ちょっと主様の動画に出会ってから見漁ってたら最高のドラマ見つけちゃったじゃないですか!!まじでこれみたいので死ぬまでには必ず見ます(鼻息) あと、今You Tubeで無料で見れるFish Upon the Sky見ましたか…、?私は主様の動画のコメント欄で教えていただいたんですが、最高すぎて泣けてくるんです涙
Dean stare at pharm stare at dean so adorable be honest with dean oh okay pharm take eyes of you he loves you pharm chemistry connect each other red thread both pinky promise made each other all day and night get up out of the bed go stretch legs and relax best couple dean we just into each other other's eyes pharm good care of dean he loves you so much too him he there for you no matter what send the time each other do that