RỬA TIỀN thật sự là gì? | Q&A KTTC #63

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@phuongduong0925 Ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC #63: _Rửa tiền là hành động hợp pháp hoá khoản tiền thông qua các giao dịch phi pháp _Người cống hiến cho xã hội,có khả năng giải quyết những vấn đề mang tầm cỡ bự, được người khác tôn trọng, nể phục thì họ được gọi là người có địa vị xã hội. _Có tiền thì càng phải đầu tư vào bản thân, tập thể dục, nạp kiến thức vào người, thoát khỏi vùng an toàn của bản thân. _sợ thì càng phải làm _Không có người thành công nào mà không thất bại, không làm sai.
@chiang2599 3 ай бұрын
Bài học rút ra từ Q&A KTTC #63: 1. Rửa tiền là hình thức hợp pháp hoá dòng tiền (từ dòng tiền bẩn chuyển sang dòng tiền sạch). 2. Một người có địa vị trong xã hội là người cống hiến và giải quyết được những cái vấn đề lớn trong xã hội (địa: địa thế, bạn là một cái điểm; vị: vị trí ngồi của bạn đến từ công sức, cống hiến). 3. Hãy đối diện với nỗi sợ một cách có kiến thức để bản thân trở nên mạnh mẽ và giỏi hơn (bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn một cách có kiến thức).
@khoaho2809 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC #63: - Sciolism about illegitimate money. - The position of a person is the value they make and it is helpful for society. - Set a new goal and remind yourself that life is unpredictable and you have to prepare for your future.
@Trang.tran2212 26 күн бұрын
Lesson from RỬA TIỀN thật sự là gì? | Q&A KTTC #63 You must live with integrity No one succeeds without failure Go beyond your comfort zone
@LanHuongDoan 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A 63: - Learning is the only way to prevent being exploited. - Lack of knowledge is the reason you are exploited. - The law of cause and effect is always true. - Everything has a downside. It's just how you choose to handle it. - People with status are those who create significant value for society. - Overcoming pleasure is harder than overcoming hardship. To conquer pleasure, you must be strict with yourself. - Having money but not enjoying it is the real challenge. - Having money to enjoy is simple, but having money and still pushing yourself to strive every day is hard. - Pulling yourself out of your comfort zone is how to expand it. - No one has succeeded without tasting failure. - Facing your fears is the way to overcome them.
@tuyetnhi2446 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from QA Financial economics 63 - You can solve big problems, be respectful from eveyone -> You are the person who have status - You don't have money -> Motivation for waking up and working every day - You had money -> Push, motivate yourself to get you better and better - You must face your fear. No one is successful, no failing - The more difficult it is, the more you have to try -> Get out of the safe zone
@hauyen 3 ай бұрын
lessons from KTTC 63: Learn to understand how to use money. Be motivated to learn and nurture yourself. Step through your comfort zone, learn to develop yourself.
@quocnguyen-ir3gv 3 ай бұрын
Lesson form Q&A KTTC 63 : - The way we want to live is up to us to decide, choosing the lifestyle that suits us. - We must learn to let ourselves experience things around life to know what our strengths are and where we can improve to be better.
@LinhPhuong-L 3 ай бұрын
lesson from KTTC 63: - money come in and out ínide a business, - you cannot cheat and believe that none know, - when you go higher, you have to self-motivate
@anhlan8274 3 ай бұрын
Lessons From Nhi Le Q&A KTTC #63: _ Having money without enjoying it is difficult. _Money laundering does not involve dipping money into water and then washing it. _Taking advantage of other poor people's money to get rich for yourself. _Courage is not not being afraid, but being afraid but still doing it. _Allow yourself to make mistakes.
@hieushaoran 2 ай бұрын
Lessons from KTTC radio Q&A #63: - understand money laundering. - Motivation when you have money is harder than when you don't have money. - If you have money, make yourself better and stronger. - If you have money, invest in yourself.
