Ranking Every Final Smash By CANON Power In Smash Ultimate

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@MockRockTalk Жыл бұрын
Get Opera GX here and upgrade your browsing experience: operagx.gg/MockRock Thanks for watching! This was a tricky one to make haha, but I tried my best to keep things as logical and consistent as possible. Any necessary corrections that the comments bring up will be listed below: -The main one that keeps coming up is Mythra's Sacred Arrow. I know that Siren (where it originates from) is shown to be insanely powerful overall in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, arguably apocalyptic, but Sacred Arrow is a very specific, scaled back version of the attack. That said, there is some dialog from powerful characters I overlooked that suggests even that form should be considered very strong, so I think you could make a case for Critical Hit+ Tier here. -Diddy Kong can actually knock the moon out of orbit with his Rocketbarrel the same way DK can if you get his solo ending, which I missed the first time around. Given that it's also just a blunt force impact in the same vein as DK's punches, all 3 Donkey Kong characters should've ended up in Apocalyptic Threat Tier. -Some comments have said that Ridley should be higher because of the comics, but in my research I couldn't find a definitive answer on whether the comics are supposed to be canon, or if elements of them were adopted into official canon later, so I opted to exclude them. -Inkling: First off, no, the Killer Wail doesn't take out any colossal statues, that's specifically the Princess Cannon which is its own thing. That said, regarding the "can Inklings die" segment, apparently there's an an interview with the developers where they confirm that the Inklings are literally dying and respawning over and over due to their technology, which isn't always available. Now, how walking bundles of ink hold up compared to human physiology isn't something I'm willing to tackle lol, but I'll concede that the Killer Wail should have been considered lethal and moved up the tier list as a result. -Sonic: STOP SAYING SUPER SONIC IS UNSTOPPABLE I LITERALLY SHOWED HIM BEING STOPPED WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LMAO *Main channel:* kzbin.info *Twitter:* twitter.com/MrMockRock *Patreon:* www.patreon.com/mockrock *Twitch:* www.twitch.tv/mockrocktwitch *Teespring:* teespring.com/stores/mockrock
@BloxyReimu Жыл бұрын
Btw, Opera GX is chinese Spyware. Brave is way better, but I will say if Brave had cpu and ram limiter, it will be perfect since it is a privacy focus browser that is actually good.
@Nintendofan1389 Жыл бұрын
For clarification, Kirby only doesn't kill magolor with ultra sword because the master crown is literally trapping magolors' soul inside it. Making magolor a puppet for its reign of terror
@anaesthetist1019 Жыл бұрын
The lose state in Dr Mario is filling the screen up to the top with pills, presumably harming the patient in some way. This state becomes more probable the faster the pills come, and, in particular, wouldn’t two massive pills cause such a loss? The giant pill might also somewhat resemble Dr Mario’s stage mode super in Dr Mario World (the mobile game), in which it clears the bottom row(s) of viruses. That last part wouldn’t really change your placement, I just thought it might be the closest thing to a giant pill in the games.
@TheEmperorGulcasa Жыл бұрын
I think defining Sacred Arrow as just the form used in the lvl 4 special doesn't really make sense. It is, in function, just a calling of Siren's cannon and can be scaled up or down as Mythra wishes. For example, when Mythra is first met in Torna, you can see craters in the landscape from Mythra's use of Siren, and the Aegishammer shows just one crater from the cannon's firing. It is basically the same thing as Call Airstrike, and then the actual level of destruction varies on the requested ordinance delivered. Airstrikes as big as a nuke and as small as a room only destroying precision missile are all a Called Airstrike.
@samworkbench Жыл бұрын
Sonic can be in super form for weeks, the time limit is conacnoicly a game machinc and sonic was briught of suoer sonic in unleash by darki Gia who is a God at the end if the day with the power Eggman was harnessing by using anitent knowlege from thw darki gia maniacripts, so he is very much so unstoppable on most occasions. Also he is faster than light, faster than time itself in that form on some fights, so...... bleh? Right but wrong? Sonic is nuts
@namenamename390 Жыл бұрын
"Do overdoses exist in the Mario universe?" This is the kind of lore question I expect here
@Xenowolf8 Жыл бұрын
For a little bit of added context, the reason Sacred Arrow can’t be used indoors in Xenoblade 2 is because the attack is shot out of a giant robot in the sky. So they can’t have the robot break the ceiling into the area, so they just gave it this limitation.
@MockRockTalk Жыл бұрын
I know it's not arbitrary and has a canon basis behind it (one that I think is actually an interesting quirk to implement), but doesn't actually affect the outcome either way 🤷
@dustinbragg1921 Жыл бұрын
​@@MockRockTalk Didn't Mythra kill the Torna titan with her Siren? Would we consider that as the FS (and the Sacred Arrow lv4 special in XC2) being used at nowhere near full power or that it was being spammed at a much greater scale when she killed a country?
@angeldude101 Жыл бұрын
Sacred Arrow collapsing large structures is definitely the _low end_ of the damage Siren is capable of. Going all out, Siren is easily capable of large-scale destruction, but we never see that destruction specifically from _Sacred Arrow._ If we were going by the full power output of Siren's particle cannon, Mythra would likely make it to Apocalyptic Threat, especially since it (plus another siren) are directly responsible for an entire actual apocalypse in-game, erasing an entire nation from the map, along with most of its citizens, Mythra's adoptive brother, and Mythra's sanity.
@marche800 Жыл бұрын
​@dustinbragg1921 She did with multiple attacks on the Torna Titan. The key thing here is that she was battling Malos at the time and had gone berserk, not holding back. Malos himself in his artifice robot also played a part in it and the Torna Titan's core was exposed and taking a lot of damags which is ultimately what lead to its demise. The key takeaways are that usually when Mythra uses this move in the main game of Xenoblade 2, she is being very careful not to overdo it, and that a single blast from her Artifice is not enough to bring down a Titan. The version in Smash is one to one the same move she uses with Rex in Xenoblade 2 so it can be assumed it's not on Titan busting level. Also on a different note Malos unleashes several artifices on the world below at the end of Xenoblade 2 and while that is a time sensitive situation in universe all the major titans survive the attack.
@flame8786 Жыл бұрын
⁠@@marche800to note, during the ending of torna mythra had a huge increase in power and was able to instantly erase thousands of artifices with her own thanks to the power of the conduit which the third sword accessed, as a result siren had a far greater level of power than most artifices (considering it one shot an artifice that was the same as itself which previously had easily tanked blasts from siren earlier.) if you want to take things further though it’s likely mythra would have been able to destroy torna without much effort if she wished, though during torna her focus was on Malos, and she was not trying to destroy the tornan titan, it only happened that her power inadvertently destroyed the titan due to it being in the blast zone of her battle, put simply it’s likely mythra could have easily destroyed the tornan titan without much effort, but she only destroyed it on accident as she was fighting Malos.
@mitchellmariacher254 Жыл бұрын
Sora getting put in "unstoppable" just so you didn't have to talk about the lore is so hilariously fitting lmao.
@leyulis8882 8 ай бұрын
Lore being annoyingly comboluted
@briangoulet948 Жыл бұрын
To be fair to kazuya, some of the shit Heihachi is able to survive from is insane. Take the tekken 5 intro where heihachi survives about 10 nukes. Get launched away 10 or so miles, stays unconscious for a few weeks without eating or drinking, then walks it off like nothing ever happened So anything that's able to make that man weaker is probably way way more powerful then you ever think
@castform7 Жыл бұрын
Isn't Heihachi just...a strong old dude. How is he survivng 10 nukes I assume point blank.
@ScLuigi Жыл бұрын
@@castform7because tekken is a goofy slapstick world
@Morbius-Tension Жыл бұрын
That’s tekken for u over the top badass bs 💀
@unoriginalmoniker2625 Жыл бұрын
Also his normal non-super laser can knock a sattelite out of space, which hits hard enough to destroy a city and some Tekken bosses (Ogre, Jinpachi, and Azazel) have threatened to destroy the world.
@davidpescitelli8004 Жыл бұрын
He also survived a raging demon from Akuma from street fighter. Not only can that destroy souls, but Akuma can destroy an island by punching it hard enough.
