Races & Classes of Riot's MMO According to Lore

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@miser2570 2 жыл бұрын
Given the absurd amount of class division, it could be an option for riot to make a scaled down version of Path of Exile pasive tree for each class, in the sense, an ability or class tree where, depending where you are from, you start in a different part of the tree and gives you easier access to what would be more thematic to your origin, but still not limiting you out from what that class might do in other places. Would be a hella lot of work, but i mean, they have a hella lot of work to do eitherway and they already have the lore so that part is semi covered
@Necrit 2 жыл бұрын
I actually love this idea so much. It fits the world where anyone can do anything if they really want to!
@DiviNazuphus 2 жыл бұрын
There was an mmo that kind of did this already, it didn't quite work out but having you pick like, multiple specializations could be cool too.
@malachaiuys711 2 жыл бұрын
that would ne a really cool feature
@malachaiuys711 2 жыл бұрын
@@DiviNazuphus do you remember what it was called?
@pentagram4745 2 жыл бұрын
That won't work. It'll be hell to balance. It's not like Guild Wars 2 where races have different origins. Some regions in runeterra have concurrent races. So it's better to just make it uniform and restrict some races in some regions like demacia.
@MaxDKman 2 жыл бұрын
LOVE these speculation videos. So fun to think about actually walking around and exploring this world
@Lunethia 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, inhaling massive amounts of Copium about us getting PVE is definitely good for this man. He should keep it up.
@perleFF 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lunethia surely it won’t turn into a crypto simulator
@itsgonnabeokay9341 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lunethia wdym?
@pentagram4745 2 жыл бұрын
It's annoying tbh. He's not even saying outright that these are all speculative, which makes me cringe more.
@flip2179 2 жыл бұрын
These gets me so hype for the game
@masakari3990 2 жыл бұрын
How they handle the factions is something i'm interested in. I'm kind of hoping they go for more of a reputation approach and allow you to earn/lose rep based off actions you take. I kind of want them to let us all start without a faction and let us gravitate towards the one(s) we like. Balancing the rewards would be hell though. I feel like they would all have to be cosmetic. For Vastaya, i'm hoping they don't try to limit them so they have things they can add in the future. Just add them and add more options as time goes on.
@D3th10rd 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope that A: it will be set in a third person perspective instead of top down and B: they lean into the ability to roleplay like with FFXIV and ESO. Not only is it a great activity if you're into it, but it can allow the game to make money through the selling of cosmetics as well. I can tell you from first hand experience, people will throw loads of money to get a good transmog or outfit going.
@falkjar6969 2 жыл бұрын
I would be shocked if it's an isometric game. With all of the people they're bringing who have worked on games like WoW, GW2, WildStar, Witcher 3 and LotRO, I would say it's very likely to be in third person.
@artene1189 2 жыл бұрын
it will be third person
@yes78 2 жыл бұрын
And i hope they dont scale down the world, if the graphic is anything like their artwork, i want it to be huge
@mistertroll8667 2 жыл бұрын
They confirmed a 3rd person perspective.
@MrMoopBoop 2 жыл бұрын
ghostcrawler has also mentioned that it will be more than just a quest grind and you can truly live and feel you are a part of runeterra, so its safe to assume there will be plenty more than just the raw gameplay
@filleis6374 2 жыл бұрын
I quite like the "skin" idea where the regions are mostly cosmetic but could also have some stat differences and maybe one or two exclusive spells or such. The main classes could be warrior, mage and ranged. Also imagine a void expansion adding the option to make you have an additional "void touched" option as a region or as a special modifier/ region swap on an already existing character
@PancakeBoyyy27 2 жыл бұрын
I think that classes could be done in a way with the classes used in league of legends (assassin, marksman, mage, fighter, support) and based on your origin could have subclasses with different equipment associated with them. For example say you're an assassin from Ionia, so your sub class options could be kinkou or shadow order assassins, based on what abilities and equipment your character uses.
@garrettirving5280 2 жыл бұрын
Man i was about to say the same thing man. Seriously think this would be not only the easiest it most effective way to fit all the amazing classes into the game. Double thumbs up for you homie. 👍🏻👍🏻
@fitmotheyap 2 жыл бұрын
Too complicated, they'd have to make too many subclasses and we'll have balance issues like in LoL
@PancakeBoyyy27 2 жыл бұрын
@@fitmotheyap I don't think they'd have to balance that many subclasses, since they'd be separated only by equipment and abilities but still have the basic perks of that class (staying on the example, both kinds of ionian assassins would have the same base stats and base abilities, with the only difference being what they wear and the utility they provide via movement abilities [kinkou being more supportive, while shadow order being agressive]) Imo it would be the simplest way to introduce a class system, but to each their own i guess.
@autisonm 2 жыл бұрын
I think the sub class thing would be a bit too complicated and would mean that there are like 6+ different versions of assassins among other things. I think instead it would be interesting if you started as the "subclass" and you need to go to the other subclass area to become your main class. So for instance, you start as a Kinkou ninja subclass and you go to the Shadow Order subclass area to become an assassin. You could even go a bit further and allow players to mix and match kinda like how Ashes of Creation will in that say, you start as a Kinkou ninja but then you go to one of the tank subclass areas and learn that set of skills to allow you to mix them and essentially end up with something like Shen, a ninja that is a tank.
