Chat Log: 00:20:30 Bridget Behan: @Jenny Power | Webtree Aaaa HIII didn't realise you attend these too! 00:20:49 Jenny Power | Webtree: Replying to "@Jenny Power | Webtr..." First one 00:20:50 Wil Brown: 00:20:53 Bridget Behan: Reacted to "First one" with ❤ 00:21:06 Bridget Behan: Replying to "@Jenny Power | Webtr..." Welcome!!! 00:23:15 Jenny Power | Webtree: Reacted to "Welcome!!!" with 😎 00:29:50 Wil Brown: 00:40:59 Bridget Behan: Question for Jon: Is the loop template using on your typehead different to the loop template on the page for the larger bits? ---------------- Question for question time after Jons demo: Off Canvas Dynamic Menu I use pages as an easy way to track what items are most popular with users for reporting. Previously, we did trial out popups in our early days, but weren't able to report on this information if people were looking at particular speakers for events, or sponsors/exhibitors. I'd imagine the Off Canvas will function the same and be a black box for reporting on what users are viewing the most. Is this true? Wider question: How would you track the views for each speaker i.e. if they click on a speakers bio and it opens on the side? Is it complex to do? 00:46:43 Steve Kinzey: QUESTION: have any of you experienced a situation where the loop grid function for your blog page (archived posts) shows up nicely - image, title, intro, read more button but when you click on read more, the only post that comes up is that for the latest blog post? 00:48:17 MartindeLange: QUESTION: We added Shopify to our site this week and their Buy Now button works ok however is there any more native support such as elements etc? 00:50:00 MartindeLange: COMMENT on AI: I added a colour class and when Elementor asked for the name I added Ryobi auto filled in the colour details so these are great helpful things 01:04:18 Bridget Behan: Comment on Editor fails to load: Example I had recently is with Essential Addons - when using a csv import for a table of over 900 rows, it would not load back in. Switched to a SQL import and it reduced the memory suck 01:06:41 Paul Shipley: For Server 500 errors - try regenerate your Permalink Settings. Often need to do this twice 01:06:57 Jenny Power | Webtree: Reacted to "Comment on Editor fa..." with 👍 01:23:55 Steve Kinzey: We have a regular Meetup on WooCommerce Thursday 7:00AM 01:25:01 Jenny Power | Webtree: Thanks heaps Wil 01:25:27 Paul Shipley: 👍