@noeldorritoni5884 Жыл бұрын
Wow, the Supernova explanation took just as long as the cutscene itself! Can't tell if that's impressive or hilarious, but it IS excellent scriptwriting!
@espurrseyes42 Жыл бұрын
You need to remember that Eggman only stopped Super Sonic because Sonic put himself in that position by falling for Eggman's "PLEASE FORGIVE ME" tactic, and that machine was built to do things with the Emeralds and their energy, in this case, take in and direct it to split the planet apart. Aside from that, the only things that have canonically hurt Sonic are Perfect Dark Gaia, the Titans in specific instances as instant kills, and the enhanced version of Supreme in the Final Horizons update with its energy balls. And Titan Insta Kills aside, those others can only really knock the rings out of Super Sonic, and Supreme was being enhanced by death itself. What I'm trying to say is that it takes SOOOOOOOOO much effort and even specific conditions to stop Super Sonic that he's VIRTUALLY Unstoppable. You'd need gods, things invented to fight gods, or tools specifically designed to combat the Emeralds and Super Sonic to even hurt him.
@Dante... Жыл бұрын
It's called the UNSTOPPABLE tier not the VIRTUALLY UNSTOPPABLE tier. Also their are other god slayers in lower tiers so being in the second highest tier is still very respectable.
@Ro9ge Жыл бұрын
Don't forget Knuckles! He knocked Super Sonic out of his transformation when they first met! Granted, it's likely due to Knuckles' connection to the Master Emerald, which can control the chaos emeralds, but it's still a fun fact.
@espurrseyes42 Жыл бұрын
@@Dante... OK but Super Sonic noticeably stands out from the other Apoc level Final Smashes in that it's still reasonably possible to deal with them. Whereas Super Sonic requires extremely specific circumstances to even hope to overcome. Those other Apocs are NOT his equal.
@Dante... Жыл бұрын
@@espurrseyes42 They don't have to be his equal to be in the same tier. Super Sonic is probably the strongest one in that tier but that still doesn't make him unstoppable. Maybe if you really wanted to you could argue Sonic should have his own tier between Apocalyptic and Unstoppable, but I feel like that would be splitting hairs at that point.
@sethmushambavanhu8391 Жыл бұрын
@@espurrseyes42 eh not really super specific all you need to do to stop super sonic is too catch him off guard which is easier said than done but still yeah if you can do that you can make him lose his form
@Robot_972 Жыл бұрын
Couple criticisms In Bowser’s Inside Story, Giant Bowser can punch away mechanized mountains and even punched a castle around the globe. The Triforce Slash does only use the Triforce of Courage, as confirmed in the trophy descriptions. Even then, Ganondorf gets the full Triforce in several games and still gets beaten Mario actually overdoses on Super Mushrooms in Color Splash Splatting in Splatoon is death? Their literal soul floats away Diddy’s rocket tackle does the same moon punt Donkey Kong does And while the grand stars doesn’t directly reset the universe, it powered up the device that was going to create a galaxy and ultimately destroy the universe once the grand star was removed. So probably deserves apocalyptic
@algotkristoffersson15 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but then they respawn, this is cannon as shown by several lines of dialogue that I could find for you and also by turf war being a sport, their soul is who they are not the body, what you are saying implies doctor strange dies whenever he does astral projection.
@rosheafan Жыл бұрын
@@algotkristoffersson15 ok but does real life have respawn points
@algotkristoffersson15 Жыл бұрын
@@rosheafan no but in real life getting covered in ink also doesn’t make you explode. That only happens to inklings because their biology is different, and science we don’t know how loud the killer whail is we have no idea what it would do to a human.
@Robot_972 Жыл бұрын
@@algotkristoffersson15 Yeah, they’re because they have the technology to do so. Still death
@algotkristoffersson15 Жыл бұрын
@@Robot_972 so when doctor strange performs astral projection that counts as him being dead? Because his soul leaves his body when he does that, that is in fact the definition of the ability to, and the ralts person said the inklings souls leaving their body proves they are dead, so then that logic would also apply to him.
@Shy_Guy980 Жыл бұрын
Jokers final smash would be in the "Unstoppable" tier due to the fact we see Joker's outro card at the end. This can only be seen in persona 5 if you do an all-out attack and it K.O's all opponents, So the fact we see this confirm this is a 1hit ko move
@revya4294 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but that’s only “if” it kills all opponents
@1JennyFan Жыл бұрын
True! My immediate thought was it doesn't always kill, but the Final Smash one definitely does. Just imagine the end of the original game being the FS for a bit 😅 (although I love what we got; definitely my favorite of the cutscene FSs).
@holicxhunter Жыл бұрын
No, all-out attacks don't (always) kill boss enemies. So I won't say it's unstoppable. It's also not an apocalyptic threat.
@raidenpainn1561 Жыл бұрын
The issue is. It's a dream and like as a real person I would just ignore it since they have infinite power inside momentos but are ordinary kids outside of it
@Shy_Guy980 Жыл бұрын
@@raidenpainn1561 but they are wearing the persona outfits meaning that they at least have the memento powers
@JumpHigherVA Жыл бұрын
I always thought of Sora's final smash as sending the enemy into the realm of darkness. In KH lore, it's the closest thing to having a hell in the KH universe, where time is meaningless and the events within it unfold endlessly. The fact that a locked keyhole cannot be unlocked is definitely a huge concept, but the realm itself isn't inescapable. Multiple characters are shown going into it, which can only mean there can be multiple entrances to the realm itself. Leaving it is still incredibly challenging (one character who is a literal keyblade master manages to be stuck there for 10 years) so I think it's fair to assume it could completely ruin someone's life. Unstoppable? Maybe. Apocalyptic? Eh. But for a normal person without friends who can travel into the realm willy nilly you're probably stuck there forever, especially if your one way in was sealed shut forever.
@yourheroes5874 Жыл бұрын
Depends on who in there. They may get consumed by darkness which probably one of the worst ways to go out. Those who strong minded will have some time to find a way out before the inevitable takes them out(essentially losing your sanity). Perfect example is Aqua who kept her strong willingness to see Terra and Ventus. Was close to accepting to the darkness if it wasn’t for Sora. Added note, those who have the power of awakening can go in and out but since we know the smash characters aren’t keyblade wielders they’re basically screwed unless Sora shows mercy
@castform7 Жыл бұрын
54:34 That statement can be seen as both literal and figurative. Sonic actually dies in Sonic 06 and his friends have to gather the Chaos Emeralds to resurrect them. So along with being a near unstoppable force, Super Sonic can just cheat death...maybe. There was another part of the resurrection that I don't know if it's needed and for that matter don't want to talk about.
@Bertiboy Жыл бұрын
Gee golly gosh, whatever could that other aspect of the resurrection have been? Must’ve slipped my mind. Oh well, I’m sure it’s not important.
@minastwiight2113 Жыл бұрын
​​@@BertiboyPlease don't even imply it lmao, that should not be talked about, never
@AzumarillConGafasBv Жыл бұрын
Yeah, Sonic's friends revived Sonic in a total normal way and not in an awkward one
@iantaakalla8180 10 ай бұрын
At the very least, that implied method of revival can never happen again given that they basically are forced to forget each other.
@theelementalstation947 Жыл бұрын
Ridley casually matching the power of a high tech long range anti-air plasma cannon being call mediocre is definitely a choice 😅 Even with the ship/passenger surviving isn’t much of a point against it given how Chozo technology is ridiculously durable.
@gwenpolo1307 Жыл бұрын
How is it that a laser that can penetrate through an armor-plated ship at light speed *going directly through you* is mediocre
@iantaakalla8180 10 ай бұрын
I suppose because it is just laser breath, which has an understandable limit in power and range, as compared to actions that destroy an island or the world
@thelagnificentleader Жыл бұрын
Agree with a lot of this, but Little Mac is NOT “just a dude”. This man can beat up Mr. Sandman, who is seen demolishing a building WITH HIS BARE FISTS. Little Mac is a tank and I will not accept any other interpretations.
