just as heart of the seas means "underwater." "In the heart of the earth," then, was a Hebrew metaphor signifying being dead and buried. Second, the similar sign Jesus gave in John 2:19, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up," is explained plainly in verse 21: "But He was speaking of the temple of His body." Though they use different metaphors, the two signs are the same: Being in the heart of the earth is the result of having the temple of His body destroyed. Ergo, Jesus was not talking of His travel plans in Jerusalem but of His death, burial, and resurrection. Indeed, the Scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35), as much as men try to cram their traditional beliefs into it. Would that they read the Bible for what it says rather than what they want it to say! Revelation 6:8 The final descriptive item regarding the fourth seal is "Hades followed with him." Obviously, "Hades" has been left untranslated in the New King James; it is "Hell" in the Authorized Version. Strong's Concordance defines this simply as "the place (state) of departed souls," although this is in itself an interpretive definition. A more complete definition would include that it is a proper name of the Greek god of the lower regions, known as Pluto by the Romans, who gave his name to the realm of the dead (Thayer's Greek Lexicon). However, this barely scratches the surface of the subject. The Complete Word Study New Testament adds, "In Homer and Hesiod the word is spelled Haïdês meaning obscure, dark, invisible," suggesting that it is a place or condition about which mortal man understands little. The same reference work mentions that it equates to the Hebrew word Sheol, and that in all the New Testament passages in which it occurs, Hades is associated with death (with the possible exceptions of Matthew 11:23 and Luke 10:15). Cutting through all the scholarly speculation, much of which is based on either Jewish or Greek-not necessarily biblical-conceptions of Sheol or Hades, the basic idea is the grave, the place where the dead go after death. As Solomon writes so plainly, "But the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward. . . . [F]or there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going" (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10). Many scriptures show that God will resurrect or redeem us from the grave, not from some shadowy netherworld of spirits. For instance, the psalmist writes, "But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave" (Psalm 49:15; see 30:3), and God prophesies through Ezekiel, "Then you shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves" (Ezekiel 37:13). Jesus Himself says, "Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth-those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation" (John 5:28-29). The Old Testament instruction, carried into the New, is that death and the grave are parallel if not synonymous ideas. Notice these passages which use parallelisms: » For in death there is no remembrance of You; in the grave who will give You thanks? (Psalm 6:5) » Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them. . . . (Psalm 49:14) » [I am] adrift among the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom You remember no more, and who are cut off from Your hand. (Psalm 88:5) » What man can live and not see death? Can he deliver his life from the power of the grave? (Psalm 89:48) » For love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave. . . . (Song of Songs 8:6) » I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. O Death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction! (Hosea 13:14; see I Corinthians 15:55)
@TomMason-io1yn 21 сағат бұрын
It can also be interpreted as eternal seperation which is what Jesus experienced having not only "suffered death but the death of the cross". Or the 2nd death
@penniesplace 22 сағат бұрын
Oh wow. Karen looks so spiffy tonight! ❤ loving tonights outfit.
@fionadwanell 18 сағат бұрын
Amen 🙌🏾🙏🏾 really blessed 😊
@kathybegey7574 17 сағат бұрын
from iowa splendid series
@toyaspence9516 16 сағат бұрын
The earth is flat
@woundedtiger7547 22 сағат бұрын
Caldwell idaho
@leeanncotrone8369 Сағат бұрын
I'm watching from New York City USA 🇺🇸
@tammycastle5571 23 сағат бұрын
Broaddus Texas
@davidhorner4551 7 сағат бұрын
I live just outside of Zavalla, we are prctically neighbors!!
@glenroysinclair2133 7 сағат бұрын
Hell is real it was a place for The Devil and his Angels but humans being continued to hold on to Sin so some humans being will consume with them when Christ returns
@cheufdphil8512 13 сағат бұрын
Amen! Thank you for posting this 😊
@bpalmernp 7 сағат бұрын
@louisemirande-ney3045 2 сағат бұрын
Thé devil is black ????😂
@Warrenabinan 13 сағат бұрын
Watching here in appari Cagayan Philippines
@derrickzenner9300 40 минут бұрын
What a prayer 🙏❤
@stephenjared5277 12 сағат бұрын
Praise the Lord ❤❤❤❤
@analizaincleto4747 21 сағат бұрын
Is it true that cat cant go to heaven😢😢😢😢?
@tomg6318 20 сағат бұрын
After their nine lives
@missisfj777 9 минут бұрын
the SCripture didn't gave us the exact verse whether they'll be there or not. Deuteronomy 29:29
@missisfj777 9 минут бұрын
@@tomg6318 XD
@michaelschneider4082 13 сағат бұрын
Gehenna' the rubbish tip 'Gehenna' or 'The valley of the son of Hinnom' which is what the Greek word means, was the rubbish tip outside of Jerusalem in the time of Jesus which was also used to burn the bodies of criminals who had suffered capital punishment. Most of the occurrences of the word 'hell' in the New Testament refer to this 'place of burning' outside of Jerusalem. 'Hades' the unseen The word Hades comes from two words: 'A', which is 'Alpha', the first letter of the Greek alphabet and is a negative letter which simply means 'without'. The equivalent in English would be the word 'un'. The other word is 'eido' which means 'to see'. So 'Hades' simply means, 'unseen'. Is the 'hades' of the Bible the same place as that described in Greek Mythology? Websters Dictionary describes Hades as, "the grim god of the lower world dwelling in the abode of the dead conceived as either a dark and gloomy subterranean realm or a remote island beyond the western sea." Consistent Bible teaching If we can accept the words quoted from Psalm 16 which prophetically teach that Jesus went to 'sheol' (ie. the grave) when He died, then to be consistent with Bible teaching, we must accept that Peter meant the grave as well when He said that Jesus went to hades when he quotes Psalm 16 in Acts 2:27. Any other explanation would have Old Testament teaching contradicting the New Testament. The fact that the New Testament was written in Greek does not mean that we have to use Greek mythology to interpret Scripture. Today we use words like "lunatic", but this does not mean that we accept that somebody's mental health depends on the phases of the Moon. Extra info and Bible references 'Hell' is a word that was added (interpolated) to our Bibles and is not a translation of the original language. When we see this word in scripture its true meaning is 'the grave' or 'the pit' in the Old Testament. In the New Testament this word is used with reference to the burning 'rubbish tip' that was outside of Jerusalem, known as 'the valley of the son of Hinnom' or 'gehenna'. * 'sheol' in the Hebrew is interpolated 'hell' or translated 'grave' or 'pit' in the Old Testament. Psalm 6:5, 9:17, 30:3; Numbers 16:30,33
 * 'hades' in the Greek is translated 'grave' or interpolated 'hell' in the New Testament. 1Corinthians 15:55, Matthew11:21, 16:18
 * 'gehenna' in the Greek is interpolated 'hell' in the New Testament. Matthew 5:22, 23:15; Luke 12:5
 All Scripture quoted is from the N.K.J.V.
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