In a world of quick lists, this is remarkably well researched and thought out. Nice work!!
@HarrisontheManaDorkКүн бұрын
Thank you! This means a lot to me
@kpl7414Күн бұрын
This was an insanely well-researched and well-executed video. I am incredibly disappointed it doesn’t have the views it deserves yet.
@danielsniff6405Күн бұрын
Really fun concept for a video. I think the one criteria I might change is that token token creators should be counted. Its a pretty weird grey area, so I dont necessarily disagree with your ruling. Obviously, for some cards, the type of token it creates doesn't really matter that much. But with others I think tokens make a significant difference. Just look at a set like Wilds of Eldraine. The Black Red archetype for that set is rats, but half of the rat identity comes from the tokens, most of which aren't created by rat cards. This hit saprolings pretty hard as well, obviously. Ultimately, I think your approach made for more consistent results, but I would consider tokens when considering what types could be moved up in the rankings with a more nuanced analysis. Excellent video ❤
@nathandjohan8568Күн бұрын
Agree with you I think there should have been more weight on kindred support because tribe matters can be present in many different forms. Felt price should have been substituted for a different metric
@HarrisontheManaDorkКүн бұрын
If I come back and go over this video again, I will heavily consider including token producers. These are some great, valid points you have here. Thank you
@motherofgeese1845Күн бұрын
Capybara tier 1
@marcodaddario396520 сағат бұрын
Aw shoot, friend. That's some crazy amount of reasearch (and editing). I think i'll repeat a lot of comments I already did but: - Yes, people whose favorite creature type is Myr are good, great even. - The only bird-like creature with its own creature type is Phoenix. - I dunno how smug your average Slivers deck player gets but Slivers decks IMO hit many spots on what an enjoyable tribal deck must have: Power? Check. Lots of anthems/lords? Check. Lots of keywords? Check. A high percentage of creatures with the relevant creature typein the deck? Check. A reason to not play generic goodstuff? Check. The biggest drawback is how expensive the Legendaries are, specially considering only Sliver Queen is on the RL. Thanks for the very specific content and keep doing what you're doing.
@DerrylHopkinsКүн бұрын
Faeries number one rahhh
@leopardbunnyКүн бұрын
MYR ALMOST BROKE TOP 100 LET'S GOOOOO (listen I'll take what I can get) Also I'm one of the Doctor Who set's biggest defenders and even I think them not hyphenating Time Lord is stupid. I kind of get mechanically why they didn't just use alien, though, since a lot of the cards specifically cared about them specifically.
@domicci44608 сағат бұрын
16:50 they dont have doctor support its time lord support different creature type its just for flavor it says doctor
@domicci44607 сағат бұрын
My favorite creature type is satyr its part of the top 100 but im so hoping it getts support in final fantasy
@noahpearson2190Күн бұрын
beeble scale and price is kinda boring metrics. I like my cards RARE and JANKY
@HarrisontheManaDorkКүн бұрын
While on their surface, I can see why someone would think they're boring, I included them because I believe they're indicative of bigger things. Beeble Scale is how WOTC feels about a creature type and price is how the player base feels about a creature type. There is more nuance to it than that. And believe me, I love some rare jank.
@domicci44607 сағат бұрын
What rank was merfolk? i thought they would for sure be top 10
@AstronautenKing5 сағат бұрын
why kindred not tribal? never seen or heard kindred in magic
@Steelslinky22 сағат бұрын
Come on dog and god are on the same level? That's Funny