Q&A | faith, jordan peterson, reverse dysphoria...

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Daisy Strongin

Daisy Strongin

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@Faddidaddi 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who was raised Christian, had been skeptical since I was a little kid, became Atheist for almost a decade in my early 20's until I started rediscovering God, I say it's a very healthy thing for the Christian faith to question everything and not to take it the way it is.. "Test everything; hold fast what is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21 I will be praying for you that God give you strength to resume your journey in finding answers.
@ShayShayChardonnay 3 жыл бұрын
THIS 🙌🙌🙌 Faith means so much more when it is the end result of your own journey home ❤
@jennapecor1865 3 жыл бұрын
Me tooooooo.....
@eliesh3833 3 жыл бұрын
That's exactly why we even call ourselves "people of faith." Because we don't have all the answers. And with the Bible as our only source of knowledge in regards to God, there's only so much we can know. If we knew everything, if we knew for sure that he exists and that everything in scripture is 100% true at face value, then it wouldn't be called faith, now would it? *2 Corinthians 5: 6-7,* "Therefore we are always confident, although we know that while we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight."
@bl0odtea 3 жыл бұрын
and if she doesn't that's fine too! not everyone has to be a christian :)
@christinewalsh3043 3 жыл бұрын
@@ShayShayChardonnay YES
@nanoname 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe don’t worry about “branding” yourself anything? It sounds like you’re trying to hold onto anything that will give you community or a self of sense (being trans or being Christian). So maybe for a while, just be... with yourself. Learn that your identity is yours and that you don’t need external validation for it. I think that’d be a helpful journey for you! Good luck!
@dulcevalenzuela4203 3 жыл бұрын
@sofiacornejo8628 3 жыл бұрын
@jessicah4462 3 жыл бұрын
Very much this. When we don’t take the time to find out who we are we let the world tell us. And the world is coocoo for cocoa puffs crazy.
@chrismccaffrey8256 3 жыл бұрын
While i appreciate your message, we are a communal species and NEED as a basic healthy mental emotional being, to have community to belong to, to serve and contribute to as well as si.ply experiencing being part of a community.
@Amybirks_pem 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's great that you share your story and share honestly. As a Christian, I can really appreciate that you're not choosing to say that you're Christian when as you said, you're not. It's hard to see many people claiming that they're Christian yet not actually following what the Bible says. I have a lot of respect for the fact that you won't just superficially accept Christianity or try to cherry pick what you will or will not believe from the Bible in order to still somewhat be able to call yourself a Christian, and also that you're also not entirely throwing the idea out the window. Thanks for sharing and keep seeking to learn more!
@InfoLunix 3 жыл бұрын
Same. It's sad but better honest than hypocrite.
@byknutz Жыл бұрын
Please keep reading your Bible. All the answers are in there. It's not a feeling per say. You can't base faith on feeling. It's faith, faith pleases God! What made you stop thinking Christ was not the ultimate way? Because if you SEE the narrative from beginning to end and the the book was formed before the foundation of the world and the book was about Christ, thats why it the Lambs book, Christ is the Lamb. The only way we can get to God and be free, free of sin, is through Christ. It is written, "christ is the only mediator between God and man" its so easy and simple to pick up our cross each day and just say each morning or once a week like me, lol. No but I concentrate all day long at least try to. But just say, cover me with the blood of Jesus, I except your sacrivice, these are the things I've done wrong. Cover me, forgive me, in Jesus name. 🙂
@Lisangel74 3 жыл бұрын
Changing your mind in the way that you do is not weak or lesser or flim flammy. It shows real strength and humbleness and a willingness to learn and evolve. You are unnecessarily hard on yourself.
@Lisangel74 3 жыл бұрын
so my oncologist and I have discussed mastectomy with nipple reconstruction and then later having implants etc. The thought is that, for me, doing the procedures together or even close in time would be far too difficult for my physical body. BTW we do not know if that's even an issue at this point, I'm currently being treated for leukemia but we need to seriously test for breast cancer and lung cancer (not metastasizing but being unlucky enough to simultaneously develop them independently of each other, I'm a rare disease patient for other reasons and this might just be another aspect to how differently my body acts than those of other people) and it's a thing especially with covid and other health issues I have. Anyway he has said a number of his patients have done full mastectomies with nipple reconstruction and then years later decided to go ahead with implants. I actually asked if that wasn't similar to what a trans person would do with the removal part and he said it is essentially exactly the same or in some cases perhaps a little more because they try to remove all the tissue for a lot of people on request, so they don't have as many worries about not getting it all but the surgery ends up the same. Obviously many women and men go for less, removing only lumps to only one breast or as little tissue as possible while still achieving clear margins but a lot go full out. Which is what we've decided I would prefer tbh. The full out, remove everything then we will look into reconstruction or implants a few years later but in the interim just try for nipple reconstruction only. So maybe do consider oncology patients when looking into procedures and outcomes as well, in many ways the procedures themselves are nearly identical even if the reasons for the procedures are different.
@annewithane7876 3 жыл бұрын
just have to say I LOVE the hair
@Dmchadra 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! 😄
@fionamcintosh4814 3 жыл бұрын
@@Dmchadra do you have any siblings?
@jmcclure18 3 жыл бұрын
@@Dmchadra a buddy and I are trying to start a podcast. Would you be willing to do an interview, I would enjoy it if Jason joined you on it.
@TheTriptamineDream 3 жыл бұрын
@@jmcclure18 what's the podcast about? Helps to know what the content is going to be.
@jmcclure18 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheTriptamineDream I am sorry for the slow reply, it is primarily a Christian based podcast, however it will be interview based, with different perspectives. And yours is very unique in that you came to approach Christianity, but decided that it was not what you wanted, but you have obviously had some major life changes not only in the last few months, but also the last few years.
@avi4875 3 жыл бұрын
You look amazing and I'm very happy you found yourself. As a Christian, I respect and applaud that you dedicated your time to trying to figure out scripture and more so that you clarified what you're beliefs were instead of just "being a Christian" while not actually believing in it. I hope you continue to grow and become whoever you're meant to be and continuing looking for the truth.
@jennapecor1865 3 жыл бұрын
Everything you are saying is exactly the Christian struggle. If i could explain my entire 20s, it would be how you just described it. Seriously. I literally have said these things i don’t know how many times. I “lost and found” my faith about 25 times. Jesus never lost and found me. When i became a mom in my 30s and started teaching kids in Sunday school is when my walk changed and it’s because of one thing....Bible literacy. I also will say that it was easiest for me to walk away from Jesus when life was going great and i would find him again when life would fall apart. It was highs and lows of my life and how i felt my life was going that would lead be back and forth with Jesus. Plus...I’m so much like that, too...i changed my mind a lot, lol No matter what....you are loved and you have a beautiful and unique spirit. That’s how God made you. Your spiritual journey will be different than others, and that’s ok.
@coastalcaitlin 3 жыл бұрын
Daisy I want you to know that you are so loved and if you don't feel like you are Christian anymore that's ok. I'm a Christian and I want you to know that you are loved and in my prayers. Try watching the meeting house on KZbin. They really helped me when I felt lost to God. Your journey is yours alone to walk and noone should judge you for it EVER. You will most likely receive ignorant comments from disappointed Christians but please know that not all of us are like that. Jesus loves us all, including you. I hope you find your way back but I understand if you don't. I love you and your content just the same.
@jessicawestbrook3730 3 жыл бұрын
I pray that she does as well. It is her choice. I am more sad than disappointed and I wouldn't say I can celebrate her losing her path with Christ. It's a very unfortunate thing. Nothing to make light of.
