Fallout: Th3overseer Series | Analysis and Review

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@ramblelime 4 ай бұрын
Hey! I got a comment before release that my mentions of the series being over or that it's never going to be finished might make it sound like th3overseer died or something else crazy happened. He just quit modding don't worry he's still around Gonna keep this comment updated with any other corrections I gotta inevitably make. I get something small wrong every video ALSO! Let me know what mods/games you'd like to see me do in the future. Fallout 4 mods especially since i'm moving into those soon and know absolutely nothing about that scene. Shoot any below i'll check em out. Thanks for watching/reading :D
@yaboideway3500 4 ай бұрын
Love that you focus on the GOOD and the BAD where most creators would just focus on the making quick jabs at the worse parts of these mods
@Jensegaense 4 ай бұрын
Oh boy Fallout 4 quest mods are gonna be a DOOZY. The Thuggysmurf Series is… it’s a nice textbook example, I’ll say that much
@libenhagos9335 4 ай бұрын
You should check out the "Coito Ergo Sum" (the name is extremely apt) new vegas mod - a sequel to the quo vagis mod in fallout 3. It has an extremely weird premise - its an erotic mod where you play as a Hugh Hefner type who runs a brothel/porn studio and there are a LOT of really weird kinks. It's also surprisingly one of the best written new vegas mods I've ever seen, better than the someguy series in my opinion but not quite on Autumn Leaves level, and adds some fun business sim elements to the game. The guy who wrote it is also such an interesting character - he's clearly very knowledgeable about a wide variety of subjects because several characters can have in-depth discussions with you about economics, biology, and critical theory and it fits surprisingly seamlessly with the ghoul prostitutes and pregnancy fetishes. Theres a youtube channel that does in-depth walkthroughs of his mods run by one of the voice actors. After several years of videos he randomly dropped that he was the mod creator all along and just pretended like he wasn't for some reason. Strange guy.
@LiamFarleyMA 4 ай бұрын
You should check out pentiment, I've been going through Obsidian games and have to finish deadfire before but I've heard a ton of good stuff about it and it's somewhat concise.
@libenhagos9335 4 ай бұрын
Coito Ergo Sum and its predecessor Quo Vagis would make for a perfect video. My last comment got removed for some reason so I'll keep this one brief. They are erotic mods with a surprisingly well written story and the creator poured a lot of genuine soul into them. Very strange but fun experience.
@Th3overseerModLoser 4 ай бұрын
Howdy, mod author here. Thanks for playing through my goofy series, I appreciate it, and I appreciate the fair appraisal of my work, good and bad. The Initiation sucks, and I regret everything. Babby's first mod, and all that. I actually tried to remaster it with new voiceover, less buggy scripting, and game balance that isn't reminiscent of a toddler smashing his face against the keyboard until there are eighty identical dudes with a million HP between them for every boss fight... But it turns out that my babby's first scripting is *so* atrocious, so utterly nonfunctional, that it's apparently a small miracle that the mod works *at all,* and even the slightest change causes the whole thing to break down and stop working. The Initiation is, quite literally, so terrible that it actively fights off attempts made to fix it. Eliza (the mod, not the character) genuinely *is* two mods that are sloppily tied together. One was a western storyline with the Khans and a wacky new companion character, and the other was a thing about criminals and espionage. Neither mod seemed substantial enough on their own, so in order to make a "full" quest mod experience, I (poorly) stuck them together with the most baseline plot hooks from one to the other. As for the titular character, I really regret naming the mod after her. She's narratively irrelevant, but because titles are hard, I just named the whole thing after the mouthiest character featured. This was a bad call, because for one, she's not important to the plot, and secondly, I hate her. She was meant to come off as an *independent* companion, who already has her own views and opinions, and isn't just beholden on the player to dictate all her life decisions... In practice, she just comes off as a smug early-twenty-something who thinks she knows everything, and anyone who thinks differently is dumb. I guess that's a realistic enough personality that I can't say she's "badly written", but it sure doesn't make for a very likeable character. In my opinion, the best thing that came out of Eliza (the character, not the mod) is that she gave me a template of what *not* to do when making a companion, and following it led to Charlie, who I actually do feel satisfied with. That said, Eliza actually isn't the first companion I made. That would be Todd in the North Road, but because the North Road *Remastered* was released *after* Eliza, the order seems switched. Owing to it being a remaster, it's not immediately obvious that the North Road is babby's second mod, but it is. Some aspects, like Todd, literally only exist because I wanted to see if I could make a functioning companion, and since I could, I didn't want to waste that work by not including him. A lot of the weakest aspects of the North Road were things that became essential in the original release of the mod. I tried to make things flow better, tighten up the writing and voiceover, integrate it more into the overall narrative, but fundamentally redoing the original landscape to make it less of a hallway would be beyond the scope of a remaster. I'm glad you got the joke I was going for with Silas Greeb. Many people kinda miss that he's supposed to come off as a caricature, but there's probably some value in punchlines that aren't the most obvious things in the world. Overall, thanks for the fair coverage of my old work. Its nice that people are still interacting with it after all this time, and it's really cool to know that it had a strong impact in some areas... And as to my gorgeous Nexus face, my beautiful PFP is a photo of my beloved firstborn son who was taken by the IRS. Or possibly some abomination I made through the tried and true method of cranking all the facegen sliders to the absolute maximum or minimum in some janky character-builder software. One of the two.
