嘲笑誰恃美揚威 Laughing at who is arrogant 沒了心如何相配 how to match without heart 盤鈴聲清脆 The bell ringing is crisp 帷幕間燈火幽微 the lights are dimly lit between the curtains 我和你 最天生一對 You and I are the best match 沒了你才算原罪 Without you, it is the original sin 沒了心才好相配 without the heart, it'd be a good match 你襤褸我彩繪 Your cloths are ragged and I have only colorful paints 並肩行過山與水 walk side by side through mountains and waters 你憔悴 我替你明媚 You are haggard and I'd brighten up for you 是你吻開筆墨 染我眼角珠淚 It was you who kissed the ink and dyed my eyes with tears 演離合相遇悲喜為誰 Who are the joys and sorrows of the encounter 他們迂迴誤會 我卻只由你支配 They misunderstand me, but you are the only one dominates me 問世間哪有更完美 Is there anything more perfect in the world? 蘭花指捻紅塵似水 Orchid finger twists red dust like water 三尺紅台 萬事入歌吹 Three-foot Red Terrace, everything goes into song 唱別久悲不成悲 Sing goodbye for a long time, sadness does not turn into sadness 十分紅處竟成灰 the red place turns to ashes 願誰記得誰 最好的年歲 May who remember the best time 你一牽我舞如飛 When you lead me to dance like flying 你一引我懂進退 when you lead me to know how to advance and retreat 苦樂都跟隨 舉手投足不違背 Pain and joy follow regardless of any movements 將謙卑 溫柔成絕對 Turn humility and gentleness into absolutes 你錯我不肯對 你懵懂我蒙昧 You are wrong, I refuse to be right, you are ignorant and I am ignorant 心火怎甘心揚湯止沸 How can the inner fire be willing to stop the boiling? 你枯我不曾萎 You are withered, I have never withered 你倦我也不敢累 you are tired and I will not dare to be tired 用什麼暖你一千歲 What do you use to warm you for a thousand years 風雪依稀秋白髮尾 Wind and snow are minimal in autumn with white hair alongside 燈火葳蕤 揉皺你眼眉 The bright lights shine on your eyebrows 假如你舍一滴淚 If you give up a drop of tear 假如老去我能陪 if you grow old, I can accompany you 煙波里成灰 也去得完美 Turning into ashes with smokes, and it's going perfectly 風雪依稀秋白髮尾 Wind and snow are minimal in autumn with white hair alongside 燈火葳蕤 揉皺你眼眉 The bright lights shine on your eyebrows 假如你舍一滴淚 If you give up a drop of tear 假如老去我能陪 When you grow old, I can accompany you 煙波里成灰 也去得完美 Turned into ashes with smokes, and it went perfectly
「牽絲戲 」歌詞 & 英文翻譯 [銀臨] [Yinlin] 嘲笑誰恃美揚威 Mocking whom for showing off one’s own beauty and power? 沒了心如何相配 How to be compatible if one has no heart? 盤鈴聲清脆 The sound of ringing bells is crisp and clear 帷幕間燈火幽微 The lights are dim between the curtains 我和你 最天生一對 You and I are the most perfect match 沒了你才算原罪 Without you, it is the original sin 沒了心才好相配 Without a heart, we are more compatible 你襤褸我彩繪 Your clothes are ragged and I am colorfully painted 並肩行過山與水 Walking side by side through mountains and rivers 你憔悴 我替你明媚 You are haggard and I brighten for you 是你吻開筆墨 It is you who kissed the pen and ink 染我眼角珠淚 Staining the corners of my eyes with tears 演離合相遇悲喜為誰 Acting out separations, encounters, joys and sorrows for whom? 他們迂迴誤會 They misunderstand in a roundabout way 我卻只由你支配 But I am only controlled by you 問世間哪有更完美 I wonder what is more perfect in the world [Aki] 蘭花指捻紅塵似水 Orchid finger twists the red-dust (world of mortals) like water 三尺紅台 萬事入歌吹 Three-foot red platform, everything goes into song 唱別久悲不成悲 Singing farewell for a long time isn’t enough to be sad anymore 十分紅處竟成灰 The very red places turns ash-grey 願誰記得誰 最好的年歲 May whoever remember whose best years [銀臨] [Yinlin] 你一牽我舞如飛 When you lead me, I dance like flying 你一引我懂進退 When you lead me, I know how to advance and retreat 苦樂都跟隨 Through bitterness and joy [I] follow 舉手投足不違背 Every move is made without disobedience 將謙卑 溫柔成絕對 Turning humility and gentleness into absolutes 你錯我不肯對 You are wrong then I refuse to be right 你懵懂我蒙昧 You are ignorant then I am ignorant 心火怎甘心揚湯止沸 How can the fire in [my] heart be willing to stop boiling like soup lifted from heat? 