@domy6827 3 жыл бұрын
As some saying goes: it is better to have questions without answers than to have answers you won't question.
@hopejackson3935 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian, THANK YOU SO MUCH for being honest! There are plenty of people who are in the church but secretly believe the things you believe, and it's sad a. Because they're not being honest and b. You can't know for sure who believes and doesn't believe. I'm so relieved that you had enough respect for Christianity that you weren't willing to call yourself a Christian and believe things that went against Christianity. Obviously, I hope you continue to ponder and grow and eventually change your mind back towards Christ, but I'm happy that you're being honest with yourself. Also, like everyone else is saying, the hair is amazing:)
@AlisonL520 3 жыл бұрын
I love how you are so well spoken and even though you're a detransitioner, you are not disrespectful to the trans community and even understand it more. You're such a blessing
@anniegonzalez8544 3 жыл бұрын
you look so comfortable in your own skin and you inspire !
@tomomishore5738 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Daisy! I’ve been following your detransition journey online since you started, and I have to say that you’re very courageous for being so open. Thank you for sharing about where you are at this point in your faith and spiritual walk. I am sad that you’ve lost faith in Jesus, but it’s ok and pretty normal to have doubt. I think it’s very common for people who had become Christians or wanted to be Christians to turn away in doubt because it just wasn’t their time yet to start a relationship with God, but at the right time in their lives, many return to God with even stronger faith than before. If you want to believe again, please have patience for Him to bless you with that genuine relationship. Forcing yourself to have faith will make you feel more untrue to yourself and make you suffer, which is not what God would want for you at all. I hope the negative comments don’t get under your skin, and keep up the good work of just being yourself Daisy!
@subsonic9854 3 жыл бұрын
If only all KZbin channels about serious topics were as sober as this. Much respect.
@newtonburr3123 3 жыл бұрын
Miss Daisy Chandra, I understand your struggles, question’ and doubts in the Christian faith. God in the book of Isaiah, says, Come now and let us reason together says the LORD. God is not afraid of your questions, doubts and unbelief. Your still a very young learner of God and the Bible. In fact one never stops learning and growing in the Word of God, and also in their personal walk with Christ. God has answers for all your questions. Two people I recommend that may help you understand the Bible better especially concerning LGBQT issues are Mike Winger and Sean McDowell. I wish you well in all that you seek in life. Don’t give up on God just yet, because He will NEVER give up on you. He demonstrated that for you on the cross. My love and prayers are with you always! Shalom.
@infpmadness 3 жыл бұрын
Your walk is personal and your own. You do not have to justify any of it to anyone. Just know that even Christians with super strong faith have struggles in their walk. I am definitely speaking from personal experience. No matter what, though, whether you claim Christianity or not, you have a beautiful, thoughtful soul and I have enjoyed the bit of you that you have shared with the world. ♡
@hq4287 3 жыл бұрын
Christian transgender person here. I feel so much sympathy for your apprehensiveness about explaining your deconstruction of faith for you. People can be very mean. Especially people who might think an association with a religion makes them free of worrying about being mean. I feel so profoundly aware of the difference in our life experiences, yet actually if I think about it seriously, largely the internal experience is quite common to both of us. I'm going to be honest I didn't watch your last me video about gatekeeping, as being the UK it was a way to triggering topic for me to even look at. However I'm also very pleased to be following you as an online creative. I'm also glad that you felt able to be open with us about what your own spiritual journey is. Honesty makes the World better, no ifs or buts.
@Adam-qu5uk 3 жыл бұрын
She is not a transgender anymore…. She has become her actual gender that God has given her. Which is good. There is no such thing as Christians Trans. Who can you go against gods teaching and believe he never makes mistakes while changing your gender it’s written in the bible it’s not allowed. Yet you choose what you like from it that’s ignorant. I have no hate towards trans. Your life. But your ignoring the fact or being ignorant that it’s not allowed. Having trans feeling or gay feeling is a test from god it’s up to you whether you want to dismiss it or go further with the test.
@TheLightShines 3 жыл бұрын
@@Adam-qu5uk I feel like this comment is unwise.
@lingeringquestions519 3 жыл бұрын
I go to a United Church of Christ church. I was raised in it. We do have openly LGBT+ pastors and other leaders and same-sex marriage, although no one is forced to fully believe in these things. I have always struggled to understand (I'm straight and cisgender, so it's easier) and I have seen arguments for inclusive interpretations and uninclusive ones. I've known people from very different denominations and they couldn't just have their beliefs. Almost every word was full of judgment and some people changed or either started keeping things to themselves, but I was recently in an online Christian group (and I knew I might see this, but I gave it a go, and other people made declarations they were leaving almost all the time) that had a lot of people who were so anti-LGBT+ or anything they see as not ok (like no shows on TV ever) and then in the same group a celebration for reform about divorce and remarriage and some focus on women actually having rights and that we are important. It was disheartening (I also struggle with teachings about divorce and I have about gender and I always wanted to have grace or acceptance given to them, but it seems like not many people there were willing to respect others they see as sinful when they wanted respect from everyone regardless of how they felt) and I'm so grateful I'm in the church I am. I feel like more people have tried to get it right and be nice even when we don't agree.
@Adam-qu5uk 3 жыл бұрын
@Adam-qu5uk 3 жыл бұрын
@@lingeringquestions519 Show me in the bible where it says gay marriage and trans is allowed then I will agree with you.. I do not care what the church says they are forced to agree with the public..What does the bible say as that what's leading people to heaven not the church or the pastor
@kylielesmeister6277 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Daisy! I love how transparent you are! Especially about your faith. I believe in Christ and I want to encourage you on looking to exegete scripture correctly! Biblical Illiteracy is a real thing. It has impacted my faith. We are saved by grace through faith. Not by works (Ephesians 2). I will be praying for you! I am willing to help. :)
@beautifulspirit7420 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus Himself told us we must obey the ten commandments and that charity would open the door to heaven. To the rich young man he told him to sell everything he had, give it to the poor and come follow him. It's faith AND works through grace. Salvation is not a magic ticket or combination of words it's cooperating with God's grace to be transformed into becoming like Christ.
@beautifulspirit7420 3 жыл бұрын
James 2:24 "You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone”.
@shannony6558 3 жыл бұрын
@@beautifulspirit7420 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
@TheLightShines 3 жыл бұрын
@beautifulspirit7420 3 жыл бұрын
Matthew 25: Jesus's own words. Do you think they don't apply to you? 31 'When the Son of man comes in his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat on his throne of glory. 32 All nations will be assembled before him and he willl separate people one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats. 33 He will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right hand, "Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, 36 lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." 37 Then the upright will say to him in reply, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?" 40 And the King will l answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." 41 Then he will say to those on his left hand, "Go away from me, with your curse upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you never gave me food, I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, lacking clothes and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me." 44 Then it will be their turn to ask, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or lacking clothes, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?" 45 Then he will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me." 46 And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the upright to eternal life.'
@FluentWithHayley 10 ай бұрын
I am a Christian and I want to say, I've had this video saved for months for me to watch. I am so grateful you were and are honest. I appreciate that and how you voiced the incongruence between following what the Bible says and how you live. I think that's so noble of you to recognize.
