Psychedelic Mystical Experience Tier List

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Josie Kins

Josie Kins

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@josikinz 2 жыл бұрын
If you like what I do and/or want to join my private discord server, then please consider supporting me on patreon: - Thanks! :) Also, I can't believe I forgot to include the experience of an "all-encompassing white light" and also feelings of "overwhelming love and peace" within this tier list. Either way though, they're both F-tier and I refuse to elaborate further.
@mateosananto8594 2 жыл бұрын
I have had a truly awesome experience while on psylocybin. Please contact me
@josikinz 2 жыл бұрын
@@mateosananto8594 you are welcome to email your experience reports to
@Postulatedstate Жыл бұрын
@Josikinz serious question not passing judgement or here to talk trash. I notice the occult symbolism(all seeing eye) and gotta ask and are you a satanist?
@josikinz Жыл бұрын
@@Postulatedstate no i am not a satanist lol, i literally just think the all-seeing eye is a cool looking symbol
@waynesilverman3048 Жыл бұрын
It's good you have put so much effort in these videos, have mentioned the rush and energy you get from the visuals and the physical energy you get ? as I've wondered how the drug does that.
@DEBO5 2 жыл бұрын
Explaining psychedelics and spirituality with a seemingly computer science based lens is just about the coolest thing I’ve come across in a long time. Well done!
@josikinz 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I see the brain as an extremely powerful meat computer and thus always analyze it through that lens.
@DEBO5 2 жыл бұрын
@@josikinz if you haven’t already, I’d recommend checking out “Principles of Synthetic Intelligence: an architecture of motivated cognition” by Joscha Bach.
@jaceybenton Жыл бұрын
@@josikinz I think it is deeply important to note that your experiences are shared. Your views too. I think the unity of our experiences and understanding in our generation are going to help the world when it reaches the mainstream. Thank you both for talking about this.
@nomadishere Жыл бұрын
@hamdoolam Жыл бұрын
@Darodos1 2 жыл бұрын
The experience of seeing the inner workings of my mind and subconscious was actually one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. back then, I had suffered from severe depression and had trouble with very poor self worth etc.. on a strong mushroom trip, I was shown the exact processes through which those states of being were created for me, and thus I was able to put an end to them.
@virtualtools_3021 2 жыл бұрын
had that on 10g syrian rue boiled for 12 hours into tea along with 20 seed hwbr, drastically reduced my anxiety and made it more motivating than freezing if that makes any sense
@NewStarConstellation Жыл бұрын
@@virtualtools_3021 I does. Syrian Rue contain Harmins which are Monoamino Oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, the Baby Woodsrose contains LSA. Both together should give quite some effect, although MAO inhibitos can be quite dangerous combined with other substances or certain foods, including death. One has to know what one does in this field, it can make the difference between a good psychedelic experience and real-life hell.... Glad to hear you are better btw!
@NewStarConstellation Жыл бұрын
What exactly did you do to alter your states?
@frocco7125 Жыл бұрын
That is amazing!
@andyparrish1933 Жыл бұрын
Glad to hear, congratulations 🎉
@dogchaser520 Жыл бұрын
Unity/Interconnectedness as S tier melted my heart. You're in the right place! This is "Enlightenment," for lack of a better word, and people dedicate their lives to trying to maintain it. I could not agree more that it is the key to true transformation of society: the end of war and exploitation as we know it. And as a bonus, a feeling of reverence for all existence. Truly the key to happiness there! Some techniques I've used to try and remember this as often as possible, because it's so easy to forget: - Writing a personal symbol on or tattooing part of the body that you see regularly and associate with unity - Associating it with a number (for me it's 11, as in 1 = 1; 11:11 is the time of day that reminds me of this most) - Tallying in a notebook + date each time you remember and return to a sense of unity, and possibly taking note of how long you "forgot" for - Any other associations you can make, such as with a favorite food, a direction, a musical note, a smell, ... - Simply writing notes around that remind you It will take time, but once we can reliably hold on to the concept that all beings and things in the universe are part of ourselves, we'll have the ability to reach a new level of socio-ecological evolution that we can barely conceive of now.
@therealCellblock1138 Жыл бұрын
That would require humans to evolve past their fear of scarcity which leads to competition of resources. Think about how difficult that is to achieve on just a personal level for yourself and then apply that thought to a global civilization whose majority have zero interest in even being open to that concept. We're thousands of years away from that utopia, if even possible at all, as free will will always exist.
@MrCmon113 8 ай бұрын
You are totally delusional about why people fight wars. They have genuine grievances, genuine problems. It's not just that people are less enlightened than you.
@tttxnft3565 8 ай бұрын
The same energy that guides the planets, guides us… the mind, body, and soul… your body is not of your own. Your actions either propel or degrade the connection, and we all share this connection. It’s like Lovecraft meets Cloud Atlas. It’s all an illusion, haha.
@alexdowlen9347 3 ай бұрын
This is a fantastic comment. Thank you for sharing.
@superioropinion7116 Жыл бұрын
“End of the line” effect is absolutely terrifying especially is it's mixed with the feeling that everything is predetermined. You feel like a pawn on someone else's chessboard
@zachhoy Жыл бұрын
perhaps everything *is* predetermined though
@verloreneseele8898 Жыл бұрын
As a hard determinist, everytime I'm peaking on psychedelics, when I think of determinism, I instantly get this effect. It's not really terrifying, but really weird, lol
@menstrualdissonance Жыл бұрын
combined with the experience of unity, and the general mindset i have that we don't have free will, its actually quite peaceful for me to feel as though im serving my role at this time in a larger scheme
@crunchymushy Ай бұрын
yeah, i know what you mean. But once I've let go at that point i understand i really can't do much about it. Maybe free will is an illusion but damn is it convincing and fun and beautiful
@brickstep8424 Жыл бұрын
Since having deep experiences, everyday life seems to be quite mystical.