@sparsehumor7521 4 ай бұрын
Hey I just wanted to say I love your work dawg, played through all your mods they go crazy hard and I love the extra dimension they add to the game world during my NV playthrough. This has nothing to do with your comment or the video I just figure this might be my only chance to say this to you and for you to see it. Keep up the good work! Or don't! Do what your heart tells you dawg.
@DaFunyunFrog 4 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed your work as well! I really liked how you incorporated more of the “roleplaying” perks like Terrifying Presence and Cannibal into the mods and actually made them useful. I still remember the line about how you can threaten to nail a Liquidators corpse to a cross in that church, that one really stuck out with me. I was playing a woman on my last playthrough, and that porn producer was so incredibly sexist, but was very polite after I threatened to rip his dick off and make him eat it. It’s really easy content to miss, so I get why it wasn’t in the video, but I love that you incorporated some of those overlooked perks into your mods! Thanks again for a really enjoyable experience, the nightmares given to me by your profile picture I will treasure forever!
@atpsoldat6108 4 ай бұрын
Sucks that you don't have any other upcoming mods (that's not a shitpost), but I greatly enjoy what you already have.
@Th3overseerModLoser 4 ай бұрын
@@sparsehumor7521 Thanks, I appreciate the kind words!
@Th3overseerModLoser 4 ай бұрын
@@atpsoldat6108 Shitpost is love, shitpost is life.
@blisscollins2113 4 ай бұрын
Hi! I’m the girl that voiced Eliza and Monica the creepy receptionist XD. Making her uncanny was not actually my intention but I’m glad you liked it :D
@pokemaster123ism 4 ай бұрын
It was so bizarre hearing your voice come out of the merc leader who killed the church occupants, like I thought “Eliza what the hell are you doing here?”
@NukaLuLu 4 ай бұрын
Loved you as Eliza you did a great job in all your roles
@MrSuperalan99 4 ай бұрын
i love you
@chrisbj5251 4 ай бұрын
I love how Eliza yell at the Mick and Ralph kid in freeside. Good stuff.
@bushwoogie 4 ай бұрын
​@@MrSuperalan99 ok bub let's not be weird
@CleverRiley9 4 ай бұрын
@belhariry 2 ай бұрын
He always attacks Vuples on sight when I get to Nipton and it pisses me off
@kitsunevoices 4 ай бұрын
Lmao 19:51 glad to have voiced that for you. Was a... interesting collab to say the least. Thank you for all the love and support you gave to me starting out and it was a blast to collab on such a wild analysis :)
@jdkessey 4 ай бұрын
Enjoying Crispins journey my dude
@kitsunevoices 4 ай бұрын
@@jdkessey yoooo thank you! More videos on my fallout 1 roleplay narrative will kick off soon! Just caught myself on a hustle week ❤️
@Spencerdoken 4 ай бұрын
I love that at 34:36 you see both the "search" and "devour" options. Lime's been going through this whole series, explaining the gut-renching morality questions of Depths of Depravity, and his character is a cannibal 😂
The ol' "takes one to know one" strikes again
@pokemaster123ism 3 ай бұрын
“I may be a cannibal, but I’m not a child molester”
@Spencerdoken 3 ай бұрын
@@pokemaster123ism honestly fair
@slamjam7676 4 ай бұрын
The fact eliza has dialog when confronting Ulysses is so impressive
@felixh6458 3 ай бұрын
Charlie does too
@slamjam7676 3 ай бұрын
@@felixh6458 huh i wonder if the junkie dude does as well
@brijones7827 4 ай бұрын
my favorie part of depths of depravity is that if you use console commands to get into the revrend's office, you get a pop up telling you to wait and get instakilled
@pokemaster123ism 3 ай бұрын
I laughed so hard when I got that
@jentoncentondenton4818 Ай бұрын
Holy shit my sides
@JMED150 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the mention! I voiced Silas Greeb in The High Desert mod. Great video!
