Hey folks this guy is up for "Breakout Creator of the Year" for the Gundies, go show him some support (every day you can vote again!)
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
I owe you! Really appreciate you helping to share the word about my nomination. It would be so cool to snag the win as breakout creator of the year but there are some great creators in the running. Really appreciate your support and the support of everyone else that’s taken the time to go enter their vote for me!
@pnwrob704114 күн бұрын
hes got my vote! im really diggin the content.
@TexasFirearms4 күн бұрын
Best shooting channel on the tube!
@MrJshelley198120 күн бұрын
You are the Bob Ross of Long Range . No ego , no attitude . Just awesome shooting and a humble attitude . Most guntubers could take a page outta your book.
@brandonrupp588019 күн бұрын
I keep waiting for him to say, "We're going to paint a happy little target over there."
@sktechsolutions-b3f19 күн бұрын
That's the perfect analogy for this channel
@pewdeals19 күн бұрын
Love his channel.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Glad to hear you enjoy my style of content. I’m just a regular guy that enjoys getting to share my long range journey with the audience….. creating content lets me shoot more so it’s a win for everyone haha. The goal with each video is certainly entertainment but really want the viewer to have some kind of valuable takeaway in each video. Hopefully that comes across for you in each video!
@BuckingFastard19 күн бұрын
Lmao I was about to say this. Read my mind
@doytesame451819 күн бұрын
Come on PSA. This guy is one of the best on utube. A little support please.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
It’s all good…. To be fair my channel is much smaller than those you normally see with the PSA gear. We’ll get on that level soon enough!
@bill229219 күн бұрын
I just emailed PSA and asked them to throw down a few rifles for free! This channel is the best 🙂
@BananaShooter0119 күн бұрын
@@MountainsMulletsMerica I’m sure your analytics will show that you’ve got great viewer retention and engagement. Would be silly for PSA not to see how much value and knowledge you bring to each of your videos.
@MountainsMulletsMerica18 күн бұрын
@@BananaShooter01a bit of an update, PSA reached out to me on IG yesterday so I’m excited to see where that goes!
@BananaShooter0118 күн бұрын
@ that’s great news man! Love to see you getting the recognition your content deserves.
@lilmac343419 күн бұрын
dude makes the best gun related videos on youtube
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Really appreciate the compliment! Lots of new content in the works so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@bobbyberry555919 күн бұрын
@pilotincommand8519 күн бұрын
1000% !!!
@bfitereastTX19 күн бұрын
This man deserves a million subs! Best content on KZbin hands down. No silly, clickbait captions and content is well researched and well explained! Awesome work sir! Cheers from TX!
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Appreciate the kind words! My channel is growing like crazy and I suspect it’s only a matter of time before I get to the 1 million mark. Do me a solid and share my channel with your buddies…. I’ve got a lot of new content on the way!
@roughstrings746119 күн бұрын
It’s funny how PSA gave you that answer, and now they have clips of this video on the Facebook story lol
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
It’s all good, I’ll take the publicity haha. They’ve reached out to me on Instagram as well which I appreciate.
@yourleftnut81418 күн бұрын
yeah, i know right..lol
@slappymcdope19 күн бұрын
The fact that you use multiple camera angles even during an intro is a testament to the quality of your channel. Keep up the good work!
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
I’m glad you like the production work of the channel… I’ve put a lot of work into trying to capture and retain the attention of the viewer so I’m glad to hear you notice the effort!
@Matt-dd3cw19 күн бұрын
Killer content, and I love what PSA is doing: providing a cost conscious option. Side note, I'm a huge fan of their affordable AAC ammunition. Not only does this allow people who don't want to drop a fortune on a large frame AR to get into the game, but it also helps the more premium brands stay in check with pricing. I absolutely love shooting my LMT 6.5 CM, I usually have it out at least twice a week. Initially, I was obsessed with finding a sub .75 MOA and sub 10 FPS SD load. However, as you have repeatedly shown, 1.5 MOA and double-digit SDs still allow for practical hits beyond 1000 yards Keep up the great content bro.
@RCx4419 күн бұрын
AAC ammo is trash and is notorious for QC issues.