@EleanorMcHugh 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Daisy, it’s good to see you comfortable with the progress of your detransition. In an odd way as a transwoman I find it easier to empathise with your current circumstances than I ever did when you were FTM though I always did admire your candour and good humour. It’s good to see you being equally open about your struggles with faith. There are many denominations of Christianity but sadly most do an effective job of obscuring the core gospel of salvation through grace even when they make that their official priority. There’s so much of the worldly wisdom admonished by Paul in Colossians 1 and it creates a heavy yoke to press down on man when salvation from the due punishment for our sinful nature should be the greatest source of joy. We’re always going to be sinners whilst we inhabit this flesh which is why we need a saviour but it seems that popular preachers fall into two camps: one preach that we must prevent ourselves sinning by strict adherence to whichever rules they advance, the other that sin isn’t really sin and doesn’t really need to be paid for so long as we make this world a better place. The former make it impossible to approach Christ, the latter make Christ irrelevant. It’s actually in our weakness that Christ’s power and mercy can be made manifest and then funnily enough the world would become a better place but those ministries probably wouldn’t be so successful. You have a good insight in recognising that to be a Christian means being able to say honestly that we believe Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God whose death on the cross is the only atonement for sin acceptable to God. Whilst you are having difficulty embracing that truth the very fact that you see it’s what matters means your heart isn’t fundamentally closed to it. I pray that your experience in life will help you embrace it as you’re just the kind of person I hope Heaven will be full of and Hell devoid of. The uniqueness of salvation through Jesus is not an easy thing for any of us to accept because it requires so little of us whilst at the same time offering so much. Being able to honestly say we believe that Jesus is The Christ is the one thing that defines saving grace and each of us has been blessed with the freedom to pursue or reject that - a freedom we have until the moment we day. That God is so forbearing is something I’m eternally grateful for as I’m not only a sinner but also an empiricist and cynic by nature whose mind pulls always to the material and mundane. If my eyes can be opened to the truth then many others’ eyes should find that much easier! Of the Apostles Thomas is the one I feel closest to as I too would have wanted to touch the resurrected Jesus to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating, and I find much comfort in Paul’s honesty about his struggles with his flesh. It’s taken me many decades to see past the dogmas I was taught about Christian faith as a child, the feelings of guilt over the sinful life I’ve lead (and still at times lead), and the intellectual arrogance fuelled by my own worldly wisdom to come to the realisation that the reason Christ’s yoke is light and his path narrow is because HE HAS DONE ALL THE WORK. Instead of trusting him I was looking for ways to trust myself - even though experience tells me I am far from a trustworthy navigator or even narrator of my life experience. Being broken is the Adamic condition, but who really wants to face up to their brokenness? The Bible contains many things which the modern mind rebels at and much which various Christian denominations take out of context or misapply to push the religious agenda of their founders. Too often the hatred of sin seems to be replaced by the hatred of sinners and evangelism consists of telling people they must fix themselves before coming to Christ. Contrast that to the ministry of Jesus who counted amongst his close circle of disciples and followers those He personally called out of crime and vice and depravity. He offered them something better than sin and they willingly followed. Then look at the pulpits of the modern Church, full of the same Pharisaic legalists that Jesus denounced as whitewashed tombs. It’s most disheartening. We should all do our own research like the Bereans, and look not for hidden meanings but for the clear brushstrokes which flow from Old Testament to New and back again. It’s funny how many connections come to light that way. The more I’ve focused on that the more overwhelmed I’ve been at the Bible’s coherence. I trained as a scientist and have worked as a software developer for nearly three decades now so I’m used to finding incoherence in even the most thoughtfully designed things - the Biblical narrative greatly exceeds all my expectations for consistency to the point that if it is untrue and my faith mistaken it is still a singularly magnificent work and man truly blessed by its existence. There are many great resources online these days covering the historicity of the Bible and the Resurrection (which is really the lynchpin issue as either Jesus is God as proven by the Resurrection or else a madman who happened to be exceedingly wise and kind). There are also some very good teachers here on KZbin who are worth checking out. My favourites are Mike Winger, Mike Pearl, Michael Heiser, and Robert Breaker. They come from a Protestant or Non-Conformist background (mine is Catholic) but they share a rigorous approach to the text which I find thought-provoking. There are also some great Catholic and Orthodox channels which put their emphasis on the gospel of Christ against the relevant backdrop of traditions, though there’s so much internal politics in the Catholic Church that that often becomes the focus of discussion which is far from edifying. Blessings to you and Jason. You seem like a well-suited couple and I pray your plans for the future come to fruition. Having a family and raising children can be hard work but it’s worth all the effort.
@OliverBranch 3 жыл бұрын
It's wonderful to see how much happier and more confident you are! Also side note wow you're super pretty
@ChickOnRadio 3 жыл бұрын
Daisy, I will say my journey as a Christian believer has been a winding and bumpy road. There were times I did not listen to God and did my own thing that I knew God did not want me to do, but I noticed that God's love brought me back to him. Life itself is a journey. We have successes and failures. We live and we learn. I think I was much more critical of myself when I was young, and much more confident today, although, hey, we all have things we are self critical about. Your videos do make me smile. I'm listening to you talking about enjoying makeup and it made me chuckle. I've described makeup as being like candy to me. All the pretty shiny colors! You're a very interesting and smart young lady. I'm sure you will continue to figure things out.
@lorenzoc.b.9809 3 жыл бұрын
One of the reasons that made me Catholic is that the Truth is not the Bible, but Jesus. The Bible is not God's Revelation, but its testimony. That's why I don't feel outraged with the verses concerning homosexuality (being myself a person who deals with it), as I know I must understand the truth behind them, and not blindly accept them.
@lorenzoc.b.9809 3 жыл бұрын
@@ob7393 No, but I have studied John Paul II, so I know of the theology of the body. Really modern and orthodox at the same time, so I love it.
@vanessiek 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve gone back and forth with my faith, I think it’s hard to explain my questions or concerns when almost everyone around me believes without question and they don’t understand the need to. I think it’s a personal thing and you deserve all the respect for being honest.