@Doanthithuytien11 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A 63 - Honest business - Everything has its downside - Solve problems for yourself to gain experience - Self-promoting self-development - Take care of yourself, especially your health - Learn foreign languages ​​and invest in knowledge in yourself - Do it again if you make a mistake - Fear cannot die
@irischan7451 3 ай бұрын
Lessons Q&A 63 - The problem makes you better - Take care of myself and my health - When you make a mistake, do it again. The problem makes you stronger
@hoangkim02 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC #63 - Motivation with money is more difficult than when you don't have money - Having money without enjoying it is difficult - Always expand your comfort zone
@oanhcao-xr2sz Күн бұрын
Lesson from Q&A KTTC#63 - **When you've earned enough money, learn how to elevate its value even further.** - **Don't think about spending it all as soon as you've made a little bit.** - **Without knowledge, no matter how much money you have, it will eventually run out.** - **Be strong and push through difficulties, only then will you understand the true value of money. That's why you should cherish every penny.**
@HongLe-ow8hd 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A 63: - Courage is not not being afraid but being afraid but still doing it - Allowing yourself to make mistakes, no one succeeds without making mistakes - Stepping through your comfort zone and learning how to develop yourself close
@phuonglinh7886 3 ай бұрын
Lesson from Q&A KTTC 63 -Money laundering (illegal business) is a form divided into many small business models and small planned activities to avoid suspicion from the law. Do not abuse the poor and ignorant to enrich yourself. -A person who can solve a big problem, a national problem that affects and changes the country's economy (eg: Uncle Vuong;...). As long as they can solve major problems in society and are respected by others, they are called people with status in society. - Motivation when you have money is when you become familiar with the discipline that you have set during the process of striving so that when you achieve your goal, you still have to try, it will never be enough. .
@traiangvothi 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC#63 - When the money is not made legally they will find a way to launder money. - Money laundering is illegal - How do you choose to live, choose to live to help people or harm people - A person with status is to create jobs for many people, when you contribute to society, be respected by others. - When you have money, what motivates you to keep working
@HieuKang Ай бұрын
Lesson from Q&A KTTC #63 - Money laundering is the process of legitimizing money through a legitimate business model. - A person of status is someone who can solve problems of great magnitude. - A person in high position is someone who can solve problems of great magnitude. - You have to push yourself out of your comfort zone
@trananhminhthu 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC #63: - Money laundering is the act of concealing the illegal origin of money obtained from criminal activities. - The purpose of money laundering is to legalize the proceeds of crime and use it for other purposes. - There are many different methods of money laundering, including bank transfers, luxury goods purchases, real estate investments, and casinos. - Money laundering is a serious crime that can result in prison sentences and heavy fines. - Everyone needs to raise awareness about money laundering and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.
@tupham7575 3 ай бұрын
Lesson from Q&A KTTC #63 1. Although money laundering can help legalize money from illegal activities, it is risky and unsustainable 2. More importantly, it is necessary to maintain ethics in business and not take advantage of others to get rich illegally 3. need to always push yourself to continuously develop, even if you have achieved a certain level of success.
@ToUyen257 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC 63 - A person who can solve a major international problem is a person with status - When you have money, continue to invest in yourself, continue to learn and develop - must face the fear, face the truth and keep doing it - Accept that you made a mistake and keep doing it ❤❤❤
@hongoan2084 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC #63: - Bring bad money into the business and then declare that the money was converted into clean money by the customer. - Push yourself to go to work when you have money. - Be mentally prepared when you make mistakes and everyone else out there makes mistakes before you can succeed. I'm scared but I just want to show my head for people to crack and call it a peak.
@EmyTran-ChinhMatLech 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from KTTC #63 - Everything has two sides, how we choose to live is our decision. - People who can solve big problems, create jobs for many people, build the country, have great ideas, big thoughts, and are respected and admired by others are people with status in society. - Get out of your comfort zone to develop faster. - Fear is what keeps you going, facing your fear and overcoming it. - Accept yourself as an imperfect person.
@tranthimyhanh9999 3 ай бұрын
Lesson from KTTC Q&A #63: - Money laundering is taking illegal money and putting it into a business to make clean money. - People with status are those who create great value for society, solve problems, and contribute value to society. - The more you fear something, do it.
