In conversation with Pandit Kumar Bose, the distinguished Tabla maestro. Born in a musically endowed family of Kolkata, he was initiated into the art of playing Tabla at a very early age by his father, the legendary Late Pandit Biswanath Bose and his mother Vidushi Bharati Bose, a disciple of the great Ustad Dabir Khan. Later he came under the tutelage of the renowned Pandit Kishan Maharaj of the Benares School of Tabla. Pt. Bose's genius is his ability to evolve a distinctive style of his own, without diluting the sanctity of tradition, which has been mesmerizing audiences all over the globe. His intricacies on the Bnayan (bass drum) has captured the hearts of both the young and veterans alike. #Tabla #IndianMusic #indianclassicalmusic
@drumsanddance11 жыл бұрын
Can this please be re-uploaded? All others seem to be working except this!
@TheMotorman198110 жыл бұрын
Indias precious jewel
@keshav84089 жыл бұрын
Wow, pleased to see Video recorded by me Pt Kumar Bose & Pt Bhavan Shankar Jugalbandi, Mishra on sarangi
@drumsanddance11 жыл бұрын
RajyaSabhaTV# can this be re-uploaded? all your other videos seem to be working except this.
@GurukulStudyCentreIndia8 жыл бұрын
@DalvinderSinghOfficial7 жыл бұрын
Ustad zakir hussain ko bi laooo kyu bhai yo sb like kr na tbi