@Matt-dd3cw19 күн бұрын
@RCx44 I've shot a shitload of their 77 gr Sierra match king load, I've had nothing but great results. Their 140 BTHP 6.5 Creedmoor has also been great for me. The cool thing is, if you don't like it, don't buy it
@pilotincommand8519 күн бұрын
Do you think they seat the 308 bullets too deep? I’ve had mixed results with that stuff…however the 556 and 6.5 creedmoor have been amazing
@pilotincommand8519 күн бұрын
@@RCx44 true on some of their cartridges but certain cartridges from aac are second to none
@alexisdetocqueville996416 күн бұрын
@@RCx44 Simply not true, at least for their 5.56 69/75/77g loads. I've heard a while back their 55g ball had issues, but me and a ton of other people have had great results with the rest of the lineup.
@Capt4Edwards18 күн бұрын
I love how relatable your content is! Mags not feeding, bipod randomly collapsing trying to squeeze in going to the range when it gets dark super early. Love it
@MountainsMulletsMerica18 күн бұрын
Oh dude it’s never a dull moment, glad you enjoyed the look at real life haha. Lots of new content coming so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@KennethBranamensrКүн бұрын
Ur a cool no ego dude . I enjoyed ur show . I'm convinced that PSA SSA is the way to go . I'm disabled and can't afford to spend a lot testing guns. Than you, good luck on ur rifle shooting career .
@mcss32719 күн бұрын
This is the second video I've ever seen from this guy. I gotta say i like this channel! No ego, just facts⭐
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Appreciate you taking the time to watch and support the channel! Lots of new content in the works so hope you’ll stick around to check it out. I’m just a regular guy sharing my passion for long range shooting with my audience… my current approach seems to be working so no plans to change!
@recondo88619 күн бұрын
best educational channel I've ever seen
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Thank you! Glad to hear you’re finding value in watching my videos. Sure I want my videos to be entertaining but most of all I want the viewer to received kind of valuable takeaway each time they watch. Let me know if you ever have any kind of content ideas!
@peachfuds18 күн бұрын
I want you to keep fine tuning this rifle. I think a lot of people, including myself, stay away from large frame AR's because of the price point and the inherent malfunctions that seem to proliferate the large frame world. I would be much more comfortable getting into large frame guns if I saw someone get a rifle like this fine tuned and work out all the bugs. Having a template to follow is extremely helpful when someone else has worked out all the bugs before me. Thanks for putting out awesome content, brother.
@MountainsMulletsMerica18 күн бұрын
That is exactly what I plan to do! I have a ton of follow-up content planned on this rifle…. Looking to do a comparison to one of my kac sr25, run through handloads/ try different bullets to see if we can tighten up the accuracy a bit and then do a longer term review once I get the round count up. Hope you’ll stay tuned as I get that follow up content launched! With regards to the mags, I’m pretty sure swapping to pmags will fix that issue. I’ve never had an issue with them
@russchapman299719 күн бұрын
Many folks get caught up with groups. If the gun is not sub-MOA it’s not a good gun. This is a battle rifle. Mostly geared for a DMR role, the trace between 100 and 600 meters. TWO MOA is perfect. At 800 meters we are talking the width of a torso if we are 2 MOA. Most satisfying for any mission set for the DMR or a sniper in urban conflict. This is a great gun. More companies need to gear for the working family on price point. Good job PSA.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
100% agree with you…. Shooting tiny groups is fun but when it comes to the practical use of a rifle like this 1.5-2 moa is more than capable. As shown here, this 1.75moa rifle had no problems consistently engaging a torso at 1100 yards. I’ve actually got plans to make a video around this exact topic soon so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@officecomputer888719 күн бұрын
he is testing with a suppressor attached so this test is basically pointless
@mrs.vasquezz19 күн бұрын
Lmao whaaaaaat@@officecomputer8887
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
@@officecomputer8887lol what??? Shooting without a suppressor in 2024 is pointless
@officecomputer888719 күн бұрын
@@MountainsMulletsMerica testing the accuracy of a weapon that has been altered at the muzzle makes literally no sense.
@danielcolella745115 күн бұрын
I have been shooting for many years. I’m a former marine and NRA firearms instructor. I have learned a lot from your videos. Your the best reviewer bar none. What do you do for a living. I hope you keep making videos. Thanks for all you do and help other shooters learn a lot more they did not know. I also follow you on Instagram.
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
Really appreciate you taking the time to watch and support the channel! My goal with the channel is certainly to create entertaining content but most of all I want the viewer to receive some kind of value from watching each of my videos so it’s great to hear that’s the case for you! With regards to work, I am in large equipment sales. Lots of new content in the works so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it all out!