@queentrinicorn9441 Жыл бұрын
As a psychedelic artist … I agree. During that profound time in my life, my art style changed 😮 I started to take myself seriously bc I had something different 🎨👩🏽‍🎨… frankly it was catalyzed by all these trippy feelings I couldn’t fully understand or describe yet. I would just express it through my work 😮 I “got the message and hung up the phone,” as they say, so it’s been years now 😌 STILL processing what I learned tbh. Life felt really dark before that. Now I tend to get joy out of finding little patterns, synchronicities and simple pleasures in everyday life too 😄🌞✌🏾 The stop and smell the roses effect 🤭 that’s what I call it! I wonder if you went through something similar? I’m happy the feeling found you 🤭
@dragonmystic100 Жыл бұрын
Omg you founded the psychonaut wiki. Glad to meet you even through the internet. Maybe we'll meet on the other side at some point. But thanks for your contribution to humanity :D
@taru4635 Жыл бұрын
I like how some of the highest rated ones are also concepts theorized and generally accepted in actual physics. Anyway, people like you are really needed. As a computer science person with a materialist view of the universe who believes there's a lot to learn from this stuff, please keep it up.
@Feltip6 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely brilliant. Well done. It's so crucial to be able to demystify psychedelic experiences. Spirituality is definitely important but unfortunately, many people take it way too far in the new-age direction while at the same time criticising institutional religions. What they fail to see is that they're simply replacing one 'religion' with another. Yet, the concept underpinning the belief system is basically the same. Ascribing objective meaning to subjective experiences is incompatible with reason and logic.
@nataliezementbeisser1492 Жыл бұрын
We have to build a rational psychonaut community.
@joeytofil2259 Жыл бұрын
The psychedelic experience is extremely profound and it's very easy to read too deeply or interpret experiences in an inaccurate way. On the other hand, it's also possible an experience can soften a person's stance on religion in general, making them more open minded towards them.
@Al-ji4gd 6 ай бұрын
I don't think it's crucial to demystify anything. The fact that one has a mystical experiences shouldn't be downplayed or dismissed or anything like that, that's just going too far in the opposite direction. Fundamentally, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it making one more sensitive to religion in any way. The experience itself and what results from it is far more profound for the individual than anything else about it. ''Ascribing objective meaning to subjective experiences is incompatible with reason and logic.'' I don't see that at all. Experience should be on a level playing field than any third-person account of what might be happening.
@ricedreem 2 жыл бұрын
Incredible work. I'm a psychotherapist and your transpersonal work is much needed. Thank you for your work.
@FromTheRootsToTheCrown Жыл бұрын
Seems like she was complimenting not consulting. To say chiropractic work is in the realm of not helping but not harming I guess you don't think massage amd physical therapy work either lol. As a therapist myself I can tell you I've done work with scientific backing. Watching blood pressure reduce permanently, watching adhesions and inflammation completely go away. Had a woman who couldn't walk even ten steps and had to Uber everywhere . She came to me because she needed to drive to Florida in 1 and a half months. After 5 sessions she drove there and back no problem. Tf are you on about
@FromTheRootsToTheCrown Жыл бұрын
I don't blame you with this outlook you obviously aren't In the field . Which means you haven't seen it for yourself . But which also means your opinion is just that. An opinion.
@FromTheRootsToTheCrown Жыл бұрын
And why are you watching the videos if you think they have no purpose
@FromTheRootsToTheCrown Жыл бұрын
@bonker Breeens Again so I'm assuming you feel that way about massage and physical therapy which is in that community. Again I have seen these things workScientific trial-and-error and the statistics coming out on topIn that community. You're sourcing your information from the Internet whereas I am sourcing it from hands on everyday workAgain your opinion is just your opinion
@FromTheRootsToTheCrown Жыл бұрын
@bonker Breeens I'm not a chiropractor I'm a physical therapist you idiot
@poprockies Жыл бұрын
telepathy is the #1 most convincing thing i've experienced on psychedelics. word for word conversations as easy as speaking once you're on the same wavelength. you literally HEAR them speaking the same as you hear your own thoughts. i've only experienced this with an intimate partner.
@ordinarytree4678 Жыл бұрын
To explain this more psychologically, perhaps it arises from you being able to accuratelt simulate the thought patterns of the other person because you understand them so well.
@razzledazzledorito6552 Жыл бұрын
@@ordinarytree4678 I’ve experienced it with a near stranger so I wouldn’t limit it to just that. I just think it becomes easier if you are intimate with that person.
@mrrafsk Жыл бұрын
from personal experience, i got 5ys of telepathy experiences, I highly recommend one learns active listening as a skill to balance this trait to keep one well.
@thetruth00 Жыл бұрын
I've had this experience in a group of people.. knowing word for word what each person was going to say.. this has only happened when under the influence of lsd, and coming out of a decent nitrous hit. I've experienced this more than once. But im not sure I ever considered it telepathy.. more the feeling of dejavu.. feeling like this exact situation has already been experienced.. or something like seeing time slightly ahead of reality
@access5870 11 ай бұрын
@@ordinarytree4678What do you mean by “more psychologically”? What I clearly hear is “in reality what’s happening”. How do you know that? You don’t. And these sort of “science based” hard stances is actually significantly holding back humanity’s knowledge acquisition about the TRUE nature of our reality. Step away from the trance that “science” has on you.
@ronpatriot6679 Жыл бұрын
Only recently happened upon your channel, and find your insights and analysis to be superb. I've done acid a few times more than 40 years ago, mescaline once, and shrooms two or three times about 30 years ago. No question, mushrooms have been my absolute favorite trip, and I really want to resume consumption on a semi-regular basis. My previous trips have been a mild to moderate, based on your scale. But at some point, I would like to not only expand beyond, but turn others on for the improvement of mental health. Just want to say thank you for your work.
@obitouchiha6980 Жыл бұрын
I love how much of a robot you are Josie. I bet you see everything in matrix code. Keep up the good work!
