小的現在的收入,,一個人已是一個家庭的收入多少少,小時候不是讀書的材料,F.5後,便沒讀書了。出來社會工作數年,很深深體會到,沒學歷,只可以做前線工作,有一段時間見到,公司的轉專業人員的工資,如何得人尊重,便重讀part time F4, F5,最後只是夠分,讀IVE higher diploma,跟著辭職,日間到IVE上學,放學後做part time維持生活,因年齡不少了,讀比較一技之長的科目,讀機電工程,畢業後在建築公司工作,跟著一邊工作,一邊晚上讀書,一讀便讀了12年,讀了土木工程HD,建築工程環境學H cert,degree in safety & health, master in hygien,也考到專業資格,也做到知識改變生命,現在讀part time degree in english language yr.2,想帶著工作資格,學歷,想是不是要離開香港。
Your parent time, information are limited and education are not avaiilable/affordable to all. u should develop 2nd & 3rd source of incomes. There are lot of opportunities and information are openly available online. it can be done. no problem!
A very good topic to make people think about the Fiat currency problem. It will be better if you can further share on the history of money and how US dollar depegged from Gold. And the solutions is bitcoin.
@sunnyboyJJ2 жыл бұрын
Hi! Rain, You are using Macau building for the background at the beginning, isn't it? Thanks !
Thanks for the sharing Rain! I always believe fate or our own future is in our hands, whether we want to take 1dollar or 100dolars per month is up to us. Whichever generations we are in, we decide our own future.🤓
畫面結構、特效、收入、光暗、畫質都好好。 By the way,內容方面,坦白講,無呢方面知識既人唔會睇得明,因為講解唔夠簡單易明,而且中間太多中英夾雜,英文唔係太好既人會越睇越覺得唔知講乜。 而有呢方面知識既人唔會睇,因為佢地都已經知道晒,唔需要再睇呢方面既資訊。 所以,如果內容可以用一D簡單易明既比喻去講解,咁就可以普及到平民大眾去睇。 又或者將內容再作更深入解釋及提升知識層次,咁就可以令有呢方面知識既人可以有更多學術性交流。 總括條片都幾好,唔錯,加油。👍👍👍👍👍👍
Brave a whole new world 💪 Last time, robbery at any banks must be in person. Now electronics and digitalise. Now computer knowledge is key to unlock potential and protect essential. Once electricity is out we are stuck. This is my take. With greater wealth must share with those who lack.