@jasonmiller2379 2 жыл бұрын
the only problem with having different subclasses depending on the origin is a bad balancing act [which given how League itself is balanced, you can see would be an issue] it would likely be easier to just have ninja as a separate class for the Ionia expansion [with Kinkou and Shadow Order sub classes]
@hollowichigo1023 2 жыл бұрын
Necrits on a roll. Hope he can keep it up for the 6 years until the mmo is out
@TheHornetX 2 жыл бұрын
i actually agreed when asmon said he thinks it’ll be done in 2-3 years. talking about a game 6 years before release usually leads to it’s downfall
@ItsVab 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheHornetX True lol, FF7R is the exception that I'd say though
@walterhenry9574 2 жыл бұрын
Super excited for the runeterra universe to expand into multimedia projects. The future is indeed bright.
@elliotyong2331 2 жыл бұрын
The kinkou may also be an interesting idea for a paladin class. It is shown that while they will assassinate mortals/spirits to preserve the balance, protection and prevention of conflict takes priority. As such the kinkou are able to cast magic barriers to protect themselves and others, something that a paladin class would do.
@cobito9999 2 жыл бұрын
For the class system, they could make something like a class tree. For exemple, if you chose a rogue and are level, let's say 15, you can get a specialisation quest line with multiple options. You could go to an assassin guild in Noxus to be trained to become, well, an assassin and have more knife based attacks like Katarina's or Talon's. Or you could go to the kinkou to be taught their technics or the shadow order to get your shadow tatoos and become a shadow user. Or you could even go to Bilgewater (I don't know if pirate cut throats seems like a good evolution or what unique mimic it could give tho. Maybe gun or bomb skill ? Like put them in the pocket of the enemies ?) or Demacia to become a scout like Quinn and have a familiar. And yeah, I know this is a LOT of work but it should be doable for most of the classes to make them feel a little more unique and let the player more freedom. I also know that they are flaws in this view, for example, it would mean that the balancing would be hellish, and some classes, could be lock behind extensions and I think that people could be upset about this (I know I would at least).
@dan1523 2 жыл бұрын
Make each champion have a playable class follower(the players character). Each start region different depending on which champ they choose to follow for their class. At the start, only use a certain number of Champs, like 10-20. Release a new class along with a new champ to train under for each expansion. This would lock certain classes into their corresponding lore region as well as limit which race they pick depending on the races that exist in the region(region based, not faction based). After you follow the champion to learn your abilities, you either get separated from them or leave them after the starting zone. Then you can explore runetera with whatever class you want to play as while having champion pride based on league of legends. Which is what will make this game really take off. Because everyone loves their fav champ. (Diana here I come!)
@Gazzl33t Жыл бұрын
I'd say the classes are going to be somewhat like the class system from Rift. You pick a base class, Warrior, Cleric, Rogue, Mage, Primalist etc. then you choose from a pool of talent trees. How many you gain access to at once and how deep you can go into multiple ones at a time would very much be up in the air, in Right you could go fairly deep into more than 1 tree at a time, but I think mainly focusing on one with a tiny dip into others would suit the LoL world a bit better. This system was great, allowed for a lot of variety, and did make you feel pigeon holed into your base class like many MMOs.
@danthewatcher9681 Жыл бұрын
you know thinking about it again, they could do away with the IDea of classes in a traditional way, and have them turn into Roles, and have 4 roles , the Holy trinity Tank/DPS/Healer + CC( a dps or healer that dose les healing or DPS but keeps enemies from casting or helps with kiting by slowing them etc.) and have you pick one of those rolls after that you pick a tempalte and build up your class, having Talent points around the choices you've made, like you get a talent tree for the role , fallowed by a talent tree for the type of DPS (Ranged Physical or Ranged Magical)/tank/healer/CC, fallowed by one for the types of weapon you will use( staves and wands for casters, gun crossbows and bows for Marksmen etc). AND you can have the option to change templates as you please within the roles you chose at the start. IMO, the roles should be permanent, if you chose a TANK role you should not be able to choose a HEALER role on the same character, there odd to be some limitations, this would make you have to level a new character and experience a new starting area/race aesthetic or region.
@hamfish624 2 жыл бұрын
I think it could be really cool if you break down each 'class' into what makes it the way it is, and possibly work on a subclass system. For example, if you chose two base classes and combined them, you would end up with some of the classes mentioned here. Someone who chose two of the same class, such as double assassin could well become a shadow assassin from ionia, a warrior who then chose a mage could become an ionian bladedancer, a mage who chose warlock/demonology as a second class could become a hemomancer, while a double warlock could become a void prophet, etc etc. Theres a lot to iron out as to how different areas could affect this, but it could be a cool idea to allow more options while still keeping a unique identity, without being crazily impossible to make all 50 or so different classes individually.
@BarokaiRein 2 жыл бұрын
22:00 That's nothing new because it's exactly how Clerics and Paladins work in vast majority of classic RPGs. Casting holy spells or using abilities like Lay on Hands is just the deity allowing them to be a vessel of their power. They have no magical abilities of their own, they're simply allowed to channel an outside force, which is what separates them from Wizards and the like. That's also how both Paladins and Shamans work in WoW, both of them are completely capable of losing that ability by angering the Light or the Elements whereas a mage will always be a mage, regardless of what he does with magic.
@chriskindabrown5482 2 жыл бұрын
as far as classes go i think the best (albeit ambitious) way to go about classes is have the core 4, Rogue/Assassin Tank, Warrior and Support and have your race also determine your subclass cause it's gonna be really weird if we have Frejlordians running around with Sentinel guns or Zaunites trying to shoot a bow and arrow
@obamaterasu Жыл бұрын
I have race locked stuff
@TrueNargin 2 жыл бұрын
Originally I listed like 4 different ideas for how the classes could work in this game but ultimately - I just want Riot to do something unique and creative with their MMO that will feel right within the world they've created. And if that meant having to start in a specific region to be able to play a class (for example having to start in Demacia to play a Mageseeker) that's fine by me.
