Race in Higher Education: Persecuting Dissent

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National Association of Scholars

National Association of Scholars

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Racial preferences have become ingrained in American higher education, transforming not only the admissions process but also the ins and outs of campus life. Despite the pervasive effects of these policies, the academy has declared them untouchable and works quickly to silence anyone who questions its discriminatory practices. How do the elites at American campuses punish those who espouse heterodox views on racial preferences? What can be done to change this?
Join us on Tuesday, April 25, at 2 pm ET for “Race in Higher Education: Persecuting Dissent.”
This webinar features Amy Wax, Robert Mundheim Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania; Bruce Gilley, Professor of Political Science at Portland State University; Joshua Katz, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute; and Robert Steinbuch, Professor of Law at the University of Arkansas.

Пікірлер: 63
@carolblume5073 Жыл бұрын
@19:15 Reminds me of an interview with Sir Roger Scruton. He described conditions in Eastern European universities before the fall of the Berlin Wall. There was something called a Denunciation Letter that would sometimes appear on the desks of university professors that they were expected to sign denouncing one of their professional colleagues with the understanding that if they did not comply, they would be the next person to be denounced. And it makes me very sad.
@LEEEEMO Жыл бұрын
Never expect courage from your academic colleagues. That is a very rare virtue. It always has been and always will be. On the other hand, cutting the water off as one speaker noted would get the attention of the universities, but the sad reality is that the major universities, especially the Ivies, live off of the donations from the ultra rich. That segment of givers still finds satisfaction in seeing their names on chairs, buildings, and programs. Their giving is unlikely to stop. Yale for instance doesn't need anybody's $100k bequest and that quantity of money wouldn't deflect the administration from its thirty year course. Yale certainly can't do without the big money from the Jacksons and Schwarzmans. And those people, unlike the Whitneys, love the current day version of Yale.
@mikegray8776 Жыл бұрын
As a non-American, it seems amazing to me that almost no-one ever comments on the iniquity of the US College “Business Model” - ie the Government underwriting of ruinous Student Loans. As a direct result of this ridiculous scheme :- 1). College Fees have inflated (?) 10-fold over 15-20 years 2). Administrators - since their costs are indemnified - have expanded to outnumber Educators in the average Ivy. 3). The students (and their parents) are now regarded as “customers” rather than recipients, and every whim, fad and complaint - no matter how absurd - is embraced and reacted to as “valuable feedback”. If a FRACTION of the current levels of government cost and effort were targeted more strategically towards financial assistance for students from poor backgrounds and difficult circumstances, then the only losers would be the leeches at the periphery of knowledge provision; fees would drop dramatically; and the power of the middle-class thick but woke administrative brigade would be massively curtailed. This would do FAR more for “poorer” Black and Latino students than so-called “affirmative action” which, it seems, just serves to promote comfortable, middle class minorities to relatively better schools than would otherwise be the case. This in itself is not a one-step panacea, but would surely be a sane starting point in the reclaiming of proper indiscriminate knowledge provision.
@theeuropeanperspective3391 Жыл бұрын
Re: Prof. Wax's counternarrative on race differences. Apart from the ridiculous 'racism' allegations, there are two major possible sources for these differences: the environment that the people concerned are living in and their genetics. As the example of Prof. Wax shows, already mentioning an environmental cause - culture - can bring you into deep trouble. No wonder that both she and Heather Mac Donald stay clear of genetic explanations, which would probably cause a lot more trouble for them than what they are already experiencing. The problem with this is that it is becoming more and more clear than many environmental style explanations depend on genetics to a large degree. In addition, there is increasing evidence that genetics plays an important role in I*Q and other differences. Thus, all interventions trying to change the black environment while ignoring the role of genetics will probably be doomed to failure (as the example of past large-scale interventions like Head Start shows). Wax and Mac Donald are brave women. But advocating wrong explanations for the differences between the races is not only useless but harmful because trying to act on those wrong explanations will fail and as a result only increase racial tensions.
@terranbiped8358 Жыл бұрын
Thank you professor Murray.
@nancyjimeno7001 Жыл бұрын
Richard Haier’s research suggests that IQ is virtually 100% genetic. And you’re right, Wax and Mac Donald would be hammered even more were either to cite his thorough work. (see: The Neuroscience of Intelligence, Ricard J. Haier, 2017.
