Question the Narrative | The Timing of the Millennium and the Little Season

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There's No Place Like Home

There's No Place Like Home

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@goblintown Күн бұрын
Still wanna know who built all those amazing buildings…
@EyupSureThang 15 сағат бұрын
@@goblintown me too….so many unresolved mysteries……
@Victoria_Loves_Jesus Күн бұрын
so wait, what does this mean for the orphan trains and the insane asylums and the missing part of the timeline???
@marietjiemessaoudi8843 Күн бұрын
The Virgin sign in the sky, the four horsemen of Revelation now and the two moons over South Africa. I get so confused. I just pray to Jeshua every morning and ask if He comes today, have mercy on us. 🤗👏👏❤
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""King Osirus"" ->Correct Answer! Class Do You Have Anymore Questions? ->NEXT!
@simonaivancic Күн бұрын
Yes, I always trying to fit that into all of this
@donaldrodriguez8134 Күн бұрын
@@simonaivancic that occurred after the Tribulation, That’s why Everything we see is a Deception, 9/11 lies, 2020 Election fraud, History being obviously fabricated after The Worldwide Mud Flood Theory is now appearing to be a Fact .
@WorthyistheLambRev1 Күн бұрын
She can't. Or the the beauty and the impossibility of the architecture of the Dark Ages castles and cathedrals, the high steeples being for the free energy, for healing frequencies that they melted into bombs when the kingdom buildings explain that! The huge pipe organs for healing that they dismantled and replaced explain that! I need drain the water from the canals. What's history of Flat Earth really was hinting at the millennial reign of Christ before he changed. And she cannot explain the bombing and the Great fires, and the destruction of World's Fair buildings in the 1800s Obviously destroying the evidence of the millennial reign Satan was old Covenant Israel did I really hear her say that? She's really starting to sound like a shill to me. In any case a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. It's not a guessing game we can see how the scriptures and Revelation was fulfilled with the melted mountains after 70 AD, when Jerusalem was destroyed and the temple, after the armies of Heaven were recorded coming with the clouds. Then all of a sudden an explosion in beauty and art and music and architecture. And if there ever was a kingdom it was during the Dark Ages! And if there ever was a time of deception it's now!
@WTU208 Күн бұрын
I find it absolutely amazing that the Ascension only gets a single mention in Luke & Acts.
@Lpj-z7z 10 сағат бұрын
Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who claim to be Jews but are not, but are liars-I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Two points I'd like to make. Jesus identified the apostate jews of that time as satan. Not a fallen angel. Also, this satan was not cast out of heaven (position of rulership) during Christ's ministry. They were cast out when the Romans cast them out in ad70. I also have one question for full preterists. Since you believe and teach that everything written in scripture was fulfilled by ad70, can you pinpoint the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy that those apostates did in fact humble themselves and acknowledge to them that Jesus loved them? My position is that it hasn't happened yet.
@marietjiemessaoudi8843 Күн бұрын
Where did the displaced people, children and babies come from if they were not resurrected after millennial kingdom.
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
They could have come from any number of places. Why is the millennial kingdom the only option?
@billhesford6098 16 сағат бұрын
Sometimes we simply don't have all the ducks lined up, not enough information. Its like saying unicorns peeing in the sky make the rain. How do I know? I see rain. There could be another explanation.
@EyupSureThang 15 сағат бұрын
@@marietjiemessaoudi8843 there were those world fair incubators, making millions of babies, but what happened to all the people though, that there was a need to mass produce white infants at record speed???
@awakenedblessings4783 Күн бұрын
It honestly feels like you are now doing what our current church is doing in complicating scripture and talking circles to try to make a point that just doesn’t make sense. So what about the new heaven and new earth… and no more tears and sorrows. What about the new Jerusalem and Eden restored. I’m sorry it just doesn’t make sense, this world is so evil, that is not how it says it will be after the judgement of Satan. Make it make sense without talk circles and going off commentaries
@kelliea5729 Күн бұрын
People do not understand - it is SPIRITUAL. Everyone thinks the New Heaven and New Earth is literal - Jewish history explains much of this. If you are in Christ, you will understand that no more tears and sorrow are because you know Him.