@SouthernGuy5423 2 жыл бұрын
I kind of hope they simply don't do specific classes. I'd much prefer a more open approach to character creation, by basing each character on the archetypes from LoL - or something. Tanks, bruisers, support, ranged and melee dps would be perfect to define the base classes. Then choose magic or physical damage - ideally there would be a lot of characters that are hybrids, too. Then further refine it by choosing a regional specialization and a weapon specialization. Boom! Now you have your character! So, a character would be a magic tank from Ionia who fights unarmed and BANG! You have a mini-Udyr! Original version, not whatever garbage they've done to him recently. Physical bruiser from Mt. Hyjal with spear and shield and you have a Mantheon type character. The hard part will be making each choice significant and somewhat balanced.
@oyeahisbest123 2 жыл бұрын
@@SouthernGuy5423 not a bad idea actually. but i still want faction pride to play somewhat of a role and that kind of works . if we are able to start anywhere based on origin that will still kill the lore for me.
@FineSugarSwine 2 жыл бұрын
@@SouthernGuy5423 I think they could have most or all classes available to all regions/starting zones, but then have only certain subclasses available to certain regions. Or for the cases of being a mage in Demacia the starting area/quest could be breaking out of prison and escaping.
@SouthernGuy5423 2 жыл бұрын
@@FineSugarSwine Sure, where did I say otherwise? A warrior in the Ionian style could have grown up and trained there and then moved to Demacia - or their teacher could have, or w/e. Its a label for the style of combat. Demacian warriors are traditionally like medieval knights, while Ionians are more like Japanese samurai... and so on. On the other hand, I don't think that convenience absolutely has to trump everything else. RP reasoning is important, as well. I wouldn't be horribly upset if you had to start in a certain area or complete a big quest in order to gain access to certain types of abilities.
@FineSugarSwine 2 жыл бұрын
Never said you said otherwise my dude. Like the rest of us I'm just here to talk and nerd out. Just saying what I think would be cool and would work.
@SoulMelodyUwU 2 жыл бұрын
6:29 I love how dead inside he looks when saying that cursed phrase
@nithia 2 жыл бұрын
What classes there will be is easy. Just look at Team Fight Tactics. Assassin, Bard, Bruiser, Cannoneer, Cavalier, Dragonmancer, Evoker, Guardian, Legend, Mage, Mystic, Shapeshifter, Spell Theif, Starcaller, Swiftshot, and Warrior. I doubt all of these will be the classes but this is a great list to consider. The races I feel is where it will be a challenge to have more then three or four at launch, but as you said the Vastaya have a lot of options to pull from.
@yvespangatungan3627 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to play as a Noxian cultist and try finding more lore and events surrounding Mordekaiser. Like if a player can influence or like speed things up by finding things or certain quest that triggers the kind of raid boss event where Morde tries to surface into the living realm, and we have to fight of a far more deadlier undead, like in the ruination event but that all kind of more on Lore perspective.
@colex1222 2 жыл бұрын
Mordekaiser will DEFINITELY be a raid boss and as he's my favorite character I'm so excited to think about it. The Immortal Bastion where he is sealed is simply asking to be a dungeon where we would definitely encounter some awesome enemy's and the big man himself
@Strongbadia_The_Free 2 жыл бұрын
I want the Vastaya race to have the option for specific Vastaya like the bat guy from Arcane. I just want to be bat man. As for all the different kinds of warriors and mages and things, they could always make a archetype class and then you could specialize in a specific type of warrior and mage. Like a skill tree.
@TheSpoegefugl 2 жыл бұрын
I kinda had the though, with how you spoke about sand trolls, that they may have been kept vague and out of sight on purpose, possibly so they can be explored in the MMO, possibly as a playable race.
@Diagala19 2 жыл бұрын
My ideas for the Races: It would be awesome to have some kind of questline, where you could ascend or become a darkin later on in the game. The issue with helmets and or boots can be overcome by either disabling the visuals for certain races or make special gear for them. I personally would love it, if there would be some kind of monster-like character to be played in the mmo. With the shurima expansion they could introduce the fusion race of people who merged with the void. Instead of leveling only your class you may evolve your race with some cool extra gimmicks. My ideas for the Classes: Imagine Riot's MMO has no typical classes. Instead of playing out classes like in normal MMO's, in Runeterra you get to choose a Path to follow. The Path determines which kind of skills you can learn and which Path specialized quest you can get, but you won't skill into your path normally. You will learn skills and abilities through your actions. Wanting to be a paladin? Work in demacia and follow the Aspect of Justice. Learn different Swordstyles? Go to each country and learn from the locals. You don't determine who you are only through your classname and your level, but through the path you walked to become who you wanted to be. Given that you could technically learn everything in the World of Runeterra with this system, you could limit the access to the skills by your Path or by a restricion to the number of skills that can be used at a time. One big pro of this method would be, that you can implement any kind of ability and identity that is possible in the game, but the con is that it would be harder to balance, since min-maxing is a lot easier with this method.
