Quazii once again delivering the goods. I gotta hand it to you man, you put in the WORK. The ammount of work you are putting into this youtube channel and community value is just insane. I hope you continue to find more and more sucess and are rewarded for your hard work. I hope you are having fun doing this, because I feel the passion you pour into "Quazii"
@esisdiesernick60782 ай бұрын
exactly, this man is insane. I want to ONE-TIME-DONATE this man some money now.
@CAB00M3R2 ай бұрын
@DemonrzxxАй бұрын
and free also which is crazy
@christopherharsh2 ай бұрын
Babe wake up quazii just fixed the entire blizzard ui
@kosmo_2k2 ай бұрын
You're literally just the best....My god Quazii....You are literally the king of ultimate wow info
@DaviCPRosa2 ай бұрын
Just here to comment, like, and watch!! This dude is a legend.
@DaviCPRosa2 ай бұрын
This guy deserves this at a minimum for what he does for the wow community 👏
@casterly2 ай бұрын
Quazii, first of all your work ethic is out of this world man. Truely top tier! Secondly, thank you for all of your hard work, you're half the reason I got back into WoW. You made getting back into it seamless and painless, especially as someone who wants to tank. Keep up the great work man.
@RixxeyG9 күн бұрын
A truly incredible amount of work. Will be subscribing to your Patreon. You’ve got it all - useful, efficient/clean, pretty, documentation/support. Thank you!!!! ❤
@viitorbatiista2 ай бұрын
A buddy just sent me your channel and DEAR LORD, I've been missing out on it for all those years playing with a sh**ty UI. Never again! Thank you very much, Quazii!
@dominick48202 ай бұрын
Depends I like the simple and clean blizzard ui bc it’s minimal but I use his plater for interrupts. Minimal and only the important info that you need should be fine. Dont wanna have too much unnecessary info clogging the screen
@boneheded28192 ай бұрын
There is no one that gives more to this community than you Quazii. Thank you so much for your time, effort, knowledge and your desire to make this community better.
@user-ie3vt6nf9c2 ай бұрын
The exact video I needed today. Was about to start a new class and was so nervous but now I’m just excited. Thank you so much!!
@StephenKary2 ай бұрын
Quazii's plater profile is how the default game should function and look
@nthnolsn2 ай бұрын
Why? 80% of the players are achievement grinders (yes, a broad term) and they don’t need something to tell em to interrupt
@jules34312 ай бұрын
@@nthnolsn you think only 20% of the whole playerbase plays m+ & raids?
@HirokunImnotgoodatthis16 күн бұрын
@@nthnolsn thats a major problem in the game lol interrupt is always used no only in m+ and raids lol
@Golikol3692582 ай бұрын
I came across this channel when i started TWW. Took a long break from early / mid BFA till then. This guy helped me so much with his videos and the profiles (usually I did the mmyself but now with fulltime job and everthing the time is quite limited) It is absolutely lovely to see someone caring about the community in a WoW which because less and less for communities. Big thanks and keep up your channel!
@el_jamz2975Ай бұрын
Quazii, honestly appreciate this so much, really easy to follow and setup. Ran a few keys and the information I had such as mine and others CDs, being able to track my ruptures and dots is phenomenal. Love it!
@yxz63932 ай бұрын
Right when you think this can't be any better Quazii you're simply a legend Thank you to everyone involved in this project, you guys are the best.
@arthastasАй бұрын
I just want to let you know, that you are such a wonderful content creator. It really shows your passion for the game you enjoy and transmit it to others in the form of all these in-depth guides of UI and M+. Big hug from LATAM
@SPK6462 ай бұрын
Blizz should hire you to be their UI/UX designer and overhaul their native UI. Its criminal how little information the base UI provides and we need to rely on external crowdsourcing to fix this issue.
@Mittke882 ай бұрын
They will never do it because they are so stubborn and live in toxic positivity.
@zangorajura2 ай бұрын
Why would they want to pay an extra dollar for some player who are willing to do it literally free (for them)? - Blizzard Logic
@valfader2 ай бұрын
I am nothing short of impressed with the amount of work you're doing with the addons. All of this to help the community? I'm in awe. Well done and keep it up. WoW needs more people like you.
@gwfranklin12 ай бұрын
The GOAT thank you! You have helped me out tremendously as a returning wow player. Your tank videos and add on UI's have helped me a ton
@westloves2 ай бұрын
What a time to be alive , thanks Quazi for all your work.
@kevparedes2 ай бұрын
hey man, you're a god-send. Been using your stuff for a while now. Super helpful too bc i still screw up some elements of your UI. For your plater profile, since I play rogue, I blacklisted a few debuffs that I don't need to track as much (like poisons) since those quickly fill up the nameplates and take too much attention. But super helpful really with how they are. Looking forward to testing out the plater with mob cds baked into it as I have the "base" import on. Also really looking forward to the MDT routes as I haven't been giving those much thought!
