週六半夜場! 這個月是戌月,也即是狗的月份。 這影片在籌備時 我做了一個夢 夢到很多很多的狗關在家裡 悶悶不樂。 走著走著, 發現自己手上握著一團的狗毛。 我認得那顏色和質地, 是我夫家的亡犬, 米奇師兄。 這麼多年我從未做過這樣的夢。 起身後, 第一個直覺就是 要趕快把影片趕出來。 一年前 我做過這直播 重看時 覺得很多地方講得不夠圓滿 所以重新再拍多一支 也到了幾個地點取景 拖了出片時間 真的是 好好一個風水命理師不做 跑去學人家拍什麼片 😅 狗月出狗片 願天下的狗狗毛孩和所有的動物們 都能早日脫離畜生道~ ------------- Saturday Midnight Premier! This month is the Month of Xu, which represents the Dog. I had a dream while preparing this video. In my dream, many many dogs were kept in a house. They looked down and troubled. As I walked along, I found myself grasping on to a ball of dog fur. I recognised the color and texture of it. It was the deceased dog from my husband’s family, Dharma Brother Mickey. I don’t usually have such dreams. Awakened, my first intuition was to quickly put this video out for everyone. It was year ago when I did a FB Live on this topic, but felt there were many gaps. I decided to re-shoot the whole video, going several places for different scenes thus the delay in the video launch. Really, I should just focus on being a Feng Shui Master instead of dabbling in videography 😅 So here you go, a video about dogs in the Month of the Dog. Wishing all furry friends and other pets the good fortune to escape the Realm of the Animals.