🔔 BDO | Is Evasion Actually Dead? | 16 Different Tests and Conclusions | 1235-1400 Evasion Range |

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@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
DR Test Video : kzbin.info/www/bejne/nGfcaYqDdt9rm7c PvE Tierlist : kzbin.info/www/bejne/lXe1ln6idr9qrtE My Twitch Link : www.twitch.tv/quendya_ My Discord Link : discord.com/invite/2NeTYZq Sovereign Weapon Details: kzbin.info/www/bejne/bmSrpZqgorahp9Usi=qscVjJkVtG0O2pjL Dosa Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1ZUN8sbmrq1r8RhJHnjpS2- CC & Combat Mechanics Guide : kzbin.info/www/bejne/o4WcfIqkiKhqj80 Corsair Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1a5K7a76h-x1_4y9f06zC5V Class Interviews Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1aDg5D5M63jAvJQb8oimycr Drakania Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1bbJRxKwTSJLBezHK6AlJmQ Valkyrie Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1ZTTEHeN6nbDz43vc3gJklz Woosa Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1ZV6cOR8YCs4UmvtloOXFW1 Guardian Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1YL8TYnFdV2RR40VEh0rkwO Maegu Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1aDDdv4ESQGrXqZpaUt6bPO Spot Reviews Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1YpVW0loM428_PyV_v6jhly Scholar Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1bIufuBXWtyWyRCmJrRpXz4 Global Lab Updates Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1aJxai2fX6zgMkk3Xf6rtRZ PvP Tierlist : kzbin.info/www/bejne/sJ6mf4NrYrSFr7c AP Cap & Hit Rate Calc. : kzbin.info/www/bejne/mnK7lHails9pf9k Maehwa Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1aVZJD2TFBwzwMGfrmU3bUK Black Shrine All Guides : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1Zm9eeqKbKxB6DJK7MLLCJg Dokkebi's Hobbies Journal Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1bOgLQoa3agcZcRbiTAlXEE Maegu Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1aDDdv4ESQGrXqZpaUt6bPO Lahn Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1ZTUjmfF3uhC9ml16lHIGcJ Berserker Videos Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1Y2pSvVZ3PYDvN1udcsiwGy Class Interviews Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1aDg5D5M63jAvJQb8oimycr Road to ... Mini Series : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1Z8VTeidWt_w6bkhge_Rg9V Atoraxxion Playlist : kzbin.info/aero/PLHmWx8McPK1aOu_kHeXFrit0EbRhhNXKW
@ItsManny-y1r 7 ай бұрын
Can we see a video of the optimal 1300 Eva build damaging a geared squishy DR class, shield dr class, and Eva class? I’d like to see how much damage the Eva builds do with the new dr/eva changes.
@drop-em_lk_liqid 7 ай бұрын
I would like to see the roles reversed and the musa on attack and Drak on defense with the same builds.. what can those eva builds do dmg wise to the dr builds..
@opijun1 7 ай бұрын
I agree, I think AP Eva is really dead because they can't do any damage to AP DR builds.
@buraksondurak 7 ай бұрын
Someone smart at least.
@lvrvisuals7800 7 ай бұрын
@@opijun1 With that logic both are dead because a AP DR build also does no dmg to eva. Which means an endless fight of both doing no dmg.
@trevorbaker6960 5 ай бұрын
@@cain7925 these arnt even good evasion builds is probably why people mad at him
@crimsonone3401 7 ай бұрын
this video is on point. those people who say eva is dead just want to be immortal and still be able to kill everyone with 1 combo despite sacrificing a lot of ap to stack eva and dr. they are crying right now because they realized they can no longer exploit evasion like that. PA made a really good balancing right there. well deserved !
@complain4163 7 ай бұрын
and now heavy dr classes can be immortal while still being able to kill...
@sylviana562 7 ай бұрын
lol and you think dr was never op? pretty much anyone can build around dr and be tanky than most eva build while being able to kill everyone
@touzong01 7 ай бұрын
​@complain4163 ??? Your forgetting the biggest prob with eva. Yes dr is op. But the prob was people were building a shit ton of eva on top of have a shit ton of dr included. Literally making them unkillable. Atleast you can still hit just dr classes no matter how tanky they are. Eva was a joke while i throw out my whole combo to hit all 0s feels so nice.
@EltinhoxxT 7 ай бұрын
@@complain4163 Never played pvp before dont you?
@sandrasanchez942 7 ай бұрын
I had no idea that used to be possible. I thought if people stacked evasion, then they'd be sacrificing AP and accuracy and wouldn't be able to kill anything. Was it certain classes that were able to abuse this? I don't PVP much so idk. I play ninja that's supposed to be an evasion class, but everyone in the ninja discord had been saying full evasion ninja can't kill anything
@skrzynka5244 7 ай бұрын
Great video nice, one thing missing DMG dealt by Musa on each build to Dr drakania just curious
@buraksondurak 7 ай бұрын
Want to see the reverse why is noone showing it?! Tbh i want to see that 1401 Eva Musa doing dmg on the Drak build. The whole comparisons are worthless if you never do reverse testing showcase IMO!
