Randy Neatherlin: Stage 4 esophageal cancer survivor.

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Seattle Integrative Cancer Center

Seattle Integrative Cancer Center

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After being diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer and was told that there was little that could be done, Randy Neatherlin was able to swallow with a drastic reduction in pain, after receiving about three weeks of treatment from Dr. Chen and Seattle Integrative Cancer Center.
1412 SW 43rd St, Suite 200
Renton, WA 98057
Contact Information
Phone: 206.588.1722
Fax: 833-273-1630

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@djhigh392 11 ай бұрын
Im a stage 4 eusophaguel cancer survivor as well. Im 3 years in and going to make it 30 😊
@joshuasilva6542 6 ай бұрын
How were you treated, did your doctor follow normal protocol or did he do something different 😊
@djhigh392 6 ай бұрын
Radiation followed by immunotherapy and chemotherapy
@alissaharris8552 5 ай бұрын
Please reachout my husbands just be diagnosed stage 4 .. what treatment are you having?
@djhigh392 5 ай бұрын
​@alissaharris8552 I did radiation treatment for 12 days straight then started chemotherapy and immunotherapy every two weeks for 3 years. Now I'm on chemotherapy and immunotherapy doing maintenance doses every 3 weeks. All the best wishes for your husband, its a fight worth fighting.
@djhigh392 5 ай бұрын
My cancer was in my eusophagus, stomach and lymph nodes near my spine.
@billygensmer8207 3 жыл бұрын
I am wondering how this guy is doing or if he is still around? I was diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 esophageal cancer August of 2017. 75 total chemo treatments, one recurrence, a month of chemo radiation, and finally surgery in August of 2020. I am still here and currently in remission as of April 2021.
@maryjeanhrbacek6255 3 жыл бұрын
He's a County Commissioner, full-time job, at Mason County, Washington.
@quynhanhpham9137 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing. Reading your story has given me hope and strength in my time of despair. My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer in January of 2021 and he is about to receive his 8th chemo round. The doctor started to add immunotherapy to the mix too. Can I ask what chemo regimens were u prescribed?
@ladennayoung2939 Жыл бұрын
That's a blessing. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord. Amen.
@jaqlyn7603 Жыл бұрын
@@quynhanhpham9137 I am going through the same thing with my father. Diagnosed in May 2022, stage 4. He was given 3-6 months if the chemo didn’t start working right away. They started him on Oxaliplatin and Keytruda (immunotherapy). Luckily the regimen has kept him stable. I hope your father is doing well. This is a hard hard journey.
@softlife4700 Жыл бұрын
Your story is comforting, thank you for the inspiration.
@Trailerwalker Жыл бұрын
Just so everyone knows this guy is a county commissioner for mason county and is alive
@ladennayoung2939 Жыл бұрын
@BreezeWithAfrica Жыл бұрын
@heikrujamkishan6507 Ай бұрын
There is not Jesus in this world so don’t spread fake words Jesus 2 even my mom also has esophageal cancer and die on July 9 2024 I pray to lord Jesus even I’m an India but Jesus don’t help my mom fuck Jesus there is not Jesus 😔😔😔
@Sunshine-zi4nq 2 ай бұрын
If anyone is going to have their Esophagus removed I highly recommend watching the series of videos on the surgery and recovery on the channel Unboxing Cancer with Me. It is very informative on what to expect. He filmed himself everyday in the hospital.