@simonaivancic Күн бұрын
​@@kelliea5729very much doubt that is spiritual
@tilJ1080S Күн бұрын
@@kelliea5729 The Jews don’t believe in Jesus just like Full Preterist don’t believe Jesus is coming back
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
@tilJ1080S Full preterists believe He already came back, just like He said He would.
@tilJ1080S Күн бұрын
@@shellysangreywho’s your savior today??
@Mintychops Күн бұрын
Lean not on your own understanding.. all this struggling to work stuff out is misleading. You accept Jesus Christ, you are filled with His peace. And that’s all we need.
@jaimeneves3745 Күн бұрын
Nice and easy...what a deal!
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
Proverbs 25:2
@EyupSureThang 15 сағат бұрын
@@shellysangrey King Shelley….LOL…excellent verse.
@Mintychops 13 сағат бұрын
@@shellysangrey listen, I am not criticising you, I wish you to know the peace
@Agent.99 Күн бұрын
Did I understand right that she said the great white throne judgement already happened? 🤔
@Lpj-z7z 18 сағат бұрын
You understood it right. She is wrong.
@EyupSureThang 18 сағат бұрын
@@Lpj-z7z RU certain Shelly is wrong….shelley appears to be growing and moving in her faith….Her faith is a gift from God…..let’s assume, God is guiding her journey, and she is sharing her journey with us…..she may not always be in alignment with our biases…but we are supposed to keep an open mind, like a child, and learn, what we can, while we can….shelley is a blessing, wether she is right, wrong, or indifferent.
@chrissyuful 17 сағат бұрын
Shelley was formerly partial preterist, but has since moved to full preterist. The difference is partial preterists believe in partial fulfillment of eschatology prophecy and that there are portions still to be fulfilled including the White Throne Judgement. Full preterists believe it has ALL been fulfilled, including the White Throne Judgement and New Jerusalem.
@billhesford6098 16 сағат бұрын
The GWT judgment happens at the end of the millennium (whatever that means to the ancient Hebrew mind), at the destruction of the temple, the temple cultus etc. When the power of the holy people is removed. There can be no more new temple as the priests must come from the line of Aaron, which must be proven by genealogy. So it either all happened or it can never happen. I now believe it did all happen in their generation, while some of them were still alive in 70ad. Just as Jesus said.
@Lpj-z7z 15 сағат бұрын
@@EyupSureThang Yes, I am 100% certain that she's wrong. With that said, I do not judge her journey, her thirst for knowledge or her relationship with God. But she certainly took a sharp left turn into error by espousing the full preterist teaching.
@nelseshaver2679 Күн бұрын
I want to live a life free from sin and temptations. A life where the idea of sin does not exist. Where everyone loves and respects each other.
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
That's heaven. 😊
@EyupSureThang Күн бұрын
@@shellysangreylet’s define heaven. according to the BIBLICAL definition, Heaven was the old Jewish temple, and Earth was Jerusalem. BOTH were so full of perversion, deceit, murderers, liars, wickedness, devils, Satan and so on….that both had been destroyed by the pagan Roman army doing Gods will, 1st century. Heaven and earth had been destroyed, or passed away, and along with it, the law of Moses, the Torah, which was a curse, that brought condemnation and death to all. Jesus said not one jot nor tittle would be changed in the law, UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH passed away, fulfilling prophecy. What prophecy? The prophecy that said righteousness will exist by FAITH (not the law) Christ fulfilled that prophecy. Gal 3:10 -13…For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them…, We are not to have anything to do with the Torah, the law, the Ten Commandments….if anyone places themselves under that law, they MUST never break not even one or they are condemned to death. Who hasn’t lied….condemnation and death then….but….Christ had redeem Gods people (that wanted redemption) from that curse. Rom 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. 1 John 2:29 If you know that he is righteous, you may be sure that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him. You see, as long as we pursue righteousness, then God loves us, and are born of him. So….to answer nelseshaver comment about wanting to live a life free from sin and temptation, the Bible answer is, THROUGH GODS GRACE and FAITH, Christ died as us, for our sins…..he/she is living life free from sin, now, if they’ve accepted Christ. faith is NOT something WE DO, it’s a gift from God….. I listened to a very popular pastor today, and after introducing himself, the first thing outta his mouth, we are all sinners…God gave Everyman a measure of faith, roms 12:3……what is faith….righteousness….sin erased, thats my understanding….it may not match yours. And that’s fine. We are learning together as we grow in Christ. Blessings…adding this PS….someone commented on the sea, still exist….the sea is not water….the sea is or was the court of the temple….this is what revelation 21:1 means when heaven (temple) and the earth (Jerusalem) passed away, the sea (court of temple) was no more.