@lianxinsolombos4888 7 ай бұрын
yes. no reverse testing. especialy those striker and mystic class.
@Xibalbawaits 7 ай бұрын
they can't show it because when do it they'll hit like a wet noodle and can't claim "eVaSioN baLaNcED" hayır a q anlamıyorum bu patchten önce hangi kolsuz ve beyinsiz 1400 evaya karşı 1100 isabet çıkmayı akıl edemedi ya da çıktı da 1100 isabet ile 1400 eva kesemedi, ya bir tanesi de çıksın desin ki "ben 1100 isabet ile düzgün bi combo atarak 1400 eva striker ya da hashash kesemedim", biri desin, mümkün değil a q, ne matematikle mümkün ne pratikte. isabet takıları zaten bu patchten önce dibi görmüştü, sentor ile neredeyse aynı fiyata isabet takısı var pazarda lunar, desinler ki pahalı, alt silah 1.5b idi, caphrası 8b bile tutmaz. pleb pleb buildlerden bihaber, neye karşı ne takması gerektiğini bilmeyen tipler çıktı 850 isabet ile evasion buildlere vuramayınca ağladılar zırladılar ortaya bu tablo çıktı. e şimdi niye ağlamıyorlar biz 60b tutan 2 çağrılı DR buildi kesmek için 1.5t tutan 5 pen debo kasmamız lazım diye, hangisi daha ucuz counterlıyor hiç düşünmüyorlar mı a q ulan zaten 720 dr'a çıkınca 1350 eva kadar tanklaşıyorum, ee mystic striker'da sicil sentor takarak 293 ap'ye düşüp anca çıkabildiğim tanklığa tek cadry ile çıkıp üstüne 309 ap'de kalıp kristallerde harphia gibi kısıtlayıcı şeylerden kurtulmak varken aklımı mı kaçırdım da evasion'da kalayım, hala kalkmış 293 ap eva da 750 dr kadar tanklıyor diyor, olur çim böcekleriyle pvp atarım 293le artık. isabet self buffı olmayan classların bile (kuno aktarım gibi) skillerine bedava isabet geldi en aşağı %19, adamın buff almak için korumasız skill atmasına bile gerek yok skillerinin neredeyse tamamı %19 isabetle vuruyor, base isabetler de arttı, isabet takıları da neredeyse bedava, miss geçse de %10 min hasar yiyorsun, ee hangi evasion tutuyor seni de o kadar ap capi feda edip evasion kasacaksın. bi bahaneleri de sovereign silah, ya pen'i +6 sheet ap veriyor silahın, hadi onu geçtim o silah bana geliyorsa dr adama da geliyor, yine her türlü dr önde kalıyor ne anlamı var. madem eşitlik isteniyor e ver o zaman evasion'a dr'ın çıkabildiği ap'lere çıkma imkanı, madem aynı tanklığı veriyorsun, 1400e çıkmak için ne kadar ap feda edildiğini bilmeyen tipler var bu oyunda, evasion'ın cc engellediğini düşünen beyin fukaraları var yorumlarda. ee yayıncılar da bunun farkında bunları değerlendiriyorlar işte, çünkü şu an evasion'ın ofansif anlamdaki leşliğini gösterseler olur da DR'ı nerflerler diye ödleri kopuyor. sabah akşam moba vuran adamların pvp hakkındaki yorumlarını dinleyip ona göre güncelleme getirirsen bu olur işte. şebeklik a q
@lvrvisuals7800 7 ай бұрын
On reverse no one will do dmg and its an endless fight. Unless both switch to accu and the other switch to ap.
@buraksondurak 7 ай бұрын
@@cain7925 that‘s not the reverse. They should just keep one build and get rid of DR or Eva. Easier for them and we could get real game/class balance
@ShinobiXXXBDO 7 ай бұрын
They can simply make evasion builds a bit better by adding some AP to evasion accs other then Sicils every accs with evasion on it has 0 ap, this is why evasion is dusted right now, to have high evasion you must sacrifice a ton of ap/damage to achieve 1300+ evasion. They could add like 10ap to a Pen Centaurts and 5 ap to Ethereals and 3 ap to Ocean Rings... DP an Accuracy accs all have some AP why not evasion, this would allow evasion to be able to compete against high DR players. Doing this would also add alot of build diversity back into the game
@Blooddiamonds188 7 ай бұрын
Accuracy and ap go hand and hand. only certain classes benefit from evasion while everyone benefits from DR. yes accuracy comes with ap but with a heavy hit to your ap bracket AND DR. Gone are the days where people could stack high evasion and neglect their ap and still one combo almost everything and win SA trades even while playing slopy.
