Hello,I'm a Japanese Hypnosismic fan.Sorry for my lame grammar and immature vocabulary. I was really impressed with your effort to express in Japanese,precisely because I assumingly suggest you some Japanese compliments for Matenro,and other division. When you feel “My favorite team is very precious!” you might as well state 「尊い(とうとい≒precious)」「愛しい(いとしい≒adorable)」「応援(おうえん)したい(care to support them)」and more. cute,pretty,lovely,dear etc→かわいい、かわいらしい、目に入れても痛くない tender,gentle,kind,warm etc→優しい、あたたかい cool→かっこいい beautiful→美しい(うつくしい)、麗しい(うるわしい) wonderful,splendid,amazing,mesmerizing,marvelous,remarkable,etc(about music works)→素晴らしい、すごい、素敵、きら星のよう(きらぼしのよう≒like a shining star)、かっこいい、驚くべき(おどろくべき≒deserve surprise)etc masterpiece→傑作(けっさく)、名作(めいさく) skillful,good technique →巧み(たくみ)、上手、うまい、技量(ぎりょう)が高い It may be interfering,sorry.If you don't mind,please use these Japanese words when you message your feelings. I think Seam's arrange is good too.I hope that you enjoy your hobby,from my heart. P.S. To be exact,「ごめなさい」(you wrote) is「ごめ“ん”なさい」in Japanese.You'd better insert 「ん」between 「め」and「な」.
@razzmatazz19783 жыл бұрын
@@ゆらゆら-o9v Thank you so much for this lesson!!! It's really helpful, and I'll be sure to improve my Japanese and get better!! ♡♡♡