@brianmeen2158 Жыл бұрын
@@nancyjimeno7001 100% genetic? Ouch as I’ve always said - genetics either makes you or breaks you in terms of your behavior, ability to think and on the sports field. Sure you can have all Of the work ethic in the world but if you aren’t “talented” in that particular area in terms of genetics - you will only progress so far .. this is a major black pill that very few can swallow and I understand Btw I am curious about personality traits like charisma - I attribute it to mostly genetics as well but maybe I’m wrong..? It’s just I have met very few(if any) people that became much more charismatic over time
@savvywillow Жыл бұрын
3 comments. This is really getting ghosted.
@Dashcam100 Жыл бұрын
I respect many Jews with somewhat mystery. The mystery of intelligence as it were. Of course, I abhor the abuse of said intelligence, i.e., Hollywood, financial institutions, etc. You cannot stereotype an entire group. But it's obvious the IQ. It's just a matter of whether it's used for good or bad. But I have entered this phase of fascination with intelligence, myself being of mediocre IQ. And browsing all these videos, I often find myself listening to those of Jewish ancestry. This doesn't bother me. I really don't understand the persecution of the Jews. They're mostly smart. I guess the problem is when that intelligence is abused, I would presume, mostly amongst those who are Jewish by ancestry but don't follow precepts of Judaism.
@KKruse-jb4cu Жыл бұрын
IQ isn't everything. I lost my beloved brother Kelly last year. His IQ was in the 140s. But he was a high school drop out, had three failed marriages, was frequently homeless and, sadly, died an inveterate alcoholic. He was a masterful guitar player and could free hand the most amazing drawings. But what good did those things do him?
@baigandinel7956 Жыл бұрын
They are about 10 IQ points higher, but 110 is still not as high as the average college graduate, so racial IQ is not a factor here. As Bari Weiss put it, it was both "punching up and punching down." They weren't persecuted simply for being considered inferiors, but also because they were perceived as being too HIGH in society.
@terranbiped8358 Жыл бұрын
With great power comes great responsibility, Peter Parker.
@terranbiped8358 Жыл бұрын
@@baigandinel7956 You are comparing the average Jew to the average college graduate. So, I’ll leave it to your imagination what the IQ is of the average Jewish graduate. Then of course you have to consider the tail end of the right distribution of the IQ bell curve where the relative number of Jews has led to disproportionate achievement. In any case people should be judged as individuals, not part of groups. Personally, I find wisdom a more desirable trait.
@baigandinel7956 Жыл бұрын
@@terranbiped8358 That does not follow. (It depends on at which part(s) of the distribution curve they bulge; it may not be evenly distributed throughout.) I am not aware of any studies measuring Jewish graduates as having higher IQ among college graduates. Rather, we would expect to see more of them entering and graduating college on the front end due to their inital higher IQ starting point. As is the case with Asians, it also helps that their parents inculcate values of hard study and achievement, not all due to IQ. That is a good example to use actually, because Asian Americans enjoy a similar IQ advantage if not higher, yet nonetheless don't earn Nobel prizes at those rates.
@00Julian00 Жыл бұрын
Incredibly boring conversation
@vcliburn Жыл бұрын
Perhaps it’s boring to you because you don’t understand its meaning and content.
@eggboldhead Жыл бұрын
If it is boring for you then just do not listen.
@jsmyth65 Жыл бұрын
only boring people get bored.
@blacklivesfallout Жыл бұрын
give us reparations and let me buy some land far out in the countryside so I never have to see any of you ever again LOL that's my solution
@nancyjimeno7001 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been telling anyone who will listen to me what is going on at the California State University where I teach political science. Most just don’t believe it could be the case that the university many of them attended would be indoctrinating rather than educating students. I’m not allowing that to deter me and I intend to spend my retirement speaking to service groups, political leaders and parent’s associations about the social justice, DEI propaganda. I’m writing down the points made by a number of NAS guests, especially this, to share. But several former colleagues have warned me that the woke-progressive power elite will come for my retirement benefits. I hope that won’t be the case.
@Dashcam100 Жыл бұрын
Lots of videos now of academics and the concern over this topic. I'm working class, but this is all very interesting. I studied philosophy and so forth. I'm so very happy for the bravery of these guests.
@KoIossov Жыл бұрын
You are the same class as these guys. You are the same class as me, unless you own capital. "Middle class" is not a useful term in sociopolitics, it's purpose is to divide the public
@rickvassell8349 Жыл бұрын
Courageous people, they have had much to loose by speaking truth. However, Haven't you seen this coming for the passed 40 years?
