多謝 Justin 邀請 Ramon / Angus / Miranda 一齊開 Live,另大家有一個好開心嘅晚上, Ramon + 佳佳老師 繼當愛已成往事之後,今次嘅 When I Fall in Love 另人聽出耳油,此外 匆匆那年加上了Ramon 嘅和音,間直係畫龍點睛,不愧最佳拍檔,希望Justin可以再請佢哋多啲一齊開Live.😊
Thank you so much for organising this music live , it‘s superb ! Angus sings well as always despite he’s not yet fully recovered. Enjoy his duets with Miranda and Ramon too. Looking forward to another session of their music live !