You know how greatly I truly appreciate Little Art Museum (although I do love revisiting the fact, so watch for more “incoming” in future comments!), but since I am quite nearly incapable of leaving a comment space empty, here I go again… On that point (and I’ve addressed this previously in LAM comment lines), why do so many of my fellow art aficionados have apparently NOTHING TO SAY? Seriously, boys and girls, if you really have no questions or observations to share, then just MAKE SOMETHING UP! Just say “thanks,” or “I’d love to visit Japan” (or France!), or just generate some silly “emojibberish” that has arcane significance for you (OK, I’m not a fan, but, you know, you do you!)… I just love Japanese names (and Asian names in general), but Japanese ARTIST names take it all to the next level, and is a fascinating and engaging subject all by itself (aside from the truly amazing woodblock art and printing techniques!)… So on that score, most of my sources give this artist’s name as Kawase Hasui, rather than the reverse, that is to say, “family” or “artist” name first, then the personal or “I am called,” or “known as” name second, the reverse of the western approach (although “El Greco” gets a pass, being essentially just “The Greek”… yet it does beg the question as to whether his wife called him “the Greek”… maybe around the house she just called him “El”)… So you see, people (not you LAM, I’m talking here to all of my fellow art lovers, the notoriously “great unwashed”), you can very easily carry on almost endlessly in the wonderful commentary context while having essentially nothing on your mind but your hat! Seriously people, try this at home! As the Coach always said… “Let’s hear some chatter out there!” Love you LAM! Thanks so much, you’ve made my Saturday… - XOXOXO! Glenn Jones PS: Yoshitoshi said to say hello (He and Kuniyoshi stopped by the house earlier this week!)… PPS: Do Suzuki Haranobu! Do Suzuki Haranobu!