The best parenting book…the Bible! The way you live your life is a shinning example of love. That’s the best parenting ever. Thanks for sharing.
@plantlife161511 ай бұрын
@briancollins30719 ай бұрын
Do you ever plant trees, to replace the ones that you cut down
@elizabethvaniterson217511 ай бұрын
I for one have no questions. I just enjoy living vicariously through your channel. You all are such a joyful and happy family. God Bless!!
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@keriann0111 ай бұрын
@susanjacobs881811 ай бұрын
@sallyr945811 ай бұрын
As a retired public high school teacher, I wholeheartedly agree with your views on education! Awesome video!
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Wow, thank you!
@donnalee308211 ай бұрын
I completely agree with you! People learn different ways and can have great futures ahead of them with either education choice. "Book learning" is not for everyone.
@sharonlaws239511 ай бұрын
You guys restore my faith in the next generation!! Children should learn at an early age what true work ethic should look like.
@djo430811 ай бұрын
Loved the video. My husband and I are Christians and raised our son’s in the same way as you are raising your children, other than not homeschooling, which I so wish we had. Something I would tell any parent. Our son’s courted, raised up in a Christian church, both lived at home until they married at age 24 years old. We always prayed with and for them. Both musicians. Never had any problems with them growing up, beautiful people, respectful. Then, the oldest married a girl, we were uneasy, but it happened no matter how hard we tried to slow them down. Now, 14 years later, we haven’t heard from or seen our two grandchildren from them. It was never normal with her, she was never happy or comfortable, except when she was with her family. Five years later they had our first grandchild, and everything went downhill from there. She didn’t want us to have a relationship with our grandson, and she didn’t discipline. Then they had a girl, we only saw her five times, and she was 5 months old. Five years later, with no contact, we are virtually strangers to them. This has truly been devastating for our family. We desperately miss the son we raised, and our grandchildren. Anyway, please Pray for the future spouses of your children ahead of time, because this whole situation came in like a flood. Like I said, we raised God fearing men, but what has happened to us, has crushed our hearts. Thank you for sharing your story, your faith, and as you say, not religion, it’s a relationship with God. I truly appreciate your honesty and believe that you are helping others by leading them by example. Thank you both, and may God Bless you and your beautiful family 👑🙏🙏🙏🙏💕Thank you
@jolynnpuente34711 ай бұрын
That’s a grandparents nightmare. I’m so sorry you’re going through that. Please keep praying, never give up. I’m not sure which State you live in or if your son lives in the same State as you but there is such thing as Grandparents rights. I’m not sure how it works but you might want to check into it. Document the times you’ve tried to reach out through phone calls and/or letters. Keep trying! Keep praying! Never give up!
@homeschoolontheCroft11 ай бұрын
I’m so so sorry you are going through this experience. What a heartache. No answers for you, just sending love ❤
@countryinthecity373611 ай бұрын
Amen, I have four adult children, my oldest is a daughter, she is married to a supportive spouse, both working jobs and within the church, 10 years now they've been married. Our three youngest are sons, two went to college, one graduated one learned it wasn't for him, they all live at home still, ages 21,25 & 27, they all have good jobs working for the same company but they all do different things for the company. I pray daily over them and for their future wives. I pray a hedge or protection over them and a hedge of thorns round about them (the book of Hosea) that worldly people who find them attractive for ungodly reasons would no longer be attracted to them but would lose interest and fall away. I always pray that my sons would know that Jesus is their best friend who sticks closer than a brother. I'm gonna pray for the relationship with your son, wife and grandchildren to improve. It can happen. For with God all things are possible.
