B3 is the best team in King Maker 2 and Edan is the best team leader. They danced and sang with their hearts and strong beliefs. Their performances are outstanding, entertaining and touching. Up till now, we can witness how Edan grew and realized his dreams.
@madmadam670 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree with you
@janeng48213 жыл бұрын
今日再睇呢part,有啲感想。未入camp 的Mirror似A2組,成員有實力各領風騷,但係彼此之間有啲隔膜/顧忌,所以有啲野發揮唔到出來。B3組條件不被看好,但係一條心一齊衝,charm 到暈!呢個係處於逆境嗰隊先有嘅本錢。出camp後的Mirror 當然不是B3組,你地係九龍灣天團嚟架麻。最難嘅係順境都可以keep住有逆境嗰團火,One and All concert入面見到有,唔知你地係點做到。 Btw, B3入面嘅Edan有種同平時喺團入面好唔同嘅光芒(真係喺眼神度射出來架),concert尾場講感言嘅時候,我又見到呢種光,好正!
B3 wins hands down ! There is no debate, no hesitation. B3 is far superior to A2 in many ways : creative, smart, positive, sweet smile, funny, group work, they give hope and happiness to people. In this dance battle, B3 is not even trying to be funny, it's their performance and their smile that are refreshing and make us smile. Never liked Andy Lau anyway and never found him cool or handsome since childhood. Stephen Chow and Chow Yun-Fat are far above Andy Lau. I think B3 is more like Chow Yun-Fat instead.