@ShinobiXXXBDO 7 ай бұрын
@@Blooddiamonds188 i can agree but now its at a place where with high evasion and not GOD tier everything else you aint messing with a high DR player, which is far easier to obtain High DR with damage then it is with HIgh Evasion and Damage.. .Example i fought a Drak the other day, and while yes i felt stronger defensive wise, at 301 AP/420dp and 1210 evasion Maegu, im not sure i ever saw her health bar move, so we sat there for several minutes hitting eachother with what felt like wet noodles and eventually we both just went in diff directions ... pretty dam boring if you ask me, I dont think it will be long before ppl are going to be more on the side of, i dont mind pvp but i dont wanna fight for 10 dam minutes before one of us die... after that fight with the drak, im not even bothering with PVP at this point
@lvrvisuals7800 7 ай бұрын
Thats why they are revamping the accessories soon. New Sicil, cents and Cadry's are gonna boost eva and dr alot.
@Xibalbawaits 7 ай бұрын
thing is you evasion haters never understand is "evasion never give someone immortality except full dp evasion builds" hybrid evasions could reach max 1400ish eva with tons of ap and accuracy sacrifice and has no freedom on crystal setup and u couldn't go over 500 dr with hybrid eva before patch, but people kept crying about it so they had mental disability to think what their opponent's gear and what they should swap to, 1400 evasion never been immortal against to 1100 accuracy, even if your class had good evasion shred skills 1050 was more than enough. immortal builds are dead? oh rly, tell it to 2 cadry zerkers, valks, succ warriors and novas. do tests on musa with dr gear with only 1 cadry, and see what's the difference in terms of defense, do the same combos and check his hp bar and check the difference vs evasion, difference almost zero. so why i have to sacrifice sh1t tons of damage for to get same tankiness that dr have with crystal freedom and nouver option and occupy only 1 accessory slot (cadry) EVA: 297 ap with sicil+cent eva. 1338 eva - 619 pvp ap (with pen debo rings and offin mainhand) - DR: 316 ap with only 1 cadry and 2 narcs - 710 dr 676 pvp ap, even with defensive crystal setup (with offin mainhand) 4 ap cap lose to get same tankiness, yep seems like eva is alive.. sigh now you are telling evasion in good place, evasion WAS in good place before patch so that had meaning in build diversity, if your class had good evasion passive and self buffs had meaning to go evasion, and its counter accessories were already cheap due to required pve accuracy nerf, dawn earring was 80b before patch, ominous was 60b before patch, lunar was 30 35b before patch. it was cheap to build evasion and it was cheap to build accuracy. DR and Eva never ment to same in terms of defense, if you want to make it same give same crystal freedom to evasion as dr, give ap offhand option like nouver, bs right? like people thought "dr need to be same as eva" sh1t. troll builds are dead? oh tell that to strikers with eva glove, dr shoe, full ap accessory and nouver. now, you evasion haters' argumeent that always said "evasion so cheap 20b centaur build can stay alive against to my hardcap build" now 2 cadry zerks, valks, novas and warriors gonna ignore your 1.5t worth 5 debos. yeah, evasion is dead because there is no meaning anymore to run evasion even in classes have evasion buffs and passives, dr works better both offensive and defensive sides. and in next video i hope you gonna say "DR is big problem, oh 2 cadry ignores my hardcap build" and test eva's and dr's damage in hybrid builds instead of testing DR stack with kabuas and no khalk perfume and trying to show "oh look how squishy dr still is" TLDR; if evasion lowers his ap to 293 and hits like wet noodle against to dr but dr can maintain 316 ap with 1 cadry and get same tankiness you can't call evasion is alive, next time do proper tests, not 1 sided.
@666222333111 6 ай бұрын
I think people miss the fact that we got DP patch before AP patch. New test are needed when new weapons come out...
@Quendya 6 ай бұрын
@TheSilverwolf97 7 ай бұрын
Interesting. I wonder how are we gonna have to build damage wise now, because before being AP monkey was the best against both eva and dr builds (not troll builds), now you need some accuracy against eva classes, but at the same time you need to keep high AP against dr classes. I wonder what will the sweet spot be for max efficiency on large scale now.
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
We ll need sovereign to find balance.
@TheSilverwolf97 7 ай бұрын
@@Quendya pretty much yeah, we also have to see the new accesories from lotml 2. Taebaek belt finds some use cases so maybe if the skill of the new ones is better it might fight for a spot. That and the sovereign reform buffs have a say in the upcoming meta.
@imPansy 7 ай бұрын
As always, solid work
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
Thanks mate
@Erithonyoutube 7 ай бұрын
So it's unfair to want to run evasion and still have a chance at killing people, but it's "Balanced" when you can go full AP and still tank better than 1200+ evasion...? Out of your mind....