@EnagizahBunneh20 күн бұрын
Love the shooting, the breakdowns, the transparency, and the filmography!! Thanks for providing the content
@flobie1kenobi19 күн бұрын
Never hurts to take an extra day you have on this planet instead of just another day selling your time to someone else.
@edouble989420 күн бұрын
I’ve been waiting for this video to be made by you since PSA dropped this rifle. Thank you
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Hope the video lived up to your expectations! I’ve got several more content ideas with this rifle so stay tuned, hoping to have at least one more video with this rifle out before year end!
@tyrelhunter652919 күн бұрын
You did an amazing job as always! I love what PSA does for the 2A community, this is an awesome platform for the price! I'd love to see you do some ammo testing to squeeze as much accuracy out of this "budget" build as you can!
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
100% have this on my to do list…. I have a couple ideas for ammo tests and handloading experiments I'm really excited about. It will be fun to run a handful of different bullets through the rifle to see what it takes to make it shine. Hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@bryanduchane237115 күн бұрын
That is a beautiful rifle!!! PSA KILLED IT!! I truly believe PSA is the silver standard v in the gun industry. One step below the Gold standard. It's not a perfect copy of the Military version, but it's 7x less than the military rifle they mirrored. I don't have a full powered military caliber rifle and but this will be my first!!!
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
100% agree with you…. PSA is making some really cool rifles at a very affordable price point. So far I’m really happy with this super sass and excited to feature it in more content so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@charlyRoot9 күн бұрын
I love this format. It's like the outdoor shows I grew up watching.
@Regal280018 күн бұрын
Best rifle channel on KZbin. Keep up the good work.
@MountainsMulletsMerica17 күн бұрын
Thanks for the support, glad you enjoy the channel! If you get a chance it would be huge if you could help me win breakout creator of the year at the gundies awards by dropping in a vote for the channel! Voting is open on their website through the 15th and every vote is huge.
@sethsilverii5903 күн бұрын
I’m very impressed with super sass glad I picked one up. Super fun rifle
@Adam-su2jj19 күн бұрын
This is the only channel I have notifications turned on. Great video, man.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
That’s really epic! Appreciate the support! I’m trying to pump out new content as often as possible so hope you’ll continue tuning in
@JamesH-v1y19 күн бұрын
I've never had good luck with metal mags in my AR10 but P-mags have always worked well.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Yeah it’s hard to beat pmags…. They are proven performers. I’ll likely just swap to pmags with this rifle and never look back!
@armorers_wrench19 күн бұрын
Yeah I've had the same experience. The metal mags rust also.
@armorers_wrench19 күн бұрын
@@MountainsMulletsMerica It sucks cuz the metal mags look so cool.
@renhosti19 күн бұрын
I am having the same problem with my Aero Precision AR10. Mine is doing it with PMAG's. I don't know if it is mag related, or what, but it will slide halfway over the round and jam it against the feed ramp just like this. Online on forums, a lot of people are saying it is a Pmag problem. 🤷
@JamesH-v1y18 күн бұрын
@@renhosti Sounds like your a little under gassed.
@robertmontes14685 күн бұрын
Bro, your videos are some of my favorite on the entire Internet! Keep it up!
@MountainsMulletsMerica4 күн бұрын
Appreciate it, glad you like the content! If you get a chance I could use your help…. I’m up for a gundie award as the breakout creator of the year. It’s a fan voted award so every vote counts. It would be huge if you could drop a vote or 2 in for me before voting closes on the 17th!
@djr11315 күн бұрын
My mans got multiple camera angles, awesome
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
Trying to maximize that audience retention! Really awesome you noticed the effort!
@guylozito704113 күн бұрын
I’m glad to see you’re getting some industry support. Love the channel
@donbenson529212 күн бұрын
Excellent shooting. I would be getting my Arken scopes before the word gets out and price goes up! Lol As far as the rifle, it is shooting well and i like tgat you can do an inch plus group and still connect at 1100 yards. I hope PSA is doing better on customer support. I bought a couple of years ago a gen 2 lower for a build and could never get a response from them regarding an upper. I have used all AeroPrecisions actions for my builds. Yes slop in the receiver is a factor on accuracy. Pmags for me. Surprisingly I called customer support yesterday and fairly readily got an answer. For me and new firearms I am different that i break my barrels in by cleaning depending on the barrel after no more than a 5 shots at first. However that is just me. Doesn't say it is needed. Hard to change habits. Once again.. very good video and keep up the good work.
