Awesome video! Marla is clearly such a compassionate teacher and advocate.
@robertjjuuko11505 ай бұрын
Thank you for your patience dedication explaining breaking it down prioritizing time management you can only do what we are blessed with the limited time we all blessed with 24 hours but thank you for your patience and encouragement and sharing all the different Waze Perkins who would help students with vision loss
@chantelcuddemi76462 жыл бұрын
I can totally relate. I was the only blind student at my high school in Agawam, Massachusetts. My TVI was awesome!
@DurgvijayArya4 ай бұрын
Thanks For the given me more knowledge in the field of blindness I am from India
@mokriadelelegn23294 жыл бұрын
i personally appreciate and like it. is there any opportunity for a student from abroad
@sixfootsix2k210 жыл бұрын
Awesome video! Thank you... sharing this.
@heatherdeleon33246 жыл бұрын
I am a legally Blind individual From birth, how do I become certified as a VI Teacher? I reside in the state of Texas.
@liveandletotherslive.54585 жыл бұрын
May God bless you
@TyrekeCorrea5 жыл бұрын
The audio description for this video is weird. Pictures aren't described in complete detail, but this audio description take things one step further and also features exposition which would not normally be provided in audio descriptions. I think it's better to refer to this particular audio description as narration. It's almost like this was done as a way of saying that the sighted are more blind than the blind. Honestly, as a sighted person, I'm upset that the audio description added to this video can't be turned off, and it's getting in my way.
@JosephSeabourne3 жыл бұрын
Are you experienced/qualified at all to be discussing the use of audio description? Also, unfortunately, KZbin does not have a way of you being able to upload videos with audio description which can be turned on or off, so that's got nothing to do with the AD of this video. I'm sorry that it bothers you, but unfortunately many of us VI viewers will have massively appreciated them adding AD to this video.
@TyrekeCorrea3 жыл бұрын
@@JosephSeabourneWhy is it that people are so quick to baselessly come in with an irrational attitude? I think experience with the medium of audio description and awareness of the concept are qualification enough to be able to speak on it, but while audio description is ostensibly conducted in the service of the visually impaired, it has the capacity to impact on the relationship of the visually impaired with sighted people and the world at large, so what affects everybody, and thus is essential that it be conducted properly, to be vigilant about making sure the same is done and advocating for it if necessary. One thing I know for sure is that proper use of auditory description requires great auditory attentiveness and knowledge of elements of the sighted world and imagination, so care should be taken so that those who need it and are capable of making the most of it are able to access an audio description which can do the most for them. It's supposedly best practice to stick to conveying only the most essential information, but as more audio descriptions emerge I find that some details which are visually accessible to the sided are left out of audio description. The best audio descriptions are written and performed with a focus on providing in words information which is visually accessible to the sighted. The point is to convey in words a running mental image on par with what is visually provided on screen to sighted consumers, and not convey more or less than what the audience sees. At least that's how it goes when it's done soundly. It's a pity the specific skills necessary to make the most of audio description are not collectively and explicitly included in the curriculum of the Extended Common Core which everyone is so anxious to hawk. Do you really think a blind person would have arrived at all this based entirely on his own line of thought?
@JosephSeabourne3 жыл бұрын
@@TyrekeCorrea i do agree with not adding extra information. i originally understood your comment to be saying that they shouldn't add AD to the video as you just straight up didn't think it was useful. So yes, I do agree that a blind person can work out all the extra stuff that they have oddly included here. Sorry for misunderstanding you.
@TyrekeCorrea3 жыл бұрын
@@JosephSeabourne I don't get how I was so difficult to understand.
@kenadanamana6 жыл бұрын
« The adolescent boy who is blind and hearing impaired » is not blind and hearing impaired. He is an adolescent boy who has deafblindness and needs specific services to his unique and separate disability.
@lyravolcere4012 Жыл бұрын
Very useful information.
@krishnajoshi15414 жыл бұрын
Hi mam i am indian and i have complete in visual impairment corse 2 years and now that time i teaching visual child in school i want to go in canada and i want to job this feld can you possible pls answer me because i do want more then learning this fild and understand
@annalonergan79825 жыл бұрын
That’s my mom ^^
@spkaprotas5 жыл бұрын
@Artscardshop4 жыл бұрын
@makifnaz5723 жыл бұрын
what is the gist of this video ?
@cassiewebster35435 жыл бұрын
@DurgvijayArya4 ай бұрын
@robertjjuuko11505 ай бұрын
Awesome thanks gracias danke I am dealing w glaucoma . Webale.