@watchmen8564 Күн бұрын
So now you're using the commentary of men as reference to scripture. You are all over the board. And who again is the author of confusion??
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
I'm not confused. Since you're so against commentary, why do you watch KZbin? Do you go to church and listen to a pastor? Do you read books? Do you have conversations? Or is your entire life a monolog where you only talk to yourself, listen to yourself, and entertain your own thoughts? Your problem is not that I included an article. Your problem is that I included an article you disagreed with.
@tilJ1080S Күн бұрын
The Author of Confusion is Full Preterism because Satans already in the lake of fire according to them 😂
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
In this case, the author of confusion would be the futurist teachings that have permeated the church. Just as with the belief in the globe, the conditioning starts young, and most people have a difficult time letting go of what they've been taught in order to see things clearly.
@tilJ1080S Күн бұрын
@@shellysangrey So people who believe in Jesus as their Savior are confused?? I’m a true Preterist and believe in Jesus coming back a 3rd time Rev 20:7 but nothing makes me different from somebody believing he’s coming back as a futurist (pre trib rapture), Full Preterist are confused
@Southernly 21 сағат бұрын
@@tilJ1080Syou are trolling for attention. Do the research and educate yourself.
@marilynbatten5365 7 сағат бұрын
You didnt answer a single one of my questions. I read the transcript of this video, & it's absolutely incoherent. The historical timeline of this doesn't work at all, & there is zero evidence of an antichrist, the mark of the beast, a period of tribulation, or any fulfillment of prophecy from the book of Revelation that makes any sense. It was also written in 90 AD: too late to make the preterist position "work." To viewers being sucked into this, please understand that this is a fringe belief system. It twists the Bible into contortions that are mind-bending & nearly incomprehensible, when we can clearly see the prophecies from Revelation being fulfilled right now. I'm done here.
@cindyklotz2561 Күн бұрын
I find this all very interesting. I'm not sure what to believe at this point. However if the millennium reign has happened and the little season is over. What are we in? When are we? That's what's so confusing to me. Thank you for your work.
@tedwyberanec8518 Күн бұрын
My question as well.
@carm383 Күн бұрын
Maybe we are the ones in Revelation 22:15 "Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." This sure sounds like our world
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
@carm383 That is speaking of unbelievers.
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
@billhesford6098 16 сағат бұрын
@@shellysangrey I think carm383 is saying our world is like we are living as Christians in the new creation and all it brings while the dogs, immoral etc are outside of this new creation. Which is right, I think.
@Earth_journey_yoga Күн бұрын
I am totally new to this & hardly understand what you are saying! However I recognise the feeling of truth inside of me when you say certain points. Although I've been a follower of Christ most of my life, I am sorry to say I am only just actually reading the bible. It's very slow going but I am getting so much joy from it & I'm very glad to be doing it now having had these points of view come into my consciousness. Thank you.
@WorthyistheLambRev1 Күн бұрын
Yeah we're definitely in the short season! Watch Jason Jack. She can't make up her mind. She'll flip again. And full Preterism is horrible!. Satan is definitely still here. The Dark Ages was definitely the millennial reign of Christ. Satan was loosed again to deceive Independence Day, 1776. IMO. They told us with the statue of Liberty. This-world with its child molesters child trafficking child abusers drugs rampant, young people not knowing if they're a boy or a girl or a cat or or or or or or something else, the wars on ww3 on the horizon, is not the new Heaven and Earth God forbid!
@billhesford6098 16 сағат бұрын
I was like that. The bible never actually made sense to me. It was a book of little nuggets all sort of disconnected stories. Whales eating people. The exodus. Animals being slaughtered. Some almost random miracle workers. I went to quite a few very different churches, from Catholic to charismatic, a homeschool based group to Presbyterian, Baptist and more. Yeah, quite different understandings. When I saw how the bible is all saying the exact same thing, one consistent story, suddenly it was very much worth reading.
@kelliea5729 Күн бұрын
Thanks Shelly. It took a long time for me to understand that evil has always and will always exist. Too many believe that the words written are literal and they are confused because they don't study fully and see all the prophecies in the old testament that are proven in the new.