@josikinz Жыл бұрын
@furryshit6040 Жыл бұрын
Hey I just wanted to say I really appreciate you for talking about DP/DR. It's something I struggle with pretty badly as well and I related a lot to that.
@mistybridle Жыл бұрын
I find myself feeling most of these things sober, however it only feels like framework. When I'm on hallucinogenics it feels like the whole building is there. Sort of like the difference between looking at a recipe and knowing how to make it from experience. This is a really interesting video, thank you for posting!!
@WillyWompa Жыл бұрын
love this comment, resonates with me. After much psychedelic use, i feel "more in that state" more often. Tbh ive been doing them since I was 16, and have experienced disassociation, and all stages that they've listed in this video, however multiple times. at this point I feel as though I've "experienced it all" as in I feel as though I live in eternity. only problem is I'm "stuck in my temporal body". I dont feel like that all the time, but i see some peoples trials as trivial when they need not be. I dont Not-Care about life, I just thinks its funny that people care about certain things.
@adamkorbiak8171 10 ай бұрын
You should do a video on having an experience vs. a realization. When experiencing unity consciousness on drugs after coming down the mind sends a thought and claims what happened as an experience "I" had. Once that thought is believed, the ego is back with the ultimate carrot to chase. Once the illusion of self is truly experientially seen so that it becomes something known (not conceptually understood) the "I" is seen to be false and can no longer believed when it tries to claim the experience and realization occurs. The old way of experiencing subject object is known to be false and is no longer experienced. Can't ever go back to "I was just tripping balls when I thought that" anymore than believing Santa is real again no matter how much fun that would be on Christmas. Experiences are interesting but come, go, and ultimately their significance has to be seen through. Realization is what we're really after. A permanent change at the level of identity.
@cancel1913 7 ай бұрын
The fact that this subject matter is treated with such respect and with such truth finding subjectivity is enlightening itself. Excellent video indeed.
@nataliezementbeisser1492 Жыл бұрын
I experienced most of this. Nice to see it in a list and debated in such a smart way! Great work.
@PieMK6R 2 жыл бұрын
Been sharing your work with people I love! Happy to exist with others, like me and read the crazy comment sections XD Congrats on one of your videos hitting 1 million views! It has definitely meant something to us as a whole
@siroNT 8 ай бұрын
I am Japanese and I was amazed at the incredible work they were doing. What is being described here is also what is presented in Buddhism in concepts such as Makyō and Śūnyatā, for example, but it is classified in a very detailed and precise manner. This is what Buddhism should have done.
@nauka7565 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, you share the same view as mine, I had depersonalization derealization when in the pandemic and when it wears off I feel alive that wow I'm alive, I'm me. And the causal determinism, but I want to feel some unity, I get the idea, I understand it, but I can't feel it, I still fear death, I have an ego, I believe in causal determinism but that doesn't mean as a consciousness experiencing experiences including thoughts, I can't feel my conscious being, I believe that I am what I am, I am consciousness, I'm not this person, I'm just consciousness, and sleep and death is a loss of me, of what I experience, I fear memory loss, dementia, and death, it lingers in my mind even though I understand that we are an atom, a universe experiencing itself, we are objectively made out of the same thing.
@jonathandill3557 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad to finally hear these phenomena explained from a materialistic perspective. I can certainly understand the seduction of wanting something to be true, but that is empty and unsatisfying.
@disturb0234 Жыл бұрын
I do also believe dissolution of self is the true ego death. And the arrogance accompanied is soooo common. You really know your stuff. I love your content and your intellectual insight. Much love!
@nataliezementbeisser1492 Жыл бұрын
I think it's a defense mechanism of the ego. It reacts to ego death with ego inflation. Usually I thought after my ego deaths: "It has nothing to do with me that I came back: That was nature, not me." I guess other psychonauts have different (false) ideas
@disturb0234 Жыл бұрын
@@nataliezementbeisser1492 that’s what I think as well. I’ve heard of as well as have seen many instances of people “egotising” (for lack of a better word) the spiritual experience and incorporating it into their egoic identity thus furthering themselves from true spiritual enlightenment if left unchecked and unacknowledged. The ego hates losing and being stifled so to compensate the ego will attempt rationalize the spiritual experience, thus destroying the integrity and authenticity of the moment. The ego doesn’t quite understand that there is more going on in the world that we cannot see or hear than that which is perceptible. Understandable and effective defensive mechanism
@jasonjewell1667 Жыл бұрын
Josie I believe I may have experienced the fragmenting you speak of. I had an Ego Death ,Before doing any real research on it. I had heard Dennis and Terrance McKenna use the term ,But never did a dive into the terminology. For about 3 weeks afterwards I struggled with a new self. I can only describe it as a deck of cards being thrown on the floor and I was allowed to pick up the ones I wanted and leave all the others to be discarded. It was very hard to accomplish task as I was often in deep thought about my ideas on things such as religion,relationships,and the experience itself,Etc. I was so torn on many issues that they would not leave my thoughts. I was not until about the 3 week mark that I noticed I no longer had anxiety,fear of death,depression,drug addiction or a drink of alcohol. It was a process where I would rethink everything I had thought about my 41 years of life and break it into pieces and new possibilities. It would often leave me feeling scattered Brained expecially in the 1st 2 weeks. Many times I would put on a podcast or some music to try and regain some focus while working.I think maybe this could have been my experience do to my lack of knowledge of what an Ego death was in full? Maybe that is why it was more of fragmenting as I was reflecting on my experience with out the imput of others precious experiences? Could it be possible that it is more profound in those who experience EgoDeath and fight it such as myself,then surrender without the prior knowledge of surrendering and can change the mood of the trip as it did for me. This was the spark for me that made me question everything starting with what I thought about my experience itself and what was possible with psychedelics.