@MarioWarKing 7 ай бұрын
🎉 GOOD Explanation 😊 So based on your example It seems that 1200+ is a good goal for the Accuracy route. For what I saw, Evasion is good to a point but you need to be willing to sacrifice AP. I am not. So I believe based on these examples that we should be mindful of the accessories we buy for our class. 🥸😎🤓🧐
@angel_bdo 7 ай бұрын
I don't want to shit talk your vid and I respect the good work that you do, but there's 2 very obvious things that stand out. 1) you're not supposed to use macalods and rbf vipers vs evasion target but rather hooms + jin vipers (ur basically missing 60 accuracy there), Then you also pop courage while insight would give you more damage against him probably (not sure). If you just swap these, you will delete his 1235 eva build very easily w/o having many accuracy accs. And then 2nd) the guy is using charm + dp stone + armor draught. There's no way he can kill you with his 1300 eva gear + defensive crystals. Truth is nobody will run 1300 evasion because it CANT KILL ANYONE anymore, but you can still die from people who stack enough accuracy. And that's where the issue is at. It's not that high evasion isnt tanky. It's the fact that you cant build high evasion anymore cus you have no slot to put a centaur or defensive crystals / artifacts if you want to be able to kill anyone running DR.
@Xibalbawaits 7 ай бұрын
tell em bro, tell the truths to those clowns with mental disabilities, if not, then they are scared their lovely dr builds gonna be nerfed. 1400 eva was easly killable with 1100 accuracy, and building 1100 accuracy cheaper than 5 debos that u need now to kill a dr build with 1 or 2 cadry. those plebs with mental disability with not enough brain cells to think swap accuracy accessories or offhand and only with 850-900 accuracy and did no damage to evasion, cried and won, and make this game pretty sh1tfest, and look at those comments "seems balanced" this game's community goes disgusting day by day
@Ionknowman768 7 ай бұрын
The issue with swapping your crystals and elixir is that they have HORRIBLE Ap:Accuracy ratio, trading a courage for an insight gives up 20 ap for 15 acc, yet trading a debo for a dawn is 5 ap for 44 accuracy. Even on Jin Vipers your trading 20 human dmg for only 40 accuracy, thats 4 times the ap for even less accuracy. Nowhere else is it worth it to trade ap for accuracy. Choice Made a Video on it. accessories have ~1:4 ap:acc ratio, while nowhere else in you gear will you even best ~1:2 ap:acc ratio. In a meta where literally everyone has 600+ DR its unwise to hemorrhage that much ap for someone who cant even kill you anyway.
@Zerou_Zumeron 7 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this video and the tests you made. You answered all of my questions regarding Evasion builds. I really appreciate your effort on analyzing everything on this.
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
@asifdomo500 6 ай бұрын
You are a really knowledged person that people look up to. Yet I don't understand how the test got skewed in this way? If you want to test evasion, you do it without testing *special evasion rate* In fact, I believe generaly right now the best build is actually *DR + Special Evasion Rate* . People can get with perfume of charm and elixir/garmoth/lightstone combo around *47%-50% Evasion rate* That makes a *gigantic difference on the Calculations made by you* or whether you hit multipliers on dmg or not. Therefore, This is **not evasion** Testing. You should rather test without it (without special evasion rate or base value). Or if you want to put an actual fair conclusion you should test *vs same guy DR + Special evasion 47%-50% rate as well*. Because clearly if the Musa was DR with Special Evasion Rate of 47-50% would have been more tankier (at least from my testing) than with Evasion + Special Evasion Rate you seek to show there. *I'd really love a follow video of yours disproving this* . Not to mention you are testing Evasion, yet you are offuscating your test by adding a % chance variable (special evasion rate) that is not affected by any evasion value whatsoever? So fundamentally I think the test is somewhat flawed and doesn't prove evasion is "alive "or not. Thought I do agree as you clearly state that when the guy 8:18 had so much evasion you needed multiple accuracy accessories to make sure to the damage the guy received was not lowered. Therefore, Evasion forces you to have accuracy only **when is very high** while on the mid range due to accuracy buff on skill (19-25%) and skill add on (+accu -eva) mid range (1100-1350) I don't think is remotely worth to have evasion. My TLDR is only DR evasion people (shai) or no dmg builds (Striker,mystic, musa DR EVASION) can work given not only you have Moderately High DR but also extremely High Evasion + *special evasion rate 47-50%*
@audioslave3004 7 ай бұрын
I think I was the only person that expected evasion to stack with DR making the hybrid tankier, seems people were in the impression that your eva or DR, classes that were eva mainly are now stronger because the DR buffs and gear buffs, say hashashin is now a tank
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
True, for sorc hash striker mystic musa etc. They feel So tanky even with 1300 evasion. Because they got dr too and now evasion is more consistent
@sezerbutun2167 7 ай бұрын
@@Quendya hash is in a very akward spot, was testing and talking a lot on hash discord with a lot of people, going 1 blue 1 greeen armor and hitting 1200 eva with as much dr as possible seems to hit a certain "sweet spot" where u take the least amount of dmg, since u ignore almost everyone who has lower then 2 accu accessories and still tank quite a bit with the DR that u have, the problem is the lack of dmg though. It is not enough for the tanky DR classes, but more then enough to kill all the squishy who you should target as hashashin anyway. Hope that gives some insight, and furthers the testing.