@donnalee308211 ай бұрын
I am praying for you!❤
@MontanaHaven10 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. That is so hard. Blessings
@sharonlaws239511 ай бұрын
As a Christian, I consider you guys a true blessing, as well as a breath of fresh air!! Thank you for sharing your life with us! Much love, from sunny Florida❤️❤️
@rachelfrees12689 ай бұрын
Very informative video. So good to hear you say religion is man made. I’m 84 and have believed this my entire life. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are my guideposts. God Grace and mercy and Christ giving his life for our sins. So wonderful to follow this family.❤
@SJD3611 ай бұрын
Pricilla, your hair looks stunning! Love the way you styled it. The color is so rich and beautiful on you also. Praise God for being able to stand as long as you did Joas. That's awesome that day by day you are getting better!
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@fortresscast11 ай бұрын
Thank you all for being so genuine!
@janicew622211 ай бұрын
I enjoyed this greatly! I did go to high school, I am not a fan of the public school system and if I was raising children now, I would definitely home school. You are younger than my children, my grandchildren older than your children, but you are 100% correct, learning/education doesn't end and life skills are much more important than what is being taught in schools today.
@user-ek6mf8jn6m11 ай бұрын
Thank you for your videos. You are both kind but honest when you give your opinion. I agree that children should be instructed in life skills. So many coming out of public schools and college are lacking and not very good workers. It's great that you are homeschooling your children. I also homeschooled our five children.
@jeepergirljk741011 ай бұрын
It was good to hear your thoughts and statement on education, I agree 100%
@jeniferpollonais654611 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you on the subject of education for our children. Some of the kids have God given talents which are not developed because they are made to believe that college education is all important. Sometimes they are better off without college.
@OneDawn4All11 ай бұрын
I can barely find the right/enough words to express what a huge, heartfelt blessing this video is to me, so I can only believe others, as well!! I just love your family so much, no matter whatsoever that we haven't (yet!) met in person!! I sure would love to go to church, sing and worship with you!! Your slow-mo... PRICELESS!!! 😂 I would really enjoy a Live stream with you!!... And I 💯% resonate with your tribulation response!! However, I don't know if there IS such a thing as being "too entrepreneurial!" I think it's actually part of being created in the image of God and you two just demonstrate that truth beautifully!!!💞 OH MY GOODNESS, I can't believe I totally forgot about your family calendar! I'm going to have to talk to the hubs about that, for sure, and I'm excited to look into the family books you recommended, as well!! 🗓️ Hugs & continued prayers from Ohio!!🤗🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Blessings and thank you so much for watching!
@joybartlett978411 ай бұрын
I agree with the education portion. I'm almost 69 years old and I'm still learning. Your children have many life skills that most children don't ever get. My grandfather said it was common sense.
@roseellendunphy355111 ай бұрын
I am a public school teacher with “home” educated children. I am unfortunately well acquainted with the narrow mindset that education (and/or a relationship with Jesus) can only be obtained in a formal setting. It’s been rough. Our children have even been asked - and I kid you not - “what are we learning them anyway” 😅
@ozarkview92811 ай бұрын
If you have there heart you have everything, truer words will never be spoken ❤
@RichardMcGrath11 ай бұрын
A very pleasant Q&A! Thank you. Pricilla's Cookbook: You might find getting a 3-ring binder and start by building a framework. What food sections do you want to include? Breakfasts, sea foods, deserts and so forth. Then start filling the framework with which foods you would like to share. Just like creative writing in school, "polishing" the writing on each individual food will be the biggest construction. Start small and it will eventually build itself. Part of the "polishing" process will be in adding and subtracting foods. Use the binder to assist with keeping it all organized and ordered. I used this with assignments in school and the end result often looked nothing like the initial start. However, the end result was most often quite good. This will allow you to see your progress and what parts need or do not need attention. :-)
@cb77911 ай бұрын
You guys are such a lovely couple!! Thank you for the QandA! ❤
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Thank you!! 😊
@pamcansler696011 ай бұрын
Thank y’all for your honesty. I really enjoy your channel. The scenery is so beautiful and the editing of your videos are amazing. Hoping your channel grows this coming year.