@Embererer 5 ай бұрын
massively underrated comment. (coming from someone whos played every single punchout game)
@K0DA._. 5 ай бұрын
He also beat DK in Punch Out for the Wii, sooo…
@bastifi2815 3 ай бұрын
For a second I was thinking on when Mr. Sandman was punching down a building, until I realized that I was thinking about Mike Tyson from SNES
@joshyua5273 Жыл бұрын
The downplay to Kirby, Mario, and MegaMan characters here is beyond insane,
@numsei-9291 11 ай бұрын
Sonic was also astronomically Downplayed
@K0DA._. 5 ай бұрын
I feel Pit was also downplayed considerably. It belonged in outrageously powerful. Comparing Lightning Chariot to the other stuff in Big Supernatural hit, it’s very out of place. It killed gods and tears holes in dimensions, not to mention being able to survive the vacuum of space.
@D3NPC 5 ай бұрын
Kirby fan here, hard agree
@Hugo-yz1vb 3 ай бұрын
​@@numsei-9291 Agreed, his base form alone would be enough to solo most verses and characters represented in Smash. He's fast enough to outrun black holes, time travel, fix timelines and escaping places infinite in their size, just by running through them, travelling to othet dimensions, moving in places with no time, and tanking universes being destroyed or colapsing on top of him
@smw-kz3op Күн бұрын
As a Mario fan this hurt badly
@OneLazyBoi Жыл бұрын
Personally I think meta knight would go up into big super natural hit since Galaxia isn't just a regular sword as it's been shown to be able fire beams (like you showed Kirby blocking) but was also able to destroy magolor's attack in the cutscene before, and finally in planet robobot it can destroy plenty of powerful machinery (the robobot armor itself and many of haltmann's builds, also in that same game mecha knight can destroy plenty of heavy metal). You can agree or disagree but I disliked how his sword was treated like any other
@landlighterfirestar5550 Жыл бұрын
Also, he does manage to defeat Galacta Knight, which is quite an achievement
@theoverseer1775 Жыл бұрын
​@@landlighterfirestar5550 unfortunately, Meta Knightmare and its sequel aren't canon, Galacta Knight never canonically appears in the series actually, he does exist in canon but he is never actually shown
@Bertiboy Жыл бұрын
@@theoverseer1775 true, but to my knowledge the mode is treated as a what-if scenario. Meaning that if Meta Knight was put in that situation, he would still come out on top. It just hasn’t happened in the main canon
@theoverseer1775 Жыл бұрын
@@Bertiboy actually I think you're right, I think someone who worked on Kirby once said that it's a "what-if" scenario, I don't remember where tho
@dysr Жыл бұрын
@@theoverseer1775 The Clash games are canon now thanks to Magolor Epilogue, so you could count his appearance in Super Kirby Clash.
@sample_text9276 Жыл бұрын
I always love seeing ROB in Smash lore analysis videos because its always just like "Yeah, this guy is canon to REAL LIFE."
@superfrubblez6123 Жыл бұрын
When I opened this I thought it was how good the final smashes are in their original games as gameplay mechanics only but I really like the addition of death battle-esque power scaling analysis too. Love the video!
@Beast_the_smash_guy Жыл бұрын
That's kinda how I felt too. Glad I wasn't alone
@axolofa 8 ай бұрын
Calling K. Rool's an apocalyptic threat is a bit much. He's blowing up a single island that's smaller than a skyscraper, and it takes him like the whole game of DK64 to charge it up once. It would hurt, but no one's letting that thing end the whole world.
@XanderW7381 Жыл бұрын
Don’t know if I would count it as the same move but Mythra has used her Siren lasers to blow up a continent/large island. Sacred arrow uses the same lasers but intentionally in a more controlled limited manner. Judging it in its full power I’d put her final smash in apocalyptic but in the context of normal combat big supernatural hit is pretty accurate
@MockRockTalk Жыл бұрын
The full power of Siren isn't coming into play here because Sacred Arrow is a very specific application, but you're not the only person to bring this up, so I've updated the pinned comment
@TheEmperorGulcasa Жыл бұрын
@@MockRockTalk I think this way of defining Sacred Arrow is a bit questionable. It is effectively just calling a Siren strike. Siren's shots in any other scenario aren't a different move with a different name, it's just firing it's main cannon at varying outputs. You consider things like the activation of the triforce as at their maximum displayed in cutscenes even though their usage in smash is a very constrained usage of it. What the Siren's cannon can do is pretty clearly defined by a number of demonstrations ingame and from evidence of it's usage throughout the landscape.
@Tracks2008 Жыл бұрын
*Tiny Island*. Those rock beasts are not even the size of the main Hawaiian Island.
@TheEmperorGulcasa Жыл бұрын
@@Tracks2008I think this is a bit misleading. The games obviously compress the size to make the map actually functional as a game map, but they are supposed to be big enough to house entire small countries on them, not small towns of around 1k people. There is plenty that would realistically be there that is truncated in the game map compared to the lore of the titans, such as suburbs, farms and such. If you take the game maps totally literally, Gormot is fed by one guy's modestly sized garden, Mor Ardain is a fortress military nation with only like 2 residential blocks, the Argentum trade guild has enough living space for like 6 people, and so on.
@Tracks2008 Жыл бұрын
@@TheEmperorGulcasa When you actually see them at the end of the game they are tiny next to the landmass they connect to. That landmass is a continent. However fine lets just say the rock beasts are anywhere from the size of the main Hawaiian Island to Japan. They aren't actual continents however.
@namenamename390 Жыл бұрын
1:16:36 Judging by this animation, "Malicious Moonsault" isn't actually a Moonsault. A Moonsault in Wrestling is a backflip from the ropes facing away from the opponent. What Incineroar does in the animation is a jump into multiple backflips while facing his opponent, which would make this a modified Shooting Star Press. I'm not in the Pokemon community, so I don't know if this is well known, so I'll just mention it here.
@castform7 Жыл бұрын
I am in the Pokemon community and I can assure you that most of the community probably thinks the word "moonsault" was made up cause it sounds cool.
@namenamename390 Жыл бұрын
@@castform7 Fair enough. That assumption isn't entirely wrong, most wrestling move names are chosen because they sound cool.
@ChomperRex20 Жыл бұрын
@@castform7I can confirm, I thought it was just made up
@Glory2Snowstar 5 ай бұрын
Wait “Moonsault” is a real term????
@thespinodino Жыл бұрын
For a little note here, Ridley could be argued to be much higher, since in the Metroid comics, which are, as far as I know, canon to the games, Ridley blows a hole through a mountain with his plasma beam. If you count canon supplementary material, which likely should be taken into account, Ridley gets a lot more impressive.
@MockRockTalk Жыл бұрын
I _considered_ including the comics, but whether they actually count as canon or not is kind of a muddy question I couldn't find a definitive answer for
@acario100 Жыл бұрын
​@@MockRockTalkIf Ridley's Plasma Beam is destroying Samus' gunship in his FS, and Samus' Gunship can survive the ridiculous gravity of Zebes, calculated at like 960× Earth's gravity in Metroid Prime, I think it can probably destroy much more than a mountain
@Tankirb Жыл бұрын
@@acario100 the gravity of zebas is debatable as only 1 source lists it mass and size and every other planet listed has similar gravity. Otherwise we have no reason to believe that ludicrous gravity
@acario100 Жыл бұрын
@@Tankirb I don't think it is debateable. According to Metroid Prime entries, which have survived several re-releases of prime where other entries have not, the crust consisting of Uthric Ore is the reason that Zebes is so dense, as it consists of over 85% of the planet. I believe you're likely referring to the Super Metroid Guidebook as the source that makes Zebes debatable, but I believe that as Prime has been released three times now and in every instance the gravity of Zebes got the go ahead even after it became notorious, that this is an updated canon. A retcon.
