@ I don’t know about HK airport, but Sydney airport have a rule that within a certain period of time before departure duty free are not allowed to create transactions with you. However, I have one experience in Hong Kong that I became the last one brooding as I spent too long on the restaurant and was found by the cleaner. After arrived to the flight the flight attendant announced we now have everyone on board and everyone was looking at me. So embarrassing!
😅 我會帶日本仔12蚊牌子個隻尿尿專用袋,真係出事,用外套蓋住坐響位度去--返大陸四川去稻城,中途公路塌方,塞左6個鐘(好似唔止……),總之,頂肚小食棒,方便頭巾,尿尿用品一定要帶! p. s. 我去普通溫度嘅地方旅行,都係7kg以下隨身背包客背包攪掂,係去泰國嗰次要喼買嘢返香港,同去北京要帶羽絨先用喼!