@elvinharder404311 ай бұрын
You two are such an inspiration and blessing to watch and listen to. You are a prime example of how a Christian family or any couple or family for that matter should try and follow. We so enjoy and look forward each week to your videos, what a blessing they are. Pray the Lord keeps blessing you and your family along your new journey in Alaska.
@TheUgliestKitchen11 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you regarding education! We are a country with a huge need for skilled workers. I would love to see more done to address this need.
@carlacunningham400611 ай бұрын
Great Q & A! What I enjoyed the most was watching the two of you interact with each other. Your loving relationship shines through your smiles and eyes! I truly believe that one of the best gifts that parents can give to their children is the example of the loving friendship their parents have for each other. Children will want to emulate many things about their family life but by your example, your children will see the value of finding a life-mate that follows your example. Wishing you all the best for this new year and will continue prayers, Joas, for your complete healing.
@MrRoberta095311 ай бұрын
i really love your believes . Kids nowadays have no life skills. They really need them. Everyone needs life skills. I have two girl's and one I call is street smart, and the other is book smart. I love all your videos.
@sophiakubash785611 ай бұрын
Hi Joas and Priscilla I found this video very interesting and informative. I agree with what you were getting at about school Joas. I personally think that going to high school kids can learn bad habits that they pick up from each other. And I don’t want to even go into what I think about college. I to am Christian and school isn’t what it was like when I went. Thank you for being willing to share your feelings. God Bless you and your family. And thank you Jesus for your healings both you and Priscilla. God Bless
@vickiejohnson32336 ай бұрын
Coffee, Vitamin D and meat! My favorites too!! Thank you for this awesome video. I love your life views!
@anitatenney197511 ай бұрын
That's the joy of homeschooling, it can look different every day. My daughter says they don't have snow days they have sun days where they go out and explore. ❤
@linak715511 ай бұрын
I noticed this video came on during mid week. That was so good! Pricilla is a lovely lady and so industrious. I can tell Joas is a carnivore 🍖 🥓🥩 he is often seen seasoning and carving the meat😋 He is also not 'religious. The faith of Abraham was about relationship. He believed and walked the walk... ❤️💙
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
@jerribarnes345011 ай бұрын
I went through pre menopause when I was 35 and then when I was 53 I had a hysterectomy due to a scare with a cyst, so that reactivated hot flashes and sleepless nights. For me it has helped to take magnesium supplements with an oil for it to absorb properly and to rub a little organic castor oil in my belly button when going to bed at night, and I don’t take any kind of caffeine mid day or after 2 o’clock, plus no blue light (phone screen/computer or tv an hr before bed. I no longer have problems going to sleep since implementing these changes. Also I tore the meniscus in my knee in August and have taken turmeric with black pepper for absorption, Boswellia/frankincense. It has been a slow process but I can finally stand without my knee hurting. Joas it may take longer for you to be 100% back on your feet, but over time I believe you will get there. Don’t be in a rush and then have major setbacks from doing too much.
@davidclarkson56084 ай бұрын
I am a architectural designer in Mobile Alabama and I have really enjoyed your show and watching your construction jobs.
