Most commonly used everyday english phrases How come-why We just broke up laset night -how come Don't get me wrong I really like Paris I cannot afford it Would you like to our party tomorrow Don't get me worong. I really want to go, but I promised to take my daughter to science world tomorrow Don't get me worong. I'd love to meet a beautiful girl one day, but I don't like people always trying to hook me up with someone. I'd love to but I don't think we have time to walk the dog every day To be pissed off/piss somebody off I was really pissed off It pissed me off to get a ticket She is a piss pot The parents must be pissed off Just a heads off Just to give you a heads up, your boss will be here in five mins Just a heads up, you may get dissapointed Long story short/ to cut a long sotry short To cut a long story short, I spilled coffee on my shrit before I left Long story short, the police found my bicyle If I were you If I were you, I would break up with him right away If I were you, I would quit What do you mean Your friends always have priority over me I'll be in touch To be honest To be honest, I really don't think he is good for you To be honest, I really don't think that is a good idea