@coryshinn5764 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never done any sort of drugs before, but I found myself relating to many of these experiences. I thought it was interesting how each was described, and I never knew others had experiences like these as well. You both seem very knowledgeable, and I appreciate the professionalism.
@crunchymushy Ай бұрын
this video is so damn good. Also quite old which is a surprise because i 100% thought you uploaded it just now
@Inverts4Introverts Ай бұрын
Perception of opposites. When i did dmt with 2 friends, the first one to take his hit just started chanting, "Everything is nothing, nothing in everything." Needless to set, that set me up for a very, very stressful but eye-opening trip. But then after a few years of thinking on it, his dumb ass was right. Literally. Adams make up the physical world. But adams are mostly empty space. As well as the universe. Its so strange.
@Alismo59 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there, just wanted to say that I have been following your content either through this channel or through your websites for well over 5 years now. I can’t put in words how amazed and thankful I am for your work of organising all of these aspects of psychedelics from the most neutral and ‘down to earth’ possible. All of this really helped me piece together my own experiences. I truly believe that you are making more good than you could ever imagine for the experiences of people and making the subject more accessible and understandable to everybody lucky enough to find you.
@EphraimIgnacio 8 ай бұрын
Speaking as somebody that spent ten years taking psychedelics at least five or six times a week: It gets old. I got sick of having pseudo-intellectual revelations. I still use psychedelics occasionally after having taken a long break. True wisdom comes from living life soberly and honestly. Psychedelics are just a fun treat because we like to laugh and cry sometimes. We should all try not to take ourselves so seriously. The meaning of life is having some fun with your friends, making good memories and following your passions. It’s really that simple!
@muscleandhate 5 ай бұрын
You did it too much tbh
@violetlunakitty Жыл бұрын
As for telepathy, I do think it is possible even in a completely sober state if one is truly on a path of working towards utilizing the entirety of their conscious capability and "brain network", if you will. A friend and I were on LSD once, we exchanged a few words nd then mutually realized after the fact that we had not opened our mouths in a while, it was a telepathic conversation that we had. Our minds were blown lol.
@jashcarred24 Жыл бұрын
I ate 7g of psilocybin mushies not too long ago; and to realize I went through almost half the list is astonishing.
@blarer. Жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree. Whenever I say I have ego death I think of absent selfhood as like you said “exposing you to eternity” I agree. Subbed
@Dia-gnosis Жыл бұрын
McKenna syndrome is an intense form of ontological shock which I believe to be the main objective of the psychedelic experience. After having had these experiences, one is forced to adopt the intuition that consciousness is so much more beautiful and powerful that our previous conceptions of the nature of reality must have been fundamentally flawed. This is why we become drawn to these new ways of thinking. We can either try to reconcile our world view with the experience or we can take the prudent approach by denying and suppressing its implications in an attempt to grasp at our apparent status as sane and grounded individuals. I do not blame people for taking the latter approach because i am also familiar with the intuition that some beliefs are just not supposed to be questioned, that questioning too much will lead to a great deal of alienation and disappointment. These two intuitions are battling each other with the aim of pulling human beings toward either paradigm. A great degree of self skepticism is required if we are to have true confidence in whatever conclusions we might finally settle on but the same is required of the beliefs which we have been programmed with. So is McKenna syndrome bad if it is the objective of the force which attempts to seduce us away from nihilism, psychopathy and the delusion of being a limited self, subject to the laws of matter and biology? Love the video btw josie.
@MrCmon113 8 ай бұрын
It has nothing to do with status, it's simply nonsense to think that taking a substance teaches you anything about cosmology. It's a failure of imagination to suppose that some experience cannot be made up by your brain and that it must be about an outer reality. Why would outer reality intrude only when you're smoking 50mg+ of DMT? That's simply nonsense. You'll have to accept how radically the brain's construction of the world can change given the same ordinary environment.
@jaceybenton Жыл бұрын
My silly pattern thinking monkey brain gets so much serotonin from all synchronicity.
@kirilllosik7054 Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for the fantastic content! Anticipating to see new episodes! 💛
@smileyp4535 Жыл бұрын
I feel the same about the term "ego death" I don't like the term for a number of reasons (it being nebulous being just one) I like to think of ego/personality/seperation from the rest of reality in order to oberserve from within as less of a binary and more of spectrum from full seperation (this is me, this is not) to fuzzy loose boundaries where it's hard to tell and then nothing, absent self hood, and as a result it seems more like your sense of self has more of a volume knob than an on/off switch so that coupled with the fact that it is of course only temporary means I like the term "ego deafening" it gets turned down as you enter the psychedelic experience and turned back up again as you leave it, it can potentially be brought down to zero but not always and it's not permanent (unless something very unique and probably wrong happened)
@ooglyboogly2989 Жыл бұрын
I am happy to learn that I have encountered some of these experiences though I have yet to do psychedelics. I find most of the experiences I have are when I dive very deep into my imagination and then suddenly something sparks and specific events unfold either in the time span of weeks or moments.
@MerryRose__ Жыл бұрын
I've only ever tripped once but I've still experienced almost all of these through either high doses of edible or from when I was meditating 3+ hours every night. I didn't realize how much my meditation experiences shared with psychedelics
@aydenscott3304 7 ай бұрын
In my trips I seem to always think to myself "The trip is always the trip and will forever be the trip because the trip will not stop tripping" Something along those lines but i can only keep it going when im tripping. Love it lmao
@aydenscott3304 7 ай бұрын
reading into it, at the time me speaking about the trip. i know the trip will not last forever, only a couple hours, but at that moment and time it feels eternal. one of my favorite experiences. i experience it often.
@davidholle6569 Жыл бұрын
I had one trip, where i "died" . The death wasn't the horrifying part, i felt like i couldn't avoid it and embraced it. The revival that followed after was the painful part.
@dogchaser520 Жыл бұрын
Oof, haha, yes. It would be easier if we could simply "die". The hardest thing is to come back from it, and be a human (apart from other things) again. In the "death" there is only the All. But hey, here We are. Let's make some dinner, listen to some music and share a laugh.