@Twenty104892 ай бұрын
Thanks man, you really help us enjoy the game we know and love. I hope ppl will respect your request and don't burden you too much in DM.
@BjernFita2 ай бұрын
What a legend. Huge asset to the community. Thanks.
@wsbarth92Күн бұрын
wow, you are incredible, thank you so much for kindly sharing all of this content!
@mahatmaandi23472 ай бұрын
So freaking good! Thanks for all the great work :)
@d3rF.Ай бұрын
Quazii, hats off to you my Sir! An other amazing update to the UI! Been using your UI for some time now, really couldn't go back to anything else! Thank you for the most amazing work you put out for your community!
@bluemammothwarcraft34312 ай бұрын
Can confirm, quazii's ui is the bomb and goes really well with his plater profile. The community salutes you sir
@philippborner54902 ай бұрын
You truly are the MVP of the community 💚
@mourdinmourdinАй бұрын
Amazing work as always Quazii, your platter profile definitely improved my game play, so much that i can't function without it.
@jorcer89592 ай бұрын
Quazii my guy you continue to be one of the best content creators out there (and not just for WoW). Thank you for all you do for your community (and the wider WoW community) this game would be worse (and at least for me, almost unplayable) without you.
@Phyr1232 ай бұрын
This is insane, you're amazing Quazii
@sebastian68432 ай бұрын
your such a hero to the comm - thx for your work a lot !
@marlonsa31882 ай бұрын
love your guides, u make an awesome work for the community!! peace bro
@naircarrillo972 ай бұрын
Thank you Quazii for everything you do for the World of Warcraft community. You go above and beyond for all of us ❤
@wilfang2 ай бұрын
Quazii .... like many others I really believe you should be part of the development team, all the time you spend to go into the details on how to make this game more fun and actually playable for everybody is just the key of success, I want to thank you in name of the wow community for such amazing dedication. Thank you so much for playing this game and making us fall in love with it with your passion. BLIZZARD PAY ATTENTION.... YOU MISSING OUT !!!!!!
@Marktree179Ай бұрын
thank you my hero! you have all my twitch primes locked in for the rest of my life. the world needs you.
@nunofarinha54572 ай бұрын
I use your plater profile. Love it. Thank you Quazii
@eropez2 ай бұрын
Love it and will be trying this out on my streams! I am pretty new so don't get too excited lol My only note is that when using the downpour talent as a restoshaman, it slides all the WA spells around when you put the totem down and its a part of the main rotation so will always happen
@Jules-inthemiddleofnowhereАй бұрын
You have helped me to improve in M+ so much. Thank you for your interface.
@defnot39242 ай бұрын
Let''s go, just installed the last ui a week ago and notice this video in the discord. Nice.
@RagbroGaming21 күн бұрын
I love this! thank you so much ive been waiting for somthing like this
@Moonwired2 ай бұрын
Great stuff, definitely grabbing this if just for routes.
@retsimskeeseem68662 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your time, hard work, and dedication. May you know great health, happiness, and success!
@Scylaxius29 күн бұрын
Quazii, you are a hard working, genuine, bright, wholesome addition to the wow community, this game is more accessible and fun because of the hard work you put in to improve everyone’s experience with the game. Thank you for all you do! 🤟🏻
@korsakov9231Ай бұрын
Mr Quazii doing gods work here. Thank you so much sir! Much appreciated.
@TejmdLOL2 ай бұрын
Another win. Thanks Man. Helps alot
@gijsheufkens51172 ай бұрын
not only is this a FANTASTIC looking ui, it somehow increased my FPS also. im guessing the weakaura i was using for my mage was crazy inefficient. I got the quazii ui and disabled ANY weakauras i was using and it boosted my fps with like 30-40. Thanks bro!
@stiggylaАй бұрын
Goated creator helping uplift the community
@andreass62752 ай бұрын
Awesome job. Only thing missing is a template keybinding setup :-)
@leandrobaez9124Ай бұрын
An absolute legend! Been using this UI since shadowlands and still use it
@tobiaskirsch76212 ай бұрын
Your work is outstanding!
@ItsOnlyAdi2 ай бұрын
Awesome video so clean and on point really appreciate your efforts 😊
@francoisevrard36552 ай бұрын
Your UIs are amazing !
