Amen great question and answer discussion. God bless.
@christyflaig62204 күн бұрын
This was so awesome, educational, and interesting. I could of kept listening for another 2 hours
@BonifacioBatao6 күн бұрын
Amen! Continue with your work so people may know the truth from the bible
@stephenkovac432010 күн бұрын
Bro. Scott nailed it!!!
@1Peter3_189 күн бұрын
Enjoyed this very much. Praying and meditating on these things. Social media comment section probably isn't the best place for a full fledged discussion. I was wondering how you guys would define dispensation? And explain the use of the word in 1Corinthians9:17; Ephesians1:10, 3:2; Colossians1:25.
@timgeist14508 күн бұрын
Is Revival Baptist Church part of Steven Anderson's NIFB movement?
@CassieRaeMcMurtry8 күн бұрын
@condorcondorito23032 күн бұрын
Revelation 13 : 7 *Scofield Study reference bible. 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the *saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. *The "saints" are the jews, the "church" was already raptured before the great tribulation, we have NOT been called to go through wrath, therefore, the "saints" in Revelation 13 : 7 MUST be the jews. --------------- What is WRONG with this teaching? One more chapter later in Revelation 14 identifies whom are the "saints".... Revelation 14 : 12 12 Here is the patience of the SAINTS: here are THEY that keep the commandments of God, AND THE FAITH OF JESUS. Do jews keep the FAITH OF JESUS? ANSWER: NO !!!! The "saints" in Revelation 13 ARE BELIEVERS IN CHRIST JESUS ALSO KNOWN AS CHRISTIANS(FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST)!!!!! AND, WE, WILL GO THROUGH THE GREAT TRIBULATION, scofield by using the KJV, BUT adding his very own "commentary" made entire generations of Bible Believing Christians subservient to judai5m and it's traditions of men, because of the influence of the U.S. with their missionaries and providing "study bibles with commentaries" to the nations that they have been sent to "evangelize", they ARE promoting the pre-tribulation rapture AND 2ioni5m.... Is THAT SIMPLE !!!! AGAIN. Based on clear Bible (KJV) teaching, that Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) WILL go through The Great Tribulation (which IS satan's wrath, NOT God's), therefore, "the elect" of God in Matthew 24 (in schofield study bible, "the elect are the jews"), BUT, Biblically "the elect" refers to ALL BELIEVERS IN THE LORD ISRAEL IN THE O.T./AND THE LORD JESUS IN THE N.T. (SAME PERSON KNOWN UNDER TWO DIFFERENT NAMES): Matthew 24 : 21, 22. 21For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for THE ELECT'S sake those days shall be shortened. THE "ELECT" will be persecuted and some of them/us will be executed by the antichrist (in the place of christ), therefore, since True Christians (FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST JESUS) will be HERE (NOT raptured before) for the persecution & execution (the great tribulation OR wrath OF satan, NOT OF GOD'S) that signifies that "the elect" do NOT refer to the unbelieving physical jew5 in Revelation times (as taught by dispensionalism, bible colleges AND study bibles ex. schofield bible), and because, of the rapture BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION FABLE IS NOT BIBLICAL, then, "the elect of God" (BELIEVERS IN JESUS) WILL BE ON EARTH until Jesus RETURNS and pours HIS WRATH on this earth ON THAT SAME DAY, NOT BEFORE (remember, the great tribulation IS the wrath of the antichrist/ satan, NOT OF GOD'S), BUT, as The Bible clearly teaches "we have NOT been called to go through the Wrath of God", BUT, Yes!!!, we ARE to go through the wrath of satan/the great tribulation, therefore, on the same day that Jesus returns "ON THE LAST DAY", ALL BELIEVERS IN THE LORD JESUS (DEAD AND ALIVE) WILL BE "RAPTURED" OUT OF THIS WORLD, AGAIN, TRUE BELIEVERS IN The Lord Jesus!!!!!!!, and because of this, It IS HIGHLY PROVABLE, that the LIE that The Bible describes as a "delusion" that God will allow for "them" to believe in IS : that the physical modern jew5 and it's newly formed nation IS "the true israel of god" and that they do NOT need Messiah Jesus Christ to be saved. Romans 8 : 35 to 37 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall TRIBULATION, or distress, or PERSECUTION, or famine, or nakedness, or PERIL, or SWORD? 36 As it is written, For thy sake WE ARE KILLED all the day long; we are accounted AS SHEEP FOR THE SLAUGHTER. 37 Nay, in all these things we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM THAT LOVED US. ....Let ONLY GOD BE TRUE, and everyman A LIAR (including scoefield)....