@aleccaprio 3 жыл бұрын
hey daisy! i sorta just wanted to share some of my experiences with you & i hope u read it! just because it really is realer than anything. i got saved in January. i had a similar testimony as you did, i identified as non binary, queer, gay, was into philosophy as well, super left, had practiced so many different religions and beliefs- buddhism, hinduism, new age spirituality, wicca, occult practices etc. went through so many identity crisis, i’d paint upside crosses on my chest and go out, i was so so far gone and so broken inside filled with so much hatred for Christianity, just needing so much validation from people and wanting any kind of attention as negative as it would be. i had become convinced of evolution and tried finding my identity in anything, i’d study for hours and hours was reading the end of faith by sam harris and was just so dedicated to disproving christianity. i was under so much stress and was self harming and threatening suicide that i was hospitalized and had to move in with my parents who i had a strained relationship with. while i was home i had a supernatural encounter with God and he saved my life and everything got turned around. radically. there are so many things that had happened to me but i’ll share a few things. the verse “deny yourself pick up your cross daily and follow me, whoever wants to save their life will lose it but whoever loses their life for me will save it” was on my heart this own morning after being saved i wanted to go deeper and know what that meant so watched a sermon online and it hit me so hard it’s not being a fan of jesus but being a follower of jesus. i went inside and i threw away all my cigs after trying to quit for so long (but obedience is better than sacrifice which at the time i didn’t understand lol) so then i looked at my phone and the verse of the day was that same verse bc i had recently downloaded the bible app? and i knew that i knew that God was trying to speak to me through his Word. then my dad came home and i asked if he knew that verse and while i was telling it to him he cut me off and literally was like i was having revelation over that verse and my mind was being flooded by explanations on it and i felt like i needed to tell someone and i was like literally in awe. so later that night i opened up my devotional and the entire devotional for that day was on that verse and surrendering all to God. I have struggled so much with surrendering my views to God my ideas my philosophies, it’s been a major battle. after that experience i started getting extremely blasphemous thoughts about God, the holy spirit, Jesus that i’d never had in my entire life and making me question salvation hard core. Then i started experiencing (and still experience) physical demonic attacks, i have convulsions and muscle spasms all over my body, i’ll have jabs in my ribs, i’ll have chills flood my body, i’ll have something feeling like i’m being hit in head, my eyes will twitch and it’s all linked to the blasphemous thoughts that i STILL experience 5 months after saying yes to Jesus. The enemy wants to keep you from your destiny in Christ, your identity in him, your ability to be a difference maker, because you ARE a difference maker. he hates your testimony, he hates that you spoke out, he hates your life, that you have leadership skills, that you have a powerful voice, that you have intelligence and wisdom and a testimony that can be used to bring people into the light, he hates that God moved in your life, he’s the father of lies literally word for word. he’s thwarting your purpose and I just want to be the one to tell you that because i wouldn’t be loving or responsible if i just watched this video and didn’t share the testimony God has given me. i just want to share with you this because i know how hard faith is and there were days i thought i lost it all and experienced so much apathy but in this season in spite of this spiritual warfare going on in my life i’m learning to lean into Christ and to be steadfast within this trial because that’s all it is. God gave me the grace when i got saved of literally piecing creation together in my brain like my brain got shut off and he controlled everything and then he pieced together Jesus for me because i didn’t come to Christianity for Jesus I came just because i had nothing left and i needed the answer to life and had a moment of humility to pray a prayer and he helped me LATER understand why Jesus is the only one, he loved me so much that even though i didn’t want Jesus he pieced Him together for me supernaturally, and that’s the love of God- that he doesn’t want anyone to be left out of his goodness and his grace. because i believed hardcore in evolution. that same night the holy spirit took over ( i was on a walk literally at like 12 AM in my neighborhood )and i started yelling as loud as i could that Jesus is Lord over and over again after he showed me who Jesus was, and the Bible says that only the spirit of God will make a person say that Jesus is Lord. The Bible IS truth, i promise you on everything i have. like i was totally out of control and God took over everything in my body supernaturally. i promise you that i’m just a normal person, but these experiences are real and there really is one way, truth, and life and it is Jesus. I know what it’s like to be non christian, i know every argument against it, i hated Christianity, was totally under the demonic before getting saved and am facing a spiritual battle for my soul currently, But Gods mercy triumphs over judgment and God is love ❤️ We must humble ourselves, this is a daily thing for me. pride is my biggest struggle and always has been so i know it’s not easy to submit to the Bible especially because it’s so simple, believe me i get it. But yeah Daisy, you’re awesome sauce i love ya and i know God’s love for you is extravagant and everlasting.
@sugaringcozy 2 жыл бұрын
Can I ask what you think about homosexuality now? My biggest problem with the bible, like Daisy, is that I don’t think homosexuals are bad, and I think they should have the same rights as us. If you truly are a certain sexuality, you aren’t able to change that because that’s how God made you, and so I feel agonised over the fact that according to the bible it’s okay to persecute people who can’t change that part of themselves. There are obviously some very unpleasant and demonic people in the world, and some of them can be gay- but as a Christian I feel like it’s up to God to judge them and change them, not us.
@lucix4217 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing amazing amazing testimony!!!! SOOO HAPPY reading this! GOD IS AWESOME and NOBODY is too far gone for him!!! Literally there is NO SIN that can keep us away from His love!!! Even the most wicked murdered, rapist, whatever and whoever can be redeemed through the blood of Jesus!! He already paid the price! Glory! Thank you so much for sharing this, I’m a fellow believer and I am alwaysss so stirred up by testimonies! God bless you
@Eviepossible 3 жыл бұрын
Okay, now I that I watched the whole video I can comment more coherently haha. Thank you so much for your honesty on this video, especially on such a wide range of topics. I was really humbled by your words around the 18min mark about being a woman. It made me realize how much I devalue and take for granted womanhood. You've given me a lot to think about. As far as people telling you that you are smart, I hope they do! You and Jason are clearly two sharp cookies, well spoken, well read and deeply insightful and intentional. Daisy, I am really sorry that you braced yourself for a negative response regarding where you stand with Jesus right now, though that was probably a realistic thing to do. I hope people are loving and accepting of what you and Jason believe no matter their own personal sorrow or disappointment. I also hope it doesn't bother you or Jason, but I can't deny the fact that at random moments I do feel God put you on my heart and lead me to pray for you! Anyway, love to you and Jason and thank you for this video! It was good to hear his thoughts too! I really respect how you didn't speak for him but had him say his own thoughts!
@simismith9093 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if you'll see this, but wanted to drop a line. Galatians 3 - New Living Translation says this: "After starting your new lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? Have you experienced so much for nothing? Surely it was not in vain, was it?" The spiritual walk you started with God has to be maintained the same way you started it. You started it by asking God to reveal Himself to you, and He did. You'll need to keep asking Him for that everyday. Even Paul the Apostle prayed to know Jesus more, and prayed constantly for God's enlightenment. You started with God's help, and it'll rake God's help every step of the way. Just want to encourage you to ask Him once again to reveal Himself to you, if that's what you still want. Much love, and thanks for sharing your experiences here on KZbin!
@MeowHelloKitty 3 жыл бұрын
I honestly believe that you are very intelligent. I’m a newish subscriber, and haven’t seen all of your videos, but I’ve seen a lot of them. I support you and whatever gender you embrace. I also support whatever religious beliefs you hold, and I have to admit I felt relieved when you said that you were no longer feeling evangelical Christian. I was a bit grossed out by many of the supposed Christians commenting on your video regarding detransitioning and religion. I hope they will simmer down and let you have peace on your journey. 💟☮️
@meh_im_a_sheep6018 3 жыл бұрын
You always amaze me about your style. In both genders that you expressed yourself, I've always looked at you and envied how you seem to always choose the best possible clothes/colors to complement your features.
@kengelina 3 жыл бұрын
Listening to you talk about your experience with God, I felt both happy that you questioned and researched rather than just accepting religion blindly, and sad that holding a relationship with God is so profoundly black and white for you. I have spent years deconstructing my faith (or the indoctrination that comes with being a “Christian”). I agonised over many of the scriptures you referred to and my identity as a gay woman. It took a long time, much research, reflection and some deep conversations, but I eventually realised that one of the greatest enemies of relationship with God is the black and white thinking that Christianity adopts. It is possible that the bible is both the word of God AND the thoughts of the men who wrote its chapters. Two things can be true at once. It is also true that many Biblical words and phrases were translated through particular lenses into English. This is worth studying in depth, particularly if scriptures around homosexuality don’t sit right with you. They don’t sit well with many people and there’s a reason for that. Maybe in your journey you’ll find a way to let go of the idea of fundamentalist Christianity and embrace relationship with God in all its complexities and grey areas. Best of luck to you!
@Eviepossible 3 жыл бұрын
Daisy! I was just thinking yesterday how much I need to let you know I have been praying for you and that your story really makes me rejoice. I'll watch the video now but I got so excited to see you post that I had to say something right away. You have been on my heart!
@eileenlester4342 3 жыл бұрын
Daisy, thank you for being so honest regarding your views on religion. Each person must do what they feel is best for themselves, regardless of what others may think...as long as they are harming no one else. Please resume reading the scripture. Praying for you. 🙏💜🙏
@ThatLauraPerson 3 жыл бұрын
You are so honest and real. Love seeing someone be sooo open, a lot of this is hard to speak about.