@kylebowles9820 5 ай бұрын
Random science stuff for your consideration: A deterministic universe is the Block Universe model, unfortunately it can't be true because of entropy, information, and the existence of irreversible, chaotic, and truly random processes. That last one is a subject of debate, but Bells theorem tells us the universe can really be random but at the same time it is correlated. For chaotic systems there is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle which precludes us from even knowing the starting conditions accurately: inevitable chaos is baked into the universe. It's not even free will it's just pure chaos plus the complexity of the human mind. As a computer scientist though i think the incredibly high dimensional graphs of electrochemical neurons is plenty expressive enough to express these things. There seem to be computational atoms that smoothly build up from logic, time and information differentials, and high information entropy. AI models are well known to exhibit new behaviors as they scale, humanity is just beginning to understand emergence.
@monster_madeline Жыл бұрын
Always love coming back to this video, very informative. Thanks for all you do for psychonautics!
@casaroli 9 ай бұрын
I’m aware that the beginning of my story is the most cliche any story involving trips can be, but here we go. I was in Amsterdam and I smoked weed, it wasn’t my first time and I’ve had had psychedelics and other substances before. I had maybe three puffs. I hadn’t smoked it in a while, maybe 5 years or more. After 15 min or so, I suddenly felt like I was back in pre-school. I was seeing people I hadn’t seen in more than 15 years. After this, I was convinced that Amsterdam is the place people go to when their simulation ends. (Sorta like the source in the matrix). Hearing all the different languages, seeing so many different people and all the bikes going by just felt so repetitive that it seemed like that’s where every one goes when their life needs to reset.
@murdapony7982 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing work Josikinz! I am wondering if you have experienced or witnessed spontanious movements like dances or poses that seem to be controlled by a higher intelligence or god. I have looked into it and these are called mudras and they are so ancient that the origin of the term is unknown. They are said to be experienced during a kundalini awakening in yogic circles and can also be induced through use of psychedelics. Some research indicates this can happen during a psychotic break or psychosis. Not sure if its something worthy of adding to the tier or not, but just curious of your thoughts. Thank you!
@vratysanu Жыл бұрын
I myself have tried few psychedelics & can say with my experience that you understand psychedelics better than most.
@mattdelcour8950 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You Josie this video was much needed in the psychedelic community. One love❤️
@natsharpe4364 2 жыл бұрын
Impressed that you experienced so many "true" insights and still retain a healthy skepticism. One thing I'd like to hear more about is how ego deathing feels to yoy considering you're already depersonalized
@josikinz 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, thanks. I am remarkably resistant to psychosis. As for your question: for me when I go through ego death (absent selfhood specifically) I don't really "lose a sense of self", I just sorta forget what my name is or who I am as a general concept and become unable to recall or comprehend such concepts. This is so much so that ego death used to be classified within the Subjective Effect Index as simply high-level long-term memory suppression, which was a bias that was implemented because of my weird brain.
@natsharpe4364 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe your resistance is partly due to your depersonalization (or has the same cause). I think the mind has an entity-generator which "gives life" to whatever it's focused on: other people, dream/movie characters, our selves, dolls, mystical objects. Some people have low-powered generators and some have high-powered ones (empaths and schizophrenics). I don't believe I'm an entity but I still feel like one. So I'm curious what will happen if I meet an entity on psychedelics. It's possible my mind will generate such a convincingly-real presence that I end up rejecting my current belief that they're self-generated. Guess we'll see!
@Vezorlm Жыл бұрын
I hallucinated the Egyptian god Anubis and thought I was dead on mushrooms.
@roaldkala Жыл бұрын
Wonderful list! On the idea of something as “sacred” everything is and isn’t at the same time. A form of both and perception. One can choose to see beauty in anything and everything. How you choose to view the world is choice and all of these choices are true and will be reflected to you. All things hold all perspectives of it. The experience of something sacred may just be a showing of a better thought or choosing a more beneficial perspective. An awakening to perspective as choice. More control over your thoughts. A more creative mode of being. I will have to make a reaction video to this, lots to talk about!
@icewink7100 4 ай бұрын
I gotta say, is really refreshing to hear people talk about psychedelics from a materialist perspective. I’m glad there are other people like me out there!
@hamdoolam Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for all your help
@keelan6998 Жыл бұрын
Definitely going to watch this video again when I ever get down to formalising my trip report. Reading these terms on the wiki is one thing but having you talk about it and give examples makes them so much easier to grasp. Each time you talk about a new type of experience I'm like, oh wow! Yeah! That is exactly what I experienced!!! So grateful for the work that you and everyone else who has contributed has put into this. Also I share your feelings on ego death, I never experienced ego "death", I always thought of it moreso as an ego "expansion" but the sense of unity and some other concepts you describe put it into words so much better than I ever could.
@EllyCatfox 11 ай бұрын
Great video. We love you and thank you for your work. ♡
@justineccleston7517 5 ай бұрын
I didn't even know that "Existential Reaffirmation" was a term until this video. I've since spent the last 2 hours looking into it because I have 1000% experienced this and have never been able to accurately describe it. The more I learn about it, the more I get confused though. I'm only really seeing this associated with Dissociatives and it's driving me crazy because I have never taken one, nor do I know what they feel like. I would think the opposite would happen just based off of the name but that's besides my point. I'm a relatively inexperienced "psychonaut" but I have had this happen a couple of times towards the end of my mushroom trips; It's usually lasts a little bit after I'm done tripping as well. This also kind of happens when I use flower (although it doesn't last very long), but the thing that is driving me absolutely insane is that this feeling is most profound when I take a certain Stimulant Medication and I am finding NOTHING on that. I have ADHD and it is hands down the thing that gets rid of most of my symptoms. Something else I think is worth noting is that I have experienced Derealization when I mixed Mushrooms + THC and that my brother has experiences DP/DR while influenced by THC. I nearly jumped out of my chair when those were mentioned with it, because I have always suspected that they could be related in some way because for me, they feel as almost intense opposites. Or rather, that my "consciousness/awareness" is kind of on a scale. Once I cross a certain threshold near the top of the scale (closer to 100%) I perceive Existential Reaffirmation and once I cross a certain threshold near the bottom of the scale (closer to 0%) I experience Derealization.