@Tankirb Жыл бұрын
@@acario100 an equally important part of determining gravity is radius which is never specified in game and only came from website information which has not been rereleased to my knowledge. This comes into statements vs feats. Zebas logically should have insane gravity from those statements however no actual feats on zebas display this high gravity. I prefer not taking it into accounts with feats. Alternatively you could scale it off of debatable canon manga material where samus's ship survives a massive explosion visible from space without a single scratch
@hi-i-am-atan Жыл бұрын
the thing about hero's gigaslash as a final smash is that it's not really _just_ gigaslash, but a combination of gigaslash and kazapple. kazapple, naturally, is the strongest version of the holy lightning zap spells, which are usually limited to the hero similar to how the lightning-empowered gigaslash is. thing is, though, kazapple isn't just a big blast of lightning, as it involve _every party member_ contributing their magical energy into a concentrated bolt that _obliterates_ whatever it's aimed at. no exaggeration, kazapple is usually the strongest spell in the player's arsenal in terms of raw power, only regularly bested by magic burst used by a high mp mage at full mp. and magic burst is literally just the user unleashing all their magical energy in one big, unrefined blast so, yeah. if a normal gigaslash has the hero empowering his blade with zap for a powerful lightning slash, the final smash has _every_ hero contributing to a kazapple-infused gigaslash that almost certainly tops your usual gigagash
@xasz41 Жыл бұрын
Dude, you unironically have some of the best content on KZbin to put on while working, keep up the great work man!
@ruffeboi7304 Жыл бұрын
@reflectiveditto Жыл бұрын
Cackling at how you managed to include the entire Supernova animation. Once it started I immediately realized where it was going.
@obeserob5027 Жыл бұрын
19:29 Another detail about Mythra, her sacred arrows attack comes from her mech Siren, and said mech/sacred arrow attack blew up a continent. That's why it can't be used indoors. Not that she can't use it indoors but the building/cave they're in would be essentially vaporized including Mythra and Rex
@barbaricbacon9139 Жыл бұрын
I’d put peach and Daisy in actively counterproductive as any attack done while the opponent is asleep is not the final smash itself, rather a completely unrelated attack, so realistically they’re giving the opponent some sleep which is actively healthy
@fyra_cat2119 5 ай бұрын
Well you could imagine it as maybe like using a sleeping agent which I wouldn't call counterproductive
@thekiss2083 4 ай бұрын
Plus if Peach/Daisy doesn't capitalize on the opponent being asleep, they could wake up and eat the peaches, potentially healing them more than they'd been hurt while asleep. 🍑🍑🍑
@bentordi5310 4 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠Until they overdose on cyanide from the peach pits. They appear to be eating the peaches whole, which gets into fun calculations on how much it would take to kill each different character based on body weight (assuming they are vulnerable to cyanide poisoning in the first place). I’ve seen estimates that it would take 13-15 normal sized peach pits to kill an average sized adult, but those are some BIG peaches.
@Preteristboy Жыл бұрын
About Kazuya, Heihachi is a human, but he's not an _average_ human. Heihachi AND Kazuya survived tossing each other off the same cliff. And I think that's what we should be looking at here: could the _average_ human in the Tekken series survive Kazuya's attack? Kazuya was indeed surprised that Heihachi survived his attack.
@Imirui Жыл бұрын
“Actively Counterproductive” What you may see as medicine used for healing Dr. Mario sees as a potential murder he can write off as an overdose.
@newtruths7786 Жыл бұрын
I think Sonic should fall in with Link, only because in games it’s stated the Chaos Emeralds turn thoughts into power. Wouldn’t that be the same as granting wishes? As well as the fact that the Chaos Emeralds can revive dead people so it’d be really hard to kill him
@ahmadkazan5473 Жыл бұрын
And super sonic can't be stopped the end's attack reverted him back to base and he just went back to super immediately,to counter super sonic you need to specifically target and do something about sonic himself,the super form is unstoppable.
@Mike223istaken 9 ай бұрын
Also Solaris.
@Hugo-yz1vb 3 ай бұрын
​​@@ahmadkazan5473 And even if you did, good luck trying to catch the guy that outran a black hole, and even when he got sucked, he didn't got desintegrated by it, the Wisps just got him out, because he was unscathed
@Hugo-yz1vb 3 ай бұрын
​@@Mike223istaken I mean it's a multiversal deity aganist another multiversal deity go figure why thet can fight eachother
@Mike223istaken 3 ай бұрын
@@Hugo-yz1vb I was more so giving an example of some of the foes super is capable of taking down
@certifiedtrash3152 Жыл бұрын
One minor correction I'd like to make is regarding inklings getting "splatted" where although this is technically true, the only reason they respawn is because of spawn points, while it has been established that in a situation like the final escape sequence in octo expansion, given the player dies it has been stated that they canonicaly died and subsequent attempts simply re-wind time, meaning the killer wale would be lethal
@certifiedtrash3152 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention the idea of being splatted is an idea exclusive to the inkling species
@brolytriplethreat Жыл бұрын
Indeed, respawns are canon. Pretty sure they even get offhandedly mentioned by the Squid Sisters in a couple of Stage comments?
@fyra_cat2119 5 ай бұрын
​@brolytriplethreat yeah, that's the fun part about splatoon is that everything is canon, including getting splatted. Other things that are canon involve all in game music, the ink dissapearing after the battle, everything
@fyra_cat2119 5 ай бұрын
Man splatoon has some very graphic death sports lol
@Hugo-yz1vb 3 ай бұрын
​@@fyra_cat2119 Perfect for a post-apocalyptic world 😂
@grayanddevpdx Жыл бұрын
the fact that terrorism canonically happened on a plane in animal crossing was not the takeaway I was expecting from this video
@mann-nova9392 Жыл бұрын
I think if the Links are given unstoppable status because of the Triforce, Sonic should be up there too. The emeralds power is said to create miracles, based on what the user thinks of.
@Dante... Жыл бұрын
Super Sonic is extremely powerful but he's not unstoppable. He was stopped by Eggman's machine in Unleashed and he can be damaged by especially powerful beings like Dark Gaia, Solaris, and the Titans. If he was truly unstoppable those things would pose zero threat to him.
@JoshuaIfidi Жыл бұрын
Why was Super Sonic 2 needed against The END in Sonic Frontiers? the Emeralds aren’t unstoppable, and neither is Super Sonic
@YHUAN01 Жыл бұрын
@@JoshuaIfidi Super Sonic in lore is literally unstoppable. Super Sonic 2 is not a literal Super Sonic 2. It's still just Super Sonic. He's more properly using the Chaos Emeralds' power along with the Cyber Energy he had been absorbing that Sage stabilized in him so he wouldn't get corrupted again and trapped in Cyber Space. The Master Koco states that that energy was not made with his form(as in his species) in mind and that he would basically run it dry and be unable to utilize that power again if he over does it and runs it dry. The only thing shown in canon lore to stop Super Sonic via knocking him out of the form and not just gameplay mechanics causing inconsistencies are him losing focus, things specifically created and designed to use the Chaos Emeralds' power, and The Ancients' tech that were designed to neutralize the Emeralds or control their power output which knocked the emeralds just plain off of his person to then be locked in a vault immediately afterwards. Literally only Eggman making Chaos Emerald sapping machinery to fire the laser to crack the earth and feed Dark Gaia the Emeralds' energy of which the primordial god of darkness drains ALL of their power as he has done since the time the Emeralds' were brought to Earth. That's what knocks him out of his Super Form... the Emeralds lost their power. The tech Eggman used falls under the Titans and other stuff The Ancients built since the Chaos Emeralds powered their entire civilization on their homeworld and the Starfall Islands when they set up their tech and tried to rebuild their society. The only thing that is shown to be able to actually cause Super Sonic actual harm is possibly The End. And EVEN THEN it was only because he wasn't even using that power right until Master Koco taught Sonic how to truly be Him. Even with that The End is shown to be able to siphon the Emeralds and force them off of Sonic to knock him out of the form. It's possible the Titans could also potentially harm Super Sonic since they do use some of the Emeralds' power and Tails is concerned he may not win which really just implies that the Titans are literally stronger than everything else Super Sonic had fought up until that point. Everything else that forces some rings off of you in gameplay is mechanics and could interpreted as just draining the energy to hold the form... which is just gameplay mechanics because at the end of the day there's really not a set time limit. Sonic held the form for a week in Sonic Advance's final ending.