@MontanaHaven4 ай бұрын
@marciasilva637011 ай бұрын
The Best Book , Bible . For us a Christians the best life instruction
@2putts2win11 ай бұрын
The last Alaskans was the best reality show on TV and It’s really is a shame that the show is no longer on. I’ve watched reruns over and over and never tire of watching beautiful people sharing their life’s journey with us, just as you guys are doing. Thank you
@judydyck470711 ай бұрын
Love your strong statement on public school taught children , versus home school /self taught children , glad to see your love for your children is number one !! ❤
@dafs168711 ай бұрын
It has really helped me to watch this video of questions and answers. I’m grateful for the transparency and introspection you both have been willing to share. Sometimes internet lives can seem so perfect in ways and to hear how you have worked and are working through life changes and challenges is encouraging. My husband and I also uprooted from our life in Florida and have moved to Indiana - completely different! Left some family and gained some. It’s been so hard in some ways, but we believe it’s a season God is bringing us to and through. Appreciate your lives shared. 😊
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
@thomasheffernon327611 ай бұрын
Love you guys ❤Continued prayers. You are so right on to ask Our Lord's guidance and direction for your future. After lots of stumbling on our journey with the Lord, we finally learned to seek God's will for our life and we praise him for what he has done for us, still continues to amaze us but its something we have to remind ourselves to do everyday in all situations. The peace this brings us is so awesome that we know we are intentional in trying to do life as God would have us. I see this in your video also. You are such a blessing to share so much and to be completely honest about all of it You two have done a wonderful job with your children. Your compassion for raising your children the right way is so obvious. Prayers and Hugs ❤
@renamaemcdonald207511 ай бұрын
I love your answer about your "religion." I agree with the point you made! As a Christian, the relationship with our heavenly Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit is the most important thing!❤
@renamaemcdonald207511 ай бұрын
I found that The Five Love Languages is a great book for all relationships- in marriage, with children & others.
@Marleena13311 ай бұрын
I appreciate you and your family so much. First of all you have children and then you're not afraid or avoid praying or sharing things that give God glory. So I'm in and like many others my family is grown and I have grandchildren so I'm enjoying your family and it reminds me of when my family were all around me. Blessings.
@barbk814311 ай бұрын
Hope's Table: Everyday Recipes from a Mennonite Kitchen by Hope Helmuth is a wonderful cookbook. It may be helpful to you to see how she presents her recipes and includes beautiful photos. She used a Christian publishing company called Herald Press.
@mariaesthercastillo707010 ай бұрын
Me gusta muchísimo y sobre todo la hermosa familia que usted tiene
@valeriehoward608811 ай бұрын
So pleased you aren't selling that beautiful home in Montana who knows what tomorrow might bring the Lord may lead you back there in time. Especially with your family being there. And sho would want to sell such a lovely place. At least renting it out it gives you some income.
@kerryjohnson251211 ай бұрын
I like it when the twins shoot and narate a bit of the videos. They do well with that part. Just watch the deer hunting video they made, it was awesome!
@mlm759811 ай бұрын
Beautiful vlog! I've watched you since the beginning and each video is so awesome and you really feel like family. God bless you for all you share and I am so glad you are enjoying Alaska and the adventures you have there. Praying for Joas and you as well Priscilla. Being a wife, mother and woman is not all as glamorous as it seems. We all have our own issues and I think the gentle lady like way you carry yourself and present yourself is one of the best ways to be happy and always carry hope in your hearts....that goes for anyone, men and women alike. Blessings and take good care!
@theamishpotato11 ай бұрын
Love your take on education! Hard work gets you further in life!
@karenenglish490011 ай бұрын
Hey CJ! I believe Joas speaks our dialect if I conversed with my family. I've lost my 1st language. Hope all is well.
@feebleoldwoman386111 ай бұрын
I appreciate so much about the way in which you love, live and experience life. I agree with many of your considerations, especially related to gaining the love and respect of your children. I love the philosophy if "having their heart"... a beautiful statement, to be sure. I strongly agree about the education piece...once one has learned the basics of math, english, science, etc., one can grow in multiple ways....and gain life essentials...unless one wants to become a doctor, lawyer, etc. All the best to your family on life's journey.
@carolynfulton406011 ай бұрын
Joas, I agree! As a lifelong southerner, I’m also more concerned about rattlesnakes and alligators than I would be about bears and moose!
@Laura9500011 ай бұрын
Just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you ALL!🥰 Love also the way you trust and follow Jesus!! God’s Blessings to each of you!💝
@christinemcclymans55511 ай бұрын
Bay leaves under your pillow will help you sleep well. Put them in small bag. I put mine inside my pillowcase. Then flip it over. Love your show. God bless you all. Christine.