你枯我不曾萎 Even if you are withered, I will never wither 你倦我也不敢累 Even if you are tired, I don’t dare to be tired 用什麼暖你一千歲 What can I use to warm you until a thousand years old? [Aki] x2 風雪依稀秋白髮尾 The wind and snow are faint, the hair-ends are white in autumn 燈火葳蕤 揉皺你眼眉 The bright lights wrinkle your eyebrows 假如你舍一滴淚 If you’re willing to shed a tear 假如老去我能陪 If I can accompany you when you grow old 煙波裡成灰 也去得完美 Turning into ashes in the waves of smoke, [I] will be passing-away perfectly
@CynthiaWang-kg8lm Жыл бұрын
[背景故事] 余少能視鬼,嘗於雪夜野寺逢一提傀儡翁,鶴髮襤褸,唯持一木偶製作極精,宛如嬌女,繪珠淚盈睫,惹人見憐。時云彤雪狂,二人比肩向火,翁自述曰:少時好觀牽絲戲,耽於盤鈴傀儡之技,既年長,其志愈堅,遂以此為業,以物像人自得其樂。奈何漂泊終生,居無所行無侶,所伴唯一傀儡木偶。翁且言且泣,餘溫言釋之,懇其奏盤鈴樂,作牽絲傀儡戲,演劇於三尺紅綿之上,度曲咿嚶,木偶顧盼神飛,雖妝繪悲容而婉媚絕倫。曲終,翁抱持木偶,稍作歡容,俄頃恨怒,曰:平生落魄,皆傀儡誤之,天寒,冬衣難置,一貧至此,不如焚。遂忿然投偶入火。吾止而未及,跌足嘆惋。忽見火中木偶婉轉而起,肅拜揖別,姿若生人,繪面淚痕宛然,一笑迸散,沒於篝焰。火至天明方熄。 翁頓悟,掩面嚎啕,曰:暖矣,孤矣 [故事解說] 我小時候能看見鬼,曾在雪夜的一座荒寺,遇見一位手提木偶的白髮老翁,他衣衫襤褸,但手中的木偶卻製作精良,活脫一位美嬌娘,眼和睫毛都掛著淚珠,讓人見了心生憐愛。外面風雪更大了,於是兩人坐著一起烤火,老翁便自訴道:我年輕時喜歡看傀儡戲,為了學習、鑽研傀儡戲,耽擱了時光,學會了,年紀也大了,但是對此也更加堅定,於是便以傀儡戲為職業。雖然自得其樂,但是卻一生漂泊,居無定所,沒有伴侶,唯一陪伴的就是木偶了。老翁一邊講著一邊哭泣,我安慰著他,懇請他演一齣傀儡戲,他提著木偶在三尺紅布前表演起來,木偶 吟唱悠揚,顧盼神飛,雖然畫的是悲傷的妝容,但是卻美麗絕倫。表演完了,老翁抱著木偶,心情稍微平復了下,可是突然憤怒的說:我這一生落魄,都是被妳所誤,天冷了連衣服都買不起,貧寒到了這個地步,不如把妳燒掉,於是便把木偶扔進了火裡。我來不及制止,只能跺腳,哀嘆惋惜這木偶。忽然看見這木偶自己慢慢站起來,悲凄的對著老翁,作揖,行叩拜之禮,以示告別,仿佛活人一般,笑著淹沒於大火之中。火到了第二天才熄滅。 老翁幡然醒悟,捂面大哭說: 是暖和了,卻真的只剩我一人了。 [Background Story] I was able to see ghosts since childhood, and once encountered an old puppet-master in a snowy night temple. He had ragged hair and only held a puppet that was extremely finely made. It looked like a charming girl, with eyelashes full of tears and beads of paint, which made people feel pity. At that time, the clouds and snow were crazy, and the two of us sat side by side facing the fire. The old master said in his own words: When I was young, I was fond of watching silk-string puppet-operas and indulged in the skills of coiled-bell puppets. As I got older, my ambition became stronger, so I took this as my career and used objects to represent people. Even though I indulged myself, I’ve been wandering all my life, with nowhere to go and no companion, and my only companion is a puppet. The old man spoke and wept, so I tried to console him, implored him to play pan-bell music and put on a string puppet show. He performed the play in front of three feet of red cotton-cloth, and the puppet sang melodiously. The puppet looked as if it was a goddess in flight, and although it wore a sad expression on its painted-face, it was absolutely charming. At the end of the song, the old man held the puppet in his arms and looked happy for a moment, but the next moment he became angry and said: "I have been down all my life and it is all because of this puppet. The weather is cold and I can’t even afford to put on winter clothes. It's better to burn it if I’m so poor." Then he threw the puppet into the fire angrily. I tried to stop him but couldn’t do it in time, so I stomped my feet and sighed out of pity for the puppet. Suddenly, I saw the puppet slowly rising from the fire, bowing respectfully and saying goodbye to the puppet-master as if it were a real live-person, with traces of tears on its face. It smiled and disappeared into the bonfire. The fire it made did not extinguish until dawn. By this time, the old puppet-master realized something, hid his face and howled, crying and saying: "I'm so warm for once, but now I am truly alone."