Yes to P&P next! You can do almost all the classics, as far as I'm concerned, I'll watch them all :)
@FullyBookedMelissa9 ай бұрын
The Vietnamese cover is the best in my opinion. But that godawful cover with the abs is my favourite 😂
@loriemoeggenberg86909 ай бұрын
Minerva is a star! 🤩😅
@Heartonmysleeve-gj1kp9 ай бұрын
The first Wordsworth cover you showed of the creature bears somewhat of a resemblance to the Terminator. As regards the regency type cover of the lady with the letter, the novel does begin in epistolary form with the explorer writing to his sister, so maybe it explains why they went with this design.
@sorem64106 ай бұрын
I love how your cat look at you in parts of the video, such a lady. I love your cat.
@JessicaPawlitzki9 ай бұрын
Lovely selection you made, Claudia! 15:04 Actually makes sense if you remember where the body parts for the creature came from: dug up from graves in the dead of the night. 23:10 This reminds me of the major arcana tarot card XX "The Judgment". The colors seem like the general color scheme in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck version but the depiction reminds me of the Tarot of the New Vision. In the TNW the perspectives are flipped 180 degress from the original RWS deck. On the Judgment card of the RWS you see 3 humans risings from their graves in the foreground, looking up to a trumpet-blasting archangel Gabriel in the middle ground. In the reverse deck you can look at the faces of the 3 rising humans. That's what this book cover reminds me of. And the creature's abs even form a cross.
@anne-marie3399 ай бұрын
My cat was enthralled by your cat during this video 😅 Love this series - there’s so many interesting covers out there. One of my favourite additions to my book collection is a film tie-in cover for Wuthering Heights from either 1939 or the 40s most likely… it’s blue and bright and fantastic!
@Old_Scot9 ай бұрын
These were wonderful! My favourite covers were the Turkish edition, where the monster has bolts through his neck, just like we used to draw him at primary school; props to the Greek publisher for deciding to lighten the mood by using Herman Munster instead of Frankenstein's monster, and I must mention the Dutch edition which also lightened the mood by putting a wee teddy bear in the bottom corner of the cover!
@MothGirl0079 ай бұрын
The Herman Munster version was hilarious, but I wonder if they even knew that that was Herman, but instead thought it was the Boris Karloff version of the monster? 🤔
@Old_Scot9 ай бұрын
@@MothGirl007 I would like to think it was a disgruntled employee on their last day. 😄😄
@ChantalsShelfLife9 ай бұрын
That Greek edition from the 70’s literally has a screenshot from the Munsters, a parody sitcom from the 60’s, so hey, at least it’s not another Boris Karloff! 😂
@chellyfishing9 ай бұрын
I did a double-take and then laughed out loud! Absolute most bizarre combination of images and aesthetics possible, bravo.
@SpinstersLibrary9 ай бұрын
It's glorious!
@spreadbookjoy9 ай бұрын
That Icelandic cover is very disturbing! Definitely looking forward to P&P!
@PageTurnersWithKatja9 ай бұрын
i love the one at 02:22 it's weird by somehow works. i have the wordsworth one and I like that it matches the color palette for their Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the spines look cool side by side on the shelf. Oh i quite like the gorilla-esque one for the heart 💔 And the vietnamese one is fab. Great video
@katebowers81079 ай бұрын
@KierTheScrivener9 ай бұрын
I have the 2006 version from the thrift store. This is great!
@katiejlumsden9 ай бұрын
I love these videos so much 😊
@AbiofPellinor9 ай бұрын
Wow that Vietnamese cover is gorgeous! I'd be tempted to buy it just to have a copy 😅
@MothGirl0079 ай бұрын
Minerva very much disapproves of most of them!
@SpinstersLibrary9 ай бұрын
She's a kitty with taste
@MothGirl0079 ай бұрын
@@SpinstersLibrary 😸
@ritawilbur61283 ай бұрын
You have GOT to watch the Boris Karloff Frankenstein movie! It's iconic for good reason, and that's why I can't be too made at books that make use of its imagery for their covers. Boris Karloff - what can I say? The movie creature is so very, very different from the book, but Karloff! And the guy who plays Frankenstein is great too, with his famous line, "It's alive, IT'S ALIVE!!!!!" He truly puts the "mad" in "mad scientist." Mind you, the movie is really weird. People in the village seem to be from the 19th century, but the main cast are all clearly from the early '30s. When you see the movie, you'll be inclined to think how very cliche it all is - until you realize that's it's the original source of all the cliches! "Bride of Frankenstein" is also very good, with Elsa Lancaster in another iconic role as the titular bride. IIRC, it actually follows the book a little more closely than the original film does. Sorry for the gushing. I love both the book and the movie so much.
@MarcelaChandía9 ай бұрын
That first Greek cover looked like a Frankenstein-inspired book for adults (I don't know if KZbin has trouble with the word p**n) 😨. There wasn't the diversity we saw in the other books in your series, clearly the motive is too strong and well-established. This bears the thought that, at least in the cover design world, justice has been made; the creature got the love that it wanted, and Dr. Frankenstein has been forgotten. I loved the look of displeasure from Miranda about the lack of originality in the covers 😂 I'm sure P&P will offer more variety 😉
@bookmouse27199 ай бұрын
Meow Minerva
@bookmouse27199 ай бұрын
the Dude is Boris Karloff
@LittlePrairieLibrary9 ай бұрын
It makes me laugh that most of these covers are inspired by the movie, and clearly most of the people in charge of approving these covers have never actually read the book?