@JoshuaIfidi Жыл бұрын
@@YHUAN01 You just described scenarios where he can be stopped lol,so no he isn’t
@YHUAN01 Жыл бұрын
@@JoshuaIfidi Yes the only thing that can stop him is if he has butterfingers and drops the emeralds, that's not happening again after he fumbled the Bag when he first encountered Knuckles. Breaks his focus on maintaining the form which has never happened to him. And highly specific circumstances of Sonic just lowering his guard and getting wrapped up in a scheme involving a Primordial God of Darkness that drained the emeralds' power, ancient tech made by a Forerunner-esque race that used the Chaos Emeralds for an easy several million years prior to any canon event in any of the games, and another even older Eldritch level universal force that has been and always will be in past, present and future forcing the Emeralds off of him... which doesn't prevent him from just going back into the form in the first place. None of those things are possible anymore at this point. The Ancients' tech needs the Emeralds' power and someone to activate their systems. Sonic isn't so gullible to fall for Eggman's tiny hat tribe tricks nor to let his guard down completely against him a second time. Dark Gaia is literally roleplaying as the best Snorlax right now and has about another maybe 5,000,000 years left before he wakes up again. The End was defeated and while he is a universal force and a perpetual entity that idk maybe culls the expansion in the universe. It's I guess similar to Beerus from Dragon Ball. We don't know much about it so he could come back in an avatar again to interact with the universe proper but that's not reasonably soon at all. Super Sonic is literally unstoppable via the lore. Hell Sonic himself is damn near unstoppable at base. Sonic is fucking cracked. He's battle Shonen protag tomfoolery, RPG god killing teen shenanigans, and American Superhero Comics hoodwinks and pranks. All of that shit in one. He's chilling with Superman and all the other dubious ass power scaling nightmares in fiction.
@timato_57 Жыл бұрын
"Do overdoses exist in the Mario world" is potentially the best quote ever
@lasercraft32 11 ай бұрын
33:57 I'd also like to note that although Magolor _did_ survive, he basically had to fight his way out of an interdimensional hellscape to return. The Master Crown is supposedly a semi-sentient artifact of "limitless" power, so one could make the argument that the only reason Magolor even survived it is because Kirby killed the _crown_ (for the most part) rather than Magolor himself. Either way, the crown possessed god-like powers that could tear holes through dimensions, so pretty powerful overall. Putting _Donkey Kong's punch_ higher up than one of Kirby's most powerful abilities doesn't feel right to me (you're right that Kirby isn't going around causing an apocalypse with it though... But I feel like that says more about Kirby's character than his power level). Although, if you want to go _really_ deep into Kirby lore, we can actually see what Kirby would be like if he _was_ an apocalyptical threat, in the form of Void Termina... Its heavily implied that Void Termina is either a similar being or an alternate form of Kirby himself (made of void), but born from darkness instead of friendship. Void Termina is known as "the Destroyer of Worlds" and even uses an attack in his boss fight similar to the Ultra Sword (I can't go to in-depth here, obviously, but I'm sure there are plenty of videos out there that do deep-dives into Void Termina's lore).
@DarkAura19 Жыл бұрын
Obviously I do NOT hold it against you for the number of factors going into Sora's Sealing the Keyhole being way too overwhelming to reasonably research for a video with 80+ other characters, but now that it's out I think it's at least worth pointing out a few things. Because this series is absurd in the most fun ways. Keep in mind that even as a KH nut, I may still have some things wrong. It's also worth noting the Final Smash is likely just meant to be more of a reference of Sora being the last fighter, and more or less locking the door behind him now that he's in 😂 but regardless: *Unstoppable might not be the right word for sealing a Keyhole. The most heavy parallel Sora's Final Smash draws is from the ending of Kingdom Hearts 1, where Sora seals the door to Kingdom Hearts itself. (Or rather, a VERSION of Kingdom Hearts formed in the Realm of Darkness. It's a can of worms.) The catch, however, is Sora can only lock the door one way - if it weren't for Mickey being on the other side of said door, sealing it might not have worked, as it was only locked one way - being inward. Even all of that aside, if the door WAS sealed both ways, it's definitely not the only way in and out of the Realm of Darkness, just the most direct way. Most of 3 was spent figuring out a way to get a specific character OUT of said world, which they succeeded in doing, but the ease of doing so through the game is... inconsistent? Its a very, very large can of worms, as stated. So sealing someone in the realm of darkness is not beating them, per se, but the world itself is very dangerous. Time also doesn't really exist in it, so you could find a way out after wandering for 30 years, but when you actually do make it out, it has only been 3. BASICALLY, bullshit aside, I just mean to say Sora sealing someone in there isn't a guaranteed win. Riku and Mickey make it out on their end by the next game. And even if there wasn't a way out, what's inside the door is stopping them, not Sora. I'd say it's possible for some people to get out. Maybe. Especially Smash wise. *That being said, there's also the fact that the door in Smash is probably NOT the door to Kingdom Hearts/The Realm of Darkness, it's the door to... something. The problem is we don't know where the hell that door leads. The safest assumption, as with most worlds in the series, Sora is sealing the keyhole to Smash's heart itself. Again, more than likely meant to be a play on the fact that Sora is the last fighter, but for the purpose of combat... I have no idea. The problem with keyholes is that sealing them isn't meant to stop things from coming in and out, its to protect the "heart" of that world from being devoured by the heartless/anyone who would bring it harm. It doesn't keep things out, as any returning world from the first game would show you. Sealing the keyhole DOES make it so heartless aren't swarming it as much, since they have no direct target, but they are still attracted to the keyblade itself and some other elements, such as powerful darkness. So it's like Sora is throwing you into the heart of Smash itself, locking you in there... and then blowing it up. Who knows, man. *One other thing worth considering is the beam Sora shoots to push people into the keyhole/lock the door. That is technically an attack, and a very powerful one at that. It literally can pierce you heart to "unlock" it and do all sorts of things. Awaken latent power, allow someone else's heart to possess it, and even TIME TRAVEL using it because why not. Sora actually gets nearly one shot by it in 3's final boss, only survives because friendship and plot armor. It doesn't seem like there is much anyone can do once that beam hits- you're at the will of the keyblade wielder. Which I guess puts them in a similar position to Triforce Slash? Not here to argue against Unstoppable per se, just stir the pot of chaos. It also can just do massive damage, as it's more or less used to defeat/incapacitate the final bosses of some games, even one who doesn't have a heart. So yeah, clearly, what you should have done is put Sora in his own tier that you title "tetsuya nomura". /j
@thesmashor4396 Жыл бұрын
It's worth noting that Inklings are actually killed when splatted, they simply have technology that lets them respawn.
@heyoyo10gaming4 Жыл бұрын
Yes, and in Octo Expansion's escape phases, if Agent 8 gets splatted then that's canonical perma-death because there aren't respawn machines
@LycanMOON Жыл бұрын
@@heyoyo10gaming4same with neo3 during the final fight against grizz Can't really respawn in space
@belnonaodh1520 Жыл бұрын
Oh, like Emesis Blue?
@pote2frouifruite81 Жыл бұрын
​@@belnonaodh1520yes basically like tf2's respawn system, funny how cartoonish shooters get that treatment
@thisisausername9356 Жыл бұрын
Yeah! I would personally argue it goes in Mediocre as humans aren't affected by ink the same way Inklings/Octolings are, but It's comparable to a giant hydro pump so it's going to HURT either way
@lasercraft32 11 ай бұрын
If Wario-Man's punches don't kill you, I assure you, the _fart_ will.
@firerath Жыл бұрын
What’s the more powerful Xenoblade final smash, the literally orbital strike or four guys beating you up in an alleyway?
@competitively3315 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t expect any sort of canonical power scaling video to be a mock rock talk video but here we are. With how much work you’ve already done I imagine you would have a decent start to work on a complete canonical character rankings video if you were ever to do that.
@MockRockTalk Жыл бұрын
Appreciate it! I actually ended up going with the Final Smash concept specifically because full character canon rankings have been done quite a bit on KZbin already, I don't think it'll be something you see from me
@jonathankeenan2958 Жыл бұрын
@@MockRockTalkyou could do an analysis of the top 10 or whatever characters who have the largest gap between canon and smash power.
@castform7 Жыл бұрын
@@MockRockTalk I actually prefer that you did this. There is already so many canon power level teir lists and this one has the same idea but with a twist.
