I was very impressed with this Japanese songs were sung in Taiwan. 日本の仰げば尊しの歌が台湾でも歌われて何時事に大変感銘を受けました。台湾には1986年から100回近く訪問して台湾の発展をこの目で見てきました。又多くの台湾の友人がおります。昔台湾の国立研究所ITRIより研究員が私が勤める会社にサーボ技術を調査したいと訪れた時の事を今でも鮮明に覚えています。真夏でした白いシャツにネクタイをして、襟、袖に目を通すと汗で黒くなっていました。はっと気が付き彼の懸命な姿を見て、我々が持っているサーボの技術の多くを彼に語りました。いい思い出です。 I have visited Taiwan nearly 100 times since 1986 on business and see the development of Taiwan with my own eyes. I also have many Taiwanese friends. I still vividly remember when a researcher from Taiwan's National Research Institute ITRI visited the company I work for to research servo technology. It was midsummer he wore a white shirt and tie, and when I looked through the collar and sleeves, it turned black with sweat. I suddenly noticed and saw his hard work and told him as much of the servo technology we have. It's a good memory.
Feel touching from bottom of my heart at the beginning of this song. Tear was drop down after that moment. I also sang this song two times over 30 years ago when I stepped in the graduation ceremony.
What a nostalgic song with endless amt of memories in those days when we were so naïve - graduated from San-chong Elementary School in 1964. Mr. Liao is my teacher in the last three year of school. Wish everyone the best of best...…...