@dieptrieu6564 2 жыл бұрын
Darkin lore just doesn't make sense as a playable characters. THey are meant to be the bad guy. And their power also make doing contents really weird. Like why do i lose to this tiny void monsters when i am a freaking darkin. It just doesn't feel right
@Diagala19 2 жыл бұрын
Darkin would be late game character, which you can only obtain through either an darkin item (probably the highest rarity) or through ascending and then corrupting, which would be also lategame (probably level 80-90 out of 100). At that point of the game most void monsters (and maybe playable characters) would've probably gone through 4 or 5 adaptations to the world and thus be extremly powerful. And even other races could at that point become aspects or ascend, master a World Rune or make a pact with a celestial being and thus gain the ability to hold on against a darkin. Of course it would be hard to balance to give the special experience, but i don't think it is impossible to make
@dieptrieu6564 2 жыл бұрын
@@Diagala19 There's a lots of problem with this. First, darkin is special because they are rare. Seeing them running around just shattered that whole point. 2nd, they are too powerful, regardless of how high lv you are. You are still expected to play mortal like characters. Such godlike entities just doesn't make for a good comprehensive story. Unless you severely nerf them, which threw away the whole point of darkin being unstoppable. Furthermore, darkin are the weapons. Which also mean that on a lore standpoint, you shouldn't swap your weapons around which defeat the purpose of an RPG
@varionbrickel8709 2 жыл бұрын
My personal idea has always been to abandon classes entirely in exchange for origin, imagine for example, that you can do any quest in the world, and completing that quest gives you a skill or ability as a reward, but in order to use it you must be origin compatible and invest skill points that work like paper mario's badge points. This allows every player to invent their own class and build based off of the experiences their character has been through, only limited by certain region barriers that create an informal class, as it doesn't make sense for a damacian to learn ionian magic, or an ionian to use piltovian tech. You could even introduce multi-classing by allowing each character to go through a questline to engage in another region's culture, thus gaining access to their skill options.
@borismarjanovic5450 2 жыл бұрын
About races and classes topic: It would be nice to have an alignment system in the game that would allow you to play yourur character on both alignment spectrum Good or Evil: each of them unlocking alignment specific items: Example: 1.Every one fights the darkin /(raid maybe) u Maybe want to join the raid with the Darkin as defending force. If a grp clears the raid beating the darkin ..they get specific items that way if u support the darkin and defend the raid u get darkin specific items. The fantasy of being able to choose to play as the bad guy and not only be bound to the good guy perspective. would be awesome. Joining 2 sides of the raid would be interesting: -Raids time limited -Floor with players if cleared raid boss next phase -Final boss 20 ppl vs 20 ppl ( each has 1 life) example: 3 floors: attacking side alocated numbers of ppl to march to each floor so do defender if attackers reach final booss all participate/ defender in final stage may assist with limited time/spells to help final boss. Depending who wins gets the gear. Every raid would be different, without repetetive grind of the same dungeon for 100 times. Maybe to ambitious. Maybe crap. wanted to throw out the idea in there. Thanks for reading
@julieheim 2 жыл бұрын
OooooOOoooOooo this is gonna be exciting
@danthewatcher9681 2 жыл бұрын
to get past the Paladin stereotype, they could call the class Justicar, and have some class quests along with the normal story stuf. Allow me to make a prediction for classes, here we go: Rogue - arcane blade/trikster (Kata) - Blinking and magic doodads ( hybrid dmg)- advanced classes Akali and Kennen. - kinkou( Shen's school)- Tank / basically DKs in early WotLK - Shadow ( zed/talon/kayn)- let's get physical, physical ( damage) Justicar( paladin) - Inquisitor- Garen ( basically and anti mage that is also a zealot) - Solari ( Leona) Tank & DPS - protector( Taric) Healer and bubble Chad ( wow holy paladins since forever) Warrior- Blademaster - Wuju Style BM - Duelist ( fiora) - Spell Blader. - Berserker- Raider- (Olaf) - Wilds Shaman ( Udyr, new set)( totem barbarian DnD) - Aspirant of War - Tank, basically pantyson Casters: Work in progress
@jstabile100 2 жыл бұрын
Hey thought. There will be 2-3 races and classes specific to each region. But with over lapping functions, pullovers mages will be hex tech tinkers. Demacia, will get Mage seekers, noxious will just have generic mages, freliord will get shamans. And as they relieve expansions they can release more classes, races from what ever region the expansion is expanding. Blood mages from noxious anyone?
@dla749 2 жыл бұрын
I think you should also include the voidborn, and kassadin and kaisa. The voidborn are completely different from everyone else, even other voidborn, kaisa has a void creature fused with her, and kassadin can use void energy
@dinen5000 Жыл бұрын
the best way to do classes i think would be main classes i.e. tank, mage, assassin, marksman, duelist etc. and each main class would have a variety of subclasses i.e. ninja, swordsman, controller, healer, bruiser, etc.
@anthonyschwartz1084 2 жыл бұрын
A talent tree for classes. Like make your own class, and while you level pick major abilities that allow you to choose from 3 or 4 core talent trees. Think WoW old talent tree for DPS, Tank or Heal but those are the only three to choose from. Then mix and match from one of those trees to build any of the 40 classes. If there are 4 core talent trees, each of them could contain 10 cornerstones that could be defined as a class. That way all classes are in the game. AND the player has a choice.
@iflamezz9918 2 жыл бұрын
they may include half dragons as a race, or my favourite but least likely to be playable, voidbornes. I just love the corrupted lovecraftian horrors vibe.
@Doomshlang 2 жыл бұрын
The issue of classes could probably be addressed in a cool way if they do something like Archeage, where your class is made up of a combination of specialty trees you choose as you level. Would help with the massive list of possibilities they have to work with, I think.
@TheB4dger 2 жыл бұрын
I think a way Riot can try to work in more classes is to build a scaling tree. Say the classes break down into 5 groups (fighter, mage, tank, assassin, and specialist, like in LoL). As you progress, you can multiclass based on stats to possibly upgrade to a sub class which would change the ascetic of your character, but would not significantly change your access to abilities/skills. For instance, say I wanted to be a spirit walker as a character, I would say start as fighter but also up my magic stat and take mage as a secondary class. That would give me the option to scale into a spirit walker where it would grant access to a few unique skills but by doing so it makes it so I can't go full mage or fighter (for balance).
