Whilst the Brotish Royals swan about in posh, formal clothing at the Garden Party at Buckingham Palace , the Danish Ryals are dressed in tee shirts and running shorts. , and chatting with theirfellow runners. King Frederik Crown Prince Chrsitian and Prince Vincent all did a one mile Family run in Different towns in Denmark, and then dd the 10k, Royal Run in Copenhagen. Queen Mary, Princess Isabella, and Princess Josephine watched in a raised up public viewing area , and waited to see King Frederik and the 2 boys finish the race. Prince Vincent got the fastest time of the 3 of them, and has clearly inherited his father's athletic talent ! The Queen and the princesses were standing behind the finish line , smiling and clapping , and a Danish photo shows them on a raised up , public viewing area , for spectators . Queen Mary and Princess Josephine were smiing and laughing as King Frederik watched other competitors finishing. So different from our Remote stiff upper lip British Royals . Even at the Garden Parties, they are kept apart in a fenced off area, from all but a few selected guests, No wonder the Danish Royals are so popular , enjoying 90% public support. The Danish Royals can mix freely , go shopping , walk their dogs, eat in restaurants etc., yet can be formal when required to do so. Plain clothed Police Officers are with Frederik and Mary when they are out in public , but are so discreet that no-one can pick them out . In reality they have 6 million ""guards "" , which is why they can mix so freely , and clearly enjoy doing so. British Royals please note !