@travus111 4 ай бұрын
Charlie is the goat, love that fact she is different from most other companions who can fix or change their life. she's just a professional who you can slightly soften the edge, that's all.
@pokemaster123ism 3 ай бұрын
In my headcanon, my courier goes on n to help her properly process and come to terms with all the trauma she’s been through, enough so that she is able to feel real emotions, both good and bad. She still does assassin work, but is in a much better place, mentally. Perhaps the courier could even use the tech at Big Mt to have her brain extracted so she can talk to herself and really talk about everything she went through
@TheHamburgerFella 4 ай бұрын
wake up babe ramblelime is back again
@official_catholic_church 4 ай бұрын
I desperately need an autumn leaves review
@belhariry 2 ай бұрын
I love Randall so much
@TheSithlord259 4 ай бұрын
Its a shame th3overseer left the nexus modding scene, i wonder how the series would have reached its conclusion. Still find it hilarious you can offer to go on a date with charlie after hoover dam.
@ekkotrace 4 ай бұрын
When I'm in an analyzing and reviewing fallout quest mods competition and my opponent is Ramblelime
@chasehanset439 3 ай бұрын
I messaged th3overseer about what order I should play the mods over 2 years ago and he actually responded. It was nice to feel like I could actually engage with the creators of the stuff I enjoy, and I think it's pretty cool that he would take the time to help some random dude who wanted to enjoy his work
@BeanFan999 3 ай бұрын
What was the order?
@trueblue1fan655 4 ай бұрын
Once the tales of new reno series raps up definitely cover them. I think cellblock will hopefully have the 3rd and final episode done by end of the year
@oGrayFox 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for bringing attention to this great mod series. It often goes under the radar since it doesn't have as many endorsements as other quest mods!
@Pigness7 4 ай бұрын
As a slightly newer mod author (Started in 2021) but popular enough to get these same questions, I always tell people to scale back their ambitions, learn what they're doing before doing something crazy. I have plans for big DLC mods, but I'm not going to go through with those plans till I know I have the abilities to pull it off. so for now I hone my craft with smaller mods. ofc nobody listens to me when I tell them not to make their giant ambitious project and then they go and try to do it anyways and get burnt out in like two weeks, like I tried to tell you you gotta like actually learn the fundamentals, learn to walk before you can run.
@slubbergully9231 4 ай бұрын
Do you have a link to your mods?
@Pigness7 4 ай бұрын
@@slubbergully9231 youtube automatically blocks links, plus I'm a F4 mod author on a FNV mod video, people prolly arent interested.
@RJManette 4 ай бұрын
​@@Pigness7 Hey man I'd be interested in checking out your mod, if you don't wanna share it that's fine but just saying I'd give it a look!
@kaizenregimen 3 күн бұрын
​​@@RJManetteI know this is late but just look up his username on the nexus, he also works a lot with dak
@IOSALive 4 ай бұрын
ramblelime, I can't get enough of your content, so I subscribed!
@boggis157 4 ай бұрын
This mod review series it great, but I'm surprised you haven't had a look at Autumn Leaves for New Vegas - my personal favourite quest mod of all time. By far the strongest writing of any fan-made project on offer. It's light on combat (in that, there is none) but the deeply introspective story it tells is satisfying and compelling in a way that rivals the base game. It even boasts its own soundtrack, and its excellent. Also, I want to give a shout-out to Tales from the Burning Sands by PuceMoose - more great writing, marred only by frustrating logic puzzles that will probably have you looking up a guide. But well worth it imo!