@walkergoff3127 Жыл бұрын
I feel like a lot of this depends on personal experience. A lot of these things I'd simply reasoned out myself by a combined interest in philosophy, computer science, physics, the history of religion as a subdiscipline of the history of comparative literature, (post)marxism and critical theory, etc. I would offer that my trips after undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education are much more fruitful than my trips before. My high school trips were garbage because I would've taken Terrance McKenna to be a realist rather than a skilled orator and allegorist.
@qtrax100 3 ай бұрын
you totally right, everyone uses diffrent words to discribe the same thing. Our techno might not sound like your techno kinda thing.
@fabiankempazo7055 Жыл бұрын
"perception of inner mechanics". on salvia it felt I was HACKING the code of my psyche. das was pretty creepy since I was afraid to mess something up in my inner code.
@TCG9777 2 жыл бұрын
This, low key, is some of the funniest shit I've watched all week so far
@GregtheGrey6969 Жыл бұрын
That's a fear response...don't be scared lol
@TheDiabeticGameMaster 7 ай бұрын
You founded the Psychonaut Wiki? Thank you! Subscribed!
@amyf2202 Жыл бұрын
This made me laugh and cry! I agree with everything you’ve said. You are so eloquent! 🎉
@walkergoff3127 Жыл бұрын
I do love that you made the point that whatever people say about the ineffability of psychedelic experience is already a function of language and "experience". Very true. Whole reason for the linguistic turn in the post-Wittgenstein era of the academy. We all play language games. Forgetting it is a game and assuming that there is a direct connection between language (signification) and what we might loosely call "the world," or "reality," etc. is to fall back into pre-Kantian scholastic dogmatism, the way most analytic philosophers after Wittgenstein assumed that the linguistic appartus of the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus (TLP) was more important than what Wittgenstein considered most important, namely that TLP's stylized logical expressions are meant to be taken ironically, because while they present the constituents of all possible logical expressions, and are thus formally perfect, they do nothing to address the content-heavy presentation of experience itself. Thus, when Wittgenstein states that most philosophical problems are pseudoproblems, he's also being ironic. Otherwise, he would have quit reading Schopenhauer and Hegel. Many bullshit presentations of Wittgenstein are just the watered down versions of him a la Bertrand Russell, Saul Kripke, etc. The most fun post-Wittgensteinian analytic philosopher is David Lewis, with his modal realism (any possible logical construction is the representation of a possible world, and that possible world is itself real, though perhaps not actual).
@MrCmon113 8 ай бұрын
All you're doing is ignoring a potential insight. It simply matters if you - in an instance - perceive a scenery of consciousness without it being narrated or feeling like you're narrating it. That's a real, significant difference, no matter what philosophical opinions you have about ontology or logic.
@toni6194 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe ive destroyed my brain, but some of these effects are in my eyes no effects but my perception of reality. I think i got the idea to these concepts from tripping maybe, but i only realized that this must be how everything works after ive been sober for a long time. I would call some of these rather realizations than effects. Awesome video i love your work :D
@golgothan Жыл бұрын
Feels like the "Bio-Computer" can become aware of itself, in how it functions... and some aspect(s) of the body has (or have) full control of the sense signals being sent to the brain, to the point of "hallucinating" (or "not") communication of existential boundaries emanating from bodily fear. Time perception dilation/modulation seems to tease out the effects, or possibility of perceiving conflicting signals (either forward or backward in minute scale, leading to telepathy perceptions, etc...) based on relativity through some kind of Cellular Democracy/Relativity Marketplace to control action. Which then leads me to ask... what is in control of my actions when I feel conflicted? External vs Internal mix? Sometimes it can feel polar/magnetic.
@golgothan Жыл бұрын
About the effects in your eyes... is it purely visual like Blue Light Sprites (seeing stars in a way), Chromatic Abberation (possibly rod/cone signal shift like TikTok logo), or is there also pain in a particular eye?
@melodyaslan Жыл бұрын
this information is so good it feels bad watching it without acid
@jaceybenton Жыл бұрын
Sorry for commenting so much, I just really want to engage with this content. I like what you have to say about Terrence McKenna. He really did get us all talking. I like his teachings, but I agree his semantics make him come across as a bit religious. But that's the best part about this research and these conversations, it interconnects us.
@ianbaez1998 5 ай бұрын
Cool video. Have you ever heard/made a video discussing Analytic Idealism (Bernardo Kastrup)? I used to be a materialist/physicalist, until I encountered David Chalmers's Hard Problem of Consciousness. Then I became a property dualist for a while, and then I read Kant and Schopenhauer and become convinced of Idealism.
@konrad910 Жыл бұрын
It may have been in the video but i once had the experience of reality kind of twisting (somehow visually) and disappearing on an LSD trip (250mcg) peak. My psyche and reality merged and i realized that one's consciousness, perceiving reality in our mind was everything, my psyche was reality. Idk, does that sound like an effect or more like a personal mental problem? It was a few months ago and i suspect i was in a light state of psychosis from earlier experiences.
@hans5221 Жыл бұрын
How Did this affected your normal life after the trip?
@tommydupree2759 Жыл бұрын
I love the content! It’s all about perspective, from my own experience I believe the dmt entity I encountered to be just as real as this in which I am experiencing now. The entity was a version of me from another dimension in a sense who showed me how they were able to communicate with some fascinating devices which made feel a plethora of different emotions rapidly all at once. I also believe that I do create my own reality and I’m interested in what you think about those two things because they didn’t get covered to much in this video.