@chrisstahl492111 ай бұрын
Love your opinion on education , it's right on. Hands on education is what I call your way of learning 😀 it definitely works the best 👌 🙏
@philmccumbee693811 ай бұрын
I wish I could have seen this as a live video. I enjoyed the Q & A very much.
@jessicakornelsen715211 ай бұрын
I love how your faces always radiate the love of Jesus! 🤍
@susanschuck812411 ай бұрын
Some people think when you subscribe that you are charged a fee! Love your channel! Always so heartwarming and family oriented!❤️🙏❤️
@dremamccoy200410 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your life with us. I love what you said about religion. When someone says to me that i am a religious person, i always tell them i am not religious. I am a Christ follower. God bless you & your family❤
@cathyb635811 ай бұрын
I was really pleased to see your new video. I am publishing a military pictorial for my family with Archway Publishing Company. My book is only 44 pages. I would imagine Priscilla's cookbook would have more pages. I, too, believe in spanking. I remember a comment you made in an earlier video about children going "through the terrible two's" because that is really the first time parents are saying no to the children's demands. I thought that was very insightful.
@valariecroslin142711 ай бұрын
Blessings to you all I love your channel I love Chloe Avalon too
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@christinestephenson174211 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you on education! There is nothing like real life skills to teach you valuable lessons. Take for instance your twins. They can do almost all tasks on the l9g home building and they know what they're doing! Such a great learning opportunity for them. It teaches them how to think and reason for themselves, more than can be said of many college educated kids!
@gailgriggs891411 ай бұрын
I admire your sense of adventure. Your children are being well educated and exposed to such a wide variety of experiences.
@lovelove-nc1fh11 ай бұрын
Amen relationship with Jesus amen. Yes, amen
@donnaward830211 ай бұрын
So Sweet the two of you...😊 Your smiles are beautiful and your attention to one another is 💞 Precious
@sugeyalvarado675511 ай бұрын
Hey joas you mentioned something about a root canal and Priscilla's health. maybe making a separate video to give us more insight about it would be greatly appreciated as a lot of us are going through similar situation.
@suseyq455911 ай бұрын
Thank you for the Q & A. I also appreciate that you pushed through the pain and recovery of broken heels to continue with your vlog. I know that constant prayer and guidance with the Lord was the reason why. Take care Miller family.
@lavenderlaceladylavenderla542011 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed the midweek Q&A. Lovely to see you both. Xx
@sugeyalvarado675511 ай бұрын
Priscilla that color hair makes you look younger ❤
@peggetennant11 ай бұрын
It took me a few sittings to watch this because in many ways it was painful. It made me miss my wonderful husband who has already passed to Heaven. We pastored churches, love each other and Jesus so much, and are best friends. Being without him here is not easy. Only with God is that accomplished. Your entire family is a blessing to me. We have family in Noxon, have been to Montana many times, and have been to Libby many times also. Our roots are Mennonite and we lived with the Lancaster County Amish. Everything you adhere to, we identify with. So, keep striving. The Holy Spirit will never forsake you. Tim Sheets, Dutch’s brother is also a blessing. We went to a smart tv and it gives us the opportunity to just watch apps. No network tv. Robin Bullock is a good teacher.
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Our heart goes out to you. May Holy Spirit rest over you and give you much peace and Grace during this time! Blessings!
@sugeyalvarado675511 ай бұрын
About the cookbook, my husband said that Amazon can help you with that. You sent your writings and they'll put it together for you.
@tracyparks563011 ай бұрын
You all are absolutely the best! I can't get enough of your videos! Wonderful family!
@janeeberly428911 ай бұрын
I have been following for years, but this video has given me more of an insight into your family and your loving relationship. The way you two look at each other, you can tell your deep affection for one another.
@MontanaHaven10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@thefehrs11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for mentioning our channel. We feel honored ❤ We enjoyed watching the Q&A it is so nice to get to know you better. Our Friday evening is relaxing and watching your videos. We hope to one day travel to Alaska for vocation. TheFehrs 🇨🇦❤
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
You are so welcome!
