@@leonchew3159 rubbish. Xuzhu & duanyu are inferior to Xiaofeng, also no textual evidence that their neigong are stronger than Xiaofeng , even xuzhu could not defeat ding chunqiu after a long battle & had to use shengsifu to subdue him while Xiaofeng could easily thrash ding laoguai without much effort. Hundred years of internal power does not equate to quality as the neigong could be slowly built up over many decades. This is the misconception many readers viewers are prone to have
@ahkup5283 Жыл бұрын
@@leonchew3159 don't believe the tv shows, read the texts
Xiaofeng 's internal power is never stated to be inferior to xuzhu or duanyu in the text. Mind u, he could harness and suck up objects from far, that kind of neigong is superhuman level
All these talks about "天生戰神" are just nonsense. Just read the following paragraphs from the book: " 萧峰更不打话,呼的一掌,一招降龙二十八掌中的“见龙在田”,向慕容复猛击过去。他见藏经阁中地势狭隘,高手群集,不便久斗,是以使上了十成力,要在数掌之间便取敌人性命。慕容复见他掌势凶猛,运起平生之力,要以“斗转星移”之技化解。 那老僧双手合什,说道:“阿弥陀佛,佛门善地,两位施主不可妄动无明。” 他双掌只这么一合,便似有一股力道化成一堵无形高墙,挡在萧峰和慕容复之间。萧峰排山倒海的掌力撞在这堵墙上,登时无影无踪,消于无形。 萧峰心中一凛,他自艺成以来,武功上从未输于何人,但眼前这老僧功力显比自己强得太多,他既出手阻止,今日之仇是决不能报了。他想到父亲的内伤,躬身道:“在下草野之辈,不知礼仪,冒犯了神僧,尚请恕罪。” "萧峰纵身急跃,追出窗外,只见那老僧手提二尸,直向山上走去。萧峰加快脚步,只道三脚两步便能追到他身后,不料那老僧轻功之奇,实是生平从所未见,宛似身有邪术一般。萧峰奋力急奔,只觉山风刮脸如刀,自知奔行奇速,但离那老僧背后始终有两三丈远近,连连发掌,都打入了空处。" From these descriptions, we can see that 喬峰 is just an ant to 掃地僧 just like an ant is to any human being.
@LeBrow420 Жыл бұрын
An ant wouldn’t be able to break a man’s ribs as 萧峰 did to the 扫地僧. Yeah 扫地僧 is the best but 萧峰 should be considered the second best. Also if you consider how much younger 萧峰 is compare to most top guys.
@fdr2275 Жыл бұрын
@@LeBrow420 Of course, an ant cannot attack a human the way 喬峰 attacks 掃地僧. But an ant can be fatal to humans in some other ways. Many years ago, I knew someone who had to go to the hospital for treatment after getting bit by some ants. The point is if you are not careful, you can get wounded by your enemy even if you're far more superior. 掃地僧 was wounded by 喬峰 because of a miscalculation. If the two are to fight one on one (隻秋), 喬峰 has zero chance of winning just like an ant fighting a human with zero chance of winning.
@LeBrow420 Жыл бұрын
@@fdr2275 I wouldn’t say 0 chance, I would guess 5%-10%
That is an oversight by the author as the intention was to use youtanzi as a powerful adversary even though readers believe Xiaofeng had pity on him and did not want to hurt him