@NgaDoan-vg8hc 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from video - money laundering means smuggling money is dirty money, if you are busy opening a shop to do business and have revenue then that money is clean money
@nhuquynhnguyen4445 3 ай бұрын
Lesson form Q&A KTTC#63 -Money laundering is taking illegal money and putting it into a business and turning it into legal money. that is a violation of the law. -A person with social status is someone who can handle major problems of society and the country. A person who contributes a lot and receives respect -Overcoming happiness is more difficult than overcoming difficulty. You must always overcome your fear and always step out of your comfort zone
@diem272 3 ай бұрын
Lesson form Q&A KTTC #63 : - Motivation to have money is more difficult than motivation before having money - If you don't suffer, you won't have the motivation to go to work - face your fears - there is no one successful out there who hasn't done anything wrong
@levananh15 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC #63: 1. People can solve big problems, they will have position 2. You just motivate yourself in any circumstances
@tran_nguyen2802 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from KTTC 63 -Go beyond your comfort zone to develop -No one is without weaknesses or weak points. The problem is whether or not I can practice or overcome it Ý kiến
@Yenngoc07 Ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC #63: - money laundering is a way to turn illegal money into legal money - the person who solves the problem of society is a person of status - no one succeeds without experiencing failure
@phanthanhthao7689 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC #63 - Money laundering is the process of using illegally-gained money to make it appear legitimate by investing it in a business or other legitimate enterprise. - It's easy to have money and not enjoy it, but it's hard to have money and not use it to make yourself stronger and better. - Sometimes you have to push yourself and create your own motivation
@baobao12605 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from KTTC Q&A #63: - Money laundering is when illegal money becomes legal money - Sometimes you need to motivate yourself - Having money to invest in yourself is difficult - You must face your fear - No one is successful and everyone is wrong
@32-voduytan26 3 ай бұрын
Lessions from Q&A KTTC #63: - Money laundering is using illegal money through the operation of a business to make it appear legal. - The hardest part is leaving your comfort zone to step into challenging situations for learning and growth. - No one has achieved success without experiencing many failures.
@oanthuy819 3 ай бұрын
Lessons from Q&A KTTC 63: - Money laundering is the process of converting illegal money into legal money. - A person of high status in society is one who contributes and can solve major issues in society, the nation, etc. They are individuals with great ideas, critical thinking, and high levels of expertise, always respected by others. - You must push yourself to continue developing even after reaching a milestone.
@NgocAnh-1987 3 ай бұрын
May 22, 2024 Lesson learned: - Money laundering is a form of legalizing dirty money into legal money. -Discipline yourself seriously and strictly. Never stop learning and strive every day to develop yourself. -Overcome your fear. Dare to step out of your comfort zone to do what you want
@ngantra6259 15 күн бұрын
Lesson from video: - Every choice comes with a price. - Nothing lasts forever. - The hardest thing is to motivate yourself, to step out of your comfort zone, and to act even when you're afraid.
@thaotrinh5635 3 ай бұрын
Lesson from Q&A KTTC #63: Money laundering is the process of turning illegally obtained money into legitimate money, with the aim of concealing its true origin. - Having money to spend is easy; creating and maintaining it is difficult. When you have enough, you must push yourself beyond comfort.
@TienDao-on6pk Ай бұрын
Lesson from KTTC #63 _ Money laundering is talking criminal money and putting in into d business to make it look clearn
@NguyenMinhPhuongCloudy 3 ай бұрын
Lesson from Q&A 63 - Unethical people sell banned substances to the poor, then set up a company or business to launder that money and make it legal - Step out of your comfort zone by facing your own fears
@CongDanhA 2 ай бұрын
Lessons from KTTC #63: - The process of money laundering is selling drugs and earning cash ( that is dirty money). You open a company for something like a cellphone ( the dirty money spent for buying a cellphone, becomes revenue of this company). - A person solves many big problems this is a person who has a high honor - Having money but you motivate yourself. Don't live in the safe zone. - No one is successful they must fail in their life
@DungNguyen-vc9cy 3 ай бұрын
Mê chị Nhi quá rồi 😂
@phucluu3336 3 ай бұрын
Lesson from Q&A KTTC #63: Money laundering is from illegal to legal When you have money, you still have to push yourself to work Step out of the comfort zone
@jesilynofficial3454 3 ай бұрын
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