@beyonrandu311 Жыл бұрын
9:35 also, for some reason, ancient arrows work just fine on Dark Beast Ganon implying they have the same amount of power as Light Arrows, so maybe they have some sort of supernatural energy that the sheikah just tapped into to create them, who knows
@lukeblaker8009 Жыл бұрын
Whats interesting about ryu is actually the naming, shin shoryu/shinku hadoken are both from gouken so they can be assumed to be non lethal but if they were their metsu or denjin variants it could be assumed they might not follow these same rules especially the metsu variations.
@TheRealKingDedede Жыл бұрын
Bro really did take one good look at the Miis and put a giant laser canon and a flurry of sword slashes in human survivable
@cloudmonkey6952 Жыл бұрын
Joker should be “actively helpful” because it’s an attack that leads to what basically is a wake-up call and a therapy session.
@Alibaba-id1cs 11 ай бұрын
It really isn’t and you can just kill them both shadow wise and irl If Joker was Akechi he’d kill every palace ruler
@Dante... Жыл бұрын
K. Rool should probably go down a tier. He's only destroying one small island, not the whole world. Other than that I mostly agree with your placements.
@marsgreekgod Жыл бұрын
hey just as a note, in splatoon YOU DO DIE, you die and they 3d print a new body for you. every time you die your character feels the pain of death!
@NoahSmith-m3v Жыл бұрын
"The spaceship blowing up is survivable" my brother in christ what?
@CuteRedPanda64 Жыл бұрын
Never let bro cook again. 😂
@Lexicon865 Жыл бұрын
Kazuya should be in Big Supernatural Hit since his lasers could absolutely destroy entire cities. A weaker variant of his laser literally sent an entire Mishima Zaibatsu satellite crashing down, which would take a lot of power. Heihachi survives simply because Heihachi is just straight up built different, like the dude can survive being thrown off a cliff, two massive explosions, AKUMA, so it's less about Kazuya's big laser being weak and moreso about Heihachi just being insane
@MockRockTalk Жыл бұрын
Heihachi you can definitely debate, but by the standards of this video, I disagree that taking down a satellite is particularly impressive lmao
@Lexicon865 Жыл бұрын
@@MockRockTalk I guess, but going by Tekken 8 trailers, I think it's safe to say that Kazuya can take down more than just big machinery
@jesusramirezromo2037 Жыл бұрын
​@@MockRockTalkThe energy needed for that is absolutely insane, It's not technology that's even close to existing, It should be at least supernatural level
@Martinyonko Жыл бұрын
@@MockRockTalkless impressive than animal crossing fireworks
@ToxicPea Жыл бұрын
All things considered this tier list was pretty fair. Nobody's perfect but you did really good to try and balance everyone's positions! Although I will say though that Kirby and Bayonetta could probably be moved up to Apocalypse tier. Bayonetta's demon summon attacks in terms of gigatons which is equateable to nuclear bombs in terms of raw power, and could easily cause a lot of world-wide damage if not outright blowing up the whole planet if Bayonetta wanted, which at least in this tierlist actual character motives aren't counted. And in terms of Kirby, base Kirby along side Meta Knight and Dedede have been shown to be equals in strength in many cases, although their power levels have been disparately varied throughout the series. In the Megaton Punch and Star Slam Heroes minigames, Kirby is shown being casually capable of destroying planets with a regular power up, so potentially his Super Ability forms are apocalyptic, at least far more potent than DK and King K. Rool which I do disagree with in terms of placement but still understandably so. Again as mentioned, Kirby lore and scaling is kept intentionally vague, but their placements are fair all things considered. Great video!
@jesusramirezromo2037 Жыл бұрын
8:51 How is a car above a plasma cutter beam? Lightning is plasma, So at the minimum it's as powerful as a bolt of lightning
@RitterDerHaselnuss Жыл бұрын
I would have put Joker into Critical Hit + for a fairly simple reason: You mentioned how you have to knock the opponents down before you can initiate the all out attack. How do you knock them down? Hitting their weakness or landing a critical hit. And I Think we can look at the dash hit on Jokers Final smash and say that right there is a crit that knocks the opponent down and then he starts the all out attack. So it's not just the all out attack we also have the knock down. Literally a crit. +.
@RealBroccoliHour Жыл бұрын
55:37 I think Sonic belongs in his own tier above Apocalyptic threat but maybe below truly unstoppable. Super Sonic commands infinite energy, and has done things like restore all space time and harm the other dimensional entities. Even just by keeping the emeralds in his possession Sonic could stabilize his universe from complete destruction in Sonic rush. Dr. Eggman has an IQ of 300 and his family already had a history of studying the intricacies of the chaos emeralds. He specifically figured out how to reverse the polarity of the emeralds to cancel out Super Sonic. The only times Super Sonic has ever actually been significantly affected is through some sort of external manipulation of the chaos emeralds energy.
@ahmadkazan5473 Жыл бұрын
Existing in a state that could effortlessly destroy the world at a minimum multiversal scale is definitely beyond unstoppable and whatever anything any other smash character achieved.
@SSL_2004 Жыл бұрын
​@@ahmadkazan5473 Kirby
@YplanAnimator Жыл бұрын
​@@SSL_2004I think sonic and kirby would be tied in the highest tier
@SSL_2004 Жыл бұрын
@@YplanAnimator one scan with the "copy" copy ability and Kirby has all of Super Sonics powers without any of the drawbacks plus more and is still functionally immortal
@YplanAnimator Жыл бұрын
@@SSL_2004 I don't know much about kirby but from my research, kirby can only copy when he inhales the opponent first. in this case, I think super sonic can just chaos control away
@clownwreck Жыл бұрын
I think you should have added a category named "Big Dumb Laser" based on how many of the smashes are just that.
@Matteo_nr1_evermore_stan 11 ай бұрын
I think that everything you said about Byleth is accurate gameplay wise, but I do think that some other attacks here got more attention to lore as well. As for Byleth’s in smash appearance, there are 6 alts where Byleth is either just projected with their regular blue hair or based on other characters, and the last 2 are them fused with sothis. I don’t think this is really then fused with sothis tho, as any alt using the final smash will get the actual green hair Byleth gets after fusing. This makes Byleth a Demi God, very powerful. Gameplay wise this doesn’t change much but sothis is a dragon transforming goddess, there’s reasons to assume her dragon form is rather wolf like, bigger than a comet. As for the sword, the sword of the creator is said to be able to cut entire mountains in half. This sword used by someone with the crest of flames AND empowered by sothis herself should be… extremely powerful. I’d say at least critical hit +.
@bobjones4469 Жыл бұрын
DK did not punch the moon, he punched a giant boulder. Didn't even break it.
@Wolfiyeethegranddukecerberus17 Жыл бұрын
If we're using Anime Pikachu, he knocked out Nihilego-Lusamine in a single attack, a being comparable to Necrozma, who sucked the light out of a dimension Edit: Kazuya should absolutely be higher for damaging Heihachi. Heihachi was in the middle of a giant explosion that launched him a couple miles into a graveyard. Everyone thought he was dead, but he just woke up months later. This man cannot die. "Normal old guy" my ass. Edit 2: Yeah you get "splatted" in Splatoon, but that's only because of the respawn points on each stage in Splatoon. You can see in Splatoon's story modes that even the bosses have this, and after you land the final hit on them, they struggle to get back in to respawn. It's shown that without a respawn point, your main character just dies (see the lines of horror from Marina and Pearl when you die in Octo Expansion). Now on to the Killer Wail itself. That attack, when used by Pearl and her singing voice, was able to match and force back a city-destroying beam of ink from the final boss of that expansion, so yeah, you'd absolutely die to that. Edit 5: That octopus in the Game and Watch game is implied to have sunk a ship
@ahmadkazan5473 Жыл бұрын
Partner bonds go crazy in pokemon💀
@Nougatbars Жыл бұрын
My one *real* complaint here is with Mega Man. The laser the Mega Men shoot is a Charge Shot. Which each time it is shown in lore is feared. And is REALLY good in the games. Shooting two is shown as X and Classic’s Trump Cards. So, 7, would be not ‘Apocalyptic’ but definitely ‘Outrageously Powerful.’