@SesameR7sh Жыл бұрын
True, every single time women's rights progress, there is a backlash. The 1980s backlash (feminists will never get married! You'll be lonely! Become Fatal Attraction!) failed. So they have come after women's rights more subtly, and have harnessed women to destroy their own movement
@brianmeen2158 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that’s the lingering question I have - how did many professors not see this coming long ago? I think a few conservatives predicted it in the 90s but the more liberal minded professors just seemed oblivious to what was happening…? That doesn’t make sense to me
@danstewart2770 Жыл бұрын
The problem with Bruce Gilley's perscrption _"if we can subsidize decarbonization [...] we can subsidize deracialization."_ The phenomena under discussion is not just on university campuses, and it's not just race. As I commented elsewhere here: "Today, every American institution-public and private-from academia to media, from entertainment to Wall Street, from law to medicine, from the federal bureaucracy to the Federal Reserve, from the intelligence community to the officer corps; all are dominated at the top by the (Cultural Marxist) Left. Now, this ideology is being baked into law and banking, among so many others. I fear it may be too late.
@brianmeen2158 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I think the same thing. I’m glad some are speaking out against this now but I think it’s a few decades too late. I don’t see how it’s even possible to dial back DEI at this stage
@ChuckHolland-i4b 8 ай бұрын
How do we support you all putting together a new university?
@n.b.4125 Жыл бұрын
These are uncompelling “victims”
@musthaveacamel2157 Жыл бұрын
Many, If not most people are smarter than me, I am ok with knowing that
@edseibert9426 Жыл бұрын
These four are brave and defenders of truth. I commend them on their good character. If the elites in academia have let you down, please travel and spend some time with blue collar Americans. You will be refreshed and energized to keep up the good work. There is still sane culture in the US. I am glad you escaped the college cult.
@jackiehorton4626 Жыл бұрын
We should not be surprised when the worldview that founded this country..that of a Biblical worldview, namely.there is good and evil..words have meaning ..and truth can be known is eradicated. We are not even talking about a personal relationship with the Bible..even the deists of our forefathers subscribed to a Biblical worldview Btw the Bible sums up race succinctly when it says in the Book of Acts that all men are of one blood having originated from one man...worldview matters.
@virtualpilgrim8645 Жыл бұрын
1:28:20 A black student brought Amy some Girl Scout Cookies. I hope she didn't eat them for obvious reasons. Would you eat something a complete stranger handed you when you know that you're at the center of a hateful and controversial ideological war?
@HoratioTalbot771_a Жыл бұрын
Rule number 1 Mr. Katz. Keep your mouth shut if you want to survive in Academia . Albert Einstein said this and he lived in Princeton .
@danstewart2770 Жыл бұрын
As for finding assistance from the federal government, that's a stretch. Wokism is baked deep into the federal bureaucracy. They're not an ally. You had the most conservative Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, who's deeply tapped into woke issues in higher education, but other than campus sexual assault issues, she found it very difficult to get much done.
@dks13827 Жыл бұрын
We must declare that all groups have good IQ's. None have really low IQ's... eh ???? 70 ?? 80 ????
@vcliburn Жыл бұрын
“Groups” are made up of individuals. Once you start lumping them all together you relieve them of individual choice and responsibility. Environment obviously plays a large role in one’s destiny and outcome in life.
@psychnstatstutor Жыл бұрын
Australia~ yes, much appreciated for threading the needle (whilst remaining within the channels, for now)
@andreasbotha6356 Жыл бұрын
Amy and Bruce!!! Yes
@user-li7ce1ex6i Жыл бұрын
Bruce is Jewish???
@r.hudsonmadeo5745 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant discussion
@tingalayo6130 Жыл бұрын
@keithrezendes6913 Жыл бұрын
So sad
@anthonyhocking9118 Жыл бұрын
A belated comment. Why are there so few views on this excellent discussion? Living in South Africa, this issue strikes a particular chord. Our situation is, of course, unique, and I make no comparison...suffice to say that for the past nearly 30 years, since the end of apartheid, the ANC government has haphazardly tried to enforce affirmative action, (and given our history, no reasonable person could object) ..BUT, the highly educated Whites are leaving in droves, our children are moving to Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc. And the government couldn't care less, while all the while doing nothing substantial to the education system to produce Black graduates of any substance.
@virtualpilgrim8645 Жыл бұрын
Amy Whacks brought me here. I am rooting for her...
@danstewart2770 Жыл бұрын
Odd way to spell her name-seems pretty disrespectful.
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