ライブで客席に背中を向けて始まる曲で思いつくのは「Whichi is which」「恋は仮病中」「Sure、じゃあね」とこの曲くらいだけど、アンコールの最初を盛り上げるのなら大人数で歌うこの曲がふさわしい。『♪プロポーション』と歌うところで、ふくちゃんが少し照れてはにかみながら、さりげなくスカートをたくし上げるところがセクシーで毎回楽しみにしていたのに、最近のライブでそのシーンが見られないのは、歌詞にあるように『♪本当は恥ずかしかっただけ』なのかな?
Ahhh the MV is cute and I'm so happy that both Chiho and Marina is in it! Staff must have been planning it for a while. I love this song a lot so I hope the girls will perform it often in the future!
Aww this is so cute! 😍 I was waiting for this song to have an MV because it's really catchy, so I'm glad STU staff decided to make a PV for this. Their outfits are so pretty 💕 And I know I'm a little biased since she's my kami-oshi, but I can't look away from Fuku-chan 💞