@ThatLauraPerson 3 жыл бұрын
Also- just saw you on 60 minutes!!!
@y-yyy 3 жыл бұрын
It's been fascinating to read the array of Christian responses to this video, ranging from "you do you girl" to a wide selection of unintentionally mildly condescending comments along the lines of "I pray for you to get on the right path and find Jesus again". Very interesting stuff. I'm happy to see you thriving and in peace. :) Hugs.
@eiliss643 3 жыл бұрын
I found your videos not to long ago. I am not a parent, but I am a teacher and at times I do not know how to help or guide students that are facing your same situation. Your videos have helped me so much in both understanding better what they might be going through, and finding a way to help them untangle their feeling and wants. I hope that you are able to keep finding yourself and help many others.
@amuthanshan 3 жыл бұрын
When you said that you and Jason were synchronised when you tried to be Christians, it crossed my mind whether you were equally synchronised when you decided to stop. It wouldn't surprise me if someone made the first move and how interesting it would have been to see how that conversation played out.
@UteHeggenTranswidowHeals 3 жыл бұрын
Your faith can evolve. Mine did. At one time, I prayed in synagogue that my husband shall remain a man. He did not. He transitioned. Expensive divorce, lots of unresolved issues. I still pray sometimes, but more for strength, as a meditation. The Bible is a collection of antique wriitings, telling the people of times long past, their interpretations of the answers to the hard questions. No one should take the words literally. There is poetry beauty, love and war in the Bible. It is our job to find our own center, our own selves, and be helpful to those in need. Be well always, Daisy!
@TheTriptamineDream 3 жыл бұрын
I'm happy you didn't jump down the fundamentalist Christian maze. The fact that so few Christians read the Bible as allegory or story is depressing. I am an agnostic, but have a few friends in the unitarian church and that seems awesome.
@l3xfi3ld 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Daisy, I discovered your videos when you made a video about Jordan Peterson, I tried reaching out to you a couple of years ago but I'm too much of a boomer so I didn't even tag you in the tweet, it was a video about trans regret. I wanted to reach out to you because I always felt like you were more of a girl than a guy, following the psychology that Jordan speaks about male and female tendencies. I was very glad when I saw your video about transitioning and that's not related to me and my beliefs but I truly thought that you were doing something that was truly yours even though I must admit that the reason you gave, you faith, for de-transitioning rubbed me the wrong way, I felt as if you were going from one extreme another one and I must admit that my ego got quite a bit bigger for being right about these 2 things :P I wanted to share with you my thoughts in this moment, I grew up as an orthodox Christian, I stopped believing in the Christian god when I was around 8 even if everyone around me was a believer, I went back and forth about religion, arguing with atheists and Christians the same, being always in the middle, at the moment I cannot call myself a Christian but also I do consider myself to have a lot of faith that are tightly connected to Christianity, I consider atheists to be lost and foundamentalist to be brainwashed/lying to themselves. With that said I would have this to say to you, faith is something personal to each and every person, you're never forced to believe in the books that have been written and rewritten by people hundreds of times to fit their own personal faith, that is a fact that cannot be ignored and should not, I took from my upbringing and lessons about Christianity what I thought was useful at an emotional level, a scientific level, biological level and most of all with my intuition, I would not suggest to anyone to take everything literally and believe every word written in the bible, I strongly believe that God never meant for that to happen. You had a lot of hardship because of social pressure, what people wanted and expected of you and you went from one extreme to another in quite a short period of time, so I suggest to you to try to find your own beliefs, your own faith because that's the most important thing, whatever belief you have, if it's coming from the outside it won't fit with you, so find what fits you best and your life will be even better than it is. I'm really happy for you and I hope that everything you wish for to happen, you deserve to be happy.
@kyletyson6657 3 жыл бұрын
This was an interesting video because I’m a Christian, was raised a fundamentalist Baptist, and am now an Anglican who dates men. I wouldn’t say that the tradition I’m in now doesn’t take the Bible “literally” on homosexuality or anything else. We just read scripture through the lens of an unfolding dialogue or tradition. I could say a lot more probably but I won’t.
@maritza-hw4qe 8 ай бұрын
Bruh, I used to think I was trans and loved Jordan Peterson when you made that video and now I’m catholic too 😭
@Dmchadra 8 ай бұрын
LOL what’s up with us 😂
@trishzachwieja6800 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Miss Daisy, you were trying to be an evangelical christian....they aren't the only spiritual people. In fact I have found they are often judgemental and not accepting of people who don't think like them. You're doing fabulously on your journey, and I love how articulate you are(smart)! Be easy on yourself 🤗
@dianeaishamonday9125 2 жыл бұрын
Having grown up in the evangelical church, I agree
@asymptomaticjack640 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your content. I've had an epiphany from your candor and thoughtfulness. Your point of view is extremely refreshing.
@tinapeters4871 3 жыл бұрын
Praying for you 🙏 I think often times people leave the faith because it isn't what they expected it to be (not saying that's the case for you) but that is not a solid reason to come to Christ in the first place. We have all sinned against a Holy God and sin separates us from God. In order to be reconciled to God Jesus paid the price for our sin, He is willing to forgive us if we repent and trust in Him. Ray Comfort has so many amazing videos on youtube where he shares the gospel in such a beautiful way, I encourage anyone to check them out ❤️
@joshipp761 3 жыл бұрын
I too recommend Ray Comfort. Also, the movie, The Case for Christ, true story about Lee Strobel
@taniacurbelo868 2 жыл бұрын
That reconciliation with oneself is peace. Don’t be so critical of yourself. Just be who you are, not what others want you to be.
@Vibrant_Goo 3 жыл бұрын
I've never thought of you having flimsy beliefs. That implies you believe in things on a whim with no reason. I've been listening to you for a few years and really like the way you think. You are self-reflective, open to changing your beliefs to find truth and happiness. Cool to see you grow over the years and it made me more openminded to people who are religious. I agree with you on nonbinary, for me I just want to blend into society.
@nickj5451 3 жыл бұрын
Wooooah, I recently started watching Lost too! After so many years of hearing people talk about it since high school and always mentioning how they hated the end or something. We're most of the way through season 1 and I'm quite liking it.
@stacyrosa7481 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a cis gender granny, and you are one very fascinating human being, in all of your eclectricity(a term I coined to describe my path of faith).
@exclusiveboi1723 3 жыл бұрын
Looking good daisy, also nice to hear you recognise transition is good for some people. Your boyfriend is so interesting to listen to, such an intelligent guy
@abigailjarnigan 3 жыл бұрын
You’re evolving. There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind. That’s a good thing. I do the same thing and I love it.
@tracycoyle601 3 жыл бұрын
Not a Christian, but I recognize the wisdom in Scripture - even while ignoring the 'faith' aspects of it....
@violettapilorz2220 3 жыл бұрын
Daisy thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with everyone. I am very impressed with your honesty about your faith and how you feel as a woman. You are a very tolerant person. I wish all these Christians that show up in the comments would be the same way instead of persuading the people to their faith. I wish you joy on you life journey.
@HayleyJeffs 3 жыл бұрын
I am always in awe of your gorgeous hair.