@mettatonex7221 Жыл бұрын
The way I always interpreted Rosalina needing Mario's help is that while in theory she could get all the Grand Stars and defeat Bowser herself (in fact, that's something I have no problem believe she can do), she considers herself a mother first and foremost. Travelling the universe in search of the star power she needs to restore her Comet Observatory requires being away from the Observatory for potentially long stretches of time, meaning leaving her Luma children alone, and I don't know if there's anyone in the universe qualified as a baby sitter for these things; they can just explode into planets at any moment (maybe Lubba can handle it, but he only seems qualified to manage a small crew). Therefore, she's going to want to stay behind and watch over them, and leave the adventuring to Mario.
@Mimiiii_VEV0 Жыл бұрын
such a cute and adorable way to put it...she just wants to take care of her babies
@Sean_Bird Жыл бұрын
"I expected this to be a simple project going in, it was not." That's powerscaling for ya. Crazy stuff.
@johnjekyllson28 Жыл бұрын
How is Mii Swordfighter survivable? He hits you with a sword like ten times.
@CuteRedPanda64 Жыл бұрын
Miis in general are high above survivable.
@FaljeLazuli Жыл бұрын
I've seen several interpretations of that DK clip concluding that DK punched Earth's Moon (or an Earth Moon like satellite) out of orbit. I see two problems with this: 1) The thing is clearly waaay smaller than Earth's Moon, so no calculation on our moon would help us here. 2) This rock's material must be either extremely elastic (to withstand the sudden acceleration) or low-density (to limit the amount of force DK can apply) since it didn't just explode on hit. I think the low-density option is much more likely, and combining that with point 1, DK would move down to Bowser's tier.
@helfire14 Жыл бұрын
It should be noted that in universe, ink is basically only harmful to inklings that aren't of that colour of ink and to evolutionary derivatives like octarians, so, to non-inklings, killer wail would just be a big rush of ink. It'd probably smell something terrible and sting if it got in your eyes, but, most definitely survivable. Doesn't really change which tier it's in but, yeah, it's more survivable than what is described here.
@TheLronGiant Жыл бұрын
The fact that Little Mac fights people that are legitimately magical lends him something I think
@darker8484 Жыл бұрын
the fact alone that he's a boxer would make it so if you received 50 fucking punches, at least 1/3 of them being uppercuts, and looking at the sizes of his opponents in punch out (mister sandman, king hippo, etc)... Yeah, I don't think Mac's final smash is "Human Survivable."
@lavistalimited4747 Жыл бұрын
Enjoyable as always, I really love the hour+ videos and I'm always hoping to see more in those lengths. On the first watch, it's essentially a film with my dinner. On rewatches, *many* rewatches, they're background noise while I handle other things.
@sinteleon Жыл бұрын
Heihatchi survives being thrown into a volcano, you might want to re-evaluate his durability. :p
@insomniacnerd5592 Жыл бұрын
Love that you just seem to find all kinds of cool and interesting topics to discuss about concerning this game all the time without end.
@IzzetNilson Жыл бұрын
I just want to appreciate that right out the gate, Donkey Kong, an otherwise ordinary Gorilla, is seen as an Apocalyptic Threat. 10/10 video
@MagillanicaLouM Жыл бұрын
Others may have taken down deities but I'd go rounds with them any day before getting between that Kong and bananas
@alexpotts6520 Жыл бұрын
How many other gorillas do you know who are trained in firearms?
@GrandCaptainSpeedyDashGames Жыл бұрын
The thing is that all the universes are vastly different and function differently as well, which makes it harder to determine the limit of said actions in a crossover. The main point is stuff like "effective against a god" is very circumstantial as not all gods are equal.
@Springdude11 Жыл бұрын
I feel like getting hit by a Mario Finale would reduce the average man to little more than a charred skeleton pretty quickly. Yikes.
@alsims2007 Жыл бұрын
hmm, I'd reconsider Bowser Jr. if Mario didn't clean up the island, because apparently none of the natives could, he eventually would've killed everyone on Delfino isle due to the pollution. the pollution was so bad the shine sprites left and the sun nearly stopped shining on the island. pollution is an apocalyptic threat, eventually
@shybandit521 Жыл бұрын
I think you should have really looked to the Streetpass games with regards to the Miis. Specifically, Find Mii 2 with Swordfighter and Mii Force for Gunner. In Mii Force, which I think Gunner is a reference to, lasers have shown to be NEARLY equally powerful as a star fox laser, so the attack would be rated similarly, in Mediocre. If each sword slash from Swordfighter is as strong as a level 10 Find Mii character, well that would be an attack strong enough to one-shot the Dark Lord himself, although admittedly a very low tier Dark Lord compared to other Dark Lords from other series, so I'd say it averages to Dumb Hit or Mediocre. I'd also put Brawler in Dumb Hit as if we are bringing in Streetpass logic for Gunner and Swordfighter, the "exact same" Mii can play both Swordfighter and Brawler, so despite putting down his weapon not much physical strength would be lost.
@asuuki2048 Жыл бұрын
17:47 Thank you for bringing this up. “”Canon”” is just so stupid with how much people just treat it as the Bible.
@HOLDENPOPE 6 ай бұрын
It's because otherwise you have Dark Samus soloing almost all of fiction by *just standing still* due to scaling to Mario and Joker via Smash Bros. Once she's on the same level as the high tiers of Marvel, Phazon becomes basically unstoppable, and next to no one is going to accept a Metroid character being that powerful, especially via feats that aren't even in the Metroid games.
@MsDarkz123 Жыл бұрын
Captain Falcon's punch at the end of the anime doesn't even create the explosion that's just the reactor Black Shadow was using for nefarious plans.
@swift7842 Жыл бұрын
Since I’m a Pokémon nerd here’s a couple minor corrections 21:06 Volt tackle is not its strongest attack,it’s instead tied for its strongest attack with zap cannon. However, this is only the case if we factor in the stab bonus since without it, the strongest move would be focus punch at a staggering 150 base power compared to volt tackle’s 120 base power. Although still, if we travel back in time to gen 7 then the strongest attack pikachu can preform would be 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt at a comical 195 base power (+STAB) 22:22 Surprisingly, Volt tackle is a very balanced move in competitive, in almost all cases of Pikachu in competitive it’s generally more common to see thunderbolt being used due to it allowing for more longevity and synergy with its stat spread “But let’s be real, it’s still not a fully evolved Pokémon” if we account for light ball, Pikachu actually ends up being stronger than Raichu in almost every aspect. (Although since there’s no evidence that the Pikachu we play as in smash has a light ball equipped so the statement still stands)
@dysr Жыл бұрын
Pikachu actually has slightly higher base attack than base special attack, so Volt Tackle does have a higher ceiling than gen 6+ Zap Cannon when used by Pikachu. You’ll have to go back in time for Zap Cannon anyway, since it’s illegal on Pikachu in gen 9, only available as a transfer move during gens 6 to 8 where it has 120 base power. Also, if allowing situational base power, Pikachu can learn Reversal and Electro Ball in gen 9. The cap for the former is 200, which is just stronger than base 120 with STAB, and the later caps at 150 but has STAB.
@Alibaba-id1cs Жыл бұрын
Volt tackle btw can even be taught and must be done via breeding LMAO Not canon for anime cuz it looks cool
@dysr Жыл бұрын
@@Alibaba-id1cs Volt Tackle can actually be taught in a few games. SM and USUM have special tutors that can teach it to Pikachu, and the move tutor in PLA can teach it to the entire line.
@gungles Жыл бұрын
1:15:23 Joker defeats a godlike being (Yaldaboath) with Satanael, another godlike being (False God Demiurge), a reality altering man (Maruki w/ Adam Kadmon), and VARIOUS other powerful characters within the Persona 5 games, putting him at Critical Hit is heavily underwhelming what he is and was capable of
@blackhoggaming Жыл бұрын
It’s still insane to me how high quality your second channel is especially when compared to other channels that make tier lists
@kgy121 Жыл бұрын
RE: Pokemon Trainer; Another monotype that doesn't take super effective damage from grass, fire, or water is Normal. There's also Flying, Dark, Poison, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, AND Electric.