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
@@sezerbutun2167 We need to get sovereign weapons. They set the new combat stats according to future updates. thats why we all feel so tanky and some classes feel hella tanky.(berserker striker mystic etc)
@zengy87 7 ай бұрын
the question is can a built evasion kill a t 600+ dr. a eva form 12k to 13k is like what 630 total ap mayb alil more if geared af. 282 -301ap cant dmg a dr plus you got no hmg dmg fighting a DR is gonna like poking a Tank with a stick. i my self is eva built but i swap to dr for human dmg in order to do dmg to . i was 330 ap with eva built no human dmg cant do no dmg
@NineSins 7 ай бұрын
1. What was even the measurement of those tests? From what I've seen the only real conclusion you can make is "evasion vs accuracy does change the damage". Maybe plot some graph and make assumption on what is the function, so it's a good starting point, but doesn't answer the main question. 2. Where is the DR control group? If we are talking about evasion being dead, we mean that in comparison to DR. There's nothing here to compare to, we can only see that evasion "works" but not "how well", and how does it compare to the counterpart.
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
You cannot use DR as control group. Because evasion classes benefits from their evasion passives and self buffs. They have less DR compared to other DR classes.(Like VK BR DR etc.) They feel less tanky compared to them. i did few test to 700DR musa. it s like a paper for me. just melts with 800-850 AP. So as a result, When you test classes designed for Evasion with a DR build, you cannot obtain a healthy result in terms of tankiness. The Evasion passive and self buffs given to these classes have a purpose. It's like not using one of your arms at all.
@LiyerMerlin 7 ай бұрын
Maybe what they mean is vs a dr class from what I've been seeing evasion seems to be balanced now but Dr seems to be way overtuned or maybe its not dr specifically but the Dr classes . They are basically taking the old broken evasion classes place by being unkillable but able to kill evasion players while they are standinf
@NineSins 7 ай бұрын
@@Quendya this makes sense, but many people claim evasion is worse even on evasion classes, would be nice to show whether its true or not
@ringlora2 7 ай бұрын
​@@NineSinsmeanwhile in rbf my awak wiz evades 5 or 6 ppl at once with only 1157 Eva.. got a ton pm after
@blueiru7351 7 ай бұрын
I'm not PVP enthusiast but I see healthy grow from increasing evasion and accuracy, why bother testing if DR or Evasion is better when we only talk about how evasion build works in this video? But sure, we would be happy if Quendya pump more testing about DR and Evasion build comparison
@sdbash5612 7 ай бұрын
If PA is smart the next step is do adjust all classes pvp dmg reduction percentage, some classes no matter what skills they use especially now running full ap don’t do dmg cuz of their pvp dmg reduc while other classes cough drak with 2 pen cadrys can kill anyone even with the person running high DR. By adjusting pvp dmg reduc on all classes skills it will even the playing field it’s not gonna be perfect because we do have classes with a million s, classes with insane movement etc.
@tomcheng8689 7 ай бұрын
Big difference in the damage of each class’s complete combos
@sdbash5612 7 ай бұрын
@@tomcheng8689 yes some classes have high burst skills for dmg and some classes skills have long animation, I’m talking about giving all classes some fair PvP dmg reduction % on some of their skills
@lastboss2418 7 ай бұрын
@@sdbash5612 while dk scale 80% damage to zerk n zerk scale 120% damage to dk.. For 8years.. U think that going to happen? 😂
@zKyo7763s 7 ай бұрын
thanks for your hard work. good work :)
Thanks from brazil.
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
@bares1044 7 ай бұрын
Could you test the summon skills? like awk musa , succ nova, succ hash , awk woosa etc... some summon skill dealt much damage
@nexuscato655 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much this helped me from a better perspective of how evasion works and i believe pa chosing to give it diminishing returns at higher lvls and reasonable returns at lower is the right move, destiny also had to do the same thing with its dmg reduction stat at one point. I do have one worry though, it is sacrificing ap for evasion resulting in a slower grind speed. Is it viable to make an evasion build by swapping to eva peripherals like crystals, lightstones and artifacts so i can keep my ap accessories which give sheet ap
@Tommytfd1988 7 ай бұрын
All well and good having a musa on 1355 evasion but what does it achieve nothing? It will hit like a wet noodle
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
The purpose of the video is to show that excessive stacking is not beneficial. We explain that after 1350+, excessive tankiness does not provide much durability and also results in significant damage loss. There are beautiful builds where an ideal balance can be found, benefiting from evasion and maintaining an offensive stance. I cannot share these with the person playing Musa as promised. Go to the arena, conduct hours of testing, experiment, and discover them on your own.
@deusanti 7 ай бұрын
If Evasion works just like DR then why not get rid of bloat and complications by just having DR only? I think Dev is wasting their time. Do one or the other. We already of convoluted hidden stats in everything. I think time would have better been spent on streamlining Gear Stats so we don't have any hidden numbers. IMO anyways.
@Voltwall 6 ай бұрын
f yeah...
@Хелен-ж3ш 7 ай бұрын
Спасибо за тесты!
