Welcome home 🎉🎉..唔同嘅地方有唔同嘅文化 問題就 係願唔願意 放低以前嘅包袱 去感受 去融入當地嘅生活模式 … 與其日日怨天怨地, 不如 實實在在 腳踏實地. 🙏🙏 nice video, Thanks for sharing! can't wait to see your bathroom new decoration
My neighbor is single and elderly. He does not generate a lot of trash. On garbage collection day, he put one or two small bags of garbage in my can I do not mind at all. There is room in mine and it is too much effort for him to hail the can in and out. In fact for recycle materials we put them in each other's recycle bin if ours are full. We only do this on collection day not as a general rule on a daily basis.
Hi Jack...其實我哋唔想得罪人...英國其實好多好多百幾至二百年歷史嘅磚屋(而用木結構)、貨倉或者工廠(比石屋更多的),大部分興建於維多利亞時期及工業革命時期,而大部分都保留至今,有些繼續做房屋,有些改建做酒店、Office......其實我都盡量比大家發表,這就當我做一點補充罷了。而歐洲,如意大利,保留四五百年文藝復興時期嘅房屋都比比皆是,我都住過...當然,亞洲比較潮濕,但英國亦都長年受雨水所侵擾......保留往往取決於態度、精神及意志...