@caesar129519 күн бұрын
Great job with the video been a long time subscriber and have enjoyed your videos. I need to pick up this PSA Sabre-10A2 SUPER SASS and you just proved my point for why. Thanks
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! Glad you’re finding value in the content…. Looks like the super sass is currently out of stock but it seems like psa gets them restocked frequently so it shouldn’t take long to get one for yourself. I’ve got more content coming with this rifle so hope youll stick around to check that out as I get it launched!
@brandonrupp588019 күн бұрын
Great videos. All the info shooters need and none of the rambling we don't.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Glad you appreciate the straight-to-the-point information format! Certainly I want my videos to provide entertainment but most of all I want each video to provide the viewer some kind of valuable takeaway… hope that’s been your experience. Lots of new content coming so stay tuned!
@j.till_z16 күн бұрын
I have some D&H AR10 mags (SR/DPMS pattern), I had the same issue I like to load 5 rds at a time and I would get cartridges that would hang up just like you're experiencing. It was an easy fix. I took the magazine apart and took some 200 grit sand paper and smoothed out the leading edge of the follower. I also noticed on one of my magazines about dead center where a spot weld was was slightly high. I used a brass punch to get in there to knock it out slightly. They all run smoothly now no feeding or ejection issues. My rifle is a Remington R25.
@PrecisionRifleNetwork19 күн бұрын
Good stuff Zach
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Thank you! Appreciate you stopping by to check out the video!
@TacticallyTasty13 күн бұрын
I just came across your channel. Your production quality is really good, and overall I just like the way you present
@MrTacklebury19 күн бұрын
I would be harrassing PSA for some replacement mags. I like the rifle. I have the std. PSA PA-10 in .308 and have had zero issues with it. I picked mine up during last years black friday sale for $379. I didn't get mags with mine, but already had several P-Mags for my Mossberg MVP Patrol in .762. Your ammo is factory and might have had some variances doing the long range stuff, but the wind really seemed to be swirling.
@A8vscRrabbit20 күн бұрын
Great video. You know a guy is excited when you miss a day at work Awesome data collection. Much appreciated. I too am thinking I need to add a couple of these to the collection.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Yeah man this might be the most excited I’ve been to get a new rifle in and hit the range! So far I’m really happy with how it’s performing so planning to release more content featuring this rifle soon. Hope you’ll stay tuned to check out all the fresh content! My opinion you can’t go wrong with this rifle considering the price point.
@Antonio-it5xx19 күн бұрын
Your videos are so well thought out, very informative, the rifle did perform very well. Thank you.
@dobster581918 күн бұрын
Hi Merica, great entertainment and information in your video. Always a pleasure to watch you shoot.
@MountainsMulletsMerica18 күн бұрын
Appreciate you taking the time to watch and support the channel! Lots of new content planned with this rifle so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@apollo36799 күн бұрын
You should get out on Texas Plinkings 1000yard challenge. Smacking 1100 yards on second shot you have a real shot of being able to take that 1st place spot
@leecrawford639319 күн бұрын
That is impressive boss!
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it! More videos coming soon with this rifle so stay tuned!
@hunterjr9019 сағат бұрын
Great video. I have been looking at getting this rifle.
@richardoliver146819 күн бұрын
Thank you for the video. You definitely produce top quality informative revies, with honest comments on each weapon you shoot. I wish that I could own a AR10. Since the price ranges are more than I can afford, I will continue to enjoy my Savage Axis in 308. I wish I could find a larger capacity magazine for it. Savage only offers a 4 round for it.
@joesackmann558919 күн бұрын
I have the older version of that rifle built to clone the OG M110, it loves the SMK 175s. Consistent ~1 moa groups from mine. I have mag issues with the metal mags provided too, but different from yours. Mine will not lock the bolt on the last round, happens with all 3 and happens every time and is repeatable. PMAGs never had an issues with. The only thing i can think is the followers suck and/or the springs are weak.
