Kak Wenz, tyvm for the explanation. Mudah dimengerti 😊
@wenzrom4 ай бұрын
terimakasih sudah mampir kak. mohon maaf jika ada yang kurang atau salah. 😃
@AldoniroAndretti4 ай бұрын
halooo kak wenz sehat selaluuu
@RagnarokFLyTuT4 ай бұрын
@@wenzrom video Kak Wenz mah selalul mantap 😌👌
@wenzrom4 ай бұрын
amin kak, terimakasih.. kak aldo sehat selalu juga.. ♥️
@myunboxing_tv99242 ай бұрын
Khali luv u
@DvEinz4 ай бұрын
@leonardsubastian69554 ай бұрын
Kyk kenal
@DvEinz4 ай бұрын
@@leonardsubastian6955 Ya kah? Haha
@jzorooororonoa183822 күн бұрын
The balance unused memory, just can keep stacking in our bag ?
@zenmaster88264 ай бұрын
Is that the ost of the dungeon? Nameless island remix 😱
@wenzrom4 ай бұрын
Monastery In Disguise
@byronscottllanes1364 ай бұрын
This instance looks boring. A good instance is like TTL during first release.
@pedzelekradom874 ай бұрын
@XX-kk1fy4 ай бұрын
genshin impact system lol
@NightmareExplorer4 ай бұрын
Another boring weekly instance that eats ct, will be too easy for experienced players, too hard for noobs. Why can't they invent instances for players that are willing to spend more time and effort playing? This game does not reward hard work. Those instances give max 10 minutes of entertainment weekly. Devs can only repaint old crap into "new" colours".
@Salty0104 ай бұрын
AS run take lots of effort brooo 😢 dont sum up everybody whale like u
@NightmareExplorer4 ай бұрын
@@Salty010 Sis, chill out. It's not your fault, and there is no need to be frustrated with me. Airshit is “difficult” because it's unfair. It's made so you feel pushed to use hero classes. It's not about being strong. It's about breaking mechanics.
@BenzROM4 ай бұрын
All instances have mechanics, TTL, PML, LIL and even AS. I get your point of AS focusing on making a meta HERO classes tho. But with power creep with the new updates, AS will soon also be easy to everyone just like PML and LIL. All max levels such as Legends and AS15 are made for the whales, and a point of progress for everyone to aim for in the future.
@manizer1004 ай бұрын
@@NightmareExplorer i agree with you being airship is just exclusive to "ronin". the mechanic is very bullshit.