@simonaivancic Күн бұрын
What about the sea...its says, there will be no seas...body of water maybe .but no seas....
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
The sea, a body of water, symbolizes "peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues" (Revelation 17:15).
@Southernly 21 сағат бұрын
Sea is Hebrew for the wash basin priests used to cleanse before entering the temple.
@EyupSureThang 18 сағат бұрын
The sea refers to the temple court, like southernly said, it was a wash basin, called the sea….when the temple came down, the sea was no more as well. The only way to cleanse a person now, is through Christ.
@Hank-cf5qv 9 сағат бұрын
@Southernly What is your source for this translation?
@Spmama444 Күн бұрын
Regardless if we are at the very begining the birth pains, or if we are at the end of the end after the MR and we are the children of the disobedient left in the dark to be decieved...REGARDLESS The Great Comission is still the same. Preach the gospel, love the Lord with all your heart, all your strength, and all your might...Follow His ways and reject the ways of man. Be Blessed.
@billhesford6098 16 сағат бұрын
In Col 1:6 and 23 and in Romans somewhere, it says the gospel HAS gone out into all the world. "....not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which HAS been proclaimed in all creation under heaven" So many questions. I still think it has to be preached but it certainly changes things.
@kaka7279100 35 минут бұрын
Can we agree that nobody knows nothing even with the contradictions and personal belief.
@annieg9199 Күн бұрын
Hi Shelley! Enjoy the “debate” in a good way. We need to ask questions of one another as “iron sharpens iron.” When Yehhua said that the saints would be reigning with Him, who and what were they reigning over or judging? Judging AND reigning? Why would the “good” angels in heaven need a “new “ set of overseers? When Yeshua was on trial, He said to Caiaphus, the High Priest, “You will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds,…” Is this a “spiritual “ coming or a “physical” coming? Yeshua also said, “Some of you standing here shall not taste death before I come into My Kingdom.” I believe that Yeshua’s Kingdom is not of this world, but I still think something supernatural was going on with all of the crazy architecture, crazy beautiful art, crazy beautiful music and all of the frequency machines or bells everywhere ; the free energy that was everywhere; the underground mode of transportation that was everywhere. Michele Gibson is an atheist who studied the mudflood. She said that there’s evidence that the world was experiencing a continual daylight and that the temperature was warm all the time everywhere. She said she only presents facts, not opinions. (Sorry, I can’t remember her name of podcast - “Beyond the Veil”, I think? So many questions !!!😊
@billhesford6098 16 сағат бұрын
Coming on the clouds was terminology from the OT where one nation is judged by another. YHWH comes on the clouds. He was THE cloud rider. The different ancient peoples used to argue over who was the true 'cloud rider'. I always wondered why Caiaphas tore his garment (which was against the law in the OT) and claimed Jesus had committed blasphemy. How did Jesus claim to be God, YHWH? Coming on the clouds in judgment was something YHWH did and they all knew - Jesus was saying He was coming back as YHWH and was going to judge them and wipe them out. I used to buy all the mudflood stuff, Tartaria and so on. I now think there are other explanations. Even if we don't know them. My sister gave me some letters from my ancestors, handed down from the 1830's. They lived in the late 1700's I guess. There was no mention of any of it, but plenty of chatter along the lines of what was regular history. One was the captain of ships and another a State sanctioned judge, farmers- so educated and with honor. Unlike me. I have no reason to doubt any of what they wrote. I even saw one of the old houses they had lived in right on the edge of a river used as the base for trading up and down the river. By that ships captain who took up a different life. It also had his death in a newspaper, murdered for the gold cross he hung around his neck, sold for alcohol by the natives. The house is Still there, kept as a heritage type thing. Some were love letters - it makes no sense to lie to a betrothed who was also living through that same era. They had a family reunion in 1983 which my Mum went to and they spoke the names of their grandmothers and fathers. Some of those were born in the late 1800's. Their parents and grandparents they knew. Takes it back to the very early 1800's at least. My mother who knew her old relatives very well, would have known, never mentioned any of it. It all fitted. In the family, handed down, not from fake sources.