@Eklipse762 2 жыл бұрын
As an Ornn main, and a fan of anything dwarf and norse related, i would love if riot somehow made it so that some of ornn follower's, the hearthblood, are still alive somewhere in freljord and they'd be a playable class. Imagine warriors wielding hammers turning ground into lava and shouting fire. headbutting someone with demigod horns would also be nice-
@kontrakrist 2 жыл бұрын
I think a good way to handle classes would be like they did in the now defunct City of Heroes. There you just pick a playstyle: Melee, Ranged, Support, Crowd Control, etc. and then set for a specific archetype, and then you go with specific power trees you choose, f.e.: Melee has dual blades, sword, war hammer, two-handed weapons, and even elemental melee. Might to a good way to cater to different playstyles and to unite different classes under a shared topic.
@leetri 2 жыл бұрын
I've always liked the idea that you could search out the different champions and sorta become a disciple to learn skills related to that champion. So if you wanted to learn some berserker skills you'd search out Tryndamere or Olaf, do some quests for them and learn the skills you want. If you then want to learn some protective or restorative magic you might search out Taric in Targon. You could learn as many or as few skills as you want and mix and match to create the kit you want. That way you don't have to bother with classes at all, it's all up to the players. It also adds some interaction with the champions and gives you incentives to look for them. Riot could then give each skill different tags and give you bonuses depending on how many of each tag you have equipped (kinda like in TFT). This guides players into going for a coherent kit to gain the bonuses rather than just picking a mishmash of skills to try to cover all their bases. For example, if you have 3 Berserker skills you gain a bunch of lifesteal that scales with how little HP you have, if you have 2 Chemtech skills your potions have a longer duration, or if you have 4 Restorative skills your heals also grant a huge buff to the target. Some champions would obviously be way harder to find or even approach, but that just acts as a balance mechanic. If you really want to learn magic from Xerath, you better be prepared for the challenge.
@alw06git 2 жыл бұрын
I've wanted to play a Drow Ranger style class since I started WoW in 2008. The photo you have displayed at 25:25 kinda looks like one.. here's to hoping I finally get my decades worth wish 🙏🏾 🤞🏾
@NerdLegionInc 2 жыл бұрын
It's easy. there are already games that have options, it's called Base class then subclass based off the region. It's not a bad thing to have a ton of variety and Riot has already shown they can handle that. Games like Lost Ark and BDO have tons of classes in them so it's not out of the realm for this game to as well.
@Secret_Gaming_Man 2 жыл бұрын
EverQuest 2 Vibes for starting zones and faction integrations. That's not a bad thing at all though. Cannot wait to see it come to fruition, this MMO will be extremely hype.
@flamethrow868 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a bit confused about the classes, what was mostly described were jobs or factions (Scouts, Mage Seekers, Sentinel of Light), LoL has a clear list of classes; even though some champions don't necessarily fit neatly into those and are classified as 'specialists'. Obviously, that's gonna be hard to emulate in an MMO, but the other classes are fine. There's in total about six main classes : Controllers, Mages, Marksmen, Assassins (Slayers in LoL), Fighters and Tanks. Each one of these is further broken down into sub-classes; which usually in MMOs, is a branching path so you can specialize your character. For example, At level 10 you could become a Tank, and towards level 50, branch towards a Vanguard (offensive) or Warden (defensive)? Other Sub-classes in LoL are Enchanters and Catcher, who are sub classes of Controllers and who buff allies and debuff/slow down/stun enemies respectively. Skirmishers and Assassins for the Slayer class, Divers and Juggernauts for Fighters, Artillery Mages, Burst mages and Battlemages for mages etc
@jjwebster4587 2 жыл бұрын
All I have to say is that the more classes and races and customization that they add the better it would be. It would be awsome to see an MMO where almost no two characters are exactly alike unless they specifically copy a build.
@JesiAsh 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes huge customization is a curse... its internet with people that for attention will make ugly abominations or villains from history.
@FlREFLY03 Жыл бұрын
15:40 I think the powerful yordle gnar comes from the freljord
@allisonsnow2142 2 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that the Void was never once brought up, we know there are plenty of varied "tribes" in the Void ranging from super powerful and intelligent beings like Kha'zix, Cho'Gath and Bel'Veth to more simplistic and primal versions like Rek'sai and her Xer'sai. There are also characters like Kassadin and Kai'sa who have been to the Void and come out, as well as characters like Malzahar who have not been to the void but knows what lurks there and wishes to bring it forth. Where the Void representation/arguements lol.
@PK-vw3gd 2 жыл бұрын
False. @24:15
@JuiceIVStat Жыл бұрын
Darkin and Ascended would be cool upgrades to a character, but it depends on how the story will work. Is everyone unique and adds to the story in their own way, or will everyone run through similar quests ending up in the same place eventually? It wouldn’t really make sense for everyone to achieve Ascension or become a Darkin, so I don’t see that being achievable for players. Maybe when mmo design advances some more, we can get a more dynamic experience.
@bentenboy13 2 жыл бұрын
I would LOVE a system where you get to assign points however you please and build up a stat array similar to the league champion "overview" tab. the game starts you with one of a few types of weapons (ranged physical, ranged magical, melee physical, melee magical, no weapon, etc) and you put points into the types of skills you want to skew into, maybe even have skill tree points unlocked by region specific points (as per the elemental mages coming from ixtal point, maybe you have to learn elemental magic in ixtal by acquiring the skill tree from the location). if you want to play a marksman then you pick a ranged physical weapon, spec into attack speed skills and ranged abilities. I think a stat array system like in dnd could work here too, having a base stat increase in addition to skill point increases like in diablo 2, where you would spec into dex or something like that for more ranged damage/accuracy. I also think you could branch off that by allowing any style of class select "godly" class points and tier into a god of their choosing from a region based on their allocated skill points, strength for nagakeboros, wis/con for aspect of justice maybe? and make a "cleric" style available to everyone.