@Tukanin91 7 ай бұрын
Evasion is balanced now and its very good job from PA, atleast once they did something good BUT dr...needs to be nerfed. That shit with zerk and valk is idiotic. Also, most of classes deal very low dmg and some 0dmg. They need to fix that. Zerk cannot be tanky and still do good dmg, same goes to valk, while you got class like archer who suppose to kill, hits like tuvala gear.
@petezAAPete 7 ай бұрын
Leave my zerky alone 😢
@Tukanin91 7 ай бұрын
@@petezAAPete be real comon man
@bunzbucks8330 7 ай бұрын
cannot agree more
@touzong01 7 ай бұрын
@@Tukanin91 totally agree 👍
@dzudemlow 7 ай бұрын
Zerk doesn't do crazy dmg on a DR build, calm down. Valk is quite a bit stronger in that regard.
@davutdogan9 7 ай бұрын
@Seals619 7 ай бұрын
100% agreed, evasion is in a good spot now. DR needs to be toned back now lol. Because immortal builds 1000% work for DR now. It's just swapped.
@HaPKoMaTo3 7 ай бұрын
Nah, just get more gear.
@HaPKoMaTo3 7 ай бұрын
@@aSmolGoth Well they are going to add new weapons and new ap brackets. Plus changing old ones so you get a bit more AP. So it should fix most of the issues. Also don't forget that some classes just don't have a lot of damage in combo.
@unown266 5 ай бұрын
any opinion on evasion build for PvE?
@ShinobiXXXBDO 7 ай бұрын
This is the second video made of this crap, evasion is dead because the amount of AP/damage you lose for going high evasion was hard enough to kill tanky classes before hand, now with DR stronger then ever and new DP brackets coming. Its impossible for that musa to kill you, so sure may be able to survive a bit more but have 0 kill potential, hence evasion is dead cuz the cost to run evasion is to much and cant compete with high DR
@BeasleyLaflare 6 ай бұрын
Hold my beer check my page out I’m 306 ap at max
@juliodmenz7072 6 ай бұрын
U cant be tank and dmg at the same time lol
@BeasleyLaflare 6 ай бұрын
@@juliodmenz7072 must not seen my KZbin shorts not true
@mallowynn5062 6 ай бұрын
The cost may be higher but if everyone has that mentality, people with alot of resources will invest even harder in EVA builds because no one will ever build precision against them, since the common sense is now the "evasion is dead" affirmative. Your argument just doesn't make any sense...
@alinvornicu7734 5 ай бұрын
Wtf is wrong with you guys before the DR update you could ez kill someone with 500 DP. So everything over 401 was wasted. Thats why evasion was overpowered as f.
@khadajhin8656 7 ай бұрын
11:39 maybe I am not geared enough to understand why they gatekeep their builds but idk man why tho ? xd
@kewashere 7 ай бұрын
En optimali 5 debo ve 3 isabet takısı elde tutmak olduğunu düşünüyorum. Zaten isabet takıları artık hem çok ucuz hem de her biri çok iyi şekilde bufflandı.
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
varsa fırsat 6 isabeti kenera koymak en iyisi. çünkü 6 isabet ile karşı tarafa ayakta da hasar verebilmeye başlıyorsun. Bu sayede canını daha rahat indirip yakaladığın ilk fırsatte ap düşükte olsa öldürebiliyorsun.
@kewashere 7 ай бұрын
@@Quendya daha 5 ay önce eu geçtim inş ileride oda olur :D
@TheDani852 7 ай бұрын
Now make the same video for DR, which is the actual reason why people are calling Evasion dead. It's not bad, but DR does it better AND gets the damage. The roles have reversed.
@NoctBeard 7 ай бұрын
@Quendya please make it, want to see. This is the reason eva pepo said eva dead
@iflynx8981 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video, now gearlets will have an idea how to counter eva , and not just complaining and complaining to PA about evasion
@RM-cf2xq 7 ай бұрын
IM confused. What ap and human dmg is he counting to get to that ap? Cuz last i check you only add the ap+human dmg and get ur answer. But it seems like he's adding something else, a third number to get 900+ pvp ap lol
@Ionknowman768 7 ай бұрын
Its literally just human dmg and ap, you see it in the screen shots at the beginning of the video
@myTERAexperience 7 ай бұрын
I will Interpret those not showing their builds: Only 2 options: "I am overpowered and don't want nerfed." "I only like pvp when I have an advantage over others." Fin. 😂
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
I know Musa’s and Sorc’s build. They are nasty xD
@JohnSmith-ky8um 7 ай бұрын
@@Quendyaplease tell me, I’ll keep it secret 🤐
@gaborhorvath1794 7 ай бұрын
they removed the "miss" text from game? How can I know if I'm missing some accuracy on a grindspot then? Before If I saw misses I just added some accuracy crystals
@TheDani852 7 ай бұрын
Misses still work in pve. Due to acc changes, you rarely see them.