@wolfious9618 4 ай бұрын
He's mentioned it in a previous video, I believe it was the one on The Frontier. Sounds like he's played it but due to it's popularity (it's arguably the most well known mod behind the likes of The Frontier and New California) I wouldn't be surprised if he skipped it entirely. It's also a very introspective mod with little to no combat and a ton of text, which makes for an entertaining experience but potentially could make it difficult to review. Just my two cents though, watch him review it next and prove me wrong lmao
@Hyperiumon 4 ай бұрын
Autumn leaves is a excellent mod and a top 10 for quest mods but imo flops cause it feels half done, it's like all the cool dialogue from owb but none of the combat or cool experiences and rewards after.
@kaizenregimen 3 күн бұрын
​@@wolfious9618Damn you called it
@AehabCries 4 ай бұрын
I'm not upset at you going over Depths of Depravity but there's something very special to the experience because with his other mods Th3Overseer plays around with player expectations slightly while still giving satisfactory conclusions with most situations. It plays into Depth of Depravity's design cause when you're playing Depths, you expect there to be some form of happy ending. It's informed by both your prior experience with other quest mods AND Th3Overseer's mods. There's an expectation that you as the player, as THE courier will be able to resolve the situation. And you just can't. It's so soul wrenching as you're playing it. Because these things are happening, IN YOUR COOL ASS FNV PLAYTHROUGH and you have this companion that you'll wander around with who experienced these things with you. God I love Charlie so much. Not knowing the twists add such a dimension to it but it's impossible to speak to how amazing the mod is without detailing some of it. An impossible task that I think Ramblelime did as best as he could while still being able to talk about the pieces and parts that he liked.
@pokemaster123ism 3 ай бұрын
One of the funniest moment of this mod series happened to me the first time I played Depths. You can install and start it before The North Road, but quest progression halts when you’re tasked with speaking to Reverend Burke. You have to deal with Adam Burke before you can continue. But the game still shows his quest marker is in his office up the stairs of the church, through the locked door. I used console to unlock the door and go up to his office, and what happens made me bust my guts laughing. The game throws up a message, criticizing the player and gamers in general for being too impatient and not listening to instructions and hints about what to do next. It lambasts them for cheating and then getting mad when that breaks the quests, so it says fine, have it your way. The message defies away and your head explodes, killing your, while the Reverend asks how you got into his office, another reference to having to cheat to get into his office at that moment
@mango78910 4 ай бұрын
I’m glad you like your Enderal video, it got me into the game and I would consider it one of my all time favorite RPGs now. I wouldn’t have know about it without that vid 💕
@bhall0429 4 ай бұрын
It's worth mentioning that if anyone really enjoyed The Depths of Depravity and Burke family subplot of the series as a whole, they'd probably also really enjoy Sin City. I'm not sure if it's an intentional homage on the mod author's part or just a coincidence, but the Roark storyline and Burke storyline are very similar.
@pokemaster123ism 3 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t be surprised if Sin City was a big inspiration for the mod
@Sonicboom50000 4 ай бұрын
YOU KNOW WHAT'S SO CRAZY? I was thinking about your channel the other day, about your Frontier, New California, and Equestria videos but I could NOT remember your channel name for the life of me. I'm so glad you uploaded today! Actually made my day!
@tylersutton3224 3 ай бұрын
When I did the farmstead questline, after I killed the raiders I returned at night, to find both of the characters not present outside. The overall vibe of Depths of Depravity had me fully expecting the worst, I entered the sisters' house entirely expecting to see something horrific, and felt -relieved- to see them both alive and well, to be able to resolve the situation in a way that worked out well for everyone. Even if unintentional, I actually like how the sense of horror, the feeling that no one is safe from evil men in the wasteland, still tinged what was otherwise just going back and forth to take out bad guys and help out the innocent into something where I was second-guessing myself, wondering if I was too rash for my actions.
@demkillerus 4 ай бұрын
I played the depths of depravity really sets a feeling of disgust at some point, finding the secret room with bloody bed and recording equipment and then seeing the dead kids really left a disgusting feeling within me.
@colonelsanders7351 4 ай бұрын
After discovering and binging a lot of your content this weekend this timing couldn't be better.