@richardallen468 3 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with stage III Esophageal cancer over 4 years ago. I totally agree with most of what you state. I underwent 6 weeks of daily high dose Radiation, concurrently with weekly chemo. So I followed my then Oncologist’s dictate, as concerned treatment regimen. Along with being told to rest, watch TV, sleep when my body told me, and take a handful of drugs to ensure that the side effects were kept at bay. I saw many people with other forms of cancer at radiation and chemo, who had resigned to the idea that the end was imminent. Basically wanting sympathy, whilst angry for being inflicted with cancer. Oddly enough the ones who appeared most afraid of dying, and angry for being “cut down” earlier than they expected, were the religious ones. This stuck me as odd, since they state their “god” is looking after them and loves them! Not being a Theist, I of course held no such views. Also no one can be blamed or held responsible except me. I also felt that I was not ready to die, I viewed the idea that the 18 month mortality rate was over 90%, as the odds, just like a gambler does. The figures are just an estimate using historical data, compiled by actuaries. I saw no reason to follow their estimates, similar to your Recipe analogy, recipes are just someone’s else’s opinion on what happens if you use certain ingredients. My basic thinking was, if you think that you are going to die, then the chances are that you will. With limited Psychological knowledge, I see that often, for example, if someone thinks they will have a car accident, they invariably do, they are foreseeing an accident as an inevitable action, therefore whilst driving a near call becomes an accident, they were expecting it, so didn’t make any avoidance manoeuvre. Following a recipe they have been told will produce the outcome they expect. After almost 4 years, of neglecting to follow the recipe to its culmination, my cancer began expanding. Making swallowing again very difficult. I had received 55 endoscopies over the last 4 years to maintain my food conduit, this was closing rapidly. With extreme luck, the foremost surgeon in robotic esophagectomy procedures, is located within 5 miles of home. 7 hours on the table, I now no longer have an Esophagus, it was removed and replaced with my stomach in 2 sections, in my chest, plus plenty of internal plumbing remodelling. Do not follow a recipe for an outcome you do not want! Make your own rendering for a more palatable outcome.
@rahulpareek2496 Жыл бұрын
My father have stage 4 osaphagel cancer and it has spread to back bone,lungs and kidney what should I do..pls suggest
@47nutters 10 ай бұрын
Well, one advantage in believing in God is you can ask to be cured. My friend has been cured of Stage 4 esophageal cancer. No Operation, only chemo and radiation and the tumour completely vanished over a year ago. The doctors can’t explain it.
@kennethdebbiedavis865 7 ай бұрын
@@rahulpareek2496 find a well known cancer treatment center and consult their experts. Do not believe anecdotal information!! Find out for yourself! Take someone with you who will listen and ask questions that you do not consider or think of.
@lindamastropietro4429 11 ай бұрын
You’re lucky you found Dr. Chen. Most doctors just give you chemo until your veins burned out and then give your radiation but this doctor knows what he’s doing.
@teebee2830 3 жыл бұрын
Where is the doctor located, b/c my brother, 51, has stage 4 esophageal cancer, and spread to lungs and stomach? Thanks
@fatehrajpal 3 жыл бұрын
My father has also please help me if you found any solution
@lindamastropietro4429 11 ай бұрын
How. What fantastic news!
@cedricworthingtonbroadaxe2287 3 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Esophageal Cancer back in August 2015. It was the worst news I'd ever had in my life; made ever worse as the Doctor started explaining what they'd be cutting out of me. At the end of the appointment, I thanked him for his concern, explained that as a 60yr old ex-soldier I'd little fear of death; and would much prefer to meet the Good Lord standing tall, rather than having been carved on like a joint in what would likely be a vain hope to avoid death anyhow (40% of those diagnosed with this are dead within the year, and 85% within three years even with the treatment ! ). I thus shook his hand, said goodbye and went home to get my affairs in order. That said …. None of us want to die, so I'd spent a lot of time on the Internet investigating exactly what it was that I'll got; and what alternative 'treatment' was available. The most interesting was that mentioned in the articles listed below, which basically said cancer is actually very similar to Scurvy. Both are caused by chronic vitamin deficiencies; and both can be cured simply by dosing up on the vitamin lacked. We all know Scurvy was caused by lack of Vitamin C, and was eradicated once the Royal Navy started handing out lime juice …. BUT !!! according to Nazi Research in the 