@pccj316 3 жыл бұрын
So awesome to see how honest you are about not believing in Jesus. I am a Christian theologian/teacher/Gospel rapper. I couldn't even read the comments because I anticipate alot of negative comments. Negative comments even towards others effect me greatly. The integrity you have to me is indeed a fruit of the Spirit of God whom you spent sometime wrestling with. The integrity that if you were going to be a Christian you had to REALLY believe in Jesus. And your wonderful kindness about not disparaging others from looking into the faith. From some of the terms you used "historical context" and such I can tell you really tried to get a grasp of the text of Scripture. I love that even though you do not believe, you still love how fascinating the Bible is. Even though some of the stuff seems extremely weird and harsh, which can be understood much more understandable based on the "cultural context". As a 36 yr old Christian who has been a Christian for 17 years, I am thankful for your engagement and discussion of faith. I would love to interview you on my channel. Seriously, but I know you probably are super busy and I'm not that big of deal with my 364 subs lol. Kevin H.
@forAME11 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s the thing about the Bible. If you have learned any language, you understand things don’t translate directly. It’s almost ethnocentric to avoid the original language and culture. A simple passage in English translated to its original and understanding what the issues in the culture were that the writing was addressing would be foundational to understanding it. You may still have issues with the passages you choose to study but at least you’ll know what they really are saying. I appreciate your honesty, but when I say it’s raining cats and dogs, it’s not literal so I think it’s okay to look into the nuance of language. And that God may have given us freedom in some areas, (thus different denominations) and other things that are more black and white. It’s an adventure, a complicated, exciting adventure to look more deeply at what has to be an amazing mind if He created the universe (whatever that looked like) and what is expressed as such deep love for us. I hope you’ll return to the exploration of the terrain that is found in the Bible.
@emmylou1660 3 жыл бұрын
You're fine, Daisy! We are all free to change our minds as much as we need to! Thanks for your honesty, it's refreshing.
@totezmagoatz 2 жыл бұрын
You don't have to be Christian to have faith in a power greater, you just have to trust in him and his plan for you❤️ I hope you find your way into a faith that fits within your perspective because there is nothing wrong with that
@reedabook4319 3 жыл бұрын
I don't mean this in a judgmental way, just something I observed because I see it within myself as well. I think regarding religion you may have some black and white thinking. I think people can be Christians without being Fundamentalist. (I am an agnostic atheist btw so this isn't me trying to force anyone to be Christian haha). I heard God is Grey is a good channel for Christians who may not be as "strong" or something in their faith. (I guess because she isn't black and white on the subject! :)
@Danimij 3 жыл бұрын
I clicked on this video to hear your answer on faith and as a Christian, of course made me sad to hear you say you don’t believe in Jesus. If you feel you lost your faith then you were never truly saved, but the good news is that Jesus still died on the cross for our sins and you can still come to him faithfully. Whether you believe Jesus is our savior or not, doesn’t change the fact that He is. I will pray for your unbelief and pray that you deny this world and follow Jesus. He’s the only way.
@coastalcaitlin 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of Christians lose their faith at times. It doesn't mean that they were never truly saved. It breaks my heart that Daisy receives comments like that. I am a Christian and I feel everyone's walk with Christ is individual. God looks on our hearts and noone can truly know our hearts but us and God. Blanket statements such as ' you were never truly saved' sound so judgmental and condemning. It's not our jobs as Christians to judge Anyone's walk with Christ. We are meant to love our neighbors and show our love of Christ through our lives. It disappointed me to that she has lost her faith... but I have been there before and I am pleased to say that every time I stray I find my way back to God. Daisy is young and intelligent and has the mind of an intellectual and theologian. It's harder for people like that to wrap their heads around the Bible and religion. I don't go to church or claim a specific religion because I don't fit in anywhere. But Jesus loves me nonetheless and it doesn't mean that I was never saved.
@Danimij 3 жыл бұрын
@@coastalcaitlin Hi Caitlin, I still stand by my comment and will back it by what is written in the Bible. John 10:29, Jesus tells us "And I give eternal life to them; and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand." To be saved by the blood of Christ, repent with a regenerated heart, deny ourselves and take up our cross is a sure thing and noting will snatch you from the hands of Jesus. You’re either all in or you’re all out. I know that’s not easy to hear, but it’s not easy being Christian. We are called to follow His word and my comment follows that. I am definitely not judging Daisy, just speaking by way of scripture in response to her.
@jakewatson6912 3 жыл бұрын
“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭
@concretenema 2 жыл бұрын
How do you feel about Kierkegaard? I've recently read Fear and Trembling and it played a huge role in rediscovering my faith.
@culthero666 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who's an atheist raised in the catholic church I realized in my teens that people trying to understand the celestial being that created the universe is like a mouse trying to understand thermodynamics. It's just not possible so no point in trying. Just be a good person and the rest is just gravy.
@culthero666 3 жыл бұрын
@Most Ever huh? Are you saying only Christians can be good people? Does that sound right to you? There are hundreds of cultures that aren't Christian and have many many good people. Goodness is not next to godliness. You don't need religion to know the difference between right and wrong.
@noneofyourbusiness281 3 жыл бұрын
Lord Jesus thank you for this person. Please guide her. Please give her members of the body to give her the love she needs. I love you and am praying for you.
@jlr4818 Жыл бұрын
Faith isn't about what you do. It's about who Jesus is and what he does.
@marshmallow1488 3 жыл бұрын
I was raised Christian but I left the fundamentalist version. I consider myself spiritual above all else. I don’t believe the Bible is literal but more of a historical accounting deeply embellished and redacted in it’s present day version. Find your own path and seek peace, first and foremost. ✌️ 💕
@dianeaishamonday9125 2 жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻
@me2143658709 3 жыл бұрын
It's sad for me to hear Daisy talk about her experience with Christianity, though I don't mean that in a disparaging or condemning way. When she said that not being able to believe that earth was created in 7 days was part of what turns her away, it's hard to hear, since I, as a Christian, don't believe that the world was created in 7 days. Any theologian worth their salt will tell you that there are different genres of the Bible, and that Genesis is not attempting to be a scientifically accurate depiction of the creation of the universe. As for homosexuality, I don't think that a fundamentalist protestant theology is helpful here either. I also object to the specific language used of "God hates gays" because I don't think that that framing is the right way of looking at the issue. To say that something is a sin isn't about casting hate, it's about missing the mark, and failing to do what is good. So in the case of a sexual ethic, we can look to the teleology of sex to be able to say what is good and proper and what is not. And from this point out, I'm going to be explicitly Catholic in my response. The two ends of the sexual act are 1) to bring about a deeper union in marriage and 2) procreation. Two specifically thwart either of these is seen as to pervert the sexual act, and thus is a sin. It's why the Catholic Church is opposed to homosexual acts, contraception, and a lot of other things most Christian churches are okay with. I'm not about to pretend that I've laid out a compelling theological argument in two sentences of a youtube comment, or that I got the wording precisely right, but these are issues that have been grappled with by serious theological thinkers and have better answers than just "Holy Book says so". So if you, Daisy, happen to be reading this comment, and you do find yourself going back to Christian texts, I ask that you be willing to take a look at the writings of Thomas Aquinas. I know you have your reasons for losing faith and for dismissing Catholicism; I'm not saying this holds the answer, I'm not saying I expect this to convert you, but I think there is value in listening to the arguments he puts forth.
@fionamcintosh4814 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Vicki, check out this book. The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day. Book by Sigve K. Tonstad
@matthewlee2789 3 жыл бұрын
I saw this on my recommended page for some reason. I checked all your latest vids on Christ a while back, so I feel as if God is leading me towards you again. If you read this, all I can say is to pray. I suggest reading into Catholicism Christianity. The Church Fathers have a lot of answers towards your questions and keep praying. God hasn’t lost hope yet!