@REDs_Reapers18 күн бұрын
Had same issue with my 20rnd metals. Ended up replacing springs & they're 100% now. Wish i remembered the web site, but that was over a yr ago... Thanks for an honest, no bs review on their upgraded version of my old pa10!! - RED
@hisWACness19 күн бұрын
Have been looking at these also. I run a 16” LaRue 7.62 PredatOBR right now, which is much more expensive than the PSA - but has become my favorite rifle, and is a hammer with Sierra 168gr TMKs (as well as FGMM Sierra 168/175gr SMK , and AAC 150gr Black Sabre). I wish I had access to 1000 yards, am limited to 500 yards right now (which is almost boring, even with smaller steel targets). Thanks for this video, looks like a decent rifle; mags are shit though. Nice thing is, you can always swap in a better barrel to close up those groups up and increase hit percentages. Loving your content thus far.
@500spectre19 күн бұрын
Great Video. Yes, reload for it and compare it to other similar systems. Thanks for the video
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Reloading and a head-to-head comparison with my kac mk11 mod 1 (m110 sass) are definitely on the to-do list! Hope you’ll stay tuned to check out those videos as they drop!
@boxingdonk864717 күн бұрын
I was super excited to get mine a few months back. First thing I did was take the muzzle break off for my can. My factory muzzle break was NOT EVEN hand tight!!! Should have looked it over better, but took it right out to the range. At round 5 the trigger pins unscrewed. I love the stuff it came with, law folder, b5 furniture decent psa trigger, but dang man, nothing was tightened down at all!
@dubltap721619 күн бұрын
Great video! I have the PSA Sabre 12.5" 308. I have a SIG and Ruger in 308 also. I have heard of nothing but problems with the metal mags PSA sends out with there 308's. Mine came with a Lancer. Zero with any issues on mt Sabre. Love it. I've been looking at the PSA Sass for my next purchase. THANKS AGAIN.
@bill229219 күн бұрын
A load development video would help, but I believe the best loved video would be on accuracy improvements on the rifle itself.
@Pattersonm2919 күн бұрын
Great video. Just saw this rifle on their website last night and wanted to see more about this rifle. Very good info can’t wait to see more of this rifle. Thank you 🎉
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Amazing time on the video drop it sounds like haha. I've got a few more videos with this rifle planned so stay tuned to check them out! So far I feel like this rifle is a solid performer, especially given the price point.
@muffinman67395 күн бұрын
Great vid, I appreciate your objectivity.
So very stoked! I found your channel sir!
@MountainsMulletsMerica11 күн бұрын
Appreciate you taking the time to check out my content and support the channel! Lots more content planned with this rifle so hope you’ll stick around to check it out!
@See-yw1vw13 күн бұрын
I would love to see you try and get some more performance out of the HK Mr762!
@bobbyberry555919 күн бұрын
Your content is always a pleasure to watch. You always go the extra mile (like putting the target cam out there too) for us. Thank you boss 🙏 🙌
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
I’m just trying to make good quality content that is enjoyable and informative for my viewers…. Glad you enjoy it!
@bradenjones282514 күн бұрын
If I ever want a killer video that I fully enjoy and have some downtime this is the channel I go to! Love the content
@MountainsMulletsMerica14 күн бұрын
Really appreciate you taking the time to check out the channel! Lots of new content in the works so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out! If you get a chance it would be huge if you could swing over to the gundies website and vote for me as breakout creator of the year. Up for a fan voted award so every vote is huge!
@willbarnes912119 күн бұрын
Great video as usual!
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it! More content coming soon with this rifle so stay tuned!
@YELLOWcodename11 күн бұрын
Hey, I just wanted to stop by and say that this was a great video as always! Your channel is the reason I got into 308 ARs in the first place. I'd like to see how the PSA compares to other rifles! Also, I know this is kind of a long shot, but I picked a Daniel Defense DD5v4 in 308 as my rifle, and I'd like to see how it performs in the hands of someone more capable than me.
@jcw500710 күн бұрын
First time catching your content. Subscribed.
@ASVABWAIVER11B18 күн бұрын
If a gas gun won’t shoot it’s worthless to me. I’m probably not gonna buy a Sabre 110. Ever. That being said, I love my PSA Sabre 14.5. I also am very pleased with the fit and finish. Feature Rich is an understatement. But if I was a 20yo kid getting started again I would 100% buy that rifle/comes with bipod & 2 mags. I’d buy an Arken, 200 rounds of AAC 175g, and have an absolute ball all weekend long weekend after weekend. That in my opinion is where that rifle belongs. In the hands of a new shooter with an entry budget. I think the cycling issue will pass with wear and tear. I’m sure that mag is a little sticky. I’m sure the feed ramps are a little rough around the edges. I would bet money that in 200-300 rounds it will run like a singer sewing machine. Banger of a video brother! Them Ga boys can shoot!