@NukaLuLu 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic video! Depths of Depravity was so fantastic and really flexed just how good the3overseer is. Also at 31:55 Charlie talks about Eliza at that location cause that’s where Eliza’s home is
@stevedowning3892 Ай бұрын
Glad you're still making these chief. What with Fallout London and all, the modding scene is just as important to the Fallout franchise as what's coming out of the studios, and so these are valuable and amusing coverage of that treasure trove. You are also good at the KZbins
@RyanBride620 4 ай бұрын
Another epic ramble lime video. Another comment by me to boost encagement metrics epic liked, subscribed, and shared with my grandma. Further I havent said this, so I felt I should, on all your videos, you put in your personal political views but do so in such a way that your not disagreable or hostile, or otherwise hostile to those that maybe dont share that view or even like it, as I sometimes do. I really love your delivery as it is moreso your view of an event instead of a declarative it is this, I find it rather unique on this platform and it is what makes you one of my favorite creators when combined with your delivery. Idk its hard to explain... just keep making this shit bro, its fucking epic. The lack of periods was not on purpose I was tired and didnt want to try.
@TurtleMythic1251 4 ай бұрын
I love these mods, I really wish the story had been finished.
@pokemaster123ism 3 ай бұрын
Overseer did publish the story documents on his discord so we do have a general idea of how it would have gone
@TurtleMythic1251 3 ай бұрын
@@pokemaster123ism Yeah I've read those, it honestly just makes it all the more saddening that those mods won't be getting made.
@randomguyblank1616 2 ай бұрын
@@pokemaster123ism as someone not in said discord and don't know how to join, nor have an interest in joining a discord for just one document...can I get a short summary?
@Chadorni Ай бұрын
​@@randomguyblank1616 Same here
@Riskystache 3 ай бұрын
Discovered your channel and have been going through your videos this past week and man you are a very talented creator. Great writing, incredibly interesting analysis, and a really good balance of humor. And you talking about the growth as a creative and trying to improve upon every previous video is really apparent (they’ve all been absolute bangers still!). I dunno, as someone trying to find their creative footing in life right now it’s very inspiring to see your videos as a visualization of your creative journey. All the best for you
@muttipi 4 ай бұрын
annother ramblelime banger, keep up the good work, i wait for all ur uploads with much anticipation.
@MaerciMaerce 4 ай бұрын
I’m so excited to see fallout 4 mods talked about here. All the mod reviewers I’ve found for that game seem a bit… sus
@synthpotato 4 ай бұрын
@soundgfx7166 4 ай бұрын
I've wondered when will ramblelime get around to checking out th3overseer's quest mods. cellblockpsycho's tales of new reno awaits.
@Elizabeth-Coleman 4 ай бұрын
Would you personally recommend Tales of New Reno?
@Spencerdoken 4 ай бұрын
There I was, writhing in boredom, and then a new Ramblelime video appears in a ray of golden light to answer my prayers.
@kingdaphnes 4 ай бұрын
I just played through this series of mods earlier this year for the first time. Mixed it up with CellblockPsycho's mods for a bit busier of a wasteland. I'm not sure if the experience was better or worse for not knowing Theovers33r had quit modding while I played through it. It was all a really good experience. I liked Eliza more than Todd, but you really can't argue with Charlie. For Fallout 4 Sim Settlements 2 is probably heavily suggested, but I really do like it for the amount of little characters and stories it fills the world with. Areas you might only go to for radiant quests suddenly have small stories in them. Also you can set the settlement managing stuff to be automated if it gets annoying. I love it just for what it does to Concord over time, but I won't spoil that.
@alexandresuzano6867 3 ай бұрын
I just gotta say the System Shock 2 Combat Music playing was kind of a funny choice
@gerpil1530 Ай бұрын
After two months I’ve finally recognized what that music was two minutes into the video
@-Mushroom_Kid- 4 ай бұрын
The someguy legion is marching, I can hear them
@concededchain4838 3 ай бұрын
Well I got more mods to download and play thank ramble can’t wait to find out what the series has in store for me
@schrogar 4 ай бұрын
Regarding fallout 4 mods, do you plan on taking a look at sim settlements 2 and its story expansions? It could be an interesting contrast/comparison due to its higher production value and its connection to fallout 4's settlement system and kinggath's involvement with Bethesda. Especially its settlement aspects could be very informative on fallout's evolution as series aswell as its mods.