@dadiedavina 3 жыл бұрын
i have never heard a person being more self reflected....i love listening to you
@jornobre 3 жыл бұрын
I’m sad to hear that you have loose your faith. The only way we can summit to the authority of the Word of God is when The Holy Spirit in us! Keep searching and you’ll find. Jesus pursue us but at the end it’s up to us to accept!!! ❤️ I’ll be praying!!!
@theglowingbrownie5124 2 жыл бұрын
Jordan Peterson is the best thing that happened to my world
@LuxPsy 3 жыл бұрын
"I didn't feel comfortable with ambiguity. I kinda always just want to be one or the other." I may be wrong but that seems to be the emotion or mindset underlying a lot of your decision-making, not just regarding non-binary - low tolerance for what seems to be ambiguous or "impure" or falling short of an ideal or "realness", which leads to a pretty binary way of thinking. Because of the unattainable ideal of femininity, you decided to identify as a man, but then you couldn't attain the ideal of "real" manhood, and that's part of the reason you detrans. Similarly, you felt you couldn't be a "real" Christian, so you quit identifying as a Christian. Well, identities are malleable and we are all on a journey to figure out who we are, sure, but learning to be comfortable living in the grey zones is also important.
@perenelleflamel3850 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian, I think some of the issues you may be having with the Bible come from Bible literacy (in the Church in general). I am in no way a fundamentalist Christian and it frustrates me that a lot of people push the narrative that that's the only proper way to be a Christian. I do not believe in a literal 6 day creation, and I don't think you have to to be a Christian (the first part of Genesis is very poetic and should not be taken overly literally; many Christian Biblical scholars agree with this as well). I am also egalitarian (women and men and equal, women can be pastors, etc) and I, and many Biblical scholars, believe that Paul has been wildly mistranslated and misunderstood throughout history. I noticed in one of your previous videos that you had an ESV study Bible, and I would caution you against using that translation in the future as it has been found to be a very poor and biased translation. I recommend the NRSV or NIV at the moment. Ther are people working on a more gender accurate translation as well. There are also sects of Christianity that are affirming of LGBTQ+ people and have done the theological and biblical work to back up their stance. The more I've dug into the scholarship of the Bible and theology in general, the deeper and more comfortable I have grown in my faith. You do not have to believe the Bible is 100% literal all the time to be a Christian. Also, people don't talk about this, but genre is a thing in the Bible. That was a HUGE help for me when I realized that. There is poetry, wisdom lit, ancient biography, etc. For me, some parts of the Bible, like Genesis, tend to communicate a more theological or spiritual truth about God than a literal truth (such as God created the world; really doesn't bother me how it happened). It's sooo much more nuanced than just being literal. TLDR: There is far more to Christianity than the fundamentalist side and it is far more nuanced than I feel many people believe. Regardless of whatever you decide about your faith in the future, I still find you to be a compelling and intelligent person and I wish you nothing but happiness as you go forward in your life 😊
@Sondie 3 жыл бұрын
I'm familiar with some of your older videos but I just became aware of your de-transitioning. I can't imagine how difficult and stressful it has been having to come to such a decision. It may not mean much, but I hope you find happiness wherever the road takes you. I'll be rooting for you.
@valerieann2751 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t believe you have to take every single word in the Bible as literal to be a Christian. The Bible is interpreted by humans, so it isn’t the end all be all. I believe being a Christian means loving Christ as our Savior and trying to be a good person in life. Doesn’t mean you’re going to be some “perfect” person and live on the straight and narrow forever. We are human and make mistakes and have doubts. All I’m saying is don’t give up yet on Jesus! Keep learning, praying and just know that you are a good person and that is what matters in life!
@karedouga 3 жыл бұрын
i really appreciate how open you are about your beliefs and how they've changed, and in terms of your own experiences. whether you come back to the church or not know that no one who truly is a Christian will hate on you for your decision. much love and support from kare :)
@danijudy92 3 жыл бұрын
God is within and without religion. Your journey to find truth is righteous.
@jessicawestbrook3730 3 жыл бұрын
Feelings...the way we feel doesn't change what the truth is. Sometimes intellect is utilized to deceive. In fact, anything that we place above God is an idol and pulls us away from our walk with Him. I pray that you find Christ in a devine way that surpasses your own intellect.
@nale_7715 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so honest about the changes you are going through. I can relate to that a lot.
@francesmartinezmichaelis1503 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your sincerity. Christianity is a walk, it's not something static. It's about a relationship that can grow closer, or move farther apart. I understand that God and His ways, what He says, can be overwhelming at times. However, it's just as real to admit that He worked in your life in a clear way. He is patient with us. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water just because you don't agree with something you've read. Don't be afraid. You have been very brave before.
@heidiwitter4490 3 жыл бұрын
Oh wow. I have just recently decided for myself that I am, in fact NOT a Christian, per se. I always equated it with being "good" or "kind" to others. I can be both and still not believe in the stories written in the Bible. I wasn't brought up in a religious household at all either which makes it easier. I do, however have a Higher Power in my life. I recently read a book about how history is taught ("Lies My Teacher Told Me"), and was reminded that Native Americans have relied on their own version of this for centuries and was a great reminder that my life decisions are my own!!!
@Gabriel-wr8cy 2 жыл бұрын
You are the most BEAUTIFUL person I have ever seen!!❤️❤️ stay amazing
@elizabethconroy7665 3 жыл бұрын
No negativity on my part Brought up Catholic Never had any real interest in Religion My own personal Faith is Kindness Compassion Acceptance And Forgiveness Did you ever listen to Christopher Hitchens Very intelligent man who speaks on the case for Atheism Unfortunately he passed away from Cancer
@SaraKkkkkkkk 3 жыл бұрын
You should read "Born Again This Way" by Rachel Gilson. It's a beautiful, breathtaking walk through her life as a same-sex attracted woman who found Christ.
@carolinemordaunt8321 3 жыл бұрын
Believe in yourself, now is our time to heart eld with our Higher Self!
@carolinemordaunt8321 3 жыл бұрын
Heartmeld with Higher Self
@dianeaishamonday9125 2 жыл бұрын
@magda3113 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian I too find my self with questions. The Bible is a book that was inspired by the Holy Spirit to lead man into Jesus and salvation. The Bible is no a historical book. I will be praying for you 🙏❤️
@TheTriptamineDream 3 жыл бұрын
It's not literally real tho fren.
@amandafrisbie3276 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Daisy, I don’t know if you’ll ever even see this comment because it’s been buried under hundreds of others, but it’s worth a shot. I like hearing about your journey a lot. And dude, having those questions that you have about the Bible is totally okay. I know you don’t call yourself a Christian now, but even if you never do again, if you’re genuinely curious about those questions you mentioned I would be happy to go over those with you. Looks like there’s no way to personally contact someone here but I’m sure we would figure it out if that’s something you’re ever interested in.
@kimsr02 3 жыл бұрын
God is all around you at all times. Even if you don’t believe in Jesus, He is real and alive at the right hand of the Father in heaven and He loves you very much :) if you’re unsure, keep reading the Bible. God loves sinners but he hates sin. Jesus loves homosexual individuals, but it’s clear in the bible that it is a sin that we must ask for forgiveness and turn from it. It’s not our own efforts to “try” to be Christian, but the realization that it’s a free gift from God that we receive in faith. If you asked the Holy Spirit to fill you and it was from your heart, then as a faithful God He has filled you. Please be aware that the devil wants you to renounce your faith because it gives him legal right to attack you. Regarding your struggles with unbelief of Jesus and creation, ask for revelation from the Holy Spirit! The bible says that God hides truth from the wise, so keep a child like mindset about God :) You are loved, Daisy. Thank you Jesus for all the goodness in her life!
