我由細到大都俾人讚靚,但其實呢個都係一種壓力,好似有一日唔keep住自己靚就會俾人話「嘩,佢樣衰左咁多嘅?」或者「佢老左好多呀」咁,都會好hurt, 但而家生左小朋友,肥左好多,嘗試接受自己係肥同會老(今年已經41)之後,就覺得好輕鬆,好鍾意二嬸講要接受同愛自己、be your true self。呢個對女人嚟講真係好緊要!二嬸,我都係一講d咩都好易喊嘅人,曾經都覺得自己好樣衰,但原來望到人地咁只會覺得呢個人好真好true,好事嚟㗎!今次第一次留言,因為好鍾意呢集,會繼續支持你地㗎💗
That was one of the best podcast every, yee sum discovered her true self at such a young age, it is very inspiring to hear her stories. Get her on the podcast again soon please, I want to know about her more!!! What a sweet, cute and creative girl.
睇完今集令我稔起stolen focus by Johann Hari 呢本書,chapter 5 the disruption of mind wandering 正正就係二嬸做緊既滋養地hae,好似菇話齋,香港人太缺乏呢樣野,其實唔需要guilty,self love is important。 可能就係self wander得多,所以二嬸咁creative. 28 歲咁識follow your gut , it's impressive. 比個like你!