Taiwan is an independent and sovereign country and will not be invadeds. Taiwan has not been a part of China since ancient times The Taiwan Strait is an international water area and not be occupied if China can respect Taiwan as an independent and sovereign country it will bring about peace and prosperity between the two countries and then bringing world peace
舊金山和約是太平洋戰爭終戰條約,合計四十餘國簽署 中國因未參加太平洋戰爭,沒資格參與金山和會,當然不是締約國之一,因此舊金山和約沒有中文,但Roc片面承認舊金山和約效力,否則不可能簽署舊金山和約的子約中日台北和約: 以下舊金山和約本文: Treaty of Peace with Japan Article 2 b.Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.
舊金山和約是太平洋戰爭終戰條約,合計四十餘國簽署 中國因未參加太平洋戰爭,沒資格參與金山和會,當然不是締約國之一,因此舊金山和約沒有中文,但Roc片面承認舊金山和約效力,否則不可能簽署舊金山和約的子約中日台北和約: 以下舊金山和約本文: Treaty of Peace with Japan Article 2 b.Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.
甚麼是2758號決議? 有多少人了解決議內容? 中共說: 2758號決議是聯合國不再承認中華民國, 這你們也相信? 好了, 本人在此掃盲: 聯合國憲章》第二十三條的英文版如下: Article 23 The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations. The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council. 如果各位識字的話: 請問憲章中"The Republic of China,"是甚麼意思?
你貼的是1945/6/25各國在舊金山簽署的歷史文件, 最新的資訊在聯合國網頁如下: Security Council Current Members PERMANENT AND NON-PERMANENT MEMBERS The Council is composed of 15 Members: Five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term year):