Ranking the Advance Wars Days of Ruin COs

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Deejus Productions

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It's time to finally rank these bad boys. All disagreements and complaints with my rankings can be sent to Mangsmemes@gmail.com.

Пікірлер: 68
@sunlightFrequency Жыл бұрын
17:35 "It's hard to kill Brenner" Yeah, you'd need like a nuke or something to do it.
@Leah-Heala Жыл бұрын
Thank God nothing like that would ever happen in the campaign amirite?
@toxicpurple0742 9 ай бұрын
Specifically, a cg cutscene nuke They wouldn't launch a cg cutscene nuke, right?
@Zetact_ Жыл бұрын
Tabitha looking at Sturm's Meteor, Kanbei's defense and Grimm's attack and just like, "Can I have all of that?"
@michaeljonathan9715 3 ай бұрын
Counter unit : *Unboard Tabitha the moment she's in range*
@Mangs1337 Жыл бұрын
This video was nothing to sneeze at.
@gombe793 Жыл бұрын
I caught the couch reference. The Deejus lore is growing.
@Mangs1337 Жыл бұрын
20:48 Hard disagree on Tabitha not using her CO power if it is ready. The meteor strike combined with her entire army getting global +60/+60 for a turn should allow you to do a game-ending push that wipes your opponent off the map. If you cannot win the game with that, you're probably not winning with her expanded CO zone either.
@TheRaldow Жыл бұрын
In the cartridge, a programming error stopped Tabitha getting power meter charge in her opponent's turn - She could only gain charge during her turn, which was another thing to put that monstrous D2D in check. I don't know if that's replicated in Tiny Wars though
@siriuslyawesome Жыл бұрын
no wonder Tasha felt so terrible to play on cart. Thanks for that.
@bienhy5120 Жыл бұрын
from what I have heard, it isnt but power gained from counter attack only work IF the opponent attack inside of your CO zone.
@newtype6043 Жыл бұрын
TinyWars doesn't include the cartridge bug. It used to include it. But apparently new players were confused by the rule, and would made a bug-report about it.
@BusterBeachside Жыл бұрын
I pretty much have to agree with this tier list! If I had to note anything, it's that Gage becomes much more viable on chokey and small maps (Like the Micro Maps that I'm so well-known for lol). Of course, in that case, Isabella does the same thing but better. But a lot of people ban Isabella even in casual games, so Gage can be a good sleeper pick! A long time ago I used to place Penny in the lowest tier next to Greyfield. I don't know what I was thinking. She's honestly pretty cracked! I may or may not have a series dedicated to attempting to ruin the Standard rankings by rolling for rain, lol. Those players who only play standard because they don't understand fog hate me. Fog of War is the One True Gamemode in DoR, don't @ me! 😤
@AdvanceWarrior Жыл бұрын
I think something that's at least important to mention for Tasha is that the Battle Copter that you can put her in gets +70% Attack. That allows her Copters to One-Shot Tanks on 0 Terrain Star tiles. On plains, 95 ~ 104... So it's a roll. But I would still put her on the bottom for being VERY hard to use.
@tylerlear1233 Жыл бұрын
Greyfuelds carriers can basically spam seaplanes indefinitely if you build a good enough fleet on high funds, w well places t port can be a game changer too in my opinion, of course im talking about large maps
@brunomeunier131 Жыл бұрын
The list is very fit to reality in my opinion, i'd only move up Forsythe. It's crazy the amount of power he has early game especially if the map is full of terrain like in DoR
@Yinlock470 Жыл бұрын
Tiny Wars seems to have made Caulder's bonuses sane, originally he was +50/+50 with 5hp/turn recovery. Literally unstoppable. The main strategy to beat him was "Hope he has been cursed by a wizard that made him forget that units stronger than bikes exist"
@CamusZekeSirius Жыл бұрын
Yeah, if this tier list was talking about base game Caulder, he would’ve easily been the best CO in the game, no contest. And that’s because he’s so fucking broken lmao. Tabitha alone is fucking gnarly and hard to deal with when it comes to her CO zone… but Caulder is outright impossible to deal with
@Yinlock470 Жыл бұрын
I like days of ruin but it's game balance is just a piece of paper with "lol" written on it. Though tbf it's not like normal Advance Wars isn't also like that
@CamusZekeSirius Жыл бұрын
@@Yinlock470 At the very least, I like the concepts that came from it. And besides, an epic boss like Caulder is way better than Von Bolt in Dual Strike Oh, and the OST for Days of Ruin slaps so hard for no reason at all
@flango348 Жыл бұрын
@@Yinlock470 with Caulder they intended for him to be unbalanced, he’s the final boss and isn’t allowed in online play, Issibella on the other hand is where issues begin.
