@@chiotlai1510 你知唔知咩叫keep in touch 黃小姐本身唔知Anson啲變態行為,到喺徐先生口中得知Anson啲嘢嗰陣黃小姐已經開始疏遠Anson兼Block佢 咁都叫keep in touch? 樓上嗰個tooXtoo唔知係唔係Anson本人,周圍留言話黃小姐有問題 就算佢唔係Anson本人都同Anson一類人,唔知頭唔知路就blame the victim 留意翻警局寄信過嚟,正常人點都會拆嚟睇吓
留意翻黃小姐唔係探條友,係警局打電話俾黃小姐叫佢協助處理一單案件 黃小姐唔係咁想去警署,係個變態同警察/律師講到得黃小姐幫到佢咁,警方先會要求黃小姐處理呢個唔識日文嘅外國疑犯 黃小姐面對警方要求先唔敢拒絕 麻煩唔好blame the victim
@Sylydia-s2eАй бұрын
@Lyeung-gb3exАй бұрын
@castorkwok6 唔好下下都blame the victim,victim就唔可以反思?好多安全指引都係反思受害者錯誤行為,再研究點避免,咁又blame the victim? 首先警方要求有強制力? 退一步講,唔敢拒絕,警方會要求到佢同條變態見面? 日本警方搵唔到翻譯? 大把操作空間,都成年人,唔好下下都屈blame the victim 見到就煩
@castorkwok6Ай бұрын
@@Lyeung-gb3ex 香港人喺香港,警方嘅請求當然冇強制力。但係而家係一個香港人身處日本揸住留學簽證,手上嗰張香港永久性居民身份證唔係世界通行㗎。 當然警察唔係揸住支槍叫黃小姐去警署,但係唔履行警方嘅請求,喺日本政府眼中哩個可以係污點嚟,唔去警署等同於攞自己張留學簽證做賭注 同埋你睇東張西望20-30分鐘總結當然就好似上帝咁一次過睇晒Anson嘅所有問題,現實唔係你睇電視睇電影咁有上帝視覺,當時日本警察仲未知道Anson係一個變態跟蹤狂,加埋去監房隔住玻璃會見,理論上唔會有任何人身安全問題 日本警方唔係搵唔到翻譯,而係當Anson指定咗黃小姐做聯絡人就諗住靠黃小姐幫手處理,自己闊佬懶理唔使做咁多嘢。事實上結果警察都係以「證據不足、無實際損失」決定不起訴Anson嘅非法闖入罪,都睇到日本警方對呢件案係幾咁消極應對 如果你都係成年人嘅話,應該清楚好多事切身處理經歷嘅時候所得到嘅信息量絕對冇可能好似上帝視覺咁全面。你而家一次過知道晒Anson所有衰嘢就叫黃小姐檢討自己,就梗係講得口響啦 講睇厭,正正就係你哩啲知啲唔知啲就blame the victim仲要講到自己堂而皇之咁嘅人先令人睇到厭。
It seems like guys with the English name Anson in HK are kind of broken. This girl, why in the hell will you help him knowing that you are throwing yourself into the lion's den? Being naive is one thing, being stupid is another. The bottom line is when he wrote you that letter in Japan, that is when you should have stopped.
@castorkwok6Ай бұрын
It's simply because Ms Wong never knew Anson was a trap until Mr Tsui informed her about the how pervert Anson was. Meanwhile, Ms Wong was just contacting Anson's mother under the request of Japan Police. She was not thinking of helping Anson, instead she would desperately try to get rid from the incident by asking Anson's mother to step in and get the case solved. Please do not forget an exchange student is very vulnerable as the study Visa may have been put at risks if she refuses complying with the Police's requests. Please don't blame the victim.
@jotarojoestar898Ай бұрын
@@castorkwok6This is a problem. While it's a tragedy, the victim has her responsibility too. It's her choice. Nobody told her to ignore the red flags and continue to "play" with this guy. People will always be people, always saying 'Don't blame the victim', while acting like they are here to do justice. What about accountability then? So, just because you're a victim you don't have to be responsible for your own actions then? Come on.
@castorkwok6Ай бұрын
@@jotarojoestar898 So where exactly is the problem? You seem to have type a lot but that is pretty much empty. You claimed Ms Wong has her responsibility, so what responsibilities does she actually bear? Like Ms Wong born to be a girl and is responsible to be harassed by men? You can see all the "red flags" as you are watching a summary of a series of event occurring on numerous parties and stakeholders that lasted for years, and Ms Wong had absolutely no idea of any of that at the moment. It is so casual for you to say "she ignored the red flag" blah blah blah as you are freaking learning all the incidents in hindsight. The fact is Ms Wong totally had no idea how prevert Anson while they were as friends. She did not even knew the incident of Mr Tsui's credit card being stolen or Ms Kong and her friends's warehouse/ party house was robbed. Ms Wong was not familiar with Ms Kong, and they were brought closer together later when they realised they suffered from Anson. When Ms Wong was finally informed the pathetic actions Anson had been doing, she already avoided Anson at all costs, until she was appointed as the person of contact by the Japanese Police, and had no choice but to comply. While in some cases there might be accountability on the victims' side, in this case no, Ms Wong was absolutely innocent. Telling her to bear her responsibility and accountability is exactly equivalent to telling a random girl being raped to take her responsibility and accountability for dressing too sexy. And that is the most irresponsible comment a man can make.
@jotarojoestar898Ай бұрын
@@castorkwok6 I can't believe how irresponsible you are with your last comment. If a woman doesn't dress sexy and she doesn't walk through a dark alleyway, the probability of her getting "molested" is very slim. But if she insists on still walking that way dressing like that, she is simply putting herself in danger and you expect her not to take responsibility for that when she could have chosen a different path to walk? Look, I am not bashing her; nobody wants to see a creep like that stalking her. But you have to understand she is a full-grown woman who can make her own choices and could have numerous times made the right call. But yet, she didn't. No matter how much you want to side with her, you can't deny the fact that she made the wrong choice to go along and hope things will just eventually stop. She is lucky she is still in one piece, if she was in another country she would have already been in danger. Trying to help is nice, but stop being delusional here.