我是馬來西亞人,身邊有幾位朋友,月入約馬幣八千到一萬上下,這算是高收入階級人士,雖然生活物質豐富。但每每一起出來聚會喝一杯時,他們總是在感慨各種生活上的不滿、怨言、憤怒等等。看在眼裡,心裡認真覺得「work life balance」真的很重要,金錢上的富足,似乎已無法讓他們帶來真正的快樂,更多的卻是煩惱。 但別誤會喔,身為低收入戶的我,依然會為金錢奮鬥,努力存錢。只是⋯我想我會在追求金錢之餘,試著把更多心思,放在能讓內心富足的事情上。
This is great tip for my life. Summary : There is no right answer for the difficult question. You need to explore to find what is exactly your goal. There are 3 solution to figure out what you want to pursue your goal : 1. Understanding your preference to analysis the advantage and disadvantage. 2. Treating mistake as adventure! 3. Building the principle , ignore the price. ❤❤❤ Thank you Alvin🙏🙏