@thenamesej662 ай бұрын
@nkjuanma2 ай бұрын
Amazing bro amazing. Rogue needs FOR SURE the deathmark (hero talent) and imo a bar with envenom duration
@marcel.monashee2 ай бұрын
I use your plater profile for YEARS now. And this M+ optimized plater profile is just so smooth *_* also using your WA's for every class. I just had to drag the spell icons into the same order i got my action keys on 1-7 and X for my offensive CD's in one Button, and then Q, E, R, F, T, M5, M4, M3. I can recommend this method SO much to everybody! It feels so fckng smooth to play this way. It's like you play the way you used to, with normal action keys, but it's actually the WA, with those so many more things you can do with it. Different Spell shining for what ever event u want and so on. Oh and, i hope my english isn't TOO bad and you understand what i wanna tell you guys :D So for example, i got it this way with every character. Let's say you are playing DK like me. I got Froststrike on Button 1, Obliterate on 2, Howling Blast on 3 and so on... And then i got Abomination Limb on Q, Death Coil on E, Soul Reaper on R and so on. I drag Froststrike to the very Top of the WA's Abilities Tab, then Obliterate below Froststrike, Howling Blast below Obliterate and so on. And for the 2nd row, i do the same, so Abomination Limb (at the point where you got enough spells in Top Row so that it's gettin automatically put into 2nd row. then Death Coil below Abomination Limb and so on. I think you get the point. So when you're done, it feels just like you're playing with normal Action Bars, but with WA as a replacement for it and waaay more options. I don't have to check if i got for example, a killing machine proc. Because i set the WA so that when Killing Machine procs, the Obliterate Bar starts shining with that Pixel Glow and i instantly know i have to press it next because i got a procc for that spell. It takes some more time to set it this way, but it's worth it, turst me. I got so fckng insane dps+ this way. especially with my Destro Warlock on Raid Bosses. Because you have more time focusing at the game, and not always needing to check for proccs or specific buffs. @Quazii WoW it yould be SO insane, if you could update the next WA so that all the important Proccs and Buffs, that make specific spells stronger, start shining or something like that. And maybe some way to make this process i just talked about, a bit easier. With the draging of all the different spells so that it matches your action bar. Love those WA's!
@Aldruc2 ай бұрын
How do you set so abilities starts glowing on the weak aura? Like you mentioned with obliterate?
@FormalCooksАй бұрын
You Sir are a Legend!!! Thank you so much for this!!
@adriantay22Ай бұрын
Not all heroes wear a cape. Quazii, you sir have contributed alot to the WoW community. We are lucky to have you! Asia represent too!
@dambros2 ай бұрын
I use your cell and plater and really like it. Amazing job
@justinochoa6985Ай бұрын
The man is a legend, long time watcher!
@UZINEL2 ай бұрын
I love all of your ui items! Would love to see your up for healing in a raid
@NobleshieldАй бұрын
I forgot how great your UI and WA packs were. Just resubbed for TWW after stopping early in Dragonflight and glad I did because this is great
@LegendaryOldwarriorАй бұрын
DUDE!!!! This is awesome man.
@coreycox4802Ай бұрын
Can't wait to give this a try. Thank you!
@zer0coolxgaming2 ай бұрын
This is awesome. Will updates to profiles over write current profiles (including user customizations)? If so, it would be nice in the future to have updates only add what’s new, leaving unchanged or user changed stuff alone. Regardless, thanks a ton
@juanluiszavaleta4753Ай бұрын
You're a legend! Thank you for sharing 🖖
@ClutchMedicАй бұрын
Earned yourself a sub sir, outdid yourself here.
@murrayfallen1424Ай бұрын
bro this is insanely helpful. god tier addon/ui game!
@devel-rh6hy15 күн бұрын
man you rock! never really giving a tip but man you should get something for this!
@alonbinyaminАй бұрын
Dude... you're the GOAT God damn.
@luissnetooАй бұрын
ty for your work and dedication
@djenthcore4510Ай бұрын
As always the best one!
@oligee22312 ай бұрын
I am glad test you listen to your followers and get it done! Now the next step is mini games for m+ dungeon mechanics based on the role. Keep up the awesome work!
@Jztyle2 ай бұрын
Blizzard also really should give their own UI more modifications elements too. I’m too used to looking at my bars instead of the weak-auras
@theverybadgamerАй бұрын
Insane just insane !!! Thanks you so much ❤❤
@J.Arnold2 ай бұрын
Dude, you are the GOAT!