@Yinlock470 Жыл бұрын
@@flango348 I mean yeah but it's still funny just how absurd he is even for a final boss like he has that unbeatable zone, and a factory, and lasers, and a free missile strike every other turn, what the hell intsys edit: the weirdest thing is that the map seems set up for a classic advance wars final battle 3v1 but it's just Will
@seanwilliams2273 Жыл бұрын
Well done, I would argue one thing. More point for Gage - if you put him in an anti-tank unit and surround him with more anti tank units he becomes a cheap ranged ball of death, I say he's at least a Tier 2 maybe. Get him in the anti tank and watch for bullets
@maxspecs Жыл бұрын
Antitank balls are so hard to stop…mechs and rockets are the only counters I know of
@aphantomthief1416 Жыл бұрын
The Mad Man did it
@NeedsMoDakka 5 ай бұрын
Intentionally OP: caulder Too good: Isabella Fair: Lin, Brenner, Will as top 3, then Forsythe, Waylon, Gage, Tabitha Underpowered: Tasha, Penny, Greyfield This assumes 2 bases, 1 airport, no ports, approx 17-20k per side Will, Gage get significantly better with a third base since Will can spam mechs and Gage can spam artillery. Tabitha has been metagamed out - having a unit that requires three other units to take down instead of the normal two isn't as significant as not being able to boost any other of your army. She'd be better if her counter attacks when she has zero aura actually boosted her CO gauge, as it stands you could bombard her with every unit and even if she kills like three of your units trying to destroy on your turn, she won't gain any co-meter
@matex2207 Жыл бұрын
Waylons power is one of the best because you can go on a usually sacrificial assault and only target tanks/anti ground units, what is the anti air going to do? You can wipe them next turn with your tanks as your air will not take any real damage.
@TheMongral Жыл бұрын
Honestly the biggest problem with Tasha is that since her Air units have somewhat worse durability than Waylon's air units it means that odds are pretty good that her CO unit can be killed before you can get her power, or just killed during it to turn it off completely, compared to Waylon who focuses on defense. You pretty much have to hard commit to killing his CO unit if he pops his SCOP and even then its not necessarily a guarantee at times since you have to at least be able to focus exclusively on his unit to kill it even with most AA-type units, but Tasha's unit, even with Veterancy bonuses, is usually at much more risk of being shot down. Waylon at least has the perk of his SCOP being an excellent "Emergency button" too, unlike Tasha's. If he desperately needs to wall but only has air units he can drop his SCOP and his air units are basically immortal for that turn. One turn of your opponent potentially not being able to make progress against the rest of your forces can be all you need to turn things around. Plus, unlike Gage, Waylon at least has a Strategy that has the advantage of mobility. Catch a Gage-piloted/buffed indirect out of postion? It's probably dead, gage or no gage. Catch a Waylon-piloted/buffed B-copter out of position? You'll be able to hurt it, but you might actually have a hard time killing it outright without using more than one unit plus it has the mobility to just gtfo with little issue, especially if there are mountains or other such hazardous terrain in the way. (I have no problem with the rest of the tier list, so I'll gladly discuss the rankings of poor folks down in Tier 3.) In a niche situation, assuming high funds or lots of cities on a map, you could possibly argue for using Seaplanes to augment your airforce as well, though that's probably not very practical on smaller maps or low base count maps. Honestly, Assuming the map you are playing him on has more than 1 Airport I think he could have a case made for moving up to Tier 2, but for single airport maps I think his position as top of Tier 3 is a perfectly accurate assessment of him.
@blackleon1708 Жыл бұрын
Your content becomes better and better
@Sesshyru Жыл бұрын
Cool! Hopefully we see more recent bat reps of your DoR games!
@paumb5355 Жыл бұрын
Could you do next time ranking COs by their d2d? Would be an interesting list
@randomredshirt5274 Жыл бұрын
The deej delivers👍 but regarding the custom cos, you should check out grat. her text is a little bit misleading, it means units that start their turn in the co zone get +1 range, but they can move and attack. I played around a little with her in custom matches, and you can pull some funny moves with her, e.g. shooting over mountains with aa, or taking pot shots with infantry with no fear of a counterattack
@whiteblacklight9603 Жыл бұрын
Something to keep in mind about Tabitha's CO Power is that for the turn it is activated, every *single* unit becomes a Tabitha unit. Even the ones nowhere close to her. While this doesn't make it any more likely you'll ever get it, there are situations where you'd want to pop the power if you had it. Namely, a stalemate situation where you'd want to break either two fronts or a very large one for a decisive push. All in all, I'd probably set her above Brenner, maybe even right behind Isabella in tier 0. She's definitely stronger in small, lower-econ maps where putting her in a bike or recon can just end games in day ~4.
