Another nice video. I googled ... amazake.... fermented rice?????? YUCK!! 🤢🤢🤮🤮Japan is everything about rice. 🤣🤣Always enjoyable. Thanks Nao and Hero. 🙂 Not the grand canyon though. I have been to the grand canyon in 1977. It was very very huge. 🙂 take care. bye.
@Heppoko-Climbing Жыл бұрын
John Smith さん😀NAO です。ありがとうございます( ´ ▽ ` )日本は発酵食品が多いですよね(^ ^)納豆も大好きです❣️納豆はネバネバのあの納豆です(#^.^#)本物のグランドキャニオンに行かれたんですね*\(^o^)/*すごいスケールが大きいでしょうね💞本物は凄いと思います。一度見てみたいです😄グランドキャニオンとナイアガラの滝を見てみたい〜(*≧∀≦*)Thank you very much for your comment 😄😄
@JohnSmith-uy7sv Жыл бұрын
@@Heppoko-Climbing You would love hiking down into the canyon. They have groups that do that. I did not. YUCKY!! 😁😁 "a traditional Japanese food made from whole soybeans that have been fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. It is often served as a breakfast food with rice." I guess I would starve in japan. 🤣🤣 I went to Niagara falls as a child of about 6. It was very nice. With all of your youtube yen you can do it. 🥰 Take care Nao and Hero. thanks.