@PXTSERYU_ 4 ай бұрын
Amazing video. Using dream town/serenity while you talked about the small people issues in TDOD was an excellent touch…feels like the little guy theme of Fallout.
@googeldotcom1675 3 ай бұрын
goddamn it man, I can say what everyone else is saying about the quality and consistency of these videos, but my favorite part has got to be the comedy. The Georgie jumpscare made me pause and laugh for a good minute!
@dejureclaims8214 4 ай бұрын
Can't wait for your Fallout 4 reviews. After 1000+ hours with the game my personal picks are: The Fens Sheriff's Department, America Rising 2, and of course Sim Settlements 2 for its incredible expansion of the settlement system.
@ShotgunRain96 4 ай бұрын
Literally playing through these mods now, top tier mod creator
@NicholasUntrecht0521 4 ай бұрын
Great video, I remember feeling similarly at the ending of Depravity , just blown away that I was feeling so angry and shocked and it just keeps going! As for Fallout 4 mods, I’m sure you’re aware of SS2, but I would check out Ivy Companion. It will seem simply profane and horny at first glance (can be toggled off) but I keep getting surprised at the emotional and surprising story moments going through her questline. King Pelican has been taking up a small little part of my brain since I started.
@ayo7321 4 ай бұрын
What a masterpiece of a video. Well done man I enjoyed every second
@pedroaledo722 4 ай бұрын
Howdy mate, I would love to hear your thoughts on Havasu Blues, I think its a great new quest mod (2022) that everyone overlooks
@andy_scrandy 4 ай бұрын
So glad that there's a new ramblelime video. Love these videos, Keep them up 👍
@cherryredinterloper8520 4 ай бұрын
I've been collecting game OSTs to use for a TTRPG campaign lately and I added both stuff from the early Armored Core games and Deus Ex, and when you played the UNATCO combat theme at 25:06 I genuinely couldn't peace together which AC song it was, re-read the description to then remember it's actually Deus Ex. Apparently they're so somewhat similar they just blended together in my head. Great video though, for real. Been watching a shitload of your content lately and it's really good. It's funny you acknowledged your Enderal video in this because I just watched it last night and the section where you talked about the philosophical influences behind it kind of started a spiral that may end up with me reading Nietzche and Jung over the summer for the sake of replicating some of the ideas present in Enderal in my campaign as it's got a lot of similar things (imminent apocalypse, eternal recurrence) going on in it.
@fakealias1990 3 ай бұрын
Love the Hylics music; This channel really is just straight class.
@kolbo2001 3 ай бұрын
My experience with your channel is mostly just slowly waiting for you to reach Fallout 4's quest mods so I can finally have someone break down in detail why Thuggysmurf belongs in the deepest depths of hell.
@SweetPeteInTheBackSeat 3 ай бұрын
man i was not ready for those robots to sound like gary gilbert
@meowingtonvonmeow8868 4 ай бұрын
Love your content! Also you really should check out the fallout overhaul, "Old World Blues", for the game "Hearts of Iron 4". Its really in depth and still in development!
@cautionexplode 4 ай бұрын
Hoo boy, I do hope you check out some of the Fallout 4 modding scene, specifically Sim Settlements 2. I feel like you could do an entire video on all the different "Fixer" type mods as well, from Subversion to Valkyrie to even smaller ones like just making Danse the leader of The Brotherhood or shutting up Preston. There's also a fun series I guess it'd be the "Story" series or something like that, Hilda Hughes - An Institute Story, The Bleachers - A Diamond City Story, David Hunter - A Brotherhood Story, they're all formatted like that. Also, a mega compilation for the "Interesting NPCs" mod series, which is ginormous, and covers multiple games, while also incorporating some fantastic quest-lines, would be a hilariously Sisyphean undertaking. Sorry for the word vomit I'd just love to see some FO4 mod vids, they run the full gamut, from silly to edgy to fantastic to terrible to terribly fantastic.
@samphillips8188 4 ай бұрын
damn I was not expecting the grave. A real gut-puncher
@PortoWulf 4 ай бұрын
Great video! Always excited to see what you create.