@roesi1985 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Daisy, I really like how open and transparent you are, sharing your innermost feelings with your community. I'm sure your videos will help several people who are going through the same issues and thoughts like you. However, I'd recommend not throwing overboard your whole faith just because you disagree with some verses in the Bible. I've been a believer for over twenty years now and I can say that it is normal to struggle now and then. It is also normal to feel that God is far away at times - but He isn't. We should trust Scripture more than our feelings, and in His Word, God tells us clearly that He is with us always (e.g. Matth. 28:20). With regards to the Bible portions you don't agree with, why don't you ask God about it before giving up altogether? If we believe in a living God, we have a God we are allowed to talk to and to expect answers from. He doesn't expect us to figure everything out on our own. He wants to have a living, breathing relationship with you, and struggles, discussions and disagreements are a part of that. God can stand our questions and our criticism. He rather wants us to scream at Him than us walking away from Him. So I'd encourage you to come to grips with the topics you are struggling with instead of giving up. Your faith and your relationship with yourself, with God and with the people around you will be stronger afterwards, I promise. God bless! Oh and ... being a Christian doesn't necessarily mean being someone who always and unwaveringly believes everything in the Bible to the very letter. First and foremost, being a Christian means that you believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnate and risen Son of God and that He died for you, taking away your sins, making you a new creation fit for heaven, bringing you into a father daughter relationship with God. Do you believe that? Then you are a Christian or a follower of Christ, no matter what your struggles with ethical questions might be right now.
@annasiegler4932 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Daisy! As always I love hearing your thoughts and your heart in these videos. You’re such a genuine person and someone who thinks and feels far more deeply than most. That is priceless. I understand your reservations on devoting yourself entirely to Christ and taking on the Christian walk faithfully for your life. Jesus asks much of those who follow Him. I would encourage you simply to continue exploring the Scriptures and seeking wise counsel. But above all, know this - you cannot make yourself right with God by your own power. You cannot make yourself a Christian nor can make yourself have faith. If you truly want to have faith, you may ask for it and you WILL receive it. I will continue to prayer this prayer for you: that God would take from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh after His own. God loves you Daisy, and He wants you to be with Him for the rest of eternity. He gave up His very Son so that you could. May He bless you and Jason and give you His shalom. ❤️ (P.S. You should watch the tv show The Chosen 😉)
@ratonsito2836 3 жыл бұрын
There are a lot of Christians who do not think that you have to follow the Bible literally. Actually, in Germany and Switzerland where I have lived most of my life and gone to church, this is standard. The reason is (as you noted) that the Bible is a religious piece of literature written by human beings. So it is open to interpretation, in fact, you cannot avoid to interprete it. Because most of its content can only be understood if you know the context of the culture when it was written. And after you have taken the former culture into account you might find some of the stuff is not fit for our times (because it is so terrible as the times were then). So extract what is still valid today in the spirit of Christ. Now, what is the spirit of Christ? My take on this is: Love your neighbor, even your enemy, forgiveness is paramount. I don't know if any of these core elements have been mentioned that explicitly in any other religion. And that's why I still consider myself a Christian.
@aborgeshonorato 3 жыл бұрын
May I suggest you. Read Ibn Arab. Read Sufism. Enjoy the journey Know yourself, you will know your Lord.
@savannahbunn5688 3 жыл бұрын
I know you feel a lot of pressure, but I’m praying for you. I am a public school teacher, and talk to many philosophical kids about their belief that the Bible is not fully true. The hard obstacles that you talked about aren’t easy and every Christian must wrestle with those. That’s why I’m getting my masters in theological studies. I love talking about those difficult topics. I think God may not be behaving how you’d like and I’m glad you were honest. I am so glad you are so transparent. You are lovely, and literally infinitely loved. It honestly breaks my heart that you came so close. I would literally talk to you for anything if you needed it.
@Rdwrer 3 жыл бұрын
Daisy, you are too bright and beautiful to wander far and the Shepherd will leave the flock to find you. Bless you in your path until you come back to Him.
@angelacarroccia5123 3 жыл бұрын
You are right in that to be a Christian means you believe totally in the Bible and everything it says not just picking and choosing the parts you like or don't like. Sorry to hear that you lost your belief. No hate here. No true Christian will criticize you but I hope you don't mind if I pray for your belief.
@Randomqtman 3 жыл бұрын
@AishiCheemo 3 жыл бұрын
@dianeaishamonday9125 2 жыл бұрын
You people are psychos. "I hope you think like us one day! I'll pray for you to fall in lock-step with our beliefs as soon as possible!" Christians are the real life Borg, full stop.
@crossroads670 3 жыл бұрын
…but Lohanthony had a video titled “conversion therapy” (it might still be up?) so I think it could be a bad thing. But yes if he wants celibacy that’s fine.
@alliecinder 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Daisy! You're looking lovely today. ^_^ Just curious: do you think "fighting your biology" is universally a source of anguish or harmful, or is it just how you personally experience it? I'm asking because it could be read as, "as long as trans people fight their biology they're going to feel unhappy/incomplete." When you said 'natural state' I thought you were referring to you inherent femininity or your true gender identity as a woman, but when you equated it to your biology it changed the meaning quite a bit. I'm not coming from a combative place, it's a genuinely awesome to see how happy and how at-peace you are. But I'm just curious where the line is drawn between these revelations you've had about yourself, and your views on transness in general. Stay awesome Xxx
@ngamendeluxe 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your honesty about your faith journey. Keep thirsting and seeking after the Truth.
@wildpurplechild 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian but I don't think everything in the bible is literally true. It's not an issue for me. Anyhow, best of luck on whatever journey you are on! :)
@erenjaeger1738 3 жыл бұрын
"I'm Christian but I don't think everything in the bible is literally true" Then you ain't Christian
@joshipp761 3 жыл бұрын
May I suggest a movie, true story about Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ
@dianeaishamonday9125 2 жыл бұрын
@@erenjaeger1738 early Christians believed that the creation story was an allegory. You modern day fundamentalists need to take the stick out of your butts- it could cause organ damage.
@johanna2690 2 жыл бұрын
@@erenjaeger1738 That's so disrespectful. Not every Christian thinks like the fundamentalists in the bible belt. In Europe it's normal to not take the Bible literally. You look in which context it was written and then apply it to todays world.
@erenjaeger1738 2 жыл бұрын
@@johanna2690 it's called nitpicking
@antoinette2840 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Daisy. I'm 67 and something compels me to listen to people who are transitioning or detransitioning and how they feel about it. I don't know why but I just ran across you today. It's interesting to see how people feel. It's interesting to hear them speaking about it. As for Christianity, do you think the dysphoria that you felt and that caused you to try to change your gender to be blunt, had anything to do with your Christianity? I have granddaughters that are in their twenties that always believed in the Bible and that Jesus was the savior of the world. But now they tell me that they don't believe that anymore. I don't think that this lockdown has had a good effect on people on Christianity. Doubting is one thing, unbelief is another. I'll be praying for you.
@mollytaylor2122 3 жыл бұрын
In many ways I respect you for your "flimsy" believes. I'm 1 year younger than you, and people our age exploring new ideas and changing our minds is normal and a good thing. I think the internet, and having your past beliefs laid out and documented so clearly for everyone to look back at, has in many ways, made this harder for us than it did for past generations. On the internet, changing your mind isn't popular. But in my eyes, changing your beliefs is a pretty clear marker of growth. To not do so would mean stagnation.
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