Hi Rain,感謝你無私嘅分享,你嘅片好好睇過連續劇,係獲益良多。想請問一下除咗債券算是穩陣的投資外,如果我放部分到在優先股,咁樣算唔算都能夠平分到風險呢?因為優先股也有穩定派息,而且上落也不是太大。謝謝。
@chanchan8844 жыл бұрын
REITS 都有風險,SPG 今年跌咗6成,派幾多息都補唔番。
@kirinmilktea90382 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your sharing
@cpchow66754 жыл бұрын
Nice video and channel. From my observation, not everyone is suitable to do investments. If putting money in the bank or keeping them as fixed deposits make them sleep well at night, I think it is a good idea go ahead with these low risk options.
@bryancheng25754 жыл бұрын
It's useful, thank you. Could you also share your view on insurance please?
@llchan3 жыл бұрын
We can say that stock is more risky than bonds and bond is more risky than cash because there've been numerous academic studies to demonstrate that. Not so for real estate. I believe there's just not enough data. I would argue that real estate is less risky because it's not as volatile as stocks. I look at real estate as a diversification that has low correlation with stock (i.e. stock and real estate does not go up and down together in general).