1940s, cancer's caused in exactly the same way. Apparently the body uses Vitamin B17 to turn off the natural healing mechanism, once the jobs done. If however …. the Vitamin B17 required is not available, the natural cell division associated with all/any healing simply continues unabated; leading first to a growth, then a tumour; and ultimately death. Having sold my house, arranged for a funeral etc …. I moved in with one of my daughters; and with absolutely nothing to lose, I began eating almonds, walnuts, apricot kernels etc …. by the fistful, whilst awaiting that 'Last Trumpet Call'. My problems swallowing seemed to ease within weeks, and as time went on; I began to think I might be lucky ? Then, in the summer of this year, I began to get bronchial problems and assumed the bill for my lack of treatment was coming due. My daughter's Doctor agreed, and sent me for an immediate chest X-Ray at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth. Result ? The only trace of my cancer was the scar tissue left on my esophagus where it had been. I WAS CANCER FREE !!!! (and a prescription cured the bronchial problem within days.) Every word above is the literal truth. I've posted this in the hope that others in a similar situation to my own five years ago might enjoy the same good fortune that I did …. Best regards Cedric. The-Nazis discovered a cure for-cancer? Hitler's-shocking ... smafsg.blogspot.com/2017/02/the-nazis-discovered-cure-for-cancer.html Could the-Nazi's really have discovered a cure for-cancer more than 70-years ago and kept it hidden all this time?? Historians and-researchers alike are saying this is a strong possibility and using this newly-discovered video for evidence of their claim...you need to take a look at what they've found-out. Otto Heinrich Warburg - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Heinrich_Warburg Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells, and in 1931 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his … Doctoral advisor: Emil Fischer, Ludolf von Krehl Known for: Pathogenesis of cancer, Warburg … Fields: Cell biology Nationality: German IS CANCER MERELY A VITAMIN DEFICIENCY DISEASE? www.vitaminb17.org/is_cancer_merely_a_vitamin_deficiency.htm All of his hard biochemical evidence points to the fact that cancer is a simple deficiency disease of vitamin B17, long ago removed from our highly refined western diets. Krebs postulates that the so-called 'carcinogens' are merely stress triggers which finally expose the B17 deficiency with devastating effect. Vitamin B-17 vs. Laetrile - Everything You Need to Know www.cancertutor.com/laetrile 27/12/2019 · It’s found in more than 1,200 foods, but primarily in the following: apricot seeds peach kernels bitter almonds grape seeds apple seeds raspberries blackberries blueberries strawberries cranberries plums spinach lima beans barley bamboo shoots macadamia nuts
@cedricworthingtonbroadaxe2287 3 жыл бұрын
@matthew valerio Simple answer:- Yes totally serious. If you don't wish to accept this truth however ? That's obviously your choice.
@cedricworthingtonbroadaxe2287 3 жыл бұрын
@matthew valerio I also have a hiatus hernia, which is what allows the acid to leak out from my gullet and cause the damage which developed into an Esophageal Cancer. That cancer developed to a size which was preventing me from swallowing anything but liquid/liquified food; which is why I initially consulted the Doctor. His recommendations were horrendous:- An operation to remove my gullet, esophagus, voice box and some of the back of my tongue, after which I was to be pumped full of radiation for good measure ! As mentioned above, I refused his offer and started eating almonds, walnuts, apricot kernels etc …. by the fistful. These things are full of Vitamin B17, which I truly believe cured my cancer. Seriously suggest you make a quick study of a few dozen Inter-net articles on this to get a deeper understanding of how it works. It certainly saved my life and will almost certainly cure your problems. 1. Vitamin B17: The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer reset.me/story/vitamin-b-17-the-greatest-cover-up-in-the... 22/06/2015 · What makes vitamin B17 so powerful is the fact that it is comprised of glucose and hydrogen cyanide. The way it actively destroys cancer cells is by the glucose ‘injecting’ itself into the cancer cell. Then the cyanide and benzaldahyde from the glucose create a … 2. B17 And Cancer Treatment - TheLifeCo Clinic thelifeco-clinic.com/b17-and-cancer-treatment 01/01/2021 · B17 and cancer treatment has shown positive effects in helping to induce apoptosis and prevent the spread of cancer cells. Vitamin B17 is a chemical compound found in apricot pits as well as in the seeds of apples, plums, peaches, pears, grapes, cherries and berries. B17 and cancer treatment administered intravenously have no negative side effects and initiate programmed cell death. This is a …
@sinonistoyemi6327 3 жыл бұрын
how much mg b17 a day you need for reverse your cancer?