@simonaivancic Күн бұрын
Shelly usually has some of the best thumbnails. But when it comes to Christ and heavenly eschatology, no. Because we cannot know or even imagine this. Digital art or AI can maybe try to...but no, thank you
@tilJ1080S Күн бұрын
Imagine the return of the Lord comes while your believing in his return Imagine the return of the Lord comes but you stopped believing because your Full Preterist 😅 Isn’t it better to be safe than sorry Isn’t it better to have hope than no hope
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
If He would come back tomorrow, why would any full preterist deny him? If we take him at face value, however, it happened in His generation. Imagine being a Christian who didn't believe Him.
@tilJ1080S Күн бұрын
@@shellysangrey Of course you wouldn’t deny him just like any hypocrite wouldn’t deny him. But the remorse and regret will torment you
@revelationsingrace Күн бұрын
@@tilJ1080S Consider however, if Shelly is right and Jesus did return when he promised, then that means many Christians today are already denying his return. That's the same mistake the Pharisees made.
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
@tilJ1080S Do you then believe there are three comings?
@tilJ1080S Күн бұрын
@@shellysangrey @revelationsingrace I believe he came back and the End of the World was in 76AD and is coming back again Rev 20:7 after the 1000 years are complete (True Preterist)
Can I request you change the title of these videos? They are more of their own series at this point than questioning the narrative. I miss talking about other topics, I kind of think you've got your point across on the pretorism debate.
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
This is still questioning the narrative, the biggest one of all, in fact
@billhesford6098 16 сағат бұрын
Get this narrative and its like the rest all falls away.
@tilJ1080S 16 сағат бұрын
@@billhesford6098 Just like the faith it just falls away
@billhesford6098 13 сағат бұрын
@@tilJ1080S I hold a faith in God, in Jesus. I hang on to that. I can miss a lot, misunderstand a lot, but I never let go of Jesus. There is no where else to turn.
@tilJ1080S 12 сағат бұрын
@@billhesford6098 But why if FP claims everything is fulfilled already , your already on the New Heaven New Earth you having faith for any promise from Scripture is already completed. Do you see the contradiction with FP and being a believer in Jesus still , it makes literal no sense you have to do backflips and frontflips with scripture to make it even a metaphor
@donaldrodriguez8134 Күн бұрын
🚒🚒🚒 There is Still Sin in the World even when God Binds Satan for 1000 years, Remember there is No “Sin Or Death” until after the Great white throne judgment .
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
There is no spiritual death for the believer, for whom the Lord no longer sees our sins because we are covered by the blood of the Lamb.
@donaldrodriguez8134 Күн бұрын
@@shellysangrey “Saint Augustine” in his writings said that Satan was Bound Already when he was alive and present . “City of God XX - Chapter 8 - of the binding and loosing of Satan .” “Saint Augustine of Hippo”
@donaldrodriguez8134 Күн бұрын
@@shellysangrey “Saint Augustine believed that Satan was already bound during his time, starting with Christ’s first coming, specifically His death, resurrection, and ascension. He interpreted this “binding” symbolically, meaning that Satan’s power to deceive and prevent the spread of the Gospel was spiritually limited, but not completely eliminated. This binding was understood to be in effect from Christ’s first coming to His final return, which Augustine saw as the ongoing Church Age  .”
@donaldrodriguez8134 Күн бұрын
@@shellysangrey Because if we are Presently in the Short time of Satan, Christ would have had to Return for a second time First before Satan is released for a Short time ?
@EyupSureThang 18 сағат бұрын
@@donaldrodriguez8134Christ said we will see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with the right hand of power…..the clouds of heaven are throngs of Christian’s, not fluffy white things in the sky…., and the power they carry comes from the word, the gospel, the right hand power of God himself, the word, the truth, Christ. It was written across out hearts and minds… Christian’s are the word….christians are the temple of heaven by faith, faith was a gift from God….the Christian’s are the ones coming with the right hand power of God…we just need to realize the power that is in us…wake up…manifest into the sons and daughters of God. It is written. Tribulation is to wake up Gods people. Wrath is for the enemies of God.
@Itisfinished. Күн бұрын
What an amazing journey, thank you for sharing Shelly.
@SkyShocky Күн бұрын
this is goofy. The bible is simple. If the short season is over judgement would have happened and heaven remade.
@Southernly 21 сағат бұрын
Do some research, don’t be lazy and make goofy comments
Күн бұрын
""King Osirus"" [OXFORD-UNIVERSITY]:->Great Observation and Reporting,->My Dear "Queen. 'Class Do You Have Anymore Questions? ->NEXT!
