I like the last sentence "Rich people do what's hard, that's why their life is easy. Poor people do what is easier, and that's why their life is hard." Thanks for sharing
earn x10 times => value creation who i hv to become(wt i hv to focus on). what kind of reach do I need. delivery more value to ppl, serve more. its not about hustle, its about thinking. earn x10 = think (& learn) x10 harder, bigger. ask a 8 figure earner, how should I act, talk, behave, run my business. ask for others 8 figure "how do u guys run ur business? get to where u a today? lead ppl? marketing? sell? to do all this things?"
earn x10 times => value creation who i hv to become(wt i hv to focus on). what kind of reach do I need. delivery more value to ppl, serve more. its not about hustle, its about thinking. earn x10 = think (& learn) x10 harder, bigger. As a 8 figure earner, how should I act, talk, behave, run my business. as for others 8 figure "how do u guys run ur business? get to where u a today? lead ppl? marketing? sell? to do all this things?"