For me worst for low lvl player to buy secret map. Then the loot was small.. And common not rare ones
@اسلامسلمياني4 ай бұрын
@@tigerx3344 I understand you, it means it is necessary for players below 75 levels
@电音猞猁3 ай бұрын
The video is very well done, I like it.❤❤❤
@AnXx-z9u4 ай бұрын
@ROADKILL41472 ай бұрын
HOLY SHT id hate to get on Lone Rangers bad side WOW nice haul, and i bet the Ower was pissed his/her place got raided 😎 and sucks they disabled the emo thing 🤥and hope he opened all then scrolls and how the hell he can find anything in that big ARS house is amazing nice job 👍😎😎 OH and i don't get how its longer to ride by horse then it was to run 🤔😎😎 OH jw why he didn't take that metal scrap and why take low lvl guns unless to melt them 🤔😎😎
@Lone-Ranger952 ай бұрын
@اسلامسلمياني4 ай бұрын
Buying a map for me is ridiculous, I lost 200 silver 😏
@RihanEd4 ай бұрын
@T46m4 ай бұрын
@jorgeparedes49024 ай бұрын
So when you raid another player's base is actually a bot's base? I thought that it would be a real player and then that player would also have the option to raid your base. That means I can raid anyone without having to worry about being raid?
@Lone-Ranger954 ай бұрын
You are right
@apa_aja_boleh114 ай бұрын
Saya sekarang level 95.untuk mendapatkan peta' saya lebih suka membuat bandit marah dan menyerang markasku.markasku sengaja tidak saya pasang dindingnya agar bandit yang datang lemah dan ini sudah kubuktikan
@alfaromeo54524 ай бұрын
tanta roba,ricicla
@pionkral17263 ай бұрын
İts kinda sad when you raid a players base, thats actually a bot. That makes game less realistic and enjoyable. Anyways, great video 👍🏻
@Lone-Ranger953 ай бұрын
Yes brother 🥲
@ShockerPunch4 ай бұрын
is there no way to get vip other than paying cash?
@Lone-Ranger954 ай бұрын
There are battle pass
@Im_mahyarАй бұрын
Bro players in city are real or bot?
@Lone-Ranger95Ай бұрын
Not real
@Ray75114 ай бұрын
Why I'm SO BAD at this game ?
@NewBandit-yi2gm4 ай бұрын
Saya mau bertanya saya ingin membeli beberapa senjata api dan pakaian tapi pertanyaan saya apakah itu akan rusak? Seandainya itu rusak untuk apa kita membelinya dengan uang? Satu pertanyaan lagi seandainya itu rusak apakah bisa diperbaiki?? Semoga anda bisa menjawab thanks bro
@Lone-Ranger954 ай бұрын
Every Armor and weapons have durability , but you can repair it from the repairing workbench. You can also repair from silverton with fried fish even epic Armor and weapons .
@NewBandit-yi2gm4 ай бұрын
@@Lone-Ranger95 baiklah sahabat sekarang saya sudah tidak ragu untuk membelinya. Thank's bro
@tutenkhamensaudangi8861Ай бұрын
Be carefull epic items require 10 fish in market and not all equipment can be repaired in repair bench as you require it's blue print and same tire of repair bench
@taianjing79544 ай бұрын
Gimana cara nya dapet senjata bagus
@Lone-Ranger954 ай бұрын
Open a rare blueprint daily one only
@hemzeesedov40264 ай бұрын
Məndə oynuyuram amma hələ cox güclü deyiləm marağlı oyundu
@Haydarsngale4164 ай бұрын
@СергейЛуканов-ы9ы4 ай бұрын
Нина вижу когда люди рейдят других людей
@ereklerostiashvili25684 ай бұрын
it's not pvp this is AI base , real player not losing anything : ))
@قيصرمشتاق-ت3ز4 ай бұрын
وين واصل انته اني بعدني مستواي ضعيف 😂😂
@1STAS.4 ай бұрын
@Reaper007_CODM18 күн бұрын
Bro I'm at 60lv, what loot can I expect?
@NotYet-i1o4 ай бұрын
Oh my god this is amazing.. I'm jealous.. I'm level 47.. This is frustrating 😂 I want to be friends 🫠💔