@theoverseer1775 Жыл бұрын
Imagine if alternate realities were allowed for this tier list, I'm scared how many empty tiers there would be between Archie Sonic and everyone else
@braumkimball9548 4 ай бұрын
Okay, so, i do have an issue with your take on Ridley. Samus surviving her ship crashing in no way translates yo anyone else being able to even outside of power armor. Even base samus is super human, having been infused with Chozo DNA. All this to say, it may still be in Lazer, but the logic behind mediocre was somewhat flawed
@TheSquirrelProductions Жыл бұрын
About the inklings, the killer wail is essentially a insanely powerful shockwave of sound, and the only reason inklings survive that is because they have respawn kettles around their battle stages For example in the end sequence of octo expansion agent 8 canonically dies when you get splatted (because of the lack of respawn kettles), which should make killer wail probably around big dumb hit
@gimmiK87 5 ай бұрын
The thing that irks me about this is it isn’t considering the canonical power of the characters wielding them
@The_NJG Жыл бұрын
I can't believe I'm defending Kazuya, but here we go. Kazuya has been shown being able to take down a satellite in space. Heihachi's durability feats are also absolutely bonkers. Kazuya should go into the outrageously powerful tier.
@cyusontheinternet 5 ай бұрын
Surprised Kirby isn’t in Unstoppable. Yeah, the Ultra Sword isn’t his *strongest* ability, but considering he’s cracked planets in half and sent meteors thousands of lightyears into space with nothing more than his nubs and a wooden baseball bat, I’d bet that Sword has force to it that nobody is overpowering.
@whaahh Жыл бұрын
you should have cemented the tiers before making the list. like what's the difference between super natural hit and critical hit?
@kunabanana Жыл бұрын
Honestly I feel like Dr. Mario's Final Smash should go in Mediocre or Big Dumb Hit, because while ingesting the pills may help you, there's no way being hit by pills bigger than you wouldn't severely hurt you
@rjai5003 Жыл бұрын
I feel like some of the characters in “Big Dumb Hit” (Isabelle, Villager, Captain Falcon, etc.) should go below “Laser” tier. Getting shot by a barrage of lasers from a fleet of spaceships would probably do more damage than getting hit by a car or a regular bomb
@jeronimoledesma6804 Жыл бұрын
57:08 ok, small explanation to this, the secret report is RIGHT that there's more than seven sleeping keyholes, the games tell this to you... Only in the japanese version, where the magician that says "there are seven sleeping keyholes" says something more akin to "For this test you must find seven of the sleeping keyholes", it stands to reqson that there's more than seven because each sleeping world should have one and even people should have one for when they are in a state of sleep (all of this is clarified in the comments of that video on the sleeping keyholes)
@Needwagon4Speedwagon Жыл бұрын
My boy Rock getting downplayed hard, considering what he's achieved with just his Mega Buster and every sub sequential version of it being stronger. There's also Volnutt there and everyone seems to be firing something similar to his Shinning laser which is beyond broken
@donovanlarsen7982 6 ай бұрын
Critical Hit shouldn’t really be it’s own tier. Exalted Falchion and the like are supernatural but their actual attack potency isn’t really boosted that much unless it is used against a particular type of enemy; namely Manakete and their kin, so most of these Final Smashes are just your basic Critical Hit, which *anyone* in Fire Emblem can perform. In my opinion that doesn’t put them above attacks like the Mega Laser and Sacred Arrow, because from what I know Fire Emblem characters are usually shown to around the vaguely superhuman to low superhuman in terms of physical strength.
@rjai5003 Жыл бұрын
I like how according to this, a laser from a literal goddess is weaker than a gorilla just punching you a lot
@cms_bb8817 Жыл бұрын
I mean can a laser knock the moon out of orbit
@Hugo-yz1vb 3 ай бұрын
​@@cms_bb8817 The laser would probably just destroy the moon period and then the Earth
@gumi6286 Жыл бұрын
42:06 you would survive being slashed by a human multiple times with a sword?
@espurrseyes42 Жыл бұрын
The big explosion in the F0 anime wasn't caused by Falcon, but by a reactor or something that whatever the main character's name is set off to explode shortly before in the same scene. With Falcon doing what he did to make sure Black Shadow got taken out by it as well as a passing of the torch moment to main character guy. Falcon didn't punch with the force of a planetary+ explosion. He big dumb punched a guy into a planetary+ explosion caused by a reactor.
@Matteo_nr1_evermore_stan 4 ай бұрын
This is so confusing to evaluate, I know, but about Byleth. I want to talk abt the sword itself. It’s said to he incredibly powerful according to lore. More powerful than any other relic. Claude casually drops that the sword can cut a mountain in half. I def think an attack with a sword that can cut mountains in half is quite scary. If Byleth wanted to be evil, damn.
@crazycanyon3028 Жыл бұрын
Are we just ignoring how he said that he would survive the mii attacks because they are simply playing dress up? I don’t know what to say but getting vaporized by a beam sliced multiple times by a sword or getting punched and kicked multiple times before being thrown into the ground from a high distance in the air would all probably kill someone
@CuteRedPanda64 Жыл бұрын
Bro was being biased because they're Miis. So they underestimate them not knowing their crazy power. If I get hit by the Miis final smash, I'm definitely dying.
@caraprism9074 10 ай бұрын
Nah nah nah he’s clearly fine, I mean he can survive a spaceship exploding right beneath him so I guess he’s just built different.
@Aidswayz Жыл бұрын
29:38 Most impressive task of making this video was getting whatever this achievement that I know nothing about. Congrats on getting it!
@jojo-ln7zd Жыл бұрын
I really think Kazuya's laser should be in another tier. A much weaker version of his laser could shoot an enormous satellite out of orbit in just a few seconds. The only reason Heihachi survived it is because the man can tank anything ridiculous.
@hydratoons77 Жыл бұрын
I feel likeyour not really giving Steve's house of boom the credit it deserves 1 tnt block has 16 sticks of tnt and I counted at least 39 blocks of tnt. Not to mention that creepers canonically have a block of tnt in them making 43 blocks of tnt. Making 672 sticks of tnt and with 1 stick equals 4000 joules makes it 26,688,000 of joules and I'm sure theres more in the building we couldn't see
@Luigiofthegods Жыл бұрын
If the internal code is anything to go by, then the MercurySteam devs almost definitely looked at Smash since the file name for the Hyper Beam projectile is literally "zerolaser" (that and the final boss does an axe kick like Samus's up tilt and straight strikes the pose for up throw in another attack)
@fyra_cat2119 5 ай бұрын
Id personally move byleth up since i feel like Ruptured Heaven is in a similar vein as Aether, near critical hit (and it has a really high crit rate itself too, so id put it in critical hit, maybe critical hit+ due to sothis's influence, which you CAN tell she does help since byleth's hair turns green during the attack)
@Hugo-yz1vb Жыл бұрын
How the Multiversal powerhouse didn't got to Unstoppable? The only reason Eggman stole the Chaos Emeralds' energy was because Sonic got cocky and reckless. Do you really think he will fall for the same trick again or that his control and mastery over his transformation wouldn't allow him to not let that happen again?
@antonyc.7173 11 ай бұрын
in a cutscene in Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon, The End knocks Sonic out of his Super Sonic 2 form and we literally see rings coming out of him.
@khalidsaeedali8756 11 ай бұрын
​​@@antonyc.7173in his base form which we know if sonic gets hit in base all his rings count going to 0 (there is exception) which debunked, super sonic needs rings to activate super form
@khalidsaeedali8756 11 ай бұрын
Eggman didn't drain the Chao emeralds he just reversed the polarity of the Chaos Emeralds releasing the dark energy within. The energy (negative energy) as the prologue explains it
@Hugo-yz1vb 11 ай бұрын
@@antonyc.7173 And then literally snapped out of it with a single move of his hand
@RaeSig Жыл бұрын
really respect how much research you did for this, usually I disagree tons with lists like this but it's hard to argue with much here! I may be slightly bias but I'd put Samus in Apocalyptic Threat personally. Mostly because she explodes planets pretty often and Hyper Beam is possibly her most powerful move, so she is pretty capable of it even if it's not with that move alone.
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