@wesman783717 күн бұрын
That's one of the easiest things to fix!
@jeffgeesaman438616 күн бұрын
Love your stuff. I have the billet M110 version. The mags that they send with them are JUNK. I bought Pmags and haven't had a malfunction since. Keep up the great work
@Dynomitedog218 күн бұрын
One of the best long range shooting vids that wasn’t boring. Great review,@ PSA dropped the ball with you, they should at least sponsor you with some AAC ammo. You have convinced me to buy this rifle!
@MountainsMulletsMerica18 күн бұрын
It’s all good. PSA actually reached out to me on IG yesterday so I’m excited to see where that goes. Really awesome to hear you found value in my video! So far I’m really impressed with this rifle…. Very solid performance for the price. Lots more content planned for this rifle so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@Dynomitedog218 күн бұрын
@ I’m about to start my own channel here soon. I actually do a buy from psa. So maybe someday they might look my way too. lol
@CommentingTheTruth15 күн бұрын
Good day sir. I've been watching gun tubers since FPS Russia hit the tube. I truly believe you have big potential to grow your channel. You're well spoken and no BS chest pounding. You're a skilled shooter to boot! With some camera tuning and sound tuning along with social media interaction you will get there!! I am glad you popped up in my feed!!
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
Really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and check out the channel! Like you I’ve been watching gun tube content since the FPS Russia days and believe I’m in a unique space with my channel. So far the recipe is working as I’m seeing some pretty rapid growth…. With that, my plan is to keep pumping out new content so hope you’ll stay tuned! I broke my DJI mic a couple videos back so was trying to limp by with a cheap Amazon mic until replacement parts came in but I’ve been getting some complaints about the temporary mic. Went ahead and bought myself a new rode the other night so audio should be improved very soon. Lastly, I’m up for a gundie award as breakout creator of the year. If you find yourself motivated to drop a vote in for me prior to the 15th it would be huge! Thanks for the support!
@CommentingTheTruth15 күн бұрын
@@MountainsMulletsMerica DONE! Vote is in!! I imagine a Co Lab would be in your future. I imagine that would project you as well. The fact that you appeared in my feed suggests you are on the right path!! Keep up the grind!! You got my sub easy!
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
@@CommentingTheTruththank you! Whether we win or not I can assure you I plan to keep cranking out the content!
@Joey_irish062615 күн бұрын
Great video! Thanks for the testing and great info. John Lovell from warrior poet society recommends saving those bad magazines and using them as training mags, mark them for training and you have a couple mags to induce failures!
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
You know that’s actually a genius idea! Hadn’t even thought about the training opportunity
@MarkStephenson-mj3yr19 күн бұрын
Great content. Judging accuracy with only group size is like judging velocity with only extreme spread and not looking at standard deviation. I use the Hornady 4DOF ballistic app, the only one I am familiar with, it has a feature to easily calculate average group size. It has been eye opening to look at my shooting in two dimensions.
@fordvg19 күн бұрын
The rifle looks really good and shoots great from what you showed in the video. Very impressive for the price and a 20” inch barrel. Magazine look like a problem to keep away from. Would love to hear more about the level please! With the low light was cool seeing some of the rounds almost looking like traces rounds with them streaking down range. Great video.
@jackmorrow42719 күн бұрын
my PA10 20" heavy SS barrel rifle shoot straight and functions so far 100 percent I only use pmags so far so good out to 550 the farthest my local range goes
@Quality_Guru19 күн бұрын
Out of Stock and not a Black Friday Deal. Always appreciate the breakdown of the components and accuracies.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Yeah kind of a bummer the rifle is out of stock when I launched this video but from what I’ve seen PSA will get them back relatively quickly. If you want to pick one up just put yourself on their email notification list. I noticed when they were in stock last time they remained in stock for a while
@atomicpsych019 күн бұрын
@MountainsMulletsMerica have you shot the ruger sfar? I'm curious as to how it holds up against this gun. I haven't shot mine much but it seems to be about the same on accuracy and it's size and specs are very similar
@mikilliummikillium82348 күн бұрын
Good review brother! What target hit light indicator you using?
@MountainsMulletsMerica8 күн бұрын
Running the Hornady hit indicator in this video
@gregvanness790919 күн бұрын
New subscriber. Excellent video. Straight forward just the facts as you see it. Thanks for the hard work. I appreciate it.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Really appreciate you taking the time to watch and support the channel! Several more videos planned with this rifle so hope you’ll stay tuned to check them out!