@faem-d1944 Күн бұрын
Your videos have become so over complicated and mind numbing. You say let’s just go by scripture and then proceeded to read commentaries. 5 mins in, I’m getting a headache. I guess I disagree w your bot army of cheerleaders.
@shellysangrey Күн бұрын
It's not overcomplicated at all if you can shed the preconceived notions. 🤷‍♀️ Even if I had not read the article aloud, my own words would have been a commentary. If you listen to a pastor's sermon, his words are a commentary. When you watch a video from a creator who is talking about anything, whether you agree with it or not, their words are commentaries.
@kelliea5729 Күн бұрын
The futurist beliefs have deceived for so long that people cannot erase the cognitive dissonance that they have fallen prey to. When you marry up Old Testament (old covenant) with the New Testament (new covenant) it is truly joyful to read scripture through the lens of the First Century Jews. They understood the symbolism. Fulfilled prophecy is the only thing that really does make sense. Many are beginning to see the truth. Listen to a few more teachers for better understanding.
@Spmama444 Күн бұрын
I had the exact opposite reaction. I would say this, shelf the idea, and ask for wisdom from the Ruach. Pray this, "Father remove from me my preconceived notions and doctrines of me." and when the Holy Spirit/Ruach nudges you again, then sart over and listen or read and study yourself. Happy Seeking.
@mirandajones4363 Күн бұрын
Me, too. I'm so confused. We are talking in circles here. So, when is the little season? And why, if all of the bibke has happened, why, oh why, is it soo incredibly satanic right now. And please don't say this isn't near as bad as it use to be. I thought Jesus was to come and clean this place up!
@butterflylady5477 Күн бұрын
Hi, it is hard to understand that's why we have to look outside the bible in my opinion, and also trying to open your mind is painful because no one wants to go deep in this deception only a few!!
@revelationsingrace Күн бұрын
Great video Shelly! Thanks for sharing. I especially liked when you mentioned how the end of the age was the end of the Old Covenant age!
@miltonkiller707 Күн бұрын
The images of Christ you're posting are examples of modern day iconoclasm. Take a leaf out of the Russians' book. At least they'll show you the genuine article.
Күн бұрын
""King Osirus"" ->Wrong Answer! Class Do You Have Anymore Questions? NEXT!
@miltonkiller707 Күн бұрын
Please, in future, resist the urge to respond!
@simonaivancic Күн бұрын
Yes, I commented also that it bothers me
@Aerial.Imaging Күн бұрын
@annieo708 Күн бұрын
Its clear to me that God works in millenial cycles or epocs. All the counting of the ancients and their ages when they begot sons is important to see this. Full preterism seems to disconnect from these cycles. 1.Abel to Enoch...987 years 2.Enoch to Flood...969 years 3.Flood to Exodus...960 years(?) 4.Exodus to Messiah...1000 years(?) 5.Messiah MR to "Obscure Time"....964 years (Obscure time was a 60 year period from 904-964AD when there were no popes but one for a brief year followed by a time of great opposition.) 6."Obscure Time" to "Papal Infallibility".....966 years 904-1870AD This millenium kicked off with the 1st Crusade in 1095AD followed by subsequent bloody conflicts and reforms. The rise of the Jesuits and the Illuminati occurred. Prophecies of St. Malachy in 1100AD, and the Heliocentric belief. 7. "Papal Infallability" to now...154 years PI was declared in First Vatican of 1870AD. Since then we have had two world wars, Israel, etc, etc. Maybe God is using a different counting system since Christ. Idk. I realize my numbers are not exact for epocs 3 & 4 but they are close and would appreciate input or correction anyone may have. I could be off and this may put us at the end of epoc 6 instead of a little into 7. Also i had a thought that maybe these epocs are influenced by celestial events occurring every 900-1000 years. Shelly, do FP believe there will be a final act to this human story one day or will this drama just keep going on perpetually? The Bible doesnt really say that there will be 7 ages. Have we just assumed that? The problem i have with FP is that it seems to imply we are born in this world to know Christ and then be planted in the ground so our souls can go to heaven. That sounds somewhat like gnostic thinking to me. I thought that the resurrection of our body would be like Christ's and that this would be the final act for this creation. The MR saints were the first fruits. Anyway, I love your channel and you too❤😊
@Captain-Donut Күн бұрын
