Hi you're right about Spasticity sucks.. my injury 10-12-2018 c2/3-t3/4 incomplete Quad..crazy neuropathy but love ur humor.. im trying to figure out having bilateral ( 2 levels ) cervical injuries one at c8/t1 but the others higher and I get this insane swelling on the left only.. its like a huge grape so back to physio.. the physio called it a " trigger point " ( ? ) and they took this metal thing and like ironed it out ( hurt like crazy in begin. ) I nicknamed it the brass knuckle.. but any who the physio has slightly improved the size but it keeps coming back and at home use the usual ice & heat ( TENS ) but also manage to get right arm ( laying down ) reach behind and just squash/rub with my knuckle..i sort of feel it release but its a pain in the @$$. ..i guess my sende of humor turned warped.. but what your legs do I get it in my arms.. I joke about being a true Spazz...but its embarrassing . Ive got a more SCI physio now rather than inpatient..But curious if you're familiar with those knots ? I was told something like lactic acid in there...( ? ) Well out of a lot of Tetraplegic videos I liked yours.. thank you & take care
@ThisIsWheelLife3 жыл бұрын
Yea my spasms are wicked sometimes! Mostly when I have a uti or kidney stone or bowels are full. Thanks so much for watching my stuff!
@JohnBelknap5 жыл бұрын
I see you belly dance too when you lay down :)
@ThisIsWheelLife5 жыл бұрын
John Belknap I sure do! I should get one of those belly dancing chains around my belly LOL