成熟 Maturity (人一生會成長三次) 1. Empathy 同理心 (意識到自己不是世界中心) 換位思考perspective taking。有沒有(5歲)會不會甚至慣不慣用別人的角度立場去考慮同一件事、看世界 就像肌肉,不多用就不會變得發達 2. 知「埞」(知道自己就算再努力也徒勞無功) 了解自己及知道自己在這個世界的定位 know your own position & 自我控制 self-control connect with the reality 活在現實中,做符合現實的行為 3. Resilience 堅毅/抗壓 (就算徒勞無功仍不斷堅持) 大方處理事情,更是抵受痛苦的能耐,往往取決於是否知道自己的意義和使命 Nietzsche: "He who has a why to live can almost bear any how." 尼采:「知道為什麼要承受(某些人事物)的人,什麼都承受得住。」 因為好清楚自己的目標和方向,願意為意義去承受痛苦。 - 非常感謝樹洞香港有字幕,我(臺灣人)才能看懂這麼有深度的內容,雖然廣東話還是花了一些時間查和了解 上字幕好辛苦呀加油!
When people offend me. I will firstly think of what is their intention. They don't like u or warmly remind u to improve something. And also. I will see what qualification they have
Not necessarily contradictive. The second point is knowing one's capabilities, while the third point refers to expectation of results. For instance, an extremely capable micro-biologist might spend his entire life on finding a cure for some terminal diseases fully knowing the probability of finding a cure is minimal.