🙏🍩 Always enjoy your calming🍩🙏 Voice
@dereks4531 Күн бұрын
Hey Shelly another great video! 👏👍 when it comes to the bible i believe lies have been mixed with the truth and that the God of the OT that concerns the stories of Jacob, Joseph, Moses, king Solomon and many more is not the father of Jesus but one of the many false gods ✝️😊
@Southernly 21 сағат бұрын
Interesting 🧐
@joadydillard7137 19 сағат бұрын
I'm so glad to. Have you here....asking the same questions I am.... Learning extensively as. We wade thru this giant mess..... That would take any normal person 2 - 3 lifetimes to find, peruse, and digest.... Still looking for big answers, but finding smaller answers along the way.... I'd rather say I learned SOME of it, rather than NONE of it 🙏🙌🙌💯❤️
@jamescarter3883 Күн бұрын
Hi Shelly! Thanks for the effort and thoughtful point of view. (It's certainly a welcome conversation.) For me, I'm not sure what to think on this issue. I think it's good to know about both sides of this (MK & SS) eschatology. One thing I do know for sure is this>>: Wile the children are fighting in the back seat of the car they miss out on the joy that their parents want them to have, The wonder of the journey, the fellowship, and even the kindness of The Good Shepard. Some of the statements below ( not surprisingly ) are a bit cringe-worthy. One thing for sure, The "WALK" is more important than the mud-fights of people on this journey. I enjoy your journey and look at it seriously dear sister. I'm keeping my eyes open wile on this walk. I am grateful for the to sharing of your journey through this. I'm not fully onboard but can certainly live without knowing every detail. A little one doesn't have to have a detailed map of everything to trust and believe that Jesus is exactly who He said He is, etc.... Stay Thirsty my Friend!!(For THE TRUTH!!)
@butterflylady5477 Күн бұрын
Hi,I see some videos about the parcial preterrism and the lady said the jews believes the temple was the earth and heaven and when the temple was destroyed the old pact was no more but start when Jesus died at the cross no more sacrificies after Jesus no more temple that we have the new earth and new heaven the kingdom of Jesus are here since he born that why we are still need to talk about salvation to others the good news of Jesus and is true that you said about Neron thats time was terrible for the first crhristians and for jews! The jews was very hunger that 7 years of the tribulation they ate grass,poop,also some jews woman ate their own children! More than one million jews was muerdered during that time!
@JackMcClendon Күн бұрын
@persiandrum9871 14 сағат бұрын
What strikes me about Shelly's channel is her calm demeanor and patience with those who are so quick to critique, even while the naysayers lack any grasp on grounded hermeneutics, and as they display a lack of introspection. Just a few years ago, I was once a full-throttled, Darby-Scofield, rapture-ready Dispensationalist, and scoffed at any suggestion that challenged this closed-minded, biblically ignorant stance. I ask God to forgive any of my past belligerence towards advocates of fulfilled eschatology, any behavior which was contrary to the mercy which God showed me. For the scoffing, snide remarks, dismissives, etc that I expressed toward full preterits like sister Shelly here... may the Lord forgive me. And thanks be to God for showing us hard-heads the full profundity of His word, and His promises. Thanks be to God Who softens hearts and reveals the depth of His love and forgiveness. And thanks be to God for raising up good teachers to pass on this understanding of the Good News. All glory and praise and honor be to Christ Jesus, our Lord.
@shellysangrey 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you. ❤️🙏 All glory to God!
@drewdoctor1984 23 сағат бұрын
Revelation was written to the Jews of yesteryear Nothing to do with us in present and future Don’t have to be a preterists to understand the Word You just going in a circle! Maybe should come up with another topic?!
@shellysangrey 22 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the comment. Since this is my channel, I'm going to talk about the things I choose. Judging from the comments, people clearly don't understand, so it's not as cut and dry as you think.
@Southernly 21 сағат бұрын
@@shellysangreyyou have the best comments Shelley! 😄👏🏻💪🏻
@Southernly 21 сағат бұрын
Maybe you should create your own channel and figure out how to make complete sentences. Stop trolling.
@EyupSureThang Күн бұрын
Excellent video. Thx.
@michaelhager2846 Күн бұрын
❤😊thank you 🙏😊
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