@PapaDon85019 күн бұрын
Nice-looking setup and great video, BTW. The double taps were impressive. I think PSA will show “Out of Stock” for the rest of the year after this video. Keep up the great content.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Appreciate you taking the time to watch and support the channel! Of course the rifle is out of stock on the day I decide to launch this video haha.… from what im seeing though PSA gets them back in stock fairly regular so folks that want them shouldn’t have to wait long. I’ve got several more videos planned with this rifle so hope you’ll stay tuned to check them out!
@toms.791319 күн бұрын
I’m looking at this very rifle. Your timing is impeccable.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
I'm glad you like it! Hopefully, this video is helpful in making your decision! I’ve got more content planned with this rifle so stay tuned to check it out. Only bummer so far is PSA is out of stock on this rifle at the moment 🤦♂️
@xforce70819 күн бұрын
Looks good so far. I think the groups will get better with some shots. But brand new and first ammo tried looks pretty good to me.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Yeah this was my first range trip with the rifle so certainly I’m expecting groups to tighten up with more rounds downrange! Also planning to play around with other bullets in handloads to see if I can find the magic combo. Hope you’ll stay tuned to check out the future content with this rifle!
@michaelcerrone148218 күн бұрын
I've been looking at this gun for a while. I think you may have sold me on it. I want a 6.5 Creed version, though. I have quite a bit of ammo and sold my 6.5 a whole back ago. I saw they had a 14.5 6.5 Creed. I think I'll get that. Keep up the awesome content!
@2Aknight76219 күн бұрын
I had a similar problem with my PSA mags. They fed ok but no lock back on last round. P-mags ran flawless.
@metrobadger19 күн бұрын
Looks like a decent rifle at a decent price. The Arken also appeared to do well with the low light conditions.
@TheLoneRanger74519 күн бұрын
Great testing Buddy 👍💪👊😎🇺🇸❤️. I've learned a lot from your channel !
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Thanks, I really appreciate it! Glad to hear you’re finding value in watching my videos!
@mrfrm197519 күн бұрын
Top tier presentation skills.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@nickkahoe445615 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video I just bought 1for myself and you have reassured my buy..lol
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
If your experience is in line with mine, you won’t be disappointed. Really excited about the results of my rifle on this initial range trip. Lots more content planned with this rifle so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@rsvr6219 күн бұрын
Good stuff. The Sierras are most certainly part of the eqation
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
For sure…. The 175smk makes any rifle shine in my experience. Planning to try a handful of different bullets in a future video so we can get an idea of what the rifle really likes. Will be interesting to see which bullet it prefers. Hope you’ll stick around to check it out!
@terryslaton5582Күн бұрын
Awesome night footage!
@wesman783717 күн бұрын
That Sierra Match King seems to be a great match for the riffle! 🤔 😳 👀 👍 👌 👏
@MountainsMulletsMerica17 күн бұрын
Agreed, really happy with the performance of the 175smk out of the gate. Planning to try some other bullets to see if it likes anything else better but only opinion it’s hard to beat the 175smk for a 308 gasser. Lots of new content coming with this rifle so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@vincentdelaossa974019 күн бұрын
Great video. Awesome review. Now handloads and head to head KAC vs PSA please
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
I love how you think! Both of these ideas are on my to do list! Fingers crossed I can get PSA vs kac out before the end of the year.
@simaii8209 күн бұрын
If this doesn't sell psa rifles idk what else would. Good job at the double taps. I have a gen 3 psa 6.5 creed hoping I can do the same
@chylodavis757320 күн бұрын
Amazing. Palmetto should send you some thank you money
@CLAWN7620 күн бұрын
Your opening statement regarding PSA doesn’t surprise me. They seem to be all about the 2nd Amendment and content creators so long as it suits them. They don’t support some of their products (PCC’s) like they used to. I have found their customer service tends to be somewhat lacking. I’m glad you did get the rifle to review. I like my PSA PA-10, even though it’s not the “SASS”, I’m not sure the SASS shoots any better than the rifle I have. Can’t wait to finish your review and see your next video. I appreciate the content you’re putting out. (Finished the review and you made that rifle shine).
@rogerwood522819 күн бұрын
PSA is a company that produces products to sell for profit. They are not a charity organization. If they don't think they can profit by sponsoring someone, it doesn't mean they are not advocates for your right to keep and bear arms.