@kome_na 7 ай бұрын
"immortal builds dead" - except that zerker must be literally afk for a minute so that 10 people can overdps his infinite potion regen
@Cezario 7 ай бұрын
@@cain7925 Nope. He cant
@bdo8522 7 ай бұрын
Bro, I like your videos very much, your videos help me a lot. Could you please share the combo of this video? Again, thank you! 兄弟,我很喜歡你的視頻,你的視頻對我有很大的幫助。請問可以分享一下這次視頻的連招嗎?再一次感謝!
@josepaulosalcedo3201 7 ай бұрын
love the content more more
@kaceydillin7367 7 ай бұрын
Evasion dead? No. Console and Lifeskills absolutely are dead.
@SamuKhan-e9w 5 ай бұрын
as long as food buff, elixirs and draught are available in the market, lifeskill is still alive😂😂😂
@ramazandemirci202 7 ай бұрын
What about Dr build rigth now?
@TriggeredBicep 7 ай бұрын
Would be funny to see a full dp dr meme build like cadry ring , manos ruby, centaurus belt and go pvp XD
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
I tried to kill 900 dr nova with e buff. I dealt %50 dmg. xD (940 pvp ap)
@mr.hamburger7426 7 ай бұрын
it seem Accuracy still effective in evasion build the question is what is the Damage on DR build with Accuracy Build,,, i wish Quendta make a video HOW TO KILL DR BUILD?? hahaha
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
Get more AP as much as possible
@fwanzu 7 ай бұрын
how about regular evasion class build in pve?
@StormTyka 7 ай бұрын
Let be honest PVP is never be balanced ,With a new weapon release sovereign Main + Aw ,the extra dr amount they give us is gonna be almost rip, 1 hit again and dead..
@AdelinCroitoruM 7 ай бұрын
i'd have like to see the musa's damage on these same gear situations x).
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
We did that test million times on my stream. Go there and see with your own eyes :) (19 June)
@AlgisArgela 7 ай бұрын
Yes, evasion is dead cuz before with 305 (700 pvp) atk and 1300 ev i can kill. Now i cant.
@許願的雪兔 7 ай бұрын
Awk wizard build Dr or Eva, I don't know
@Anti-Matter007 7 ай бұрын
Great and nice video,,,, next video Pls HOW TANKENIES DR is in new updates
@fainagabriel9785 7 ай бұрын
@Euan38 7 ай бұрын
should have comparison to dr build
@mohri6781 7 ай бұрын
What about eva vs dr in pve? 👀
@dzudemlow 7 ай бұрын
DR is the way always.
@SkyLiiiin3 7 ай бұрын
@j.d.4697 7 ай бұрын
I mean, build customization has always been trash in BDO. Either you build more tanky, or more dps, or more tanky but in a way that's different only on paper. Complete joke.
@epictcg4424 6 ай бұрын
Never heard of a game having high evasion but your opponent will never miss 😆. Truth is , evasion is not good as it used to be and it was already weak in pve but now its weak in pvp too. I dont know why people would want to go evasion when you will struggle against class with high DR. But class with high DR can have some accuracy crystal or accessories and you pretty much lose. Yea you have to be at 1250 to 1350 eva but why when you can go DR and DMG which is already better in pve and with the change to eva , Hvaing DR is just a bettet route. Now youre tanky in pve and pvp.
@DioDiablo702 7 ай бұрын
Do it on Ninja
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
@peterwaugh2998 7 ай бұрын
DR is best, you take less damage and deal more damage, evasion builds have no damage
@divayn972 7 ай бұрын
who's say that??? damage are the same no matter dr or Eva with this patch. before than Eva or Dr have same damage against Dr class but little bit less damage against Eva class when you have Eva built cause u miss 25 accuracy
@peterwaugh2998 7 ай бұрын
@@divayn972 it’s cause my friend, with DR builds you naturally have Higher ap, (evasion builds much lower) and can use at least 3 extra damage crystals than a evasion build that has to run 3 less cause of harphia’s (2 of them) and an extra evasion crystal which name escapes me at this time, common sense really 👍 also dr gloves and evasion gloves have the same accuracy now 👍
@TheSpoonelite 7 ай бұрын
@@peterwaugh2998 You're implying here that you have to use those crystals. The video demonstrates that you do not need to reach the high thresholds of evasion that you used to and that instead you should be looking at finding the best trade off between damage and evasion as every point of evasion now counts.
@ShinobiXXXBDO 7 ай бұрын
@@TheSpoonelite you do understand to reach 1300+ evasion you have to use Evasion accs and crystals, you do know Centaurs haze rings ether ears all have 0 AP, unlike DR builds who can go full ap, even if you want DR accs they have some AP ...
@dzudemlow 7 ай бұрын
@@TheSpoonelite Like others said, you still need to sacrifice too much. You don't have to sacrifice all your dmg, but DR classes on full debo builds clap your cheeks while still running around with a ton of DR.
