非常同意你的观点。国内人喜欢以成功作为目标,其实成功又怎么样呢?人活一辈子是给自己活的,不是给别人看的。在不妨碍其他人的基础上,自己怎么高兴怎么活。年老了是许多事情都开始做不动了。我和老公是潜水爱好者,去了许多国家去潜水。从去年开始我们都觉得体力不够了,年纪大了就是干不了年轻时候的事情了。还是趁年轻多enjoy生活。生命不在乎长短而是在于真正experience it.
hi Sean, really enjoy your sharing of your lifestyle. i always wanted to live in oversea , although before i have kid, i spent many years living in Europe and Korea, but not now as my two kids still attending school here . i do wish one day can be like you able to spend with family oversea again ... now i am saving money and hope one day can stay at Thailand too . i do agree with you , Thailand people are very friendly and kind. So far i still like to stay in South East Asia as people there are really welcome foreigners . Cheers