Hi there, any reason I might not be getting a count of the number of raster cells within my polygon?
@JennessEnterprises3 ай бұрын
Hey Matt, No, I can't think of a good reason. Do you even get an attribute field named "Count" at all? If so, is it a null value? Do you get any other statistics in the table? I am confused as well! I've got a few things going on this weekend, but maybe we can do a Zoom sesson or something early next week? It might help if I could take a look at it. Let me know. You can reach me at jeffj@jennessent.com Jeff
@JennessEnterprises3 ай бұрын
Hi Matt, I can't think of a good reason offhand. Do you get any other statistics? Do you get a table at all? If you get a table, does it have a field for "Count", but there just isn't any data there? In this case, does it give you a "Null" value, or does it give you a Zero? If you're getting a Zero, maybe the polygon doesn't actually intersect the raster. Or possibly you have your Processing Extent environment set so that the polygon is excluded. That happened to me once; I'd set my processing extent to cover the region of a large forest fire I wanted to analyze, then later moved on to a different fire but forgot to reset the extent and all my analyses said nothing was happening in that other fire. Anyway, it's hard to say without more information. Please let me know if any of these ideas help! Take care - Jeff