@AvantelWulf 2 жыл бұрын
“I strongly doubt you want to put a bunny person next to Aragorn” You don’t know my life
@crankpatate3303 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Necrit, you say there are like 40 different classes, but couldn't Rito just create a few very basic classes (example from the game classifying the champions: *Controller · Fighter · Mage · Marksman · Slayer · Specialist · Tank*), then maybe let players (partially) mix two of them (example: Guild Wars 1 did a class mix system) and through that define some of their core skills and capabilities. But then add an other layer of customization with the chosen gear. My suggestion would fit a lot better with the existing game LoL, taking their system of categorizing champions as class system and then adding items to further customize, just like in the game. (We all know, there's a lot of non-meta builds, where we can successfully play champions the "wrong" way). If Rito could pull this off, then their MMO would offer a tremendous amount of customization and specialisation options to build your champion the way you want. That's just my wild guess about this toppic. Thanks for your great video and all your awesome lore videos about the world of runeterra!
@Gomace 2 жыл бұрын
OMFG... I've always been wondering what Jax could be, and it makes SOOO much sense that he's a troll! The anime Overlord has a troll who is in an armor (not going to say anything else for spoilers), and it totally makes sense that Jax, or him, are inspired by one or the other! I am 100% sure now that Jax is a troll. Makes a LOOOT of sense, tbh.
@troyfred8007 2 жыл бұрын
I think your close. I feel yordle, human, vastya will all be playable RACES. But i feel within that will be an incredible amount of customization with unique traits. I would compare this to the legion of "elves". Oh your a dark/sun/woodland/high/shadow/mountain/corrupted etc etc elf. Making the buffs regional to a race makes sense.
@KawaiiSoulB42 2 жыл бұрын
My prediction is the following. Noxus: attack based buff Demacia: defense based buff other then magic Ionia: Something that has to do with CC. Piltover: could be something mechanical as they like that in Arcane. Zaun: of course something that deal with DoT. Bilgewater: will be something to do with speed Shadow Isles Will be more like Priest from Age of empires. (Knowing that was annoying af)
@dapperOctopus Жыл бұрын
I really hope they go more in a Skyrim / Path of Exile direction where you get better at stuff you do and can forge your own way
@yogtheterrible 2 жыл бұрын
I think a good class system would be to tie it to weapon and origin of power. Want some rippling muscles and fists? Maybe you just lift, bro...or maybe you got some hextech fists...or maybe you juice...maybe you're chill and into zen. Maybe you're into guns. Well you can get techy guns, or nasty poison guns, or...well that's all I can think of, i don't actually know the lore. Regardless, the idea is each class is essentially a pairing of a weapon type and a power type and each combination has a variety of different abilities to use.
@IzzalitAbyss 2 жыл бұрын
They can make Darkin work in a way. They could be followers/worshippers of actual Darkin and have "awakening," when they transform into an actual Darkin for set amount of time, you could balance it with something like losing HP while in awaken mode and rely on lifesteal or make the awaken bar fill hard, but when if fills you're a beast for some time. I think that would make for a spicy race for both PVE and PVP.
@lukasg5079 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, what do you think about classification that Riot has already in place? Perhaps in the forms of subclasses or talents. Controller (Support class) Enchanter - Buffs, heals,shields, etc. Catcher - More cc heavy oriented classes with limited dmg Fighter (Classic fighter class) Juggernaut - good dmg and good def class with limited gap closers Diver - More dmg-oriented class with gap closer aimed to stay on the target Mage (Magic dmg class) Burst - Burst dmg oriented mage with limited mobility, or perhaps more classical mage Battlemage - More chunky, limited range and mobility, with drains, perhaps mage meele class Artillery - Big range, low mobility, squishy, maybe some tools to keep opponent from them Marksman (Ranged damage dealer) There is not really any classification for these, but maybe bow, handguns, big guns? Slayer (Meele dmg oriented class) Assassin - High dmg, high mobility, squishy/vulnarable to cc Skirmisher - High dmg, nice mobility, not that squishy, good for 1v1 but worse for TF Tank (Classic tank class) Vanguard - Offensive tanks Warden - Defensive tanks Specialist Since these champions does not rly fall into any category riot has free hand in terms of what this specialization could look like
@leafeonlink5751 4 ай бұрын
As a person who has been writing legal legends races for a D&D campaign, I can tell you there are enough races for an mmo
@shadowskys7288 2 жыл бұрын
ok i had an idea with the warriors and other classes that might share lots of things. In Kritika online, each class has 2 forms you choose em like at level 15, maybe each class has like 1 or 2 unique abilities based on origin like the warrior from ionia gets faster attacks or noxus uses big bulky strikes
@Dösewichte 2 жыл бұрын
but if the darkin is not playable, i really hope that we will get a darkin weapon when we defeat a darkin boss if that even possible
@bjen3273 Жыл бұрын
Came to hear if there's gonna be a warlock type class. I am so excited for this game and it cannot come soon enough :D
@ZaimGamePlay 2 жыл бұрын
hei necrit i have an idea about the Vastaya, true they are just one name but they can have alot of variaty of origin. maybe in the customization of vastaya for instance. You can choose an origin to have a human parent and a vastaya mate and from there they branch to other types of animal types... for instance Origin : Human and vastaya / Human and Human / Vastaya and Vastaya for Vastaya they have a Nice edge of either add 1+ to any form customization they choose like you may want a human head but different ARMS = reptile arms cat claws, 4 arms, On LEGS = ADD tail add 6 tails, change legs to FINS like snake, ect on HEAD = horns, 4 eyes, 1 eye, Body = can variaty of vastaya or human if your Human parent with vastaya you have a human body with different colour but ARMS LEGS HEAD OR EVEN tails!! like any animal race Vastaya and Vastaya can be an interesting combination ~ your body can have different colour typs of scale. resistance and so forth !! ok like for example : Head : human with horns will give you 1 point of skill from str, cunning, willpower, magic, dex and so on Body : IF vastaya you can have resistance to any type either fire cold nature +1 Arms : you can have any arms of animals type depending on your class and different type of +1 added to the skill pool Legs : it will be so interesting to have a snake like tail as legs !! giving different stats ! IMAGINE THIS ! this will be the first MMORPG that will do this !.