@mackie42069 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for your work!! i love your content, you are so appreciated
@anthonyc3306 Жыл бұрын
I feel conflicted because I understand the need to bring the “I am enlightened” people back to a more grounded perspective… but being materialistic in the face of these experiences is so contradictory.. I feel so confused about what your position is.
@josikinz Жыл бұрын
My position is that these experiences happen to people but that they are generated within the brain. There’s nothing contradictory about that.
@anthonyc3306 Жыл бұрын
@@josikinz Much respect to you and your work, but there’s no way my brain is doing that. I often hear people say they don’t care one way or the other… but you seem more curious than that. All of these insights you’re having are pointing to the opposite of your position. I think you would find it liberating to reconsider. Perhaps try telling yourself there’s more for a month or two and see if it doesn’t make more sense to you. It certainly does to me.
@MrCmon113 8 ай бұрын
@@anthonyc3306 It's obviously your brain doing that. You'll have to accept that your brain can construct a radically different reality given the same environment. Taking a psychoactive substances into your mouth doesn't tell you anything about the outer world, it doesn't make you a physicist or cosmologist or even a philosopher. It only shows you what your own mind can be like.
@Al-ji4gd 6 ай бұрын
@@MrCmon113 That's not obvious at all. Not only is this idea on dubious metaphysical ground, it also doesn't really reflect our experiences during the trip and their profundity. Not to mention, there is no scientific/empirical result that entails any metaphysical view.
@Al-ji4gd 6 ай бұрын
That's fair enough, but the person in the video is already very clearly confined within a certain metaphysical view, namely that of materialism/physicalism, eliminativism of sorts, and reductionism, and so your words have very little chance of affecting them in any meaningful way.
@josesantos2603 Жыл бұрын
Your channel is amazing. I've been always curious about psychedelic experiences, and now we can see it.
@GrahamHancock-i1e 7 ай бұрын
It's so cool to find a video that discusses so many experiences I've had on psychedelics that were so hard to put words to! Yeah, fuck the word "ego-death"! Of course, I have my subjective disagreements, but this is just incredible!
@AugustWest420 Жыл бұрын
Thank you dears, for all of your genuine, hard work. 💜 I am thrilled to hear your research. How rare a journey, like ours, should cross paths. My highest gratitude! 🌹💀🌹
@RealProfessionalHumanBeing Жыл бұрын
Not suprised that the MPQ psychometrics are on your radar. Great job!!!
@zachhoy Жыл бұрын
appreciate the deep insight Josie
@RXAD80 10 ай бұрын
crazy how i agree with all of this and have experienced it. tryna find a group of psycho scientists glad i have found like minded people.
@taylordavison635 11 ай бұрын
thank you for your videos, appreciate the effort and depth you put into these.
@JuanDeag228 Жыл бұрын
What about being in two places at once? Sort of like in the movie Mr. Nobody. I tend to experience this on DXM.
@sunflowerbadger Жыл бұрын
Noetic insight kept coming up in Robert Waggoner's book Lucid Dreaming. He gives lots of accounts of times he instinctively knew what he was experiencing was the truth. It really did my head in.
@slimeranching Жыл бұрын
11:17 i get that on the comeup like every time i take acid i feel like ive been poisoned but i never take it seriously its just a sense of doom but since ive always known psychedelics arent harmful like that i just shrug it off until im peaking
@jackiemoffitt6780 Жыл бұрын
I think it's important to keep in mind that concepts like reverence/presence of the divine, enlightenment/gnosis, etc were historically developed within a situated context that can include meditation, ecstatic dance, contemplation of texts, etc and is not just intended as a particular feeling when tripping. And I have honestly met many people who explore psychedelics and yet remain, for years, in a toxic 'frat boy' way of life with no apparent "spiritual growth" other than getting into some vague hermetic or dharmic imagery and/or a hankering for 60s music.
@tomasgonzalez9243 2 жыл бұрын
S tier channel, thank you ladys.
@jamiepeterson7773 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making these kinds of videos 💞💞
@DronD-1LP9SV8DO6 Жыл бұрын
One of the effects is «get off the train” The Yellow Arrow (Russian: «Жёлтая стрела ») is the allegorical short story by Victor Pelevin written in 1993. It was published in different collections of works of the author. The hero of the story is Andrei, a passenger on the nonstop express train, tormented by the question of the meaning of traffic. The impetus to the awakening of his consciousness is a meeting with a man named Khan, who showed him the secret inscriptions in the secluded areas of the train. An attempt to find a new point of observation (the so-called "ritual death" - an exit to the roof of the train) does not reveal the truth he is seeking: there are only a few loners with the faces of sleepwalkers continuing their aimless movement on top of the same express train. But one day Andrei and Han see a "strange man with a straw hat over his shoulders," pushing off the roof, jumping over the bridge railing while the train is moving, landing in the river and floating to the shore. The path is indicated, there is a way out of the ordinary space, and the main character Andrei commits an act: he leaves the carriage, chooses the freedom of the world, unfamiliar, disturbing, and the glittering yellow windows of the train flies past to the destroyed bridge. The train moves almost forever, people on it are born and die, doing business and going bankrupt, falling in love and starting families. But this movement is mechanistic and automatic, like the movement of robots, they do not notice it, just as they do not notice the rhythm of the heart, the movement of the blood in the veins, or breathing. The juxtaposition of Russian realities with Eastern philosophy provides a new semantic twist: Buddhism, in particular, helps us understand the meaning of Russian reality. The story uses many allegories, many times the railroad theme is used in every object of this world. The train symbolizes life, the destroyed bridge symbolizes death, and the pounding of the wheels symbolizes the passage of time. There are a number of references to the Bible. There is also an allusion to Franz Kafka's parable "The Railway Passengers". The author uses allegories in the story, as the railway theme is displayed in all objects of this world. "I am closest of all to happiness-although I won’t attempt to define just what it is-when I turn away from the window and am aware, with the edge of my consciousness, that a moment ago I was not here, there was simply the world outside the window, and something beautiful and incomprehensible, something which there is absolutely no need to ‘comprehend,’ existed for a few seconds instead of the usual swarm of thoughts, of which one, like a locomotive, pulls all the others after it, absorbs them all and calls itself ‘I’."