@cedricworthingtonbroadaxe2287 3 жыл бұрын
@@sinonistoyemi6327 Initially, I purchased a couple of half kilo packets of mixed nuts from Tesco's, and a kilo of Hunza dried apricots from my local Health Shop. These lasted about three/four days, after which I continued to replace them as/when necessary. I'm not sure of the actual amount of B17 I consumed every day, but do know that (because they are delicious ! ) that I frequently ate 40/50 Hunza apricots and also (having cracked open the stones) their kernels in an evening.
@siddharthkawan8817 Жыл бұрын
Sir was there any reoccurrence
@goranvuletic8873 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know what he did, but one should always consider taking high dose vitamin C, vitamin D, high intensity exercise and intermittent fasting.
@williamjones9764 2 жыл бұрын
In addition to chemo did you do anything else like radiation or surgery?
@pallavibojja5142 Ай бұрын
It's all how much we are blessed by the God...if he wants to save he will save otherwise he will not. God has so much partiality. Especially good people will suffer to the worst on this earth. Bad people will have a happy and royal life.
@winniemitchell7243 Жыл бұрын
One also very important if people are sick and have cancer treat it in a positive way.Enjoy life while doctors are helping for the treatment and most important is have faith in God.Avoid sadness and stress because Everything will alright with the help of the doctors who have more knowledge to cure our illness.
@richardallen468 3 жыл бұрын
I really did enjoy these videos, I know that may sound barbaric, but they are not. Life is not the program on TV with weekly episodes. Not everyone, makes up with a hug and a kiss (pre-Covid), we don’t all have great jobs with fun co-workers, and of course your Partner does NOT understand! Cancer is ugly also, but there are many times I feel thankful that I have (had) Oesophageal Squamous Cell Stage III, I have had many fun and exciting events, I still cannot believe my stomach is in 2 sections zigzagging through my chest. You have to see the good side of life! Otherwise you may as well say goodbye, if you believe people will remember you for ever, try and remember much about a friend or parent who has died. You don’t think about them daily. If you believe in a god or gods, I’m glad you have something to think about. I don’t and think I have it far easier than those who do. They may blame someone or something else. You have oesophageal cancer, research what the key causes are! Blame yourself or think of the fun times, you had being hedonistic. I have used the “Recipe” analogy a few times since first seeing this blog. It is an excellent way to look at your MD’s explanations and understand why you may well be told the same by every other MD you see. The only component that matters is YOU! Make sensible definite decisions, that you want to follow, or you may well follow the train of other cancer patients, down the dark tunnel! Don’t try the tunnel!
@benedictvoon812 3 жыл бұрын
I think that my esophageal cancer is due to my root canal treatment.
@theloveof500 2 жыл бұрын
Thank Hello Mr Richard were is your DR I have been having trouble with my Dr and I’m Berry sure I have esophagus cancer can you please let me know thank you
@deborc2705 5 жыл бұрын
What did you do?
@rockobattino3318 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not sold, this sounds too much like he’s selling something.
@Alpha_7227 Жыл бұрын
I would have liked to hear also what chemo, radiotherapy, surgery he had. Did he have immunotherapy which would have been pioneered back then for esophageal cancer patients. I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer as it spread to my lymph nodes and currently undertaking immunotherapy once a fortnight after having chemo/radiotherapy and surgery last year. It has taken it out of me as currently I'm not working, but hey, I'm here writing this.
@debbiec6216 7 ай бұрын
@@Alpha_7227 Don't eat sugar or sugar addictive's , be very picky what you eat . "Cancer thrives on Sugar and Sugar addictive's* !