@IndyAlexander Жыл бұрын
a good healing class a nice ranged with dual pistols or an awesome monk class i'll be happy. looking forward to this one.
@aceric1646 Жыл бұрын
Really easy fix to class problem. Subclasses For warriors, Base Class: Warrior Subclass: Blademaster, berserker, knight, Spearmaster, duelist, etc. Specialization: Vuju Blademaster, Aspect, Dauntless, etc. For gunslingers, Base class: Gunslinger Subclass: Pirate, Enforcer, etc. Specialization: idk Rougetypes, Base class: Rogue Subclass: Ninja, Assassin, Duelist, etc. Specialization: Idk You could also have a system of combining classes to create class synergies like etrian odyssey.
@aceric1646 Жыл бұрын
Hell combine archers and gunslingers to a marksman class
@aceric1646 Жыл бұрын
actually scratch aspect out of the warrior (that would be stupid) what we could do is aspect is a title given to the top players, how will they do it? riot will figure it out.
@deathstar6998 2 жыл бұрын
Okay I am gonna try and grounded basis for classes that could be put in the MMO, since Riot wants to differentiate itself from other MMO's, I am going to try and stay away from generic classes like warrior and ranger as examples. Sentinel of light: "Charged with fighting the black mist the sentinels employ a wide arsenal of weapons and magic to defeat their opponents, they would be very different from traditional paladins as they are closer to Van Helsing in terms of theme. They would primarily work as a dps class that could have supportive measures on the side using their light magic to banish enemies and enforce allies. They could specialize late game into being better melee dps, better ranged dps, being better casters or being pure supports. but not really tanks because they aren't the knightly type. Scourge of the void: Considering both Kai'sa and Kassadin could use the power of the void against it, having more people adopt those powers would be pretty cool. As a class they would work on a system called evolution where they would evolve to be more proficient in a specific role, they initially would start as a jack of all trades but as you level you could evolve them into something more specialized like a tank who can adapt his defences to any situation, or a dps that can grow stronger based on the essence of living things they have killed or a support who could instil mutations in their allies to keep them alive and allow them to adapt to a lesser degree to specific situations. Iceborn: A class that would be defined by their control over true ice or by the relics of true ice passed down in the Freljord. The ice born can vary in role but their theme is centred around controlling ice in any shape or form, they would probably come with an artifact of their choosing which can determine their playstyle, and this artefact grows stronger as they do and they form a weapon bond with it. As they improve their mastery of true ice their artifact will get a new effect allowing for synergy skills to be used which combine the power of your Iceborn specialty and your artifact. Say as an example you get the bow of Avarosa that Ashe has (just as an example not in reality) if you specialize in being a dps you will get the ability to fire a barrage of ice arrows that slow enemies, but if you specialize in support, the ice arrows will instead explode creating a healing mist for allies to utilize as an example. Anyway these are just some of my ideas for classes.
@dragon.1881 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly i think tft has a good was of putting ceetain charachter tropes into different classes maybe something similar would be fitting
@sKullkidi 2 жыл бұрын
Dang, making a game in this universe seems like a huge undertaking. If they can actually pull it off it will no doubt be insanely successful. I've only played The Ruined King and a little of the card game and I'm absolutely in love with the lore, characters and art style.
@justagreekguywithaspacesui9084 2 жыл бұрын
imagine create a character in this mmo and you be so good on it that when you reach at the top riot make you character into a chambion in league
@Krgirk 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm. But what if they made us spirits who try to save the world dealing with "minnor" problems, while league champions deal with a "main story" problems. Than we can have a training ground with a basic staf. So we can branch out to race/class/subclass depending on region.
@briandavis2248 2 жыл бұрын
I think a basic class selection with 40 skills is better so you can have mid-maxers and theme builds and optimized themed builds. Edit: Skill trees would be my preferred method where you kinda lean into themes or even maybe just a completely open skill customization menu where you can use any combination of skills in a set class bracket like lost ark.
@tibersgoogoo8762 2 жыл бұрын
If you can create guilds at this MMO and other guilds start to fight yours, you can easily hire assassins from noxus, ionia and chemical and bombs at zaun for preparation for the upcoming battle. I really have a good feeling this is gonna be a good MMO.
@waffy4791 Жыл бұрын
My heart crumbled in the darkin part.