@RXAD80 10 ай бұрын
the noedic realist DEEMSTERS flooding your inbox haha
@tommysistek7980 Жыл бұрын
You videos are beautiful, and using Andy newburg and mark Walden’s work is amazing their books how enlighten changes your brain and how god changes your brain are amazing
@MrBeatYoutube Жыл бұрын
What an amazing video and lovely channel! Subscribed istantly :) Cheers from Italy!
@arnaudjean1159 Жыл бұрын
If you are aware of Alan Watts and his book "the spirit of zen ",along Dogen teachings you know that in a certain point of view illumination and illusion are not different . Ego is just another concept . That's why some people who are not very prepared for such an amount of transcendental experience start to fuck out thinking themself superior !!! They need to read those books and integrate practice of meditation before searching such intense state .
@walkergoff3127 Жыл бұрын
Open Source Ideology... That's really fucking cool. I can see how that project would become almost impossible to execute, but that's a brilliant idea. We need more academics in literature and philosophy who have some background in open source software / Linux / Unix / OpenBSD.
@DanSme1 Жыл бұрын
This might have been mentioned below, but it would be helpful if you provided a definition of the various level of your hierarchy. Or is it simply phenomenological significance to your personally?
@disturb0234 Жыл бұрын
Perception of synchronicity has never left has only enhanced.
@Ndo01 Жыл бұрын
Damn, this is comprehensive.
@laniakeas92 Жыл бұрын
4:20 Oh man. I had it first time trying psylocibines. Scared me immensley. It felt like I was slowly fragmented into different separate conciousness elements that were communicating between each other. Had a bad trip for a short period of time, of course, maybe about 20 objective minutes. Next hours of trip were bliss though. I didn't expect such an effect so it baffled me. Huh. Thanks for explaining that phenomenon
@sting3866 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou Friend 🍄 From New York Just getting into the psychedelic renaissance 🍄 Thankyou for sharing your knowledge 🐸🍄
@DJKomoi Жыл бұрын
I can really relate to what you mentioned around 18:00. I had that shift in experience too. I felt like I am in control and then it went away, but very gradually, over a year or so. I felt bit terrified back then because I was well aware of that and it felt wrong. Now it is super strange to get small blips of that "full controll" sometimes, but very rarely.
@josikinz Жыл бұрын
how long have you been depersonalized for since your feeling of control faded? I'm always interested in hearing other accounts of DPDR
@DJKomoi Жыл бұрын
@@josikinz Did you ever talked about your case of this in some video in more detail? Is that decent idea for future one, or is is just too personal for you?
@MrCmon113 8 ай бұрын
The "feeling" of control is just what it's like when you're lost in thought, not paying clear attention to intentions and actions. If you notice intentions and actions, you notice that there is no one intending and acting - those things simply arise like anything else. That's not a neuropathology, that's an insight.
@Dia-gnosis Жыл бұрын
I propose personal dissolution as a term for the experience of the loss of personal identity while maintaining the sense of self.
@manslaughterinc.9135 Жыл бұрын
Unity, Perception of eternalism, and existential reaffirmation are probably my most common experiences. I almost never have visuals.
@JM-et9kp Жыл бұрын
The way to permanently lock in the unity and interconnectedness is to meditate and realise enlightenment Psychedelics give you a glimpse of it, but the shift in perception doesn’t have a ground to rest on so once the trip is over, you return back to the normal dualistic perception If enough meditation is done and it’s done correctly, then the shift will have a ground to rest on and it’ll be locked in permanently
@taramaclaird9633 Жыл бұрын
This was very helpful.
@AuthenticProphetic Жыл бұрын
Hard disagree on the ineffability take. Words and language can describe anything by definition, but in my view, the point of ineffability is that the experience cannot be articulated to accurately convey the actual feeling to anybody else. You can describe it in the most in depth, detailed, grandiose way possible and while I may be able to understand the description, there is just no way that I can possibly grasp how it felt to be immersed within that experience. For example, I had a DMT experience a couple days ago in which I was shown what I think was the meaning of everything, and it didn't make any sense to me. Whatever the entity or entities were that seemed to be communicating the data basically iterated that that was the point. It's simply outside of my ability as a human to conceptualize the complexity. Now how am I supposed to relay that experience to anybody, especially given that there is a very good possibility that it is all in my mind and that there were no entities at all? You may understand that description at a basic level, but there's just no way for me to explain the equation or insight or whatever it was that I saw because I didn't even understand it myself. How is that not ineffability? Edit: And to add to the point, using your own example of the color blue; how would you describe that color to a blind person? It just feels like a very contrarian perspective to me. Other than that, good video and great channel. I look forward to more content.
@MrCmon113 8 ай бұрын
Imo the experience of ineffability is very effable. The significance is not in things actually being ineffable - that's a philosophical question. The significance is in the inner narrator shutting up for a second and the scenery of consciousness standing for itself. In an instance there isn't me seeing a mug, there's just colours, various levels of brightness, motion, etc without those things being named. I think rightly understood ineffability is very close to non-self.
@SkyTorchFilms Жыл бұрын
This isn't a flex, but wow... I wonder what the statistics are of one surviving all of those experiences and living to tell the tale. As Morty put it... "What a life" 😆 I will agree. These experiences come with a cost. Be careful, plan ahead, don't push your body/brain past its limits, and take your time with these things (pay respect to the substance and the totality of its effects). As an old timer, I will say this though... those experiences are hard to come by. The insight gained can be invaluable. Be safe guys! Nice video by the way!
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