@RCx4419 күн бұрын
"somewhat lacking cs" is being overly generous.
@CLAWN7619 күн бұрын
@ I was trying to be nice 😬.
@nicholaslobosco605015 күн бұрын
Thanks for doing this review!! Great!!
@MountainsMulletsMerica15 күн бұрын
Appreciate you taking the time to check out the video! Hope you it a valuable use of your time. Planning lots of additional content with this rifle so hope you’ll stay tuned to check it out!
@pewdeals19 күн бұрын
Good work as always!
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Thank you! Appreciate the continued support!
@jacquesbeliveau271612 күн бұрын
You could fix your magazine to feed the last 2 round by taking the mag. Apart and stretch the mag. Spring to increase the compression capacity of the spring..
@Deano5419 күн бұрын
I have the forged model. Right out of the box I noticed that the butt stock restricked the charging handle from coming all the way back if the butt stock was pushed forward and or the cheek adjustment was raised. The supplied metal mags are notorious for failure. Just a place to reduce cost. All in all the rifle is nice for the price point. Which works for.me as I can't justify a $3,500 to $4,500 rifle for my plinking. Thanks for your review and I certainly enjoy your channel.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
Yes the B5 precision collapsing stock is one of my favorites but like you mention it can restrict the charging handle depending on stock position. I didn’t realize the mags were notorious for not working… I’m thinking I’ll just swap to pmags which are proven. All in all I like what you’re getting for the price in this rifle from PSA!
@OnMyGrizzle19 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video, happy thanksgiving 🇺🇸.
@mountainskyaerialphotograp392117 күн бұрын
Good shooting. Tells me that the .308 I custom built is doing well. It's a Juggernaut 80% with a critan barrel (18") using an Arken 5x25x50 Gen II. Adjustable gas block, Lahar-30 suppressor by Aero precision. It will shoot 1 MOA all day long with custom reloads. (168gr Blim, SMK). Thanks for the content.
@Thb199017 күн бұрын
Out on the Palouse! Went to school out there in eastern Washington
@MountainsMulletsMerica17 күн бұрын
Oh man sounds like you’re likely familiar with walla walla! Many of my early videos were filmed in the Palouse but earlier this year I had to move out of WA for a freer state. This was actually filmed in ID
@Rocketninja20019 күн бұрын
Love your videos. Any chance you might do a quick run down video showing how you like to reload? It would be nice coming from you since you're such a good communicator and practical.
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
I have some plans for reloading content after first of the year. Working on a couple things right now that should make for some really cool reloading focused content. Appreciate you taking the time to watch and support the channel!
@nobody17719 күн бұрын
Would love to see it compared to the KAC Great Video Man Thankyou!
@MountainsMulletsMerica19 күн бұрын
I like how you think! This is 100% on my to do list!
@mastabugfish18 күн бұрын
I've found if I want my metal mags to work properly for my 308AR, I had to throw them in the trash and pick up the m118 lr/sr pmags. If you want them to kinda work 90-ish % of the time, then take em apart and scrape the inside (check for burrs) and deburr the follower. If yer feelin frisky you can spray the inside with a Teflon spray, but it'll just foul up and do it all over again until you get fed up and dump em in the trash while you shop for more m118 lr/sr pmags (keep one or all 3 for aestetic reasons if it makes you happy). They're still fun to shoot, though!
@AllisChalmersMN19 күн бұрын
I’d like to get a super sass from PSA. I’ve got a Ruger SFAR in 308 but I’d like to have a PSA too. Sucks those magazines are junk. They should just send PMAGS with the rifles. Another great video as always.
@406GunNut19 күн бұрын
Thanks for buying your own rifle and not getting one that the manufacturer has gone over with a fine-tooth comb, otherwise we (and PSA) wouldn't know that their mags are craptacular.
@mrs.vasquezz19 күн бұрын
Most AR10s are a joke
@lorcan231615 күн бұрын
Love your work man! Would also love to see your hands on a SOLGW 6mm MAX in an sbr to get your opinion on it over the 556
@wildmanjeff4220 күн бұрын
very cool ! Thanks for the video, making me want to get out my MA-TEN. It needs rezero after handguard change anyway. should be close though with Larue QD mount.
@nedkarp846819 күн бұрын
You might need to tune the position of the feed lips on those two mags. They also make a tool for that. Great video.