@itsterres 4 ай бұрын
please do tales of new reno i have been waiting so long
@randomguyblank1616 2 ай бұрын
21:17 one of my favorite ways to handle situations like this is to just plant mines, like a metric ton of mines in the corridor or spot the boss spawns on and watch as they don't even get a word in as they suddenly partake in an impromptu space launch. I did it with Chuck Bowdrie and Serigo in the someguy2000 series and I did it for the guy here, and it never gets old
@AtomicPrimate 4 ай бұрын
The funny thing is georgie spawn and follows you the moment you enter the bar even if eliza has not been started yet, so it is extremely confusing the 1st you see him, anyway he survived until i went to meet the boomers as there is no way to make him wait... rest in pieces Georgie
@Kadmos_of_Tyr 4 ай бұрын
RAMBLELIME UPLOAD YEAH YEAH (I binged all your videos a few weeks ago after being brought her by YT)
@Smoothisan 4 ай бұрын
As someone from Alberta I appreciated the joke at 9:49
@lokithemadtitan 3 ай бұрын
charlie was my favorite new vegas mod companion and i have played them all.
@foggy_nights 2 ай бұрын
Headhunting is so good. Popping Goodsprings Gary just to later find the Shithouse Motel and get more backstory? One of my fave moments of my last playthrough.
@thescotslair 4 ай бұрын
Fallout 3 kinda reminds me of New Vegas. I wonder if they're related in any way?
@Darkpopulous 4 ай бұрын
Overseer hype!
@Inkypencil22 4 ай бұрын
26:03 how you gonna edge us with the true detective theme. i gotta go and listen to the full thing now, what a banger
@theskulldestroyer5026 3 ай бұрын
If i had to give a recomendation, i suggest the only companion of the Simply UnCut mod/ future standalone companion mod by kvatchcount. when i originally played NV with simply uncut, i had some reservations about the mod, but because of the companion it restores/adds. Hawkins is a powder ganer who you save near sloan and can convince him to follow you. although he starts out as a evil, chaoatic companion, he turns into what i and many who enjoyed him conside a ride or die chaotic neutral. he reacts to many quests of the base game, is really useful even in late game, and he even can join you with lore and perks in 3/4(OWB not included) DLCs. also hes got at least 2 small quests types to deal with the NCRCF and Novac. a little while ago, Simply Uncut as been deleted by KVC and many of its content splint into smaller mods he's made, but right know he is devolping a standalone companion mod for hawkins so people can enjoy his character without needing the full deleted mod. i realize it may be a tad much to go into simply uncut so it might be intresting to wait untill the standalone is done but the choice is up to you. ijust hope you will at least give some consideration towards, in my opinion, the best modded companion out there. Also, 10/10 video dawg. www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/images/136208
@joaocarvalho6336 4 ай бұрын
24:00 I feel the need to add to this. Caleb didn't kill everyone in Brighton because they carried Sheriddan's scent. Sheriddan was stationed in the town because he made them believe he would protect them(bulshit). Caleb announced his presence, knew that Sheriddan had been hiding there and gave the people one hour to turn him in and when they didn't he slaughtered them without prejudice. According to Ranger Early Sheriddan wasn't in there, but Caleb says that he was just hiding behind the people that thought Sheriddan would protect and that's why Alquist killed them all. To destroy Sheriddan's influence on other raider parties. Also, Caleb's VA in the Remaster is phenomenal.
@RyanBride620 4 ай бұрын
The best uploader just uploaded again
@stridsvagn1 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for remembering the password to your account, ramblelime.
@1997gwen48 Ай бұрын
Another mod author I think worth highlighting is PuceMoose, who did some really great fallout 3 mods and then did a real solid mod for new Vegas. Another author that definitely grew over time but boy did they do puzzles better than anyone.
@Foreststrike 3 ай бұрын
At least Caesar's Legion is brutally honest about their actions that they don't even NEED to hide anything. Outside of Caesar's brain cancer.
@JassassinoWasTaken 3 ай бұрын
Best video you've made so far purely due to your use of Xeno Arcadia.
@jakespacepiratee3740 3 ай бұрын
If you want to play a good Fallout 4 Mod with Story and Questlines, Play America Rising 2. (Don’t play 1, it’s not a ‘Part 1’ it’s just an earlier version) it’s pretty good. Don’t buy the hype around The Popular Fallout 4 Mod “Project Valkrie” it’s basically the Frontier for Fallout 4…but received well somehow. It’s full of Pop Culture References, Sexual Jokes and Content, and contrivancy. I love Fallout 2, but I swear it was the progenitor of this tone. Also are you going to make a video about how evil the Fallout Show is and how Todd Howard hates muh FNV? Even though interviews revealed he was apprehensive about nuking Shady Sands and it wasn’t even his idea? I hope you do.
