Рет қаралды 60
रेलवे ग्रुप डी बंपर वैकेंसी 2025 l आईटीआई बच्चों का क्या होगा कितनी पोस्ट और बढ सकती है सैलरी कितनी #premnathtiwari #sscgd #currentaffairs #airforce #bel #upsc #follow #army #शेयर_और_सब्सक्राइब_ज़रूर_करें #ट्रेंडिंग_वीडियो
Details of various RRBs and their Website Address are indicated below: -
Name of RRB and Railway Website Address and
Telephone Numbers
Name of RRB and Railway Website Address and
Telephone Numbers
Phone: 079 - 22940858
Gorakhpur (NER) www.rrbgkp.gov.in
Phone: 0551 - 2201209
Ajmer (NWR) www.rrbajmer.gov.in
Phone: 0145 - 2425230
Guwahati (NFR) www.rrbguwahati.gov.in
Phone: 0361 - 2540815
Bangalore (SWR) www.rrbbnc.gov.in
Phone: 080 - 23330378
080 -- 23334147
Kolkata (ER) www.rrbkolkata.gov.in
Phone: 6291516873
Bhopal (WCR) www.rrbbhopal.gov.in
Phone: 0755 - 2746660
Mumbai (CR) www.rrbmumbai.gov.in
Phone: 022 - 23090422
Phone: 0674 - 2303015
Patna (ECR) www.rrbpatna.gov.in
Phone: 0612 - 2677680
Bilaspur (SECR) www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in
Phone: 07752 - 247291
Prayagraj (NCR) www.rrbald.gov.in
Phone: 0532 - 2224531
Chandigarh (NR) www.rrbcdg.gov.in
Phone: 0172 - 2730093
Ranchi (SER) www.rrbranchi.gov.in
Phone: 0651 - 2462429
Chennai (SR) www.rrbchennai.gov.in
Phone: 044 - 28275323
Secunderabad ( SCR) www.rrbsecunderabad.gov.in
Phone: 040 - 27821663
B. Details of various RRCs and their Website Address are indicated below:-
RRC Website Address RRC Website Address
Central Railway www.rrccr.com North Western Railway www.rrcjaipur.in
Eastern Railway www.rrcer.com Southern Railway www.rrcmas.in
East Central Railway www.rrcecr.gov.in South Central Railway
East Coast Railway www.rrcbbs.org South Eastern Railway www.rrcser.in
Northern Railway www.rrcnr.org South East Central Railway www.secr.indianrailways.gov.in
North Central Railway www.rrcald.org South Western Railway www.rrchubli.in
North Eastern Railway www.ner.indianrailways.gov.in Western Railway www.rrc-wr.com
Northeast Frontier Railway www.nfr.indianrailways.gov.in West Central Railway www.wcr.indianrailways.gov.in
Candidates shortlisted for DV will have to produce all their original documents along with two sets
of self-attested photocopies at the time of DV.
Further, these candidates are advised to upload the scanned copies (in true colour) of Photo &
Signature before their DV date through the portal - oirms-ir.gov.i....
All certificates should be either in English or Hindi only. Where certificates are not in English/
Hindi, self-attested translated version (in Hindi / English) should be produced wherever/ whenever
required. Certificates produced during the DV should be strictly in the prescribed formats.
No additional time will be given to the candidates not producing their original certificates on their
date of DV and the candidature of such candidates is liable to be forfeited.
Candidature of candidates absent during the document verification will be forfeite.