@bluesmoke8826 7 ай бұрын
The "recipe book", I love that term. And this guy is dead right. One size does not fit all
@richardallen468 3 жыл бұрын
Having read the other comments to this VLOG, I found it quite amazing with a few of them. It appears that their is far to much reliance to follow, to the letter whatever their Oncologist tells them. I did follow my Oncologist’s guidance with regards to medical treatment, however not for how I should except the consequences. I was basically treated as if I had no options, as to how to react to my side effects, rest, rest and rest a little more. That this is the standard way to treat someone who is dying, therefore I should not “rock the boat”! I chose to accept that history, told me that the vast majority of people, who have been diagnosed with the same condition as I, have not lasted long, but some have. I saw no rationale for my Oncologist to decide I was not going to survive. Hence I continued to live life with no expiration date. I needed Endoscopies to swallow(and live), so had those every three weeks for the first year. But lived between these. I found that I enjoyed walking, so even though it was not condoned by my Oncologist. I eventually was walking 15-20 miles a day. This gave me plenty of time to think, and enjoy life. This actually seemed to annoy my Oncologist, as I was not following his instructions! I came to think that he was more concerned about doing what the norm was, (Following the instructions of the Recipe Book), not what made me feel good. I could see that he appeared to have his interest over mine. Since I was getting little helpful advice from my oncologist, and was already aware of the possible outcome, I decided to stop using him. But to do my own thing. I continued having endoscopies as needed, I had built a good relationship with my GI MD, so felt I had nothing to lose, by doing this. My GI MD., transferred at this time to the new Local Hospital Cancer Institute, which was led by the most prolific Esophagectomy Surgeon in the Nation (I later discovered actually the world). The main reasons I am alive, are not following the standard expectation, of not sitting back, waiting to die. The only person who can make this decision, is the one with the diagnosis! It’s not pleasant, it can have fun enjoyable parts, but it is not a battle. When I hear people say they are “Battling” Cancer, they are succumbing to the idea of wanting sympathy. Why, people who have other ailments don’t do this to the same extent. I don’t think I “Battle” Cancer, I think of it as an unwelcome part of my life. It has however, given me a great many very friends, with my inclusion in a couple of local Cancer Recovery Groups. This gives me a wonderful opportunity, to show others that Cancer is NOT a death sentence. My attitude and continued levity wins many times, others are convinced that they are definitely going to die soon, as that is what happens to “Everyone” positively diagnosed. I would highly recommend that anyone who is diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, to watch the interview of Christopher Hitchens by Jonathan Paxman. Mr Hitchens was also diagnosed with oesophageal cancer.
@Sunshine-zi4nq 2 ай бұрын
@@richardallen468 there is a series of videos on Esophagectomy that Todd Langley from the channel Unboxing Cancer With Me uploaded based on his surgery and post surgery experience
@deborahlanyi5535 15 күн бұрын
I agree with the "dislike" (to put it as nicely as I can) that I am "battling" cancer...how dramatic!! We are just dealing with a life problem, of which there are many, to the best of our ability. Thanks for 'listening' 👍
@annettepurtle3757 Жыл бұрын
Hi Randy what exactly did they do for you ? I bad throat cancer twice now. Now I have a feeding tube and a trach! I see so many people having cancer in the neck,toung,esophagus, but they rarely end up like me. I’m trying to figure out what happened to me Randy thank you 😊 my cancer was stage 4 both times.
@lozchai5421 Жыл бұрын
wish I could consult with this doc re my dad :( we are in Melbourne Australia, we need someone like this to care for my dads treatment!!!!
@larryrichards9418 5 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer (adeno, not squamus cell) 3 months ago. I too have gained weight and avoided having a feeding tube put in. I do not know where this is going, but my doctor is following NCCN guidelines (for one thing insurance is not going to cover anything that is not standard of care) and at the very least the tumor in my throat has shrunk since I have no problems swallowing now. The way this video presents the care given at SICC makes it sound like the doctor is a quack. No mention of clinical backing for his treatment decisions. No real detail on the treatment at all except the "he thinks outside the box." The FDA and NCCN create boxes precisely because there have been too many quacks with their "miracle cures" in the past.
@ratheeshpg1958 5 жыл бұрын
Please help i am from India my brother has the same
@geethachakravarthyadv9935 4 жыл бұрын
Even am battling
@wasiqshaikh1598 3 жыл бұрын
Is surgery going to help? Or doc gave time about patient??
@naturehub782 Жыл бұрын
What ur brother age
@naturehub782 Жыл бұрын
@@geethachakravarthyadv9935what ur age
@Elektra_7 Жыл бұрын
Is this person alive now?
@Trailerwalker Жыл бұрын
This dude is the County Commissioner for Mason County
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