@Discordians 7 ай бұрын
good job
@Nero-uu6iw 7 ай бұрын
266-305 AP? low !! this 0 dmg
@Vehnex 7 ай бұрын
terrible tests. You have 0 understanding of bdo pvp :c
@Slenderzz 7 ай бұрын
evasion seems fine, but dr is just insanly op right now
@rarefacer 7 ай бұрын
Evasion is dead cause DR is so high actually and evasion builds damage is too low, meanwhile, DR builds have EVERYTHING to kill & survive, so people prefers to use DR in their eva class with better results in offense/defense than eva build. Permanent 10% damage for DR like evasion, could be better balance or something like that (now exists DR classes inmortals and with high damage like zerkers, warriors, novas, valky...).
@Quendya 7 ай бұрын
DR feels better at some DR classes. all classes you count, they are DR classes. Bring me any type of Musa with 650+ DR, one combo easily and melts like a butter. because musa is not DR based. I know the classes that you mentioned are too tanky but this doesnot make Evasion is dead. The purpose of the video is showing that evasion is working consistently. Some DR classes creating problem i know but evasion is not dead.
@divayn972 7 ай бұрын
WTF, who says this bull shit Eva do less damage than Dr??? 320 ap dr or Eva the damage are the same!
@sandrasanchez942 7 ай бұрын
@@divayn972 how can you have 320AP if you are building full evasion? Running a pen Centaurus belt, and pen sicil necklace, and maybe something like a pen ethereal earring brings sheet AP to around 273. And that's with 2 pen deboreka rings + a pen distortion earring. Overall evasion is higher, but AP and accuracy are lower. This is why building evasion does less damage, isn't it? Evasion classes become tankier with evasion, but we sacrifice accuracy and damage so we can't really kill anything
@divayn972 7 ай бұрын
@@sandrasanchez942 do you now u can play evasion full ap without sicil and centaurus and stay tanky?? you say Eva do less damage than Dr and it's wrong! Now you talk about Eva build with Eva accessories, it's not the same!
@sandrasanchez942 7 ай бұрын
@@divayn972 well, yeah. But if youre stacking full AP accessories, say like 5 pen deboreka's, for example, then you're not really building evasion. Evasion builds, by definition, need evasion accessories and defensive crystals, right? So, for example, say you have green dahn gloves, green ator shoes, and 5 pen deboreka's. Full AP as you mentioned. How is this build supposed to kill an evasion player that stacks evasion accessories like a Centaurus belt, Sicil neck, and maybe something like an ethereal earring. You don't have enough accuracy to do damage to builds that stack evasion like this. Quendya just demonstrated in this video that you need accuracy accessories to counter a proper evasion build On the flip side, if you are the evasion player that has evasion accessories, you don't have enough accuracy or AP to do any damage to anyone, especially with the new patch that gave bonus DR to everyone. So not only can you not kill anyone, but you can be killed by a player who stacks 6 accuracy accessories If you have full AP like 5x deboreka's and running evasion dahn gloves and ator shoes, then you can't kill players who stack evasion with evasion accessories. On the other hand, You will still have a hard time killing DR players with this setup too because everyone got bonus DR with the new patch, right? So you can't kill anything, but someone with full accuracy accessories can kill you. Sure, bonus DR with the new patch also benefits evasion players too I guess cause they are a bit more tanky with the extra DR. But evasion builds still can't do damage even with full AP. So what am I missing ?
@Termian-b3k 7 ай бұрын
Eva high now, they also got high Dr on top of it.. still make them unkillable.. Dr high now, but do they equip with high Eva too! the answer is no, you still can solo Dr if you have High ap,, you can solo eva with dr come along? the answer is wait for FG weapon. seem accuracy added in Turo Dawn Omi still not enough to take half of eva build hp.
@swordofcrom 7 ай бұрын
bdo is dead , imagine they had to give out pen bs , happily waiting for chrono odyssey
@dzudemlow 7 ай бұрын
?? Pen BS is gonna be useless soon, if it wasn't for the new weapons we wouldn't have gotten free BS in the first place. lol
@Voltwall 6 ай бұрын
@@dzudemlow yes, USELESS IN PRICE
@tomy5664 7 ай бұрын
Eva works better now thing they need do is add new acc to make eva easyer get less sacrifice
@halilibrahimdag 7 ай бұрын
@MUSARS6290 7 ай бұрын
1600 eva ne gambling nabion baba senn ölümsüz sivrisinek
@kimk3573 25 күн бұрын
Eva is ded, you run any meaningful eva you aint killing no one
@MunsterNox 7 ай бұрын
Nerf Ranger! ... oh wait, it's already dead.
@sof4183 7 ай бұрын
@drmengele6271 7 ай бұрын
Nerf fucking imortal tanks
@FzAndrade 7 ай бұрын
@NamiAlien 7 ай бұрын
Quick Answer: No
@ExileLab 7 ай бұрын
@google1chrome702 7 ай бұрын
drak is dead. lol
@bdo8522 7 ай бұрын
plz combe,thank!!!!!
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