@carolfuller712311 ай бұрын
Your church is very close to our son’s home! Maybe when we visit next summer I will have the opportunity to attend a service there. 😊
@heidipustelniak65211 ай бұрын
This was fun! Getting to know you better. I am so enjoying watching your videos. These days, I wouldn’t want my children in any institution of higher learning! They are indoctrination centers! Even many Christian Colleges have left “the path of righteousness.”
@ednatiegen32077 ай бұрын
So appreciate your videos…you two are such a blessing!
@MontanaHaven7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@sjmsark11 ай бұрын
Thank you for answering the questions... Mine was the very first one. God bless you! My kids are grown now but living vicariously through you.
@dennisminnick667710 ай бұрын
If you’re intension with your video’s is too be uplifting and inspiring then you have Overwhelming successful! God’s many blessings over you and your family.
@MontanaHaven10 ай бұрын
Yes! Thank you!
@kdubb722411 ай бұрын
Priscilla....Your hair looks GORGEOUS! I love the color on you it looks rich and absolutely beautiful. 💐💞💐💞💐💞💐💞
@richcarpenter867111 ай бұрын
Sure do love you guys, so glad to know there are such wonderful people in this world, thank you , and God Bless your lives🙏
@pamteubner236911 ай бұрын
Blessings to you and your family ❣Thank you Holy Spirit for working in and through the Miller family. I pray for your family often❣
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@kajehomar750311 ай бұрын
Your view on education beyond eighth grade is super interesting to me. I was one of those kids that needed high school for the social/emotional growth. Thankfully though I was able to be educated in a Christian school.
@SandraMcGowan-xk5ci11 ай бұрын
That would be alot of questions if all asked. ... love ya'll family glad ur feet getting better.
@momstrublue11 ай бұрын
My husband and I enjoyed your video so much. You’re a beautiful couple and family. Thanks for sharing your lives with us. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you❤🙏🏻❤️
@OneDawn4All11 ай бұрын
I recommend reaching out to Wild We Roam about how they've published their couple of books. I am SO excited to see this project develop, Priscilla, and was recently implored to consider doing the same! 🥰
@ifeomaamalu618910 ай бұрын
I agree with your views on education. But it takes parents being actively engaged in their children's lives 24/7.❤
@olgacaceres509911 ай бұрын
I enjoy your videos you’re very special family I was praying for your recovery and thanks The Almighty you’re doing well great Blessings to your family Priscilla you’re a good person both of you all’s
@Pastelleoja11 ай бұрын
I just subscribed because I love Alaska I went there for the first time in march to visit my family I’m from Hawaii living the beach&sun life but can’t wait to go back to visit . God Bless your family ❤
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Ahh. That sounds nice too!🤗😀 welcome to our family
@Mudd_196911 ай бұрын
I have recently started watching your videos. This one was probably my favorite so far. Thank you for taking the time to share your lives with us.❤️
@RM-of3bo11 ай бұрын
Well gosh! I feel bad now for being one of the many who did not ask a question. I had intentionally refrained from doing so because I figured you would have been burdened with too many questions. Next time, I’ll pelt ya with a whole list! How about that! … just kidding😂 God bless you precious, precious folks!
@theresawilloughby988411 ай бұрын
You two are so Precious, really enjoy your Videos. May God continue to Bless you and your Family. ❤
@priscillabhb246710 ай бұрын
So good to find your channel. My name is Priscilla Beiler and we’re from Pennsylvania. My husband Sam and I also have an Amish background and we would love to meet you sometime. He is a big hunter too and also hunted moose in Alaska a couple years ago. He also loves to hunt elk in the west. I love gardening and also have chickens. We have 5 children and 5 grandchildren. I’m enjoying your videos.
@MontanaHaven9 ай бұрын
@b.m.bradley752511 ай бұрын
Makes me feel good when you talk about GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT so freely, our LORD does Bless us when we speak of him , you got my prayers, AMEN.