@jug-eun23 күн бұрын
First of all I just wanted to say thank you for your amazing UI. I've been using your UI ever since Shadowlands and it has been a great experience ever since. I wanted to share some feedback to the UI, mostly related to consistency and readability, as although everything is perfectly customizable, I thing these small changes to the base UI can greatly improve your viewers' experience, especially for those not as knowledgeable about UI customization. - I've noticed that there are a few small things that tend to be slightly inconsistent across the UI. The colors and gradient, as well as the background on Details! is different from the one on your nameplates and unitframes, making it stand out and not fit as well with the UI, which is not great, both from an aesthetic standpoint, and gameplay wise, as focusing on your details! is generally a bad idea. - The nameplates and Unit frames also have some differences, which does make sure, as the vanilla UI has them as well, but making things consistent (including the position of names and HP within the bar) would make a player have an easier overall time navigating around, therefore improving awarenss. - This is something that I've noticed you've changed throughout the years, but since Dragonflight you have gotten rid of the spacing on the weakaura Cd trackers. I belive this hinders readability, as it makes it harder for the human eye to differentiate the abilities when multiple are on cooldown, and it also makes it less consistent and appealing visual wise, as some other icons, like OmniCD's defensive cds on your party frames still have spacing. In addition the spacing between the player/target unit frame and Actionbar/WA cd tracker is also much higher horizontally then vertically. Having the unit frames have the same horizontal and vertical spacing between the two would equate to a better visual appearance. - Another, even more minor one is, although the UI is centered, the text on the player and target frame are the same. I believe as the human body is a mirror of both sides, we naturally tend to find centered things that are mirrored more appealing and easier to read. Also, having the health bar closer to the center on the target frame would make for less eye travel, thus improving awareness. These are some points, that although very minor and easily fixable by each individual, could improve the base UI even further and help players who are not as interested in tweaking the base. Thank you again for your hard work Quazii, you are the best ❤
@anonymousSWE2 ай бұрын
Honestly, you are a legend.
@AshalanoriАй бұрын
thank you so much ! You are the best !
@GrappIer2 ай бұрын
Thanks for not paywalling it behind a sub!
@MJunkisАй бұрын
Love your content and the help u do for the community dude. is plater updated for patch 11.0.5? Lov u
@lukeleonhardt7312 ай бұрын
crazy work man ty ty
@SPDforest47Ай бұрын
Hey quazii great great thing you are putting up here my man, quick small suggestion, could you add the divine guidance passive into the protection paladin weakaura? so you can check how many stacks you have before throwing the consecration?
@mohamedhaid85022 ай бұрын
best ui ever thank you for your hard work
@realtalkz3930Ай бұрын
Quazii is too generous man single handled saving people from M+ madness
@ZatshotАй бұрын
Man you're a legend
@siyam61082 ай бұрын
Bless this guy man. he is like an angel in this wow community
@martinlindner60872 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this
@robird33442 ай бұрын
The MVP of the Warcraftcommunity striked again! ❤
@WhoisGhetto2 ай бұрын
thanks for all that you do!
@StuartRichesАй бұрын
You sir are amazing
@ChatsPlays2 ай бұрын
Upvote, Comment, Watch!
@itsSintasyАй бұрын
Hey Quazii! Do you plan to make an ultrawide 21:9 2k version of your UI? I love the UI; it's great, buuuut... When I set it up on a 2k ultrawide, it goes nuts-the buttons/nameplates are too big, UI elements aren't aligned, space isn't used efficiently, and stuff like that. PS Thanks for all the videos you post; the content is stellar. I especially loved the review of TWW content during the beta phase :)
@leudjim2 ай бұрын
Protect this man at all costs
@arturk91812 ай бұрын
I aint gonna lie, your nameplates with colors are cheats and I love it!
@ryidnassif6910Ай бұрын
yaaay thanks Quaziimodo
@deesul4134Ай бұрын
Love your content and I appreciate your contribution to the community. Unfortunately do to the amount of frustration and punishment this season I am removing all my subs from my KZbin. I get so much anxiety and frustration from M+ and the 8 +10 keys, 90 crests, and the dozens of hours needed just to have a spot on a raid team or to get into a raid team. Gearing is not enjoyable and I've left a couple guilds just because of how they distribute gear. I spend 20 minutes getting into keys and then they fail. After a couple hours of having other people fail the key I am overwhelmingly frustrated and I cannot outplay other players failures. M+ is too punishing and required too much. I hate spending hours getting no reward every week and then filling my vault just to be disappointed. I need to take a break and I'm removing all my subs just so I dont' get reminded of the game. I'll probably come back when things change, but for now I need to purge this punishing game out of my life. Thank you for all you do big dawg
@MrNyacАй бұрын
Amazing work Quazii! Did you add all the various (non-class) weakauras? I can't seem to locate them. :) Like the interrupt, BR tracker, mana tracker, key UI etc.
@Cross2912 ай бұрын
You are the best bro!
@georgisaksson75002 ай бұрын
Genious 😊❤ týna very much 😊
@altadar7870Ай бұрын
I have no idea how we used to play this game before Q's Plater profile.