@michaelbuehler3897 3 ай бұрын
Th3overseer does a good job of mixing humor with dark subject matter.
@jameshayes3170 3 ай бұрын
One mod I think you might want to look at is Tales from the Burning Sands, for NV. I think it's a distant continuation of a FO3 mod, but it's pretty self contained. Very little combat 'til late in the mod, and very focused around picking up details from notes without quest markers and exploring the world - usually pre-existing worldspaces with new additions.
@Kiwisabee666 4 ай бұрын
Excellent video homebolio, always a treat when you upload a vid! Just throwing my 2 cents out there, if you do end up reviewing some Fallout 4 mods then I'd recommend Sim Settlements 2 and America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclave. Extremely high effort mods that are just a treat from beginning to end imo.
@prolitium4112 4 ай бұрын
Ramblelime mentioning Disco Elysium made me happy. I guess he has in past videos (I forgor if he has), but seeing two of my favorite pieces of content ever mentioned in one video (FNV & DE) scratched an itch in my brain.
@Carminous 4 ай бұрын
Does anyone know what the music in the Eliza start section is? I thought it wasnlike from LISA, but it doesn't seem to be.
@tvhead3236 3 ай бұрын
I (kinda) knew overseer pretty well. Me and him would watch this one small streamer named broadside17 from time to find and would interact with one another from time to time
@dae1en 4 ай бұрын
@bluenova5861 4 ай бұрын
aw yeah we’re back
@gloomyjz 4 ай бұрын
bb wake up new ramblelime video just dropped
@Gustradamus 3 ай бұрын
Sim Settlements 2 is a incredible mod for Fallout 4
@tirechanclas 4 ай бұрын
All opinions immediately invalidated by not liking Cass
@AceOfBlackjack 4 ай бұрын
Also dies in crossfire too easily.
@tysonwalsh9063 4 ай бұрын
Cass is a loser
@BlahoMark15 4 ай бұрын
huh... so Georgie is from Eliza... Always guessed its from Willow.
@thedapperdolphin1590 4 ай бұрын
This guy could be a writer for Netflix Castlevania based on the amount of swearing.
@seanpdolan99 2 ай бұрын
Really interested in hearing your opinion 'the fens' series for FO4
@atpsoldat6108 4 ай бұрын
While it sucks that th3overseer is likely not going to make the next chapter for his mod's story, at least we don't have the possibility of Sheridan turning out like Marko.
@randomguyblank1616 2 ай бұрын
So I haven't seen anyone mention this in the comments and you haven't mention this in the video. But you can go back to Three Piece Kyle in Depths of Depravity and show him Eddie Hurst's note. So spoilers below His name is not Edward Hurst its Edison Hurst, that note was faked
@bobbinsthethird 4 ай бұрын
14:20 You would go back to Boulder City because you have Tale of Two Wastelands installed, and the bar there is full of pre-war books
@winfordlee7151 4 ай бұрын
We're so back
@dunethewanderer8944 3 ай бұрын
I never wandered to this side of the New Vegas modding scene, but now I'm regretting not trying out Depths of Depravity. Oh, and if you're doing Fallout 4 mods, I *highly* recommend Sim Settlements 2. It's been a hot minute since I've futzed with Fallout 4, modded or otherwise, but it was one of the best mods to help make the settlement system feel like something I wanted to engage in rather than a tedious micromanagement simulator that makes me feel like an insane person trying to build a settlement board by board while people are complaining that there's no food because they WON'T GO AND FARM IT THEMSELVES.
@ianthe2131 3 ай бұрын
I wish Charlie had a standalone version where you could purchase her services because... fuck is Depths too depressing (and difficult) to really want to play again.
@derangedtangerine4731 4 ай бұрын
Considering it's coming out relatively soon and shows a lot of promise, I'd love to see you cover fallout london
@rene5290 4 ай бұрын
alberta mentioned what the fuck is a rat!!111
@ramblelime 4 ай бұрын
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