@sandracarter290511 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree with life skill learning!!!
@tdewtx11 ай бұрын
I love the winter simply because time goes back to normal. It is almost like something clicks in my body when the winter solstice kicks in and daylight savings ends. I have been so sad that they have almost finalized making daylight savings time permanent. I love all 4 seasons. I think Autumn is my favorite. I hate daylight savings time. If I lived in Alaska I don't think the all-day and all-night would bother me as it is on a solstice. It is when Man messes with nature My body goes out of whack.
@alegnadraw750411 ай бұрын
I would just like to say thank you for such an open and thoughtful video. This has been the best ‘chat’ video I’ve seen so far. Your words and beliefs about life and family values align so much with my own beliefs despite me being from England, still working and learning at 66 and not having children although having close relationships with nieces, nephews and cousins. Unfortunately, I listen too much to world news and I am disillusioned with many behavioural issues, war mongers and attitudes of some in the younger generations that watching you and your family make me happy and hopeful that the many could learn from the values you demonstrate. I miss my parents so much as they had strong ethical values although not particularly religious despite their upbringing but they gave me a wonderful life, experiences and moral code which has benefited me to this day. Thank you again for your honesty. ❤
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Many blessings!
@teribartusek112511 ай бұрын
Wonderful❤ God continue to bless yall! Such sound advice! Thank you for sharing! Yall look so healthy these days!! You got some good rest while recovering, hence, your Sabbatical , it took to literally put you on your knees to get you there but it worked! Praise God!! From Whom all blessings flow!! To Him be the glory!!❤
@manuelagama942211 ай бұрын
Hello family, I love you, good health, peace and love for this new year. God bless you hugs from Portugal ❤🥰🇵🇹🙏
@cathynefzger306211 ай бұрын
🎉Loved your Q and A, lots of questions, and very informative. I have to relisten to it again. I admire you taking a firm stand on what your beliefs are, but also, you explain why. People are drawn to watching your channel, I believe, because they see that Jesus is alive and real in your life and your family. What more could anyone ask for. God bless!
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@henrietteschuwer26811 ай бұрын
My goodness, when you talked about raising children and book….it was the first time I heard someone saying what we (my husband and I) have always been saying, but got lots of backlash. No book knows our unique children, the Lord does!!
@Notsosimpleliving11 ай бұрын
Thank you for answering my question about the boys helping with our home build in Helena. Somehow I knew this would be the answer. 😢😂 well Lord willing we head out there in the spring in case you change your mind. Sometimes we think we maybe bit off more than we can chew at our age. 60 yrs old!! We have a daughter near Sandpoint ID and one in Condon, MT. The Mountains are Calling and we must go!!
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
You can do it!
@mariannamiller73811 ай бұрын
We also have CHM group sharing plan. I found out that I have cancer, so we’d have lots of bills personally if they wouldn’t have a plan for us through Cleveland clinic, so I’m very thankful for it! So you can pray for me as I go through this hard time!❤
@kailinngillen233411 ай бұрын
Praying for you🙏
@MontanaHaven11 ай бұрын
Lord I pray for complete healing in Jesus name!
@elzbietajaninaloniewska499611 ай бұрын
Shalom Blessings 🙌 to All from Mississauga Ontario Canada 🙌 🇨🇦 🙏 ❤. Dance 💃 like David 💃 Dance 💃. God Wins ❤. Amen
@gardengrowinmawmaw864211 ай бұрын
Priscilla, maybe you could make several smaller PDF ebooks for downloading until you can find a reliable publisher.
@barbarajameson882911 ай бұрын
I love your video,you are wonderful parents.Joas you are so right education is good but we all need life skills!We were dairy farmers with three sons and one daughter an everyone had to work.My children are hard workers and good people. I enjoy all of your videos an I love all of you. Thanks for sharing Barb