@yttaku7584 2 жыл бұрын
Im stretching here for sure but I think basic classes and races in line with the world would be fine as a start but i think that having your character enter stages to become variants of the variety of class would be an interesting concept
@lukarito 2 жыл бұрын
I realy hope this game will be shockingly good i love runeterra and read so much lore myself. This might be the first game making me cry just by nostalgia and hype lmao
@digitalconsciousness 2 жыл бұрын
I the burning question WoW healers want to know is: will there be dedicated healer classes? We don't want healing like in GW2 where you heal yourself, or like in FFXIV where most of the spells are group-wide or area-wide spells. We want that personal single heal experience where you carefully pick your targets. There is a certain mastery to that that not many other games capture. Otherwise, I think many of them will stick with WoW.
@rkramer5629 2 жыл бұрын
For me, one of the best things about WoW (and weakest with FF14) is the variety of races we can play as. Especially with the Horde. It’s not like it’s a huge variety but at least it’s not just some nothing variation on human… I’m intrigued by a Riot MMO but I’d like to see more truly distinctive races, both in appearance and history!
@jonr4291 2 жыл бұрын
SWG had no classes at all, just skill trees that anyone could grind through. You had a maximum number of total skills, so you couldn't do everything at once, but you could mix and match some interesting combos and abandon skills you didn't want anymore in favor of ones you wanted to switch to. Something like that might work really well for Riot's MMO. You could max out specific trees for stereotypical character designs but also create whole new ones by leveling up different branches.
@idontcarex89 2 жыл бұрын
I watched the video about the regions in Runeterra. I think you missed Bandle City, the home of Yordles.
@sneakytree7979 11 ай бұрын
And the Shadowisles? With human thresh in the cinimatic i wonder if you can play a shadowisle class or race
@LuciousLoire 2 жыл бұрын
I think the class system should work like elder scrolls. Not every league mage, warrior, or assassin are the same. Riot should focus on allowing the player to build a class they want instead of instead of one type of class. Allow players to invest points in class skills, weapons skills, armor skills, faction skills, and racial skills. A mage also shouldn't be limited to only using a wand or staff, but blades or unarmed as well as heavy armor instead of cloth armor. With this you can be full ad, ap, tank, sup, or hybrid.
@rayonix99 2 жыл бұрын
If this will be released, I bet this will be huge since there's a wide variety of races and origins
@malachishaner690 2 жыл бұрын
The lore doesn't matter, your still gonna be able to buy a skin that lets you ride a hot dog someday. The immersion is gonna be next level.
@venrisulven 2 жыл бұрын
Petition to be a Brackern so we can make Skarner happy
@Matthas1 2 жыл бұрын
there can make alot of classes with everquest having 15 classes.
@bobjeezorham7658 2 жыл бұрын
I do hope that Yordles and Trolls are available to play. I love when MMOs have strange looking races to play - I primarily play Trolls and Undead in World of Warcraft just as a quick and easy example - and I could see these two races fitting that bill well for me. Might also consider Vastaya if they pick certain tribes I really like.
@JesiAsh 2 жыл бұрын
I pick races with longest lifespan so would play Yordle as well ahahaha~ Draenei in WoW, Pureblood Sith in SWTOR, Altmer in ESO, Viera in FF14
@mentalpopcorn2304 2 жыл бұрын
Realistically, most playable characters end up making godlike achievements, I can still understand the continuity making no sense if darkins were playable.
@dabestist8287 Жыл бұрын
i hope riot bases some of there mmo game on what you have said i think your thinking is very realistic
@VahnWyrde 2 жыл бұрын
gods i love how you break everything down to digestible info. great content as always
@Wildwolface77 2 жыл бұрын
That's a very, very interesting take on this topic.... Thanks, Necrit! :)
@migojio 2 жыл бұрын
I think Riot will stick to the class category they already have: fighter, mage, assassin, marksman, support, etc. Perhaps there will be a base skill tree for all classes and a sub tree depending on the region of your origin and eventually can swap your origin tree to another by training in another region? kind of like a Guild Wars 1 sub class.
@joshuapineda8708 2 жыл бұрын
Imo when it comes to classes, they should make it some sort of giant skill tree that enables you to diverge and specialize as you progress throughout your career
@revanbane 2 жыл бұрын
Would be nice to see dual-classing in a modern mmo, build your own archetype playstyle like Guild Wars had.
@Julien4PresidentxD 2 жыл бұрын
To klasse, maybe they will create a classless system where you can build your own "class" but looking at new world or archage (rip both) this could be a problem with balancing and making everything "worth/fun" to play....
@ShadowIsland68 2 жыл бұрын
I hope Riot Designers are taking notes. He has great ideas
@guidoblok 2 жыл бұрын
Riot should hire you while working on this game.
@GiYoEnt 2 жыл бұрын
i am like 100% sure that the undead will be a playable race.
@alpha-0874 2 жыл бұрын
You can have factions but simply not segregate players with them, or even force players into one or another. Star Wars Galaxies did this very well.
@julianusapostata6677 2 жыл бұрын
One thing is for sure. It will be different from our Imagination
@Sunneyred 2 жыл бұрын
I was gonna wash my hands, but now im not
@AdorianDelmore Жыл бұрын
IXTAL is like bending from Avatar last airbender, nice
@unepicly__ 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if your race and or class will determine how your treated by npcs, like if being a mage will caused you to be treated as a danger in Demacia, and if your region is in Freljord or Demcia would restrict cause you to be attacked in Noxus territory by npcs Also I hope they give some lesser known characters some quests or group, I would love to join Veigar’s quest for darkness, or hunt Fiddlesticks in the Demacian outer forests
@jonihelin3857 2 жыл бұрын
just wondering if the hextech stuff, alchemy etc could be an profession like engineering in wow. like if alchemist would a class that would 100% only support class providing potions etc to party. also the 8 diffrenct warrior types u mentioned could also be worked out with something like talent tree probably not 8 diffrent trees but like 3-4 or something only time will tell
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