@tylerlear1233 Жыл бұрын
It’s been a while, does caulders repair stack with city repairs? (Would a 6hp tank on a city go up to 10 at the start of your turn)?
@siriuslyawesome Жыл бұрын
It does, yeah.
@melfice999 Жыл бұрын
It stacks. with the only real downside being that if you are not careful, his repairs can, and will drain your funds down. And if your key units get killed, you can loose unit advance rather fast due to loss of funds.
@recongoodyes Жыл бұрын
I should give a try to DoR one day of these tbh
@AdvanceWarrior Жыл бұрын
@recongoodyes Жыл бұрын
@Mpow518 5 ай бұрын
Brirng back the old Caulder, omega level jajajja
@jacobcapistrano6731 Жыл бұрын
Penny is so fun to use. Weather casino bot is a breath of fresh air everytime.
@fernandomora4230 Жыл бұрын
If I don't use scop as Greyfield, how else can I build 8 seaplanes with one carrier?
@noobnoobyify 8 ай бұрын
Not only that, but seaplanes have very little fuel and ammo reserves so SCOP would extend their range to strike further
@napalmcannon2513 Жыл бұрын
Man Greyfield at least has a niche, I feel bad for Tasha
@w4rd3n14 10 ай бұрын
with tabitha you forget you get a meteor strike and the dtd gets global for 1 round and if you cant win with a meteor and 60 60 global you are not gona win anyways
@Shanebomb11 Жыл бұрын
Pretty good list overall. Best part is Tasha being ranked even lower than Greyfield :)
@whisper6534 Жыл бұрын
@heroesoftomorrow3488 9 ай бұрын
Much like Grit, Gage gets better the more chokepoints there are, but he struggle to frontswitch because of the inderects inability to move and attack. That is why he gets a lot better in naval maps: if you give him time to set up and build something like 3 battleship, it is over, he is gonna blast you off the map. Although it should be noted Gage will struggle to build a naval force faster than a ground one, given how expensive naval units are, amd it is very unlikely he will be able to build that many ships overall
@AdvanceWarrior Жыл бұрын
0:32 Now I'm not saying that you did, but I'm also not saying that you didn't, but man I do I feel like I was that guy... 😂😂😂 We all know it's just a tier list, experiences vary, and we all can eventually learn and adapt in Advance Wars.
@DeejusProductions Жыл бұрын
Bahaha, you're not the only one!
@tehrealoneill Жыл бұрын
14:06 100%
@monsterchief117 Жыл бұрын
I would argue that you want to put Caulder in a fast moving unit. Your opponent can cheese a slow moving tank and constantly damage but not kill it to drain your funds. Same with the surrounding units. You want to make a cheap wall that repairs itself easily, can maneuver, and lets the big boys move in.
@manchovieclemmons2380 Жыл бұрын
Did caulder get nerfed somehow? I thought his zone gave 50%.
@DeejusProductions Жыл бұрын
He got nerfed in competitive play to make him more balanced
@manchovieclemmons2380 Жыл бұрын
@@DeejusProductions i understand now. Yeah, he needed that.
@jorgemiranda94 Жыл бұрын
8:37 no "dushter" sounds 😢
@DeejusProductions Жыл бұрын
*Sad Dustah noises*
@GregHJacks Жыл бұрын
Man! Could this content be any more #fyre??
@buttwipe108 Жыл бұрын
Forsythe is my favorite. Just plop him in a recon and ship him away! Dead? We'll just spend another $200 to put in another recon.
@lostanimeworld11 Жыл бұрын
Are these the stats on the web game? I know Caulder is stronger on the ds game, and Forsythe weaker.
@Zeromkai Ай бұрын
Caulder have 150/150 stat in day of ruins, not the web version.
@RDG99 Жыл бұрын
Sasha Grey CO best CO
@naitikgreyman Жыл бұрын
Why is Caulder so low? He's broken.
@maxjames8422 Жыл бұрын
Yer man Isabel is completely broken let get that out there.
@brandonschwertley2723 Жыл бұрын
Waylon is that guy who is constantly overcompensating for his average CO zone size.
@davidwhidden9337 Жыл бұрын
Didn't really play DoR all that much when it came out. Friends had a DS where they very legitimately obtained copies of games. I played like 3 times with them. Really dislikee DOR changes. I only picked Isabel. Now I see why they struggled agaisnt me. I unkownlingly picked the better CO. Whoops!
Not related to the rankings but I hate just about every CO in this game. Very few of them stand out to me, nor can I really remember what most of them do until I get a refresher like this